Making Them Happy [The Men of Space Station One #9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (8 page)

BOOK: Making Them Happy [The Men of Space Station One #9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I didn’t open the door. I opened the window and called you for lunch.” She felt her anger begin to build.

“If we didn’t want you opening the door, why would we be okay with you opening the damn window?” Caleb demanded.

“The window has a screen on it. The door doesn’t.” She jerked her hands on her hips and glared at him.

Before Caleb could answer her, Jeff spoke up. “Baby, you scared the hell out of us. We thought something was wrong.”

“I’m sorry. I just called your names and said lunch was ready. Why would that scare you?”

“We couldn’t understand you really. We heard our names, and that was it.”

She frowned and shook her head before relaxing her arms and dropping her hands from her hips.

“I guess calling through the window isn’t going to work then. How about if I ring a bell for lunch and you’ll know what that means? If I call out, something is wrong and I need you.”

Caleb sighed and nodded. “That sounds like a good idea. Do you have a bell?”

“I’ll look for one. If we don’t have one around here, we can get one the next time one of us is in town.” She turned and walked over to the table to sit down. “Might as well eat. I know you’re busy out there.”

Once they had finished eating, the two men carried their plates to the sink before turning to head back outside. Not much had been said during the meal, but she knew they were close to being finished with setting the posts.

“Did you still want the plans I had made for the garden?” She picked them up off the counter where she’d set them before lunch.

Caleb turned back around and nodded. “Yeah. Let’s see what you have.”

She handed them to him and stuck her hands in her pockets to see what he would say. She’d worked hard on those while on the shuttle, wanting to make sure she had everything in the best possible location so that the different plants would complement each other and produce well. Caleb and Jeff looked over her plans and nodded.

“These look good. I think the second one will be the best fit for what we have here.” Caleb handed her the other pages and folded that one before sticking it in his back pocket. “We should be able to at least break ground later this afternoon.”

“Let me know if you need anything. If you’ll come in after you finish the posts, I’ll have something for you to snack on and a drink.” She didn’t want to sound needy, but Beverly wanted to know what was going on. She wanted to be a part of setting it up.

“We’ll see how things go,” Caleb said.

Jeff dropped a quick kiss on her head before they left her alone in the kitchen once more. She hated that she’d scared them earlier. She hadn’t meant to. Now they were on edge, or at least Caleb was. Jeff seemed to have gotten past it.

She sighed and quickly cleaned up the dishes and the kitchen before putting together the snack for later. Then she gathered what she needed for meatloaf and potatoes for dinner. Several times she stopped and looked out the window to see what they were doing. They had made it around the house now and were out of sight. She didn’t like not being able to see them and wondered again how she was going to handle them being off dealing with the cattle every day.

“I’ll be too busy to worry about them. Between the garden and keeping house, I’ll have my hands full.”

At least she hoped that would be the case. Plus, she could always talk to the other women with the radio. They had shown her how to use it, but she didn’t know anyone yet to talk to. Once they met the others, maybe she would feel comfortable talking with them some.

The afternoon passed quickly as she explored the house in detail, putting things away as she went. Finally, the men walked in around four in the afternoon for a quick break. She poured tea for them and set a plate of jam-filled cookies on the table.

“Did you finish the poles?” she asked.

“Yep. Got them all in the ground. Once they set overnight, we can start running the fence.” Jeff held up a half-eaten cookie. “These are delicious.”

“Thanks. The berries are stone berries that grow wild here. I hope we can find some bushes close by. I want to be able to make our own jelly and preserves.”

“We’ll look for some once we have things set up around here. You’re not going off on your own though to pick them.” Caleb’s gruff voice brooked no argument.

Beverly just shook her head. She wasn’t stupid. Why did he make her feel that way, like she lacked common sense? She changed the subject so he wouldn’t know that he’d hurt her feelings.

“Are you going to break the garden up this afternoon or wait until tomorrow?”

“We can’t afford to waste daylight and with having an extra hour in the day, we should have time to get it started anyway.” Caleb nodded over at Jeff. “He’s going to start with the tractor while I measure off the area.”

She smiled up at Jeff. “I can’t wait to start planting.”

“Let’s hope we can get it plowed and rowed up soon so we can help you get started.”

“Oh, don’t worry about getting it in the ground. Once you have it rowed up, I can handle planting. I’m used to doing it alone.” She cleared away the dishes as they stood up to go back outside.

Caleb seemed to want to say something by the way he kept opening his mouth and closing it, but he finally just shook his head and walked toward the door. She touched his arm with her hand. When he turned around, there was a deep furrow between his brows that gave her the impression he was unhappy about something.

“Be careful out there. Don’t stay out once it begins to get dark. Those things seem to come up about that time of day.”

“We’ll be up as soon as we get to a stopping place.” His gruff voice sounded a little stiff to her. Was he angry with her about something?

Beverly watched through the window as they stepped off the porch heading for the supply shed for the tractor and whatever other tools they needed. Somehow she’d upset Caleb again. How would she ever be able to become what he wanted if she continued to disappoint him in some way?

Fighting tears, Beverly concentrated on cooking dinner. At least in this she knew she could please him. He seemed to like her culinary skills if nothing else. If only she could please him in other ways.


* * * *


After dinner, Beverly finished cleaning the kitchen and joined the men in the living room area. They were once again relaxed in their lounge chairs talking about putting the fencing up the next day. When she walked in, they quieted and watched her much like a cat would stare at a bird through a window. She felt almost stalked when their eyes followed her to where she sat on the couch. Once she had settled with a book, they started talking once again.

She struggled to concentrate on the suspense she was trying to read, but her mind kept straying to the night before and how they’d taken her. She hesitated to say made love to, because they didn’t know each other well enough for that. And she didn’t want to relegate it to just fucking because they had been too careful and tender for that.

Nearly two hours passed with her having to reread several pages in order to know what was going on in the book. She gave up and decided to shower and head to bed. She knew the guys would be up shortly. They were winding down the conversation it sounded like. She put aside the book and stood up. Both sets of eyes zeroed in on her almost immediately.

“I’m going to shower and go on to bed. It’s been a long day.”

“We’ll be up in a few minutes,” Caleb said.

Beverly nodded and smiled as she walked to the stairs and climbed them without looking back. The silence behind her seemed heavy for some reason. As if they were watching her and couldn’t turn away. Maybe that was wishful thinking on her part though.

The shower proved to work magic as the warm water soothed away the tightness in her muscles left over from the nerves that plagued her. All she wanted was to make the men happy and be what they needed. She held no illusions that she would have been their choice of wife, but they were together and needed to make the best of it. She’d do her part. The question was, would they be able to accept her?

By the time she made it out of the shower, the men had come upstairs. She had pulled on a short, lacy nightgown with matching panties and could feel their eyes on her as she crossed the room to climb into bed. They had already showered before dinner and were just waiting on her to climb in as well.

“God, you look good, baby.” Jeff stopped her before she could crawl to the middle.

His eyes darkened as he traced the lace along her neck. She couldn’t stop the smile that crept across her lips at his attention. She looked over to where Caleb stood on the other side of the bed. His face betrayed nothing of what he was feeling. He always seemed to be in control. She wanted to shake some of that control, wanted to see him lose some of the discipline that seemed to rule his actions.

Jeff kissed her, and her thoughts evaporated as his mouth coaxed hers to play. His tongue teased and tangled with hers as he took away all of her worries and doubts with just one kiss. When he finally pulled back to stare into her eyes, raw emotion peered down at her. What did it mean? She wanted to ask him what he was thinking, but Caleb had climbed onto the bed and was pulling her out of Jeff’s arms.

“I want a taste of you, honey.” Caleb nipped her lower lip before slanting his mouth over hers and slipping his tongue along hers.

Beverly marveled at the differences in their taste, in the way they kissed. Jeff sipped at her and enticed her to play along. Caleb, on the other hand, demanded she give him what he wanted and expected nothing less than everything. While Jeff left her aching and needy, Caleb left her breathless and spent. Between the two of them, she knew she had no hope of escaping with her heart intact. They would own her body and soul. That wouldn’t be a bad thing except that instead of receiving their hearts and souls she would be left with nothing to fill her once again. She harbored no dreams of ever owning a piece of them.

Even as Caleb claimed every crevice of her mouth with his tongue, she felt her fears slip away in the heat that threatened to consume her. His hands molded her breasts as he covered her with his body. Pulling away from the kiss, he lifted her nightgown over her head and tossed it off the edge of the bed.

“You don’t need to ever wear anything to bed with us, Bev. We like you naked and open to our touch. We’ll keep you warm at night.” He lowered his head and drew in one nipple that he teased with his tongue before lightly biting it.

She moaned and thrust her breasts up for more. Then Jeff took the other nipple into his mouth, and between the two men, she lost herself in their slow seduction. She couldn’t think when they touched her like this. Jeff had one hand in her hair while the other one mounded her breast deeper into his mouth.

“Fuck, I need more.” Caleb’s harsh voice played havoc with her heartbeat as he slowly licked and sucked his way down her body.

He stopped and paid close attention to the last rib along her ribcage, licking along the skin covering it. Then he found the ticklish spot at the juncture of her pelvis and hip. Instead of diving into her aching pussy as she had hoped he would, Caleb detoured down her inner thighs. Each stroke of his tongue or barely there touch of his fingers brought a low groan from her mouth and a shiver over her body.

“Please, Caleb. Don’t tease me.”

His soft chuckle against her thigh gave her little hope he would cut his play short and give her what she needed, craved.

“Bev, honey. I could explore your body all day long and never get enough of you.”

She wished that were true. She knew he only said those things to be kind. That fact quickly drifted away as he finally nuzzled her mound with his nose. Warm fingers separated her folds, and his first lick through her juices had her pumping her pelvis in an attempt to force more of his tongue over her sensitive flesh.

“God, your cunt is so hot and wet. You smell like the freshest of springs, and I want to drink until I’m drunk off of your sweet nectar. Give me more, Bev.” Caleb entered her pussy with his finger even as he continued to lap at her juices.

“Please!” She couldn’t say anything more because, at that moment, he added a second finger, pumping them in and out.

Her breath came in sharp pants that did nothing to spread the much needed oxygen throughout her body. Surely she would pass out soon if she didn’t manage to get a full breath.

Then he changed how he was stroking her, his fingers curling up to press against her sweet spot. Before she realized it, an orgasm rolled through her, arching her back and contracting her cunt around Caleb’s fingers.

“Aw, hell, yeah. Give me all that cream.” He sucked on her clit then licked all around her folds until he seemed satisfied that he’d gotten everything she had to give.

Beverly lay panting, her hands gripping the bottom sheet in a squeeze release pattern. He chuckled and crawled up over her body once again. This time, he didn’t kiss her. Instead, he licked along her neck before shifting his pelvis and sliding his long, hard cock deep into her wet cunt. The sudden invasion tore a gasp from her mouth. Caleb stilled.

“Are you okay?”

“Please don’t stop.” She tried to make him move with her hips.

She reached up to run her hands down his chest as he pulled back and plunged in again and again. She turned her head toward where Jeff lay next to her on the bed expecting him to want her to suck his thick cock, but he just lay there with his head propped up with his hand and watched her. When their eyes met, he smiled and leaned over to whisper in her ear.

“I love watching your face when you’re turned on. The only thing better is to see your eyes go dark and glassy when you come.”

Caleb suddenly rolled over with her, and she found herself on top with his dick deeper than before. It almost felt like he was in her throat.

“Jeff, play with her ass. We need to be getting it ready for when we take her together.”

Beverly’s eyes widened as she watched Jeff roll off the bed and pull something out of the drawer of the bedside table. She refocused on Caleb’s face. His honey-gold eyes were darker and filled with his arousal. She knew they would be having anal sex but had hoped they would give her some time.

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