Man Candy (15 page)

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Authors: Jessica Ingro

BOOK: Man Candy
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Grinding into her heat, my hand lifted her shirt and skimmed up her skin. When I made it to her breast, my fingers pinched and rolled her nipple making her cry out against my lips.

Needing the feel of skin on skin, I broke away and reached behind my back to pull my shirt off. Then gripping the hem of her shirt, I whipped it off over her head swiftly.

One look at her perfect tits had my mouth watering in anticipation. My head descended and I took a nipple between my teeth, nipping and laving it with my tongue before moving on to the next one. Rissa’s hands gripped my head and held me to her as I worshipped her with all the pent-up lust I had for her.

“Ben, please,” she panted. Her hips shifted restlessly under me signaling just what she wanted.

Anxious to please her, my lips skimmed down her stomach only stopping when my tongue dipped in her naval making her squirm. I chuckled against her stomach when her hands tried pushing my head down even further. Such an impatient thing.

Hooking my fingers in the boxers I let her borrow, I slowly slid them down her legs. I tossed them over my shoulders and gripped her thighs, spreading them wide for me. Such a pretty sight. She was soft, pink and so very wet.

My fingers ran through her folds as I teased her with light kisses and nips on her inner thighs.

“Ben, please,” she pleaded more desperately this time.

Moving my mouth right where she needed it, I sucked her clit at the same time I thrust a finger inside her. Her tight walls gripped my finger as she screamed in pleasure. It was the sweetest fucking sound I had ever heard.

Somewhere in the hazy recesses of my mind, I knew she was vulnerable and that we should probably slow down. I had no control over my body at that moment though. It was on auto-pilot and letting my baser instincts run the show.

“Oh fuck, Ben,” she moaned when I eventually added a second finger.

Her fingers threaded in my hair and yanked hard. I moaned against her skin and felt her pussy flutter under my attention.

“Holy shit,” she cried out. “I’m going to come. Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop.”

Crooking my fingers, I hit her g-spot and watched as she came apart with so much force her back left the couch and her nails clawed my scalp.

While she came down, I placed gentle kisses on her thighs and stomach. I slowly made my way back up her body, circling my tongue around each nipple. When I got to her mouth, she lifted her head and captured my lips with hers. I growled when she sucked on my tongue. The very tongue that still tasted of her.

I ground myself against her, needing to be free of my jeans so damn bad. I wanted to bury myself inside her and fuck her until I came just as hard as she did.

As if reading my mind, Rissa fumbled with the buttons on my jeans as I continued to move against her. She finally got them opened and was wrapping her hand around my cock when my phone started ringing.

“Ignore it,” she said against my lips.

There was no way in hell I was going to answer the phone when she was doing this amazing little twisty thing around my cock. Continuing my assault on her mouth, I ignored the phone and focused on her magic hands.

“Ben, please. I need you inside me.”

This was such a turnabout from her behavior earlier, I pulled back and searched her face. What I saw there was lust, need and certainty. Knowing she wanted me as much as I wanted her sent a bolt of electricity through my body. Fuck yes.

“I need to get a condom,” I whispered regretfully, wishing I had my wallet with me.


I got up and as quickly as possible went to my bedroom. Grabbing a condom from the nightstand I headed back to where I knew Rissa would be sprawled out on the couch waiting for me.

When I turned the corner and saw her there, the image I had had in my head was nothing compared to the actual sight of her naked and waiting for me. I felt like the luckiest son of a bitch in the world. She was the most perfectly beautiful woman I had ever seen. And she was about to be all mine.

Standing in front of the couch, I started to strip my pants off. She watched me with rapt attention while biting her finger seductively. My jeans were on the floor and my boxer briefs were about to follow suit when my phone started ringing again.

“Ignore it,” she repeated.

I nodded my agreement, but when the phone stopped and then started back again, only to repeat, I had no choice but to pick it up and look at the caller id.

Pushing up from where I kneeled in between her legs, about to roll the condom on, I pulled my boxers back up my legs. Cursing, I looked down at Rissa with regret. “It’s fucking Meredith.”

“What the fuck is she doing calling you?” She propped herself up on her elbows and eyed me suspiciously.

“Well my guess is you turned off your phone and you’re not home so she’s looking for you.” I thrust my phone at her.

“Oh yeah,” she said sheepishly and answered it.

I plopped down on the couch next to her and listened with one ear to Rissa talking with Meredith. She filled her in on what happened and why she was staying at my house. That’s when they began arguing.

“It’s not necessary,” Rissa said firmly. “No really... It’s fine... Please don’t... I said no... Okay fine I’ll be ready in fifteen minutes.”

That had my attention. “Where are you going?”

“She insisted on picking me up and taking me to her place tonight.”

“And you agreed?” I asked incredulously. Had I been imagining what we were just about to do together?

“If I didn’t she would have come over and forced her way in anyway.”

I refused to believe that. Meredith had been rooting for me, surely she wouldn’t intentionally cock block me. Would she?

Fuck. She so would. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she and Tanner had concocted the idea up together.

“Well fuck.” I grabbed my jeans off the floor and put them on in jerky movements. I was beyond frustrated with the whole damn situation. I should have turned my damn phone off too. At least then we would have been able to have sex before Meredith barged in.

“I’m sorry.” She stood and pressed her now t-shirt covered body against mine, wrapping her arms around my waist. “You know how she is. I couldn’t help it.”

“I know.” I was still aggravated but having her willingly in my arms was going a long way towards taking the edge off my irritation.

“How about you come over tomorrow night. Scott will be gone by then. I’ll cook you dinner and then we can do that again.” Her head tipped towards the couch highlighting what that was. I was down for more of that for sure.

“Okay.” I pressed a tender kiss on her lips. “You better go get dressed. I’m not in the mood to deal with Meredith right now and you being naked under that shirt is giving me way too many ideas.”

She giggled when I slapped her ass and then hurried away towards the guest bedroom.

I scrubbed my hands down my face and took a deep breath. Looking down at my junk, I apologized for leaving it hanging—again. It didn’t seem too keen to accept it though.


I was on cloud nine when I got to Rissa’s house for our dinner date the next day. From where I stood, she was finally accepting that we were more than just friends and I was finally going to get to have her beneath me. It was perfect.

What I wasn’t expecting to find when I pulled up to the house was her on the front lawn throwing things at a man and shouting so loudly I wouldn’t have at all been surprised that the neighbors were watching behind their curtains.

Looked like Scott didn’t have all this things out by noon. Why wasn’t I surprised?

I walked up the walkway and stood off to the side, wanting her to know I was there to support her while at the same time not getting involved where I shouldn’t. Neither of them acknowledged my presence, so I studied the man who was a jerk off if ever I’d seen one. Turned out Scott was, in fact, the older guy from the first time I met Rissa at the sandwich shop. He still didn’t impress me.

“You are such a prick,” she screeched while throwing a shoe at his head. Unfortunately, he ducked in enough time for it to go sailing past him into a bush.

“Honey, please listen to me. It meant nothing. It was just a weak moment. I love you.”

I fought the roll of my eyes. He sounded like a used car salesman, not a man in love.

“You only love yourself!”

“Please. Let’s just go inside and talk about this. Rationally.”

Her face screwed up into a sneer. “There’s nothing to talk about it.”

“I’m torn up thinking about not having you in my life anymore.” He pressed his hands to his chest and gave her a performance that I’m sure he thought was Oscar worthy.

“You look like you’re doing just fine to me. I gave and I gave and I gave to you. And what did I get in return? Nothing! I’m so over this, Scott. Get your shit off my lawn and stay the hell away from me.”

“You don’t mean that. I gave you me.” He pounded on his chest and took a step towards her but she retreated a step and shouted, “You gave me shit!”

His face twisted when she said that and he snarled at her, “You’re such a fucking bitch. I don’t know why I ever wasted my time with you.”

“Whoa. I think I’ve heard enough.” I stepped up to Rissa’s side, ready to lay his ass out if he didn’t take a hint.

“Who the fuck are you?”

“That’s none of your business,” Rissa snapped.

He gave her a derisive snort. “You’re already fucking someone else and you have the nerve to kick me out because I screwed my wife?”

Wow this guy was really dense.

“You ass.” Rissa lunged for him but I caught her around her waist and hauled her back against my body. She struggled for a moment but then went slack in my arms. “You don’t care about anyone other than yourself.”

“Whatever you want to believe. I’m out of here. It was nice knowing you.”

We stood in silence and watched him toss the last few of his things that were littering the lawn into a box. He was halfway down the walkway when Rissa yelled, “You never put me first. You never stayed all those nights I needed you to. And now you can’t even shed a tear for me. Couldn’t you just for one tiny little second in your life give a shit about

Instead of answering her, he just shook his head with a disgusted look on his face before storming down to his car and hauling his ass out of there.

When he was finally out of sight, she burst into tears. I tightened my hold when she tried pulling out of my grasp and let her collapse into me.

I can’t say it didn’t hurt like hell to feel her pain and know that it was for another man. What I will say though was that regardless of the situation, I was glad I could be there for her.


“You probably think I’m a fool, huh?” She sniffled and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

We had moved inside from her front lawn after the worst of her crying had subsided. Plopping down at the island in her kitchen with a handful of tissues and a glass of wine, she eventually pulled herself together.

I wasn’t sure what to think about her display of grief over her relationship with Scott. I knew it was a necessary process to go through, I just hated that I had to witness it. In my mind, I was the only one she belonged with. I didn’t like having to face the reality that she had cared for him.

“Not at all. You’re a good person who got wrapped up in a bad situation. I’m proud of you for telling that idiot off. He needed to be put in his place.” I leaned on the counter and gave her an encouraging smile.

“He did. Didn’t he?” She let out a little giggle, but her eyes still looked sad. I ached to take that sadness away.

“I’ve got an idea,” I announced.


“Let’s crack open another bottle of wine. We’ll order takeout and watch movies all night. What do you say?”

“But I was going to make you dinner.” She gestured to the empty pots and pans littering the countertop.

“Don’t worry about it. We’ll relax and you can cook for me another night. Okay?”

“Okay, but can we get pizza and wings?”

“Anything you want.”

“The menus are in the drawer over there. Get whatever you want on the pizza. Just not anchovies. Or pineapple.” She screwed her face up at the thought, which made me chuckle. She was just so damn cute.

We opened a bottle of wine and sat around her island talking while we waited for the food to be delivered. After I paid the driver, I took the pizza and chicken wings in the living room where she had plates waiting.

“So what are we watching?” I sat down on the sofa and opened the box on the coffee table.

“I thought we could watch
Man of Steel
. I figure it has a manly comic book hero for you and Henry Cavill for me.”

“I’m not so sure I want you to be ogling another man for the next few hours,” I told her in all seriousness.

“Well then it sucks to be you.” She gave me a wink and took a bite of her piece of pizza.

“That’s just wrong. Besides I have bigger biceps than that chump.” I flexed my muscles and grinned, which earned me a laugh from her.

Why did it always feel like I could do anything when I made her laugh?

“I’m not so sure you do,” she chided and took another bite of her food.

“Don’t make me spank you later,” I threatened.

“You wouldn’t,” she mumbled around the food in her mouth. Her expression was a mixture of shock, fear and, fuck me, anticipation.

“Try me.”

She shrugged and said, “I just might.”

Fuck this girl was killing me.


“Yes!” Rissa cried out as I sucked her nipple into my mouth while working my fingers in and out of her pussy.

She was by far the hottest woman I had ever been with and we hadn’t even had sex yet. It was mind blowing to think how much fucking better it would be when I finally did get inside her. I couldn’t imagine it would be anything less than mind blowing.

While we ate dinner, I had a hard time concentrating on anything besides the little noises she made in the back of her throat when she enjoyed what she was eating. And God help me, the way she licked the sauce off her fingers after eating a chicken wing had my poor neglected cock standing at attention, begging for a turn.

When we were done scarfing down our food, she cuddled up with me on the couch as we finished the movie. I was barely able to focus on the screen with the way she laid on me. She was mostly on my side with her back to the back cushions of the couch and her head on my chest. My hand was down her pants cupping her ass and the only thought running through my head was the fact that a few more inches and I could slip my fingers inside her.

As soon as the credits rolled, we began going at it like teenagers on the couch. I wasn’t even sure who started it—I just know that we were all hands and mouths as we went at each other, tearing our clothes off.

When we ended up rolling off the couch onto the floor, I decided it was time to move things into her bedroom. I didn’t want either of us to get hurt or rug burn. I was determined for tonight to be
night between us.

Scooping Rissa up off the floor, I carried her into her room and laid her down on her bed. Her sheets were nearly the same color blue as her eyes, making them even more striking as I looked down on her.

Climbing in beside her with nothing but my boxer briefs on, we picked right back up where we left off with my fingers inside her and my mouth at her chest.

“You’re almost there,” I whispered in her ear when I felt her pussy clamp down on my fingers.

She subtly nodded her head in answer, pushing her hips up into my hand. Grinding my palm on her clit, I gave her more of what she needed.

“More,” she breathed, bucking up into my hand even faster.

I lowered my head back to her breast and flicked the tip of my tongue over her nipple in time with the thrusts of my hand. I felt a surge of wetness coat my hand as she neared the precipice.

“Come for me, sweetheart, so I can finally be inside you. I want to fuck you so bad.”

She whimpered followed by a long moan as she climaxed. Her body trembled and shook as she rode out the waves of her release. It was the most beautiful thing to witness.

“So good,” she mumbled over and over as I brought her down with gentle strokes of my fingers.

“Told you Scott wasn’t the only one who could make you come,” I boasted seeing as how I was overly proud of myself for giving her three orgasms so far when she said it was impossible.

Her body immediately tensed and her eyes snapped open. “What did you say?”

“What?” I asked, afraid to continue the conversation. It probably hadn’t been the best time to bring that up.

“How did you know about that?” She pulled the blanket up to her chest and when she tried to move away from me, I gave her more of my weight to keep her in place.

“You may have mentioned it.”

She covered her eyes in shame. “Of course I did.”

“Hey.” I pulled her hands from her face. “Don’t ever hide yourself from me. I’m honored that you’re able to let yourself go enough to experience that kind of passion with me.”

“I’m sorry. I get a little self-conscious sometimes. Did you really have to bring it up while we were... you know?” Her hand stroked my arm as she looked up at me, making goose bumps rise along my skin. Such a tiny touch, yet such a potent reaction to it.

“Sorry. I may have gotten a little carried away,” I said with chagrin.

“Yeah I guess you did.”

“Can you blame me though? I had the hottest woman I know writhing underneath me and calling out my name as she came for me. I couldn’t help my reaction. It’s been programmed in me since way back in the caveman days.”

She laughed at that, which had me relaxing and grinning down at her. Running my fingers through her hair sprawled out on the pillow, I placed a gentle kiss on her mouth. I pulled back and studied the motions of my hand for a moment.


My eyes moved to hers and my hand stilled there. “Yeah, sweetheart?”

“Would you mind if we didn’t go any further tonight? I’m a little tired and talking about Scott kind of killed the mood for me.”

I shook my head, knowing it was my own fault for opening my mouth at the worst possible time. How lame could I possibly be? Now I was cock blocking myself.

“Not at all. I’ll never make you do anything you don’t want to or aren’t ready for.” I pushed up and sat on the edge of the bed.

“You’re still hard,” she noted after she threw on a tank top and pair of panties.

“Yeah. It’s fine. It’ll go down eventually.” I winced when I adjusted myself and went to stand up.

With her hands on my shoulders, Rissa stopped me. “Let me take care of you.”

When she started lowering herself to the floor, I almost let her, but thought better of it. She didn’t want to go any further and I didn’t want to take advantage of the fact that she felt bad for me and my... predicament. No, I needed to put her comfort before my own.

Being a standup guy wasn’t all it was cracked up to be sometimes.

“No. Tonight was about you. I get plenty of pleasure watching you come apart for me. We can worry about me next time.”

“But—” She pouted.

“No buts. I promise I’ll be fine. Come on.” I stood and entwined our fingers.

“You don’t have to leave, you know. We could hang out some more,” she informed me. She studied my face with her head tipped, searching to see if there was a bigger issue making me leave.

“For as much as I’d love to stay, I think it’s best if I go tonight. I don’t have much willpower where you’re concerned.” I gave her a guilty smile.

“You sure?”

“I’m positive.” I led her down the stairs to where the rest of my clothes were strewn around the living room. I dressed quickly, carefully tucking myself back in my jeans and headed for the front door.

Pulling Rissa into my arms, I kissed her slowly and thoroughly, only stopping once she was clinging to me and breathing heavily. “I have Tuesday off. How about I grill some steaks and potatoes for us?”

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