Malcolm X (41 page)

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Authors: Clayborne Carson

BOOK: Malcolm X
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During his visit, MALCOLM spoke to the Association of Ghanaian Journalists and gave a lecture at the University of Ghana entitled “Will Africa Ignite America's Racial Powder Keg?” He also spoke before the students of Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute and to an informal group of Parliament members.

MALCOLM emphasized the following basic themes during his tour to Ghana.

1. The Negroes were stolen from Africa and forced to forget their culture and traditions, yet they never have been accepted into American society.

2. The Christian religion has been used to oppress Negroes and encourage them to accept an inferior position.

3. Force is the only possible way to achieve equality.

4. The United States is the “master of imperialism” without whose support other imperialistic nations could not exist.

5. White America is guilty of dehumanizing the American Negro and putting him to death as a human being.

6. If America is not interested in human rights in America, how can she be interested in human rights in Africa? The American Government should not send the Peace Corps to Africa, they should send them to Mississippi and Alabama.

7. The only difference between apartheid in South Africa and racism in the United States is that “while South Africa preaches and practices segregation, the United States preaches integration and practices segregation.”

New York Amsterdam News
, local New York Negro newspaper, dated May 23, 1964, contained an article captioned “Is Mecca Trip Changing Malcolm X?” This article in part states:

Has the visit of Malcolm X, now El Hajj Malik El Shab-bazz, to Mecca and with Muslim leaders in Africa changed him to become more soft in his anti-white feelings and to become more religious?

This is the feeling of this reporter following receipt of a newsletter this week from Nigeria in which Malcolm, who is due to return to New York next week, said that he was being received with warm hospitality throughout Africa where he said “they love us as their long-lost brothers.”

Asserting that his trip to Mecca had officially established his new religious Muslim Mosque, Inc., at the Hotel Theresa, Malcolm said his trip had also established that Africans are interested in the plight of the nation's 22 million African-Americans.

A possible clue to Malcolm's suspected change in his militant racial attitudes was seen in a newsletter received this week by the Amsterdam News.

“As far as the Muslims of Asia, Arabia, and even Europe,
are concerned, in regards to the plight of the 22 million African-Americans, the Koran compels all people who accept the Islam religion to take a firm stand on the side of anyone whose human rights are being violated, no matter what the religious persuasion of the victims may be.”

Fresh from a visit to the Muslim holy city of Mecca and a tour of several African nations, Malcolm X is scheduled to return to New York Thursday afternoon, May 21, to launch a drive urging closer ties between American Negroes and Africans.

Malcolm hinted his new philosophy in a letter to the Amsterdam News in which he said that “we can learn much from the strategy used by the American Jews. They have never migrated physically to Israel, yet their cultural, philosophical and psychological ties to Israel have enhanced their political, economic and social position right there in America.

“Pan Africanism will do for people of African descent all over the world the same that Zionism has done for Jews all over the world,” Malcolm wrote.

Malcolm's letters to this newspaper during his almost two months in Africa indicate something of a change in his position to work for closer ties with civil rights leaders and a lessening of his anti-white attitudes. During his visit to Mecca he was the guest of the government for 12 days and was treated as a dignitary in most of the places he traveled, his letters asserted.

On May 23, 1964, MALCOLM X appeared on “Kup's Show,” Channel 7-TV, Chicago, Illinois. On the panel show he was asked if he was able to get into Mecca, a closed city, by his own identification or did he have to pass some kind of test to prove that he was a Muslim.

MALCOLM said he arrived in Cairo about three in the morning and his inability to speak Arabic plus his American passport made him automatically suspect. So he was taken from the group that he originally started out from Cairo with and placed in a compound which has been built there in Jedda which houses all
of the incoming pilgrims, and he thought about ninety thousand came in this year by plane alone. He was put in this place and he had to admit he was worried because he couldn't communicate. And he stayed there about twenty hours and he was in a haram (phonetic) which is a two-piece towel outfit. Your waist from the belt downward is wrapped in one towel and from the waist upward in another. And after being in this particular plight for about twenty hours, he recalled that Dr. SCHWARBE (phonetic) from New York had given him a book that had been sent to him by ABDARAKMAN AZAM (phonetic). The name of the book is “The Eternal Message of Muhammad.” “So [MALCOLM] called his son and after reaching his son, his son came to the place where he was and used his authority to get him released, get [his] passport. He took him to his home where he met AZAM PARSHA (phonetic), and he gave him his suite at the Jedda Palace Hotel and the next morning he was visited by the son of Prince FAISAL (phonetic), MUHAMMAD FAISAL (phonetic). He informed him that he was to be a state guest so that the remaining twelve days that he was in Arabia, he was a guest of the state. They gave him a car—they placed a car at his disposal, gave him a guide—a mualam (phonetic), and a chauffeur and made it possible, after going before the highest committee of the court, for him to travel back and forth between Mecca and Jedda and Medina almost at will. He was given the highest honor and respect and hospitality that a visitor could receive anywhere.

On [BUREAU DELETION] 1964, [BUREAU DELETION] furnished a copy of a letter written by MALCOLM X from Jedda, Saudi Arabia, dated April 20, 1964, which stated that during his pilgrimage to Mecca, he observed many white persons who displayed the spirit of unity and brotherhood that he did not believe could ever have existed based on his previous American experience. He stated that America needs to understand Islam because it is the one religion that erases the race problem from society. He also stated that if whites and non-whites would accept Islam they would become changed people since it removes racism, and all members thus automatically accept each other as brothers and sisters. He went on in the letter to state “you may
be shocked at these words coming from me” and he added that his pilgrimage has taught him that if Islam can replace the spirit of true brotherhood in the hearts of whites he has met there, it can also remove the “cancer of racism” from the heart of white America.

Travel to Africa from July 9,
1964 to November 14, 1964

On July 6, 1964, MALCOLM X, using the name HAJJ MALIK EL SHABAZZ with passport number C294275, purchased a one-way ticket to Cairo, Egypt via London, England. He was scheduled to depart from JFK International Airport, New York, on July 9, 1964, aboard Trans World Airlines (TWA) (light 700, due to arrive in London, England, 7:30
., July 10, 1964. He was scheduled to depart London, England, 3:30
July 11, 1964, aboard United Arab Airlines, flight 790 to Cairo, Egypt. MALCOLM failed to make return reservations or airline bookings when he arrived in Cairo for his return trip to the United States.

At Cairo, Egypt

New York Times
, dated July 14, 1964, captioned “Malcolm X in Cairo Says He'll See African Leaders.” This article, datelined Cairo, July 13, states:

Malcolm X the black nationalist leader said today that he had come to attend a meeting of the council of ministers of the Organization of African Unity as an observer. He arrived yesterday.

He said he intended to acquaint African heads of state “with the true plight of America's Negroes and thus show them how our situation is as much a violation of the United Nations human rights charter as the situation in Africa and Mongolia.

New York Journal American
, dated August 5, 1964, contained an article captioned “Malcolm X and the Red Chinese”
written by VICTOR RIESEL. This article, datelined Cairo, stated that:

Malcolm X, whom the Chinese Communists call the “chairman of the Afro-American unity organization,” spent a considerable amount of his time in the presence of international Communist propagandists here.

Not only did he endorse the rioting back home, but he publicly called for retaliation against the white community. He said the time had come to meet “violence with violence; an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”

He prepared a series of inflammatory anti-U.S. documents here on the pretext of presenting them to the recent meeting of the Organization of African Unity, and it was reported across the world that he attended the conference. This is nonsense. He did not get near the parley. He was not accredited to it.

Malcolm X was not at any of the conference sessions. I was informed that it “is ridiculous” and “undignified” to think for a moment that anyone such as Malcolm X would be heard by the African counterpart of the Organization of American States.

Malcolm X's activity here was strictly a propaganda operation which he set up at the Hotel Semiramis, where some newsmen gathered. He made certain that his violent anti-U.S. diatribes were put in the hands of the Chinese Communist correspondents planted here by the New China News Agency.

But when Malcolm X wanted to be with his pro-Communist friends he came over to the Hotel Omar Khayam, a former palace. I vouch for this personally, I was there when he met Mrs. Shirley Graham DuBois, widow of the late Dr. W. E. DuBois, in the lobby. When the aged Dr. DuBois died recently, he was a member of the Communist Party, U.S.A. and had switched his citizenship to Ghana.

Hotel Omar Khayam was also the headquarters of the violently anti-U.S., pro-Communist Ghanaian delegation to the African States' conference. On Thursday, July 16, Maicolm
X and his frequent companion, Mrs. DuBois, met for hours in the garden restaurant of the hotel.

Mrs. DuBois and her late husband spent much time in Peking. They were frequent guests of Mao-Tse-tung. Dr. DuBois delivered many anti-U.S. speeches which were broadcast across the world by the powerful Chinese mainland radio.

Mrs. DuBois has long been active in world Communist circles. Her background is important here to show the strange inter-weaving of characters now attempting to infiltrate and agitate the Negro communities of the U.S.

Mrs. DuBois knew the Castro brothers, Fidel and Raoul, in Mexico as far back as the late ‘40s. She is now associated with the pro-Communist
, a publication allegedly devoted to the Negroes.

In the past few years she has been a prolific writer in defense of the pro-Communist dictatorial state of Ghana.

Intelligence agents of several countries now are eager to learn just how Black Nationalist leader Malcolm X made contact with such Communist activists as Mrs. DuBois. Of considerable interest is the source of Malcolm X's funds now that the Muslims under Elijah Muhammad have declared war on him.

Malcolm X has been making expensive and extensive trips across Africa. I ran into his trail in several cities—especially in Ibadan, Nigeria, where he delivered speeches so anti-U.S., so incendiary, that they could be printed only on asbestos.

It is also being noticed that the Chinese Communist broadcasts have been featuring him and his splinter sect.


At Ibadan, Nigeria

New York Journal American
, dated July 25, 1964, contained an article written by VICTOR REISEL, captioned “Malcolm X Gives Africa Twisted Look.” This article, datelined Ibadan, Nigeria, states:

I'm a long way from Harlem but not very far from Malcolm X and his Moslem Mosque, Inc. The effect of what he told university students in this city still reverberates in this land of 40 million people—good people, friendly people— eager to reach across the sea to us. But many of the young men and women in this town now shudder when they think of us—for Malcolm X was here, brutalizing us, charging us with being a vast national torture chamber.

He so aroused students at the Ibadan University during a lecture here that they threw a university staff member off the platform when the latter attempted to defend the U.S.

The least of what Malcolm shouted here was an ultimatum to the whites in America that they soon must face violence from his forces back home.

He literally screamed that the whites had made the American Negroes “drunkards and trained (them) to be hardened criminals, as the result of which American Negroes think of themselves as no more than above wild animals.”

Knowing full well the hatred of the African for the African government of the Union of South Africa, Malcolm X then screamed: “Racial discrimination in the U.S. is worse than apartheid in South Africa.”

Then he endangered the lives of many American youngsters of all races who are now teaching Africans in the veld, in the bush and in the Kraals and villages how to string electric lights, build schools, put in windows, and read their native language. Malcolm X did this by charging:

The U.S. Peace Corps members are all espionage agents and have a special assignment to perform. They are spies of the American government, missionaries of colonialism and neo-colonialism.

From here he went to Winneba, Ghana, where he addressed the students at the Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute, which is pro-Communist and where they hate us, anyway. There he said to hundreds of students that “the only language the whites understand is force and nothing else.” He was cheered.

In other cities he got tougher. A cause is a cause, but trying to start an international racial war gets to be mighty dangerous.

New York Times
, dated August 13, 1964, contained an article captioned, “Malcolm X Seeks UN Negro Debate—He Asks African States to Cite United States Over Rights.” This article, datelined Washington, August 12, states:

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