Malcolm X (22 page)

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Authors: Clayborne Carson

BOOK: Malcolm X
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Report of: [BUREAU DELETION] b7C

Office: New York,

New York


Date: 5/17/60


File Number: New York 105-8999

Bureau: 100-399321






MALCOLM K. LITTLE is the Minister of NOI Temple No. 7, New York, and resides at 23-11 96th Street, East Elmhurst, Queens, New York. He travels extensively throughout the U.S. visiting and speaking at various NOI temples. He is considered one of the national leaders of the NOI. Portions of speeches by the subject indicating teachings and doctrine of the NOI are set forth.

[BUREAU DELETION] the subject attended an NOI meeting on March 23, 1960, at 102 West 116th Street, New York City.
[BUREAU DELETION] MALCOLM LITTLE made the following comments at this meeting:

He would not tell anyone to be a conscientious objector because the stool pigeons would go right out and tell the snake that he said it and it would be said that his teachings were subversive. He could only say that “he” would be a conscientious objector. . . .

[He said] this country is made up of refugees. The Pilgrims [and] Puritans were refugees. George Washington was a traitor. Refugees are still coming in and [taking] jobs. Only the bad people come in. People from the Far East, Indians, Asiatics, etc. don't come to this hell. America is hell. . . . Eisenhower is the chief warden, Nixon his deputy and [then Mayor of New York Robert F.] Wagner a “screw.”

[He said further that] when a man marries a woman, he gives her his name [and] she gives up her own, [just] as [the] white man [did when he] brought black [men] to this country and gave [them] his name. The name shows ownership. When a woman is through with a man, she divorces him and takes back her maiden name. In Islam, the black man denounces his slave name and takes the unknown X. [which] means “out of,” “away,” “unknown,” “from.”

[He told them] a Muslim . . . grins up at the white man— “butters him up”—[is] very respectful; [doesn't] let him know what [he's] thinking. Says, “You're good”—to himself, [he] adds, “when you're dead.” . . .

[He said] there will be two white photographers in restaurant tonight. [They are] not allowed in temple; [they] will be taking pictures. Be nice to them [he said]. [They] will be served good meal, served first. Warden always gives the doomed man the best last meal. Might be their last meal.


June 1, 1960–April 6, 1961


1. June 1, 1960. SAC, New York to Director

2. November 17, 1960. New York

3. February 21, 1961. New York

4. April 6, 1961. SAC, Boston to Director

5. May 17, 1961. New York

Section 6 contains information about Malcolm's activities in 1960 and 1961, relating speeches, meetings, and possible Communist activity. Malcolm's September 1960 visit with Cuban leader Fidel Castro in New York appears in the file. In addition, the Bureau continues to outline anti-white statements made at NOI meetings, and details possible areas of tension between Malcolm and Elijah Muhammad. For example, it reports an informant's statement that Malcolm planned to take over control of the NOI upon Elijah's death. Another informant predicted that Malcolm would run for U.S. Congress, “in order to obtain power for himself.”

Malcolm noted in his autobiography that he heard many negative remarks concerning his aspirations.

As far back as 1961 ... it was being said that “Minister Malcolm is trying to take over the Nation,” it was being said that I was “taking credit” for Mr. Muhammad's teaching, it was being said that I was trying to “build an empire” for myself, (

Malcolm's personal power apparently did command attention. At a Harvard speech on March 24, 1961, an FBI agent noted
Malcolm's phenomenal control over his followers by reporting that NOI members in the audience only applauded Malcolm's debate opponent when Malcolm himself applauded.

Malcolm also mentions this event in his autobiography, but in a different context. While at the Harvard Law School Forum he by chance looked out a window that, he realized, faced in the same direction as the apartment house in which he used to hide out when he was a burglar. Suddenly aware of “how deeply the religion of Islam had reached down into the mud to lift [him] up, to save [him] from what [he] inevitably would have been: a dead criminal in a grave, or, if still alive, a flint-hard, bitter, thirty-seven-year-old convict in some penitentiary, or insane asylum,” he vowed to Allah in that moment that he “never would forget that any wings [he] wore had been put on by the religion of Islam.” (

The FBI includes important information about NOI relationships with other organizations. The NOI had attempted to solicit aid from the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party in order to attain its goal of forming a separate nation within the United States. The Bureau reports Malcolm's January 1961 meeting with Ku Klux Klan officials. FBI memos would refer to this meeting again shortly before Malcolm's death in 1965, when Malcolm began to indict the NOI for its past alliances, which he stated were not in the best interests of black people.

SAC, New York (105-7809)

June 1, 1960

Director, FBI (25-330971)



Rerep SA [BUREAU DELETION] dated 5/17/60, at New York captioned “Malcolm K. Little.”

[BUREAU DELETION] a movie was shown which “was about FBI intelligence, how they work with the local police, and their training, and their lab.” Bufiles are negative concerning previous receipt of this information.

From the description in rerep, the film allegedly shown strongly resembles
A Day With The FBI
, which is an eighteen-minute color film dealing basically with the working of the FBI Laboratory, its cooperation with local law enforcement agencies, and illustrates science in crime detection. A copy of this film has been previously furnished your office.

Promptly review the files of your office [BUREAU DELETION]. If this film was charged out or loaned to someone outside the Bureau that individual should be interviewed to determine where the film was [BUREAU DELETION] and whether this film was loaned by that individual to another, or otherwise out of his possession. In tracing this film back to an individual or individuals
beyond the one to whom the film was charged out or loaned, same should be interviewed unless the files of your office contain information which would make such an interview inadvisable. If such is the case, notify the Bureau, setting forth the facts why you deem the interview inadvisable and submit your recommendations whether the Bureau should or should not grant authority for such an interview. You should also advise the Bureau the steps taken by your office to develop complete identification of this film [BUREAU DELETION]. In the event you took no action and it is now determined the film is identical with the Bureau's film, explanation of all personnel involved should be obtained and submitted to the Bureau, together with your recommendation for administrative action.


Federal Bureau of Investigation

Report of: [BUREAU DELETION] b7C


Date: 11/17/60

Office: New York, New York

File Number: New York 105-8999

Bureau File No: 100-399321






Subject resides 23-11 97th St., East Elmhurst, Queens, NY, is the Minister of NOI Temple No. 7, NYC, and is considered one of the national leaders of the NOI. He travels extensively throughout the U.S. on NOI business and information regarding his attendance and participation in NOI affairs is set out, along with portions of his speeches and speeches by another in his presence, that indicates the teachings and directions of the NOI. One source believes subject desires to take over the NOI on death of ELIJAH MUHAMMAD and that he also is considering running for public office, possibly U.S. Congress. Subject contacted Cuban
Premier FIDEL CASTRO while latter in NYC, during September, 1960, to attend the UN General Assembly.

At New York, New York

[BUREAU DELETION] advised that at the NOI meeting held on May 15, 1960, subject was the speaker and he stated that the future of the black man in North America is to become the leader of the world, and this is nothing new since the black man is the true leader. According to the informant, subject further stated that “the whole earth belongs to the black man. The white man on the earth is only a passing fancy. . . . The black man can live without the white man but the white man cannot live without the black man. . . . We, the black men of the world, created the white man and we will also kill him. . . . We must destroy him for only in this way can there be peace on earth.”

According to [BUREAU DELETION] subject further stated that there are no good white people on the face of the earth and that when the time comes to kill all of the white devils, all of our black brothers and sisters who think that there are some good ones will die right along with them.

[BUREAU DELETION] advised that at the NOI meeting held on June 5, 1960, the subject was the speaker and he stated that we must have some land of our own so that we can deal with other nations around the world, since Mr. MUHAMMAD has an agreement with every black nation all over the world. Subject also stated that if you have something that is not doing you any good then get rid of it and with this, according to source, subject threw the Holy Bible on the floor and said “that's where it belongs.”

NOI and Political Aspirations

[BUREAU DELETION] advised in August, and again in October, 1960, that from personal contact and conversation with subject it is his impression that subject is attempting to form a nucleus of followers within the NOI in order to take over the
NOI on the death of ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, although subject continues to openly refer to MUHAMMAD's son, WALLACE, as the logical successor.

During the same period, [BUREAU DELETION] also stated that in his opinion, subject is considering running for public office in Harlem, possibly for the United States Congress, in order to obtain power for himself.

Subject's Contact with Cuban Premier
FIDEL CASTRO, at New York, New York,
September, 1960


[BUREAU DELETION] advised on September 21, 1960, that in conversation with subject on that date, subject stated that he had visited with CASTRO for approximately thirty minutes in his Hotel Theresa room. The source advised that LITTLE stated that during his visit he told CASTRO, in reference to CASTRO himself, that usually when one sees a man whom the United States is against, there is something good in that man. To this CASTRO replied that only the people in power in the United States are against him, not the masses. LITTLE further expressed the opinion that any man who represented such a small country that would stand up and challenge a country as large as the United States must be sincere.

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