Malcolm X (62 page)

Read Malcolm X Online

Authors: Clayborne Carson

BOOK: Malcolm X
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Unman to Unwoman. Caller asks to speak to “Brother MALCOLM.” Woman answering asks who is calling. Man replies that he just wants to speak to Brother MALCOLM. Then when woman again asks who is calling the man says she can just give MALCOLM the message: “Just tell him he's as good as dead.” He then hangs up.





... I told MR. MUHAMMAD—about what was being said —and at that time he explained—he knew it all the time and explained to me—in the religious way. You know how in a religious cult there's always a religious explanation for these things —so I accepted it, and I didn't say anything more about it, but in October [BUREAU DELETION] told me that this thing was as bad as it ever was; that the person who was responsible for making these sisters pregnant had not stopped. Two of them had two children by him, six of them had become pregnant, two of the six had two children by him, one of the two who had two children by him was pregnant again—and having his third child—and he
told me that the person who was responsible had not stopped in any way and what he was using to make these sisters stay under his control was the fact that they were supposed to be fulfilling the prophecy and all that kind of stuff. So I came back to New York and told [BUREAU DELETION] sent a report back in to MR. MUHAMMAD, and to the official staff in Chicago, giving them the impression that instead of me pouring water on the fire, that I was pouring gas on the fire. This is what caused the split— and then they thought that I was going to talk about it and so they put in motion machinery to try and silence me forever—and my only reason for never telling it was my fear that the, that the psychological effect that it would have upon the Muslims—the only thing that kept them with such moral discipline was the fact that MR MUHAMMAD and the others had an image of high morals. But MR. MUHAMMAD, himself, is the one who is the father of these children—MR. MUHAMMAD, himself. Two of them showed up in Phoenix last week demanding to get into his house. They had three children with them. The one who is pregnant and going to have a baby right now was there—and he had a fit—because he was frightened. These are the only two that seem to have nerve enough to try and make him do, do something for them—and they didn't succeed. He sent them, with his chauffeur, off to a motel—and he thought that they had left and gone back to the city from whence they had come. But they stayed right in that city for three or four days trying to reach him, which they couldn't. Now the two of them—two of them are back in Los Angeles, and what is happening, the officials here in New York and in some of the other Mosques, they know about it—but the Muslims in the Mosques overall don't know about it. So MR. MUHAMMED is using his ministers and other officials to make the Muslims think that, that I have turned insane—in an effort to try and get them—some innocent, ignorant, well meaning Muslim to do something that I, myself, would have done, had I not found out what I now know.”





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Unknown person called. [BUREAU DELETION] received no response, gave phone to MALCOLM X. MALCOLM X gave Unknown person a six minute sermon on the affairs of MUHAMMAD, naming the six women that he (MUHAMMAD) had relations with in the past. MALCOLM X at end of his sermon told Unknown person—now you get your rifle, come around to my house and talk some stuff.





Unman (possibly radio or television reporter?; long distance? —from ??) to (MALCOLM X). Man interviews MALCOLM about his rift with ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, asking questions, which MALCOLM replies to. (Note: Intermittent “beep” signals indicate that interviewer was having the interview recorded.) In the interview MALCOLM claims that his statement about President KENNEDY'S assassination gave ELIJAH MUHAMMAD the opportunity to suspend him but that the real reason for his suspension was the fact that ELIJAH knew MALCOLM had knowledge of ELIJAH'S violation of seven Muslim sisters by whom he had eight children, with another child expected to be born shortly. MALCOLM confirms that he thinks that ELIJAH MUHAMMAD would like to see him killed and mentions that “the National Secretary” of the Muslims stated on the radio that MALCOLM should be killed. In answer to query MALCOLM claims that he has some rifles and that other brothers associated with him have either rifles or shotguns and have no compunction about using them.





[BUREAU DELETION] had heard that MALCOLM X was supposed to be killed today on the Courthouse steps because he had not moved out of the house which they bought.





Employee's Name: [BUREAU DELETION] b7C
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Unwoman, [BUREAU DELETION] to MALCOLM X. Un-woman says “we plan to do a story today and have information that you are a ‘marked man.' “ MALCOLM says that it is common knowledge that Mr. MUHAMMAD has been after me since I broke with him. MALCOLM says that the Black Muslims tried to attack him in Boston, Mass., last Sunday night but failed because he did not go to Boston that night. Unwoman asks if MALCOLM has taken any security precautions or if he has asked for police protection? MALCOLM says “I'm more watchful now but I have never asked for police protection as I have my own rifle.” Unwoman asks “ELIJAH MUHAMMAD is coming to New York on 6/28/64, do you (MALCOLM X) intend to see him?” MALCOLM says “No. We have nothing to say to each other.” MALCOLM says “You newspaper people won't print the truth about ELIJAH MUHAMMAD but you don't let the libel laws bother you when it comes to printing something unfavorable about me.” MALCOLM says “If you newspaper people would check with the FBI you wouldn't be afraid to print the truth about ELIJAH MUHAMMAD as the FBI knows all about the things I've told you before about Mr. MUHAMMAD making the girls pregnant.” Unwoman ask “Why would the FBI know about this?” MALCOLM answers “Oh, they have it, the FBI was one of the first in Boston to know. The FBI mentioned it to a non-Muslim woman. An FBI man in Boston mentioned it to a non-Muslim woman that ELIJAH MUHAMMAD was the father
of [BUREAU DELETION] one of his former secretary's babies. One of the Muslim women mentioned this to [BUREAU DELETION] of the Boston Mosque, and I discussed this with [BUREAU DELETION]. Unwoman says “That is very interesting. I'll pass that along. I think we will publish all the charges made against ELIJAH MUHAMMAD today.” Unwoman says she will call MALCOLM again if she needs any more information.





Employee's Name: [BUREAU DELETION] b7C
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[BUREAU DELETION] and all “I” asked was “one little hearing in front of the Muslims.” She relates an argument she had with her husband during which she asked him why “they” wouldn't give MALCOLM a hearing, and he answered that “the Messenger has his reasons.” She says “he” didn't know himself, because he is “too spooked up to ask a question.” MALCOLM says if “he” could be made to think about a couple of things, he would wake up overnight, and says that “if this doesn't happen, then what they're going to do, especially between now and Sunday, they're going to try and provoke an incident.” She says that “they” will, and somebody will get hurt. He agrees, “because the brothers that are out will absolutely retaliate against anybody, and the only reason that I have been avoiding public situations is to try and avert any unnecessary bloodshed between innocent brothers. . . .”





Employee's Name: [BUREAU DELETION] b7C
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(Malcolm, who appeared upset at being called at 2:30
. made several remarks concerning the time of the call. [BUREAU DELETION] explained time of call was necessitated by newspaper deadline.) [BUREAU DELETION] (spelled) [BUREAU DELETION] inquired if Malcolm X had heard of the remarks of [BUREAU DELETION] and what did Malcolm think of these remarks? MALCOLM X said the charges were absurd and he thought they were made up by Mr. Muhammad himself in order to have an excuse not to come here. Discussion between Malcolm X and [BUREAU DELETION] followed concerning: Whether or not Muhammad would come to NY; division in Muhammad's followers; Muhammad's involvement sexually with nine teenage secretaries; Muhammad's feelings (acc to Mal X) that if he came to NY he would never be able to answer questions of the press. Mal X said Muhammad is not anxious to come here (NY) at this time because too many people are beginning to ask themselves—? are the charges that Mal X leveled at Muhammad true? Acc to Mal X Muslim officials when questioned answer that Mal X is crazy or trying to seek publicity, etc. Mal X said you would never get a yes or no answer from them regarding the adultery charges. [BUREAU DELETION] was sure Mal X was aware of the libel laws, and added that as far as he knew none of the press had printed any of this. Mal X pointed out that it had been printed last week on the front page of the Phil. Tribune. Mal X also said that the NY Post printed it the day that he made the statement from the witness stand in Queens in a court trial. [BUREAU DELETION] if only there were some way that this could be proved so that it could be printed. Ma] X said that it would be proved that it was only a matter of time. Mal X said that in the Chicago Mosque it was being taught that they were divine babies. He continued that in Boston they were also teaching in the temple that these were divine babies, giving the explanation that Mr.
Muhammad was told by God that the nations would be blessed through his seed, therefore he should plant his seed everywhere. . . . Mal X said that Muhammad as well as his whole family have been living off the fat of the land. Mal continued that there's no program ever been put before his followers (Muhammad) designed to correct conditions that our people live under. Mal X said he would challenge MUHAMMAD to unite his followers and use some of the energy they are now wasting on each other and use it in Miss., Ala., and Georgia to help solve some of our peoples problems. Mal X said that Muhammad was not interested in the problems of Negroes. He then discussed Muhammad's weaknesses and the fact that his (Mai X) concept of Muhammad's divinity had been shattered. ... He said they were going to unfold a new organization based in NYC designed to involve the masses of our people in an action program to eliminate some of those evils that the other organizations have failed to eliminate. It's not going to be a Muslim movement but probably the first mass organized movement non-religious that has existed in this country since MARCUS GARVEY (ph). . . . [BUREAU DELETION] Mal if he felt himself in danger? Mal said I think a Negro in America is born in danger. [BUREAU DELETION] from a specific source. Mal X said they are coming into town and they have been whipping up hatred inside the Muslims on a national scale for the past two or three months, they have something in mind. [BUREAU DELETION] asked if Mal had a bodyguard? Mal answered I have my rifle in my home and anyone who puts their feet on my doorstep without good reason will have to suffer the consequences. [BUREAU DELETION] he wished to God he could print the bit about the divine babies and so forth. Mal X told [BUREAU DELETION] to check the Queens Civil Court records for Tuesday a week ago (Eviction Case). Mal said he testified revealing to the Muslims in NY that Muhammad had taken nine teenage sisters and made six of them pregnant. Mal said that the NY Post had printed it and other newspapers had printed it and had never been sued. Mal X said that he had spoken it on the following Radio Programs: CBS Radio Station WEEI—Paul Benziquin (ph) program; Jerry Williams (ph) show; WDAS in PH.; Long John Nebel show last Fri
night. Mal said there were no lawsuits as a result of any of the above. Mal said that Muhammad is not going to sue anybody over these babies because its too true. Its something that will destroy him. The only thing that holds the Muslim movement together is its image of morality, unity and militancy. Mal continued that most of the defectors from the movement were in Phila., NY, Boston and Chicago, the hdqtrs. but he could not say how many there were.





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