Read Man Seeks Woman 2, Man Seeks Wife Online

Authors: Stephanie Franklin

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #love, #sex, #sexy, #story, #book, #coffee, #bbw, #sensual, #cunnilingus, #evocative, #victoria, #provocative, #seductive, #mouth, #lips, #custard, #sebastian, #food play, #falacio

Man Seeks Woman 2, Man Seeks Wife (11 page)

BOOK: Man Seeks Woman 2, Man Seeks Wife
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I was not
going to puke. I was not going to puke.
My body was not going
to end this right now. I wanted Sebastian and I’d be damned if I
was going to let a little bit of sickness take over.

Like hell.

I opened my
eyes to see Sebastian standing naked next to the bed. One of his
hands was holding his cock at the base whilst the other held foil
packets. He raised a brow as he held the protection up for me to
see properly. “I bought a variety of flavours, which one?”

“Who gives a
fuck?” I muttered as I opened my legs, inviting him inside.

He chuckled as
his eyes left mine to disappear between my legs. He sucked in a
deep lust filled breath and dropped all the condoms but one. He
ripped the packet open with his teeth, letting the wrapper drop to
the floor before rolling the gooey covered latex over his

Once he was
covered, he climbed onto the bed and settled himself between my
legs. The smell of strawberries wafted up between us. It was
obvious what the flavour was now. I automatically wrapped my legs
around his waist, feeling the thickness protesting against my thigh

“You’ve been
working out.” I said, more of a statement than a question. I ran my
hands up and down his arms feeling his soft hairs and the intense
muscles bulging underneath my palms. I never got to feel his skin
before. Now though, it was hot, soft and hard all at once.

I held onto
the back of his neck, my fingers twirling the loose strands of his
long hair. The silky softness of it ran through my fingers like
liquid. Whatever shampoo he used did wonders to his hair. I wanted
to bury my face in it and inhale deeply, keeping his smell with me
for as long as possible just like I did with his aftershave.

smiled down at me. That little dimple that I loved at the side of
his mouth made an appearance. He quickly grabbed a soft kiss from
me before pulling away. “With nothing else but intense thinking
about what the fuck I did wrong, working out with Ashton was the
only way I could release pent up aggression, sexual frustration,
you name it.”


“My personal
trainer,” He murmured, positioning himself at my centre. He glanced
down at our bodies as his own body shivered. “I’m sorry this isn’t
going to be the best or the longest or the most loving but I’m
bursting here. Just bear with me, I will make it worth your while
afterwards. I promise.”

“I don’t
care.” I moaned, rocking my hips up to him, just wanting him to
fucking fill me to the brim and now.

“Okay.” he
groaned as an intense look came upon his face. His eyes flared and
widened as his pupils dilated taking over the blue, making it non
existent. He positioned himself again, his thighs pushing my hips
wider then thrust all the way inside me until his balls slapped
against my arse with a whack.

“Oh shit.” I
gasped and felt all my breath leave me in a whoosh. Maybe I
shouldn’t have voiced my opinion to want him to just stick it in.
My eyes in this circumstance were too big for my pussy. Damn, I
forgot how big he truly was. I literally felt my womb be pushed out
of the way and my nether lips being taxed to excess like
overstretched elastic bands. My soft tissues resisted being treated
in such an intense manner. Almost immediately, I felt the throb
coming from my entrance as my softness tried it’s best to
accommodate him.

Sebastian was
breathing heavily as he pulled all the way out then pushed back
inside. I winced at the pulse of pressure and slight pain but tried
to relax knowing that my pain would turn pleasurable soon. Or at
least I hoped it would because I’d waited for this for what seemed
like forever.

“Oh fuck.”
Sebastian muttered into my neck, where he’d buried his head. His
hot breath fanned over my skin as his hips did that retreat and
engage thing again. “I’m not going to last, Victoria, sorry. So
sorry,” He said as he pushed himself up so he was on his knees.

Grabbing my
legs, he un-wrapped them from his waist and placed each foot on his
shoulders. Once they were in position, he grabbed my hips, his
fingers dug into my flesh. “Ready?” he gasped as sweat dripped down
the side of his face, his hair stuck to his forehead and neck.

“Yes, give it
to me.”

And did he

He pounded
into me, stroke after stroke. Slap, clap and whack. The whole bed
shook with the violence of each thrust. My headboard banged against
the wall with repetitive thumps as I shifted up on the covers. I
quickly raised my arms and held on for dear life to my headboard as
Sebastian plummeted inside me. His thick, wide cock jammed itself
in my cavern, scraping against my walls, nudging and beating
against my womb, making more space for him, seating himself

Victoria,” He panted as his hips moved impossibly faster. “Feels So
Fucking Good.” My boobs jiggled and wobbled all over the place, our
flesh slapped hard together, echoing so loudly in the room that I
could barely hear him or me panting for breath.

Blood rushed
to my ears as my body which was already overheating, heated up even
more. Sweat broke out over my skin, enabling both of our bodies to
slip and slide against each other. My legs continually slipped off
his shoulders. My womb, my poor abused womb was burning, cramping,
squeezing itself wanting to let go. My pussy walls were
contracting, gripping Sebastian as he pistoned in and out of

His hands
squeezed against my boobs, his fingers plucking and rolling my
nipples then he leaned forward whilst his hips continued their
assault and licked and nibbled my tender and sensitive buds,
sucking them deep into the cavern of his mouth. His tongue lathed
over them back and fourth, around and over.

Straddling my
hips again, I felt the residual tightening in the pit of my stomach
as my nipples budded together and a flush tore out over my skin,
making me feel like an inferno. My eyesight dimmed and my ears
burst as my whole body began to tremble. My arms and legs flailed
around uselessly and my head flicked from side to side fighting
against the intense pressure building in my body. It was too much,
it was all too much.

“Sebastian.” I
sobbed, restlessly. My whole body was teetering on the edge of
something so intense, it sort of frightened me.

“I know.”
Sebastian gritted out, the flex of his body becoming impossibly
harder. “I feel you, let go.” He shouted. His face was a mask of
pain and pleasure all at the same time. His shoulders were bunched
and the hold he had on my hips turned bruising. “Let go, Victoria.
I can’t hold it any longer. Come with me.”

I couldn’t. It
was too intense; it also hurt like a fucker too.

As if he knew
this, Sebastian reached down and thumbed my clit in quick, heavy
circles. I panted and attempted to squeeze my legs together but he
wasn’t having any of that. He gritted his teeth and pushed his free
hand against my thigh holding one open whilst his thumb continued
to work hard on my little bud that was a heavy pulse point. It was
ready to burst.

“Come, now.”
Sebastian roared, kicking himself inside me.

My dam

I screamed out
to the heavens, my voice becoming rough and gravelly as my whole
body conversed and catapulted into the most intense orgasm I’d ever
had. My eyesight dimmed to blackout point, my ears felt like the
blood had pushed through my flesh and my heart was beating so quick
I thought it just might collapse.

When I was
sure I’d stopped breathing, my mouth opened to say something, say
whatever but nothing came out. I blinked rapidly against the spots
dancing in my eyes. The spots turned into a million tiny flies that
made me want to reach up and bat them out of the way. After the
flies left me, fogginess invaded and covered my eyes in a film of
whiteness. I tried to move my legs, my arms even but it was like my
body had switched off or wasn’t accepting my instructions.

In the
distance of my state, I heard Sebastian growl and push himself
deeper inside me, trying to crawl up into my entrance. He held
himself there as he roared out his release. I swear I could feel
the intense hotness invading my core before his big body dropped
down onto me like a wet stone sinking to the bottom of the sea.

After that, I
had no clue what happened because my whole world darkened and shut


I dare you to
let me be...

My eyes opened
what I assumed was some time later to see and feel Sebastian wiping
the inside of my thighs and my pussy with a damp cloth,

Oh God, how
embarrassing. I tried to wiggle away from him but he wasn’t having
any of it. No-one had ever taken the time to clean me up afterwards
whether I wanted them too or not. “Keep still.” He chided.

Sighing, I
rested my pounding head back on my pillow and watched from my
position as he continued to wipe me down, his strokes long and
soft. His eyes were heavy lidded and his face was a mask of
concentration and fulfilment, I think.

When he
finished, he dumped the flannel on one of my chest of drawers and
crawled up the side of my squeaky bed and lay down beside me then
smiled down at me. “Hey, baby. Are you back with me, now?”

I nodded and
groaned, feeling like I shouldn’t have moved at all. My head
pounded like a sledgehammer against my skull. “Yes.”

“Good. I was
thinking about some food. When did you last eat?”

“What time is
it now?” I asked, trying not to move my head as I looked around the
room. Even the roll of my eyes hurt.

eleven. So, food,”

“A while ago,”
The last thing I remembered eating with that tub of ice cream that
made me feel as if I’d been at the fair and eaten too much
artificial sugar.

“Good.” He
smiled, pressed a quick kiss to my lips then stood up from the bed,
still gloriously naked. He reached down for his jeans and pulled
out his phone then began fiddling with it. I closed my eyes and let
my body relax back against the bed.

I felt the bed
dip next to me and opened my eyes again to see Sebastian looking
down at me, his face was relaxed and open. His eyes were glazed and
glistening, his smile easy on his face. “You’re beautiful, you know

I snorted and
turned my head. Sebastian grabbed my chin and turned my head back
towards him. “I’m not.” I protested. I wasn’t beautiful. I was me
and I was just Victoria, nothing more.

“Can you feel
that?” he asked as he searched my face.

My brows
pulled together wondering what he was talking about. “What?”

“Feel it.” He
thrust his hips against my side where I felt his rapidly hardening
shaft pressing against me, trailing wet kisses across my skin. “I’m
already raring to go again and all because you’re beautiful.”

Another snort
left me as I rolled my eyes and held back the groan of pain that
went with it. “Your body just knows it’s next to a willing

pushed up from the bed so quickly, he made me dizzy. He paced the
length of my small room, his hands fisting in his hair, his face
not so open anymore. I bit my lip as his body tensed and his
muscles bunched together.

“You just
don’t get it do you?”

I sighed and
blew out a breath. “Get what?”

“That I love
you. Damn it, Victoria.” He shouted making me wince.

Hell. “Loving
me doesn’t mean that I sexually entice you or turn you on.”

You could love
someone in the friendly way or love them romantically but still be
not turned on by them. Just because your heart beat for them didn’t
mean everything else did too, right?

looked at me like I’d lost my ever loving mind or maybe it was a
look that said he wanted to strangle me. Who knew? “That’s complete
bullshit and you fucking well know it.” He snarled.

Maybe I did,
maybe I was being a bitch but there was this niggling thing in the
back of my mind that still didn’t believe whatever this was. Was it
real? Part of me expected this entire night to be a dream and where
would that leave me? What if I was imagining having him here with
me and imagining his words earlier that he loved me and I was his
sunshine or whatever? What if it really was my brain that wanted to
hear those words from him but he didn’t actually say them?

“You won’t
have it will you?” he asked after silence had settled between us,
uncomfortable, tense silence.

I continued to
stay silent, not knowing what to say. If I opened my mouth and said
yes, did I mean it? And if I kept my mouth closed, did I mean it? I
was so fucking confused and it didn’t help with the drink in my
system or Sebastian standing there with his hot body on show.

Sebastian grabbed his phone and began fiddling with it again.
“Listen to this and then tell me.” He threw the phone on the bed,
it landing at my side. “I’m going for a shower. Tell me afterwards
if I’ve made the biggest mistake of my life.”

With that
parting cliff-hanger, he walked out of my room, slamming the door
after him making me wince at the sound. I watched as one of my
pound shop pictures fell from the wall, landing on the floor with a

Oh shit, what
had I done?

I went to
close my eyes and settle back against my pillows when Adele began
to sing next to me. I picked up Sebastian’s iPhone and held it up
in front of me seeing Adele’s 21 album cover and the song playing.
“One and Only”

I did close my
eyes as I held his phone to my chest and listened to Adele sing her
heart out. I listened to every word she said, every word with
meaning. A tear slid from my eye as I listened to her begging for a
chance, a simple chance just to prove herself to the man she wanted
to be with, the man she loved.

BOOK: Man Seeks Woman 2, Man Seeks Wife
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