Read Making New Memories Online

Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #helicopter, #rescue, #marine, #wyoming

Making New Memories (17 page)

BOOK: Making New Memories
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Nodding I say, "I'm sure."

He pulls the shirt over his head and turns so
I can see his back. My stomach rolls at my first glimpse. Gently I
reach my hand and trace the jagged lines, tears streaming down my
face. "Oh Dylan, I'm so sorry."

Turning back toward me he says, "Skye,
there's more. I have the beard because they laid open my face with
a filet knife. One of the other prisoners put it back together and
fastened it with a vine. It's ugly."

Lifting his face so I can see the scar, I
slowly trace it with my fingers. Then I lean in and trace the scar
with my lips then move to his lips where I kiss him deeply. "Dylan,
you could never be ugly to me. I love you, the man, the one that
lives in here," and I place my hand over his heart. "Make love to
me Dylan."

He places his hand on my cheek and kisses me
deeply. Plunging his tongue into my mouth he tastes my tears,
absorbing my warmth. He reaches for the hem of my shirt and pulls
it over my head then quickly unhooks the front closure of my bra
letting both of them fall to the blanket. Gently laying me back he
lets his eyes devour my luscious breasts and watches as the nipples
pucker in anticipation.

He says, "Your beauty takes my breath away."
His heart is pounding in anticipation and his mouth is watering. He
kisses my lips tenderly as he carefully rolls my nipple between his
thumb and finger. He moves his lips down my neck and hungrily
suckles first one breast and then the other.

I am in heaven. Dylan's beard tickles as he
moves his head down my neck to my breast. It's a very erotic
sensation. Anxiously waiting for his mouth to capture my nipple I
restlessly move urging him down. I carefully caress his shoulders
making sure to stay away from his injuries.

Dylan's heart is pounding furiously. He has
dreamed daily of having Skye in his arms again and he doesn't want
to miss one single thing. Taking his time he pays equal attention
to each breast. As he suckles first one, then the other he quickly
unfastens my jeans and begins to slide them down past my hips to my

"Oh Skye, you are so sweet! I have missed you
so much. I have dreamed daily of holding you just like this."

Rising to his knees he removes my boots and
then skims the jeans and panties off my long legs. Gazing at me he
drinks in my beauty as he removes his own boots and jeans.

I am breathless as I drink in my first
glimpse of a naked Dylan. He is a gorgeous man. The well developed
muscles of his chest, a light sprinkling of dark brown hair across
his male nipples, his washboard abs, and his engorged male shaft
are a magnificent combination.

Finally naked he joins me on the blanket
covering my nakedness with his and whispers,

"You are so beautiful. I'm in awe of

He starts again with my lips and worships
every inch of my body, kissing, licking, and tasting. Moving down
to my breasts, then my midriff to my stomach where he dips his
tongue into my navel and swirls it round and round. Then moving
lower he inhales my essence and tastes the sweetness of the skin on
my upper thighs.

I am in heaven. Holding Dylan, kissing him,
tasting him, is the fulfillment of my most cherished dream. I am
drunk with feeling.

When he reaches the curls at the center of my
sex, he lovingly runs his hands down through the curls parting my
folds. Blowing softly he warms me and then tastes my very essence.
Inserting two fingers in my warmth he gently stretches me and
suckles my most sensitive spot. Moving his fingers in and out he
suckles in time to his movement. I begin moving with his rhythm. As
my movements begin to get more desperate he applies more pressure
to my sensitive nub, first sucking, then swirling his tongue around
and around and holding me close with his other arm. When I crash
through into the exquisite oblivion of ecstasy he is with me,
holding me steady as I soar through the world only lovers know. As
I float back to reality, he smiles down at me loving me more than
he ever dreamed possible.

When I open my eyes, I pull him close and
kiss him deeply. "Love me Dylan. Love me all the way. Give me
another new memory."

He says, "Oh Skye, I don't have ..."

"I don't care! Please, Dylan, love me all the
way. I want to feel you inside of me. I want to watch your face as
you love me. Nothing would make me happier than to have your

Lowering his head he kisses me tenderly, his
heart nearly bursting with love at my words. Pushing his tongue
deep into my mouth he tastes every corner of my sweetness while
rolling my nipples between his thumb and finger. Moving down my
neck to my breasts he suckles each one as he probes my sex,
inserting his fingers into my warmth and moving them in and out in
the rhythm of lovers.

"Now Dylan, love me now."

"Be patient my love, I want to make sure you
are ready," answers Dylan.

He moves back to my lips tenderly caressing
me while he kisses me deeply bringing me back to a frenzy of
wanting. He moves between my legs, gazes lovingly into my eyes and
slowly pushes into my warmth, stretching me. Dylan is in heaven.
She is so tight and she fits him like a glove.

When I first feel Dylan at the entrance to my
femininity, I have a minute of doubt. Is it going to hurt? Then I
see the love emanating from his eyes and know this time will be
different. When he enters me, I feel a stretching sensation, but no

He pauses to give me time to adjust then
slowly withdraws as he stares deeply into my eyes. Then he plunges
back inside, filling me. Making a slight adjustment in the angle of
his entry he says, "Wrap your legs around me Skye."

When he withdrew from me I was amazed at the
delicious friction the movement created. I felt empty, bereft and
longed to pull him back in.

I wrap my legs around his waist and watch the
expressions as they cross his face. I see the love glowing in the
depths of his eyes and it warms me deep in my soul. As he begins to
move inside me I move with him setting a comfortable rhythm.
Feeling the delectable tension building in my core I pull his face
down to mine and say, "I love you Dylan Drake."

He makes another slight adjustment to apply
more pressure to my most sensitive spot and picks up the pace, "You
are my life Skye. Come fly with me." He plunges into my warmth and
grinds his hips against my core sending me over the edge and with
one more plunge he joins me in the world that only lovers share.
Slowly floating back to earth he moves to my side and pulls me
close. Tenderly kissing me, he pulls the blanket across our naked
bodies and we drift into a light sleep.

A little while later I wake to find Dylan
looking tenderly down at me and my heart expands with love for him.
Smiling up at him and snuggling closer in his arms I say, "Mmmmm, I
could get use to this."

Smiling and pulling me closer Dylan says,
"Skye, I want to hold you like this every night. I want to make
love to you and laugh with you and grow old with you. Will you
marry me and be a mother to Damian?"

Tears in my eyes, "Yes, I will marry you." He
kisses me tenderly sealing the vow.

Hesitating he says, "I need to tell you one
more thing."

Apprehensively I ask, "What's that?"

He pulls me close, "I'm going to have to go
away for a little while."

I try to pull away and say disappointed,
"What? Why? You just got back here."

He holds me snugly against him, "I'm having a
little problem getting past my ordeal. I need to go to Phoenix for
a few weeks to get some help dealing with it. The doctors say I
have a mild case of PTSD."

Relieved, I say, "Oh, I understand. Of
course, you need to go. When are you leaving?"

Hesitating again he says, "Tomorrow? I know I
promised I would go with you to LA but I really need to get going
on this. Please try to understand."

"Dylan, it's all right. I know how much
counseling can help dealing with trauma. I wish I had sought help
long before I did. Barry, Goose, and Bear are going with me to LA.
I'll be all right. Will you be able to have visitors while you are
in the hospital? I'll try to come to visit."

"I don't know. I'll find out and let you
know. I love you Skye, more than life."

And he proceeds to show me how much several
more times.


Reginald "Goose" Willingham and Evelyn Drake
Smith are married that evening in a simple ceremony in the great
room of Barry's home. Dylan gives his sister in marriage and Stump
and I are witnesses. Evelyn wears a simple pink dress and Goose
looks very handsome in his suit. Janie, Jeff, Damian, and Eric pass
out refreshments and help by picking up empty plates. All of the
residents of the ranch are in attendance.

For a wedding present, Goose surprises
everyone when he presents Evelyn with a ten million dollar
unbreakable trust fund to secure her and the children's future.
When he is questioned about it he says, "My family has lots of
money, I want to make sure she is taken care of forever. I don't
want her to ever have to worry again."

Barry says, "You're one of those
Willingham's, the ones that own half of New Hampshire?"

Blushing Goose says, "Yeah. Now you know my
biggest secret."

Stump says, "I smell a story here. Come on
spill it."

Blushing Goose says, "All right, I grew up a
pampered jerk. When I was seventeen I got in trouble with the law,
something my parents couldn't buy my way out of, and the judge gave
me a choice. I could join a branch of the service, or I could go to
prison. I chose the Marines.

It was the best thing that ever happened to
me. It was the very first time in my life I was ever treated like a
normal person and I grew up a lot that first year. Then I met you
guys and learned what being a friend is really all about. I never
wanted to lose that so I never told you. I was afraid you would
treat me differently."

Dylan asks, "How did you ever get Evelyn to
agree to this? I had the impression she wasn't going to accept
favors from anybody."

He pulls her close to his side and smiling
warmly says, "Believe me, it took a lot of convincing. It wasn't
until I promised she wouldn't ever have to touch the money unless
something happened to me that she agreed to accept it. Of course,
if something happens to me she'll inherit ten times that much."

Laughing they all celebrate with the happy


Early on Sunday morning, Dylan and I decide
to walk down to the river for a few minutes alone before he leaves.
We are holding hands as we walk and he says, "Sweetheart, thank you
for being so understanding about my having to go to Phoenix."

Smiling I reply, "Of course I understand. I
want you to be healthy and whole and if we have to be apart for a
little while longer, then I understand. I love you Dylan. We will
have the rest of our lives to be together."

He stops pulling me into his arms and says,
"How did I ever get so lucky as to meet you? I love you more than
life Skye," and he lowers his head and tenderly takes my lips with
his. Delving deeply into the sweetness of my mouth he tries to show
me the depth of his love.

When he finally raises his head he says,
breathing raggedly, "Oh Skye, I wish we had more time. I would love
to lay you down in the sweet grass beside this river and love you

Blushing I say, "Hold that thought. I will
hold you to it when you return from Phoenix." I raise my lips to
him for one last kiss molding myself to him and drinking hungrily
of his warmth. Then we walk back to the house where Pinky is
waiting to fly Dylan to Phoenix.

I wave as Dylan and Pinky lift off for their
trip to Phoenix so Dylan can get the help he needs for PTSD.


The next evening Dylan is relaxing in his
hospital room scanning through the channels on the television when
he catches a glimpse of a picture of Barry. Barry, Skye, Bear and
Goose all traveled to LA today for the beginning of the rape trial.
He stops on the channel and listens as the announcer is

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is so exciting!
This is only the second time in three years Barry Farrady has
surfaced since moving to his ranch in Wyoming. He is in Los Angeles
to testify in the rape trial of five men accused of raping Skye
Reynolds, daughter of Academy Award winning director, the late
Benjamin Reynolds. The alleged rape took place ten years ago when
Skye was only eighteen years old. It is rumored that Farrady found
Skye behind a dumpster near the concert venue where she had been
drugged and raped."

He continues giving more information, "It is
also rumored that Farrady has married and now has a son but this
reporter hasn't been able to confirm that information. Oh, folks,
here they come!"

Eyes glued to the set, Dylan watches as the
limousine carrying Barry, Skye, and his friends, Goose and Bear,
pulls up in front of a famous restaurant on Rodeo Drive. He sees
Goose and Bear exit the car first pushing the horde of reporters
back so Barry and Skye have a clear path to the door. When Barry
steps out of the limousine he smiles and waves to the cameras then
helps Skye to stand. She looks so beautiful. She takes Barry's arm
and they proceed to the door of the restaurant and then disappear

The camera shot swings back to the reporter
who is rambling on about other rumors concerning Barry and Skye
when all of a sudden the screen erupts in flames and a huge
explosion is heard coming through the speakers.

Dylan, shocked, screams, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
Please God, NOOOOOOOOO!!"

The camera swings back to the building and he
sees nothing but flames and a pile of rubble that was once the
famous restaurant. Tears streaming down his face, he feels the
orderlies grab him by the arms, then he feels a prick, and he sinks
into darkness.

BOOK: Making New Memories
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