Making the Cut (18 page)

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Authors: Anne Malcom

Tags: #Adult, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Mystery, #Romance, #Romantic, #Suspense

BOOK: Making the Cut
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“Lily honey, why don’t you go home? We are almost done for the day.” I suggested gently.

She looked relieved to be let out of the confrontation, but snuck a glance at Ginger.

“Um, are you sure you going to be okay on your own?” She asked hesitantly.

“I’ll be fine girl, see you tomorrow!” I tried to sound bright, but I was really pissed. The only reason this bee-atch should be in my store is for the makeover she surely needed.

Lily gave me a worried glance and directed a scowl in Gingers direction before she hurried to the back.

I turned back to Ginger, who was currently tapping her tacky heel at me.

“You need to leave.” I ordered firmly, crossing my arms.

“Fuck that bitch, I come to tell you to stay away from my man, and stay the fuck away from the club.” She snarled, leaning forward.

I couldn’t help it, I let out a little laugh. This did not help Ginger’s temper.

“Are you serious?” I wheezed, “You are actually coming into my place of business, swearing at me, insulting me, when you haven’t even actually met me, to tell you to stay away from your man? Like we are in some bad romance movie?” I rolled my eyes, taking a step towards her. She stood strong, looking like she’s actually wanting a bitch fight. Who am I kidding? They were probably her cardio, the reason she stayed so skinny was thanks to slut showdowns.

“Unless I was mistaken, it was Cade in my bed last night, and not in yours. And I have never, not once heard him mention your name. So if you’d excuse me, I have a business to run.” I looked her up and down, “Unless you need help with something?” My tone and my gaze implied she definitely needed help, in more ways than one.

She went a little pale during my speech, but now was sporting a smug grin.

“He might want a little taste of some high class pussy, but he’ll come back to me. He always does, and if I’m not mistaken, he was in my bed last Saturday night and it me who sucked his cock so good he swore he never had better.”

She scowled as my stomach dropped, but I didn’t let the look on my face falter.

“I see you were not taught basic manners, nor were you taught that that kind of crude language is tacky on a woman. Now I will repeat my earlier statement, please get the heck out of my store.” I narrowed my eyes at her, daring her to challenge me.

Queen Bitch Slut gave me one last scowl before she turned on her tacky heel. Once she was out of sight, I supported myself on the counter and took a deep breath. Cade had said he was on a ride last weekend, and I didn’t think he’d lie. I trusted Ginger as far as I could throw her. She was lying to get at me. All I needed to do was ask Cade, which I would do. I took one more breath, used my yoga breathing, calmed down a bit and started tidying the shop. I got busy with odd jobs until closing time came around and I heard the bell announce Cade’s arrival. I was bent down at the sweater table, refolding some stuff.

“Hi honey, won’t be a sec.” I called over my shoulder.

I felt two hands at my hips, Cade’s hard length pressed into my behind.

“Fuck babe, should be illegal for you to wear this kind of shit, I don’t like what the boys will be thinking about when they see this.” His hand travelled down the bare skin of my back.

“Cade, someone could walk in.” I protested weakly, already turned on.

He pulled me closer and his lips circled my neck, soon I wouldn’t care if the whole town came in and watched.

“Doors locked Gwen, need to fuck you before we leave.” His voice was hoarse with desire.

I felt a delicious dip in my stomach and got instantly wet.

“Here?” I whispered, looking over my shoulder. We were hidden from the window, only just. My eyes locked on Cade’s, which were molten.

“Here.” He declared gruffly.

He roughly kissed me before reaching his arms around my body, and cupping my breasts, tugging on my nipples so I felt a mixture of pleasure and pain. I moaned.

“No bra baby? Not sure I like the fact your nipples could poke through this top for everyone to see.” He growled.

I couldn’t reply, I just reached for my jeans and unbuttoned them.

One of Cade’s hands left my breast, slipping into my underwear.

“Fuckin sopping. My baby’s always ready for me.”

He rubbed me, knowing how close I was already.

“Cade.” I pleaded.

“What Gwen?” He asked as he continued rubbing, my breath hitching.

“Need you inside me.” I managed to grind out.

“No, you’re going to come on my hand, then I’m going to fuck you, then you gonna come on my dick.” His hand worked faster, I all but collapsed on the table, his callused hands bringing my to orgasm. Cade’s arm pushed me down, keeping my ass in the air while he rolled my jeans to my ankles.

I heard his belt buckle undo, then he was inside me, hard, rough, exquisite.

I screamed, sensitive from my orgasm, relishing the feeling of him filling me in this intense position. He pounded me hard, his mouth at my neck. I felt the pressure building again.

  “Honey” I moaned.

He didn’t reply just plunged deeper, took me harder. I gripped the table as he slammed into me, biting at my neck. I lost control yet again, my muscles clenched around him. I felt an amazing mixture of pleasure and pain as he bit harder into my neck as he climaxed. We stayed like that for a couple of seconds, both recovering. Cade gave me light kiss on my shoulder then pulled out, I straightened and tugged up my jeans.

“I’m just going to go and clean up.” I told him quietly, my voice weak from the sex, and maybe Ginger’s words lingering in my brain.

Cade must have sensed something because he clutched my chin.

“Everything okay Gwen?” His eyes searched mine.

I looked back at him and forced a smile. “Yeah fine.” I said brightly, turning towards the bathroom.

“No bitch is okay when she says ‘fine’.” I heard him mutter.

After cleaning up and fixing my hair and makeup, I came out to see Cade leaning against the door, a paper bag in his hands.

“Ready to go?” I asked, shutting off the computer.

“Got something for you today.” Cade handed me the paper bag.

I stared at his outstretched hand, taken back. We had only just got together and he was giving me presents? I was liking this man more and more. I quickly took the bag out of his hands. I reached in to reveal the most awesome leather jacket, I have ever seen. It was black and the softest leather you’ve ever felt, being a buyer I knew it was good quality. It was light but had a thick lining. It was cropped, biker style, with awesome gold zips.

I beamed at Cade. “This is kick ass!” I near yelled, and he smirked. I slid it on. Perfect fit.

“Thanks honey, I love it.” I told him, reaching up to kiss him.

He really smiled this time, and I savored it, smiles from Cade were rare.

“Glad to hear that, you need something to keep you warm on the bike, and you look fuckin hot in it.” He replied. “Now lets go, I’m gonna show you how we party.”

My smile faltered a bit, I tried to hide it. I was a little nervous about going to the clubhouse with all the big biker men there. I had encountered the guys a couple of times, they were always polite, albeit a bit gruff. I knew they wouldn’t hurt me, they were Cade’s brothers, and from what I could tell, decent men. Cade, like always, noticed. He pulled me to him, touching our foreheads.

“I’ll be with you the whole time babe, you won’t leave my side.”


We arrived at the clubhouse; it was out of town, in the industrial area. It was fully fenced, with some big gates, had a sign outside with ‘Lucas Lincoln Mechanics’, and had a flag with the patch on it. The gates opened as we rolled up, revealing the party to be in full swing, and it was only about 530pm.

There was a mechanic area and office up the front, but towards the back there was a big house with a huge deck opening onto a grassed barbeque area to the left. There were people, and bikes everywhere. People on the deck were sitting down sipping beers, more people were scattered around the lawn, on chairs and standing. Most of them were gruff looking bikers, some with arms around a woman, or multiple women. The women ranged from young to old, some dressed similar to me, others wearing outfits similar to Ginger.

I spotted Amy, in the parking lot having a very intense looking conversation with Brock. Amy’s head turning in our direction, she said something to Brock, then attempted to walk back to the party. He grabbed her arm and she sent him a death glare jerking her hand away and storming off.

“What was that?” I wondered aloud as Cade parked the bike. Cade and I had slept together every night, we had done this at his house. He also popped into the store with the boys, and there was definitely some weird looks passing between Brock and Amy, even though she swore they were nothing.

“None of our business babe.” He replied to my thought.

“Of course its my business she’s my best friend. There is something going on there no matter what she says.” I spoke more to myself than him.

I hopped off the bike and scowled at him for his reluctance to help me figure out the mystery, turning on my heel to walk towards the party. I felt his hands circle my body.

“Not so fast baby, can’t have my Old Lady walking in on her own looking like that.” He whispered in my ear.

I rolled my eyes and didn’t say a word as he slung his arm around my shoulder and walked us towards the party. There was a lot more bikers here than were at Rosie’s, some a bit older as well, probably early forties and fifties, they still looked pretty good, some pretty scary. I spotted Steg, sitting at the head of one of the tables with an attractive older lady in his lap. He was glaring at us, or more precisely me. I tried to ignore it, leaning into Cade.

“All these guys in your club?” I asked, nervous. He drew me closer to his body as if sensing I needed it.

“Nar a lot of them are from some other charters, here to do some business.” I watched as he gave some guys chin lifts. I looked around interested, I had seen little of his life with the club. Cade would either come and get me from home late, or a couple of times he had picked me up from work and we would have dinner together. We hadn’t been able to spend a day together yet, I was busy working non stop and he also had been working. I found out he was a mechanic, but I knew he had some other businesses on the side or something to do with the club.

“Want a drink babe?” He asked as we made our way through the throng of people.

“Yeah I’ll have a beer.” I replied, not paying attention, too busy checking out the people we passed, some of the women giving me curious looks, others flat out glaring. I noticed Cade has stopped walking and was gaping at me.

“Beer?” He questioned unbelievably.

“Well yeah.” I replied, in mock shock. “I have been drinking beer long before I discovered cosmos.” I winked.

He shook his head, grinning. I would have to show him later on, just how well I could drink beer. Better than some of the men here I reckon. I was a Southern girl after all. I spotted Amy and Rosie at the table up ahead and waved at them once they saw me.

“I’ll just go see the girls, you go do whatever, say hello to your boys and bring me back a beer.” I went onto my toes, intending on giving him a quick kiss. He gripped onto me tight and thrust his tongue into my mouth, full on making out with me. I heard cat calls and shouts and felt a blush on my cheeks.

“Did we really need the PDA?” I murmured, feeling multiple pairs of eyes on us.

“Just reminding the boys of what’s mine.” He replied with a grin.

“Whatever.” I walked off towards the girls without another word. I know he assured me he wouldn’t leave my side, I knew he’d stick to his word but I didn’t want his brothers first impressions of me to be that I already had him whipped. As if you could have a man like Cade whipped anyway. I wouldn’t mind him whipping me though, we could totally make one of the rooms in his house into a red room of pain. What was I thinking about again?

I approached the girls and was delighted to see Lucy and Ashley at the table as well, sipping beers. I had also been spending a lot of time with Rosie’s friends since we had met them, they were always hanging out at the store when we weren’t working. We had everyone around for dinner last night. It was funny, these well groomed and stylish women were the last people I would have expected to be at a biker party, but these were their childhood friends I guessed.

“Girlllll!” Lucy shouted as I got to the table. “You are looking fine! Red is for sure your colour!” I was guessing they were going well on the beers.

“Thanks.” I replied sitting beside Amy, who gave me a smile, but it looked forced. I frowned at her in a ‘what’s wrong’ look but she just shook her head. Weird. I turned my attention to the girls.

“You ladies look smoking if I don’t say so myself.”

And they did. Lucy’s midnight hair was curled, loose around her face. Her lips were painted blood red and she was wearing faded jeans that fit her like a glove, and a black halter which neckline plunged to almost her bellybutton. Somehow she made it look sexy but not slutty.

Ashley was wearing a white sundress, skimming just down to her knees. It was clinched in at the waist, had a wide band before it spread out into a full skirt. A jaunty pink printed scarf was tied around her neck. She looked like she had walked right off the set of Mad Men.

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