Making Hope Happen: Create the Future You Want for Yourself and Others (37 page)

BOOK: Making Hope Happen: Create the Future You Want for Yourself and Others
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Psychology professor Robert Cialdini
: For a broad discussion of his work, see R. Cialdini,
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion,
rev. ed. (New York: HarperBusiness, 2006).

The two-thousand-plus employees

One crisp winter afternoon I met Stanley Lombardo
: Stan and I met at the Community Mercantile in Lawrence, Kansas. This is the grocery store that Chuck started with his friends years before he opened the Free State Brewery.

As a translator of Homer
: Homer,
trans. Stanley Lombardo (Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 2000).

In particular, I wanted to talk to Stan about “Odysseus contracts”
: These contracts also are referred to “Ulysses Contracts” and “Ulysses Pacts.” See the following for a brief description:

Here, in Stan’s translation
: This scene appears in Book 12 of Homer’s

Go online to contract for change
: is a free website that allows people to design a “Commitment Contract” that supports their life goals, including appropriate cues and motivating incentives. Lose those last ten pounds or start saving more for your future today!

Psychology professor Peter Gollwitzer
: When/where plans are built off what Peter Gollwitzer calls if-then plans. In some places in the text I use the term
when/where plans
as a direct substitute for
if-then plans,
as I believe the term is more straightforward. While I think that people need to understand the role of contingencies and intentions in their planning, it is most important that they understand that they need to set a time and place for action. For more explanation of those plans, see P. M. Gollwitzer, “Implementation Intention: Strong effects of simple plans,”
American Psychologist
54 (1999): 493–503.

In Christmas Study #1
: P. M. Gollwitzer and V. Brandstatter, “Implementation intentions and effective goal pursuit,”
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
73 (1997): 186–99.

In Christmas Study #2
: Ibid.

This simple tool
. A great way to automatically cue yourself to revisit goals or perhaps yank your own chain to regoal if you have gotten distracted. Or maybe it will remind you to take a moment to appreciate the results of your hard work and celebrate a success.

A recent review of ninety-four studies
: P. M. Gollwitzer and P. Sheeran, “Implementation intentions and goal achievement: A meta-analysis of effects and processes,”
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology
38 (2006): 70–119.

One of Gollwitzer’s more recent studies
: M. A. Adriaanse et al., “When planning is not enough: Fighting unhealthy snacking habits by mental contrasting with implementation intentions (MCII),”
European Journal of Social Psychology
40 (2010): 1277–93.

If you were old enough
: This is an infamous and misunderstood contract rider for Van Halen concerts in the 1980s. The rider required that promoters provide a bowl of M&M’s that contained “ABSOLUTELY NO BROWN ONES.” It gained the band a reputation as spoiled prima donnas even among rock stars, but it actually was a covert and easy safety indicator. If there were brown M&M’s in the bowl, the band knew that the local promoters hadn’t read the contract and that their extensive technical equipment had probably been set up wrong. Then the band’s crew knew to thoroughly double-check the entire production to protect the safety of both the band and the audience. David Lee Roth revealed the strategy in his biography,
Crazy from the Heat,
and the rider was also the subject of a feature on NPR’s
This American Life

Chapter 11: Planning for Ifs: Discovering New Pathways

Alisha McClung was a returning senior
: Elizabeth Redden, “One Student, and Thousands of Dollars, at a Time,”
Inside Higher Ed,
Sept. 25, 2008,
. One industrious college president took the future of her financially at-risk students in her hands by recruiting alumni to wipe out their tuition balances after the economy tanked.

Tatum’s answer was to establish
: Ibid.

Consider a group of Kansas City high school
: For more details on the Hope Camera Project, see

Psychology professor Carla Berg
: C. J. Berg, C. R. Snyder, and N. Hamilton, “The effectiveness of a hope intervention in coping with cold pressor pain,”
Journal of Health Psychology
13 (2008): 804–809.

Writer Dave Eggers
. Dave Eggers cracks up and inspires the audience with his stories about the founding of 826 Valencia, the first in a network of eight imaginative and innovative writing and mentoring centers across the country.

826 Valencia is a tutoring center
A free website that builds “caring community economies” across the United States. Individuals exchange services across their communities by trading them directly, one hour of labor at a time, without exchanging cash.
A free website that uses a whimsical approach to raising money for charity, and blends online fund-raising, crowdsourcing, social networking, contests, and other fun stuff. It also targets people with the motivation and resources to give something back with the funny and shameless tagline “If you don’t give back no one will like you,” which, when you think about it, is absolutely true. So perhaps it’s also a warning not to be a selfish jerk, because if you are, that is pretty much exactly what will happen.
A free website that individuals and organizations can use to engage the public in solving problems around the collective goals of open government and software solutions. Promotes innovative competition. The process: post, submit/compete, vote. Winners receive prizes, recognition, and a reason to swagger. And who doesn’t appreciate a nice swagger?

Chapter 12: Leading with Hope

Gallup discovered
: T. Rath and B. Conchie,
Strengths-Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow
(New York: Gallup, 2009).

Here, play along
: Ibid.

Specifically, when Gallup asked followers
: Ibid.

Shortly after an F5
: A town in the western plains of Kansas recovers from the F5 “monster tornado” that flattened it by responding with unprecedented innovation. Greensburg’s civic leaders quickly develop a vision for building a new and more sustainable kind of small-town America. In the words of then-governor Kathleen Sebelius, they are “putting the ‘green’ in Greensburg.”

Within twelve hours of the storm
: Libby Pelham, “Tornado Turns Greensburg,
Kansas Green,”,

Upon her visit to Greensburg
: Steve Hewitt, personal communication, July 20, 2012.

city administrator

Mayor Bob Dixson
: Frank Morris, “Tornado’s Gifts: Greenburg Rebuilds, Revitalizes,” NPR, May 4, 2008,

a recent communication from Steve Rasmussen

If you can’t make followers excited:

With instrumental support
: C. A. Heaney and B. A. Israel, “Social networks and social support,” in K. Glanz, B. K. Rimer, and K. Viswanath, eds.,
Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice,
4th ed. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008); J. S. House,
Work Stress and Social Support
(Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1981).

John Fetterman has a clue
. For a more critical analysis of Fetterman’s leadership results, Sue Halpern, “Mayor of Rust,”
New York Times Magazine,
Feb. 11, 2011,

He believes that a leader
: “A Day in the Life: John Fetterman,”

I learned how great leaders face

That was the case for Sandy Lewis
: Personal communication, Aug. 17, 2011; S. Lewis, “Positive psychology in the real world: Strengths, hope, and agency in a non-profit turnaround” (working paper, 2011).

Chapter 13: Teaching Hope to the Next Generation

Since 2009

No middle school student
: This sentence was inspired by Sir Ken Robinson, who said something similar and made many other poignant observations in his two TED talks:

Fantastic Future Me

Mentoring for the future

New-style career days
: S. J. Lopez, “People who love their jobs,” unpublished manuscript, Gallup, 2012; S. J. Lopez, “Kids Day ‘Love my job’ interview,” Gallup, 2010.

Project-based learning

Demystifying college costs

Bridging high school and college

According to a 2003 study

In 2009 the Gallup Student Poll
: S. J. Lopez and V. Calderon, “The Gallup Student Poll: Measuring and promoting what is right with students,” in S. I. Donaldson, M. Csikszentmihalyi, and J. Nakamura, eds.,
Applied Positive Psychology: Improving Everyday Life, Schools, Work, Health, and Society
(New York: Routledge, 2011), pp. 117–34.

School counselor Jennifer Magnuson-Stessman
: Jonathan Braden, “Students See Hope in their Lives,”
Omaha World-Herald
, April 30, 2011. This is a feature on the Hope Camera Project, a simple and easy-to-implement in-school project that engages students in understanding, documenting, and sharing the stories of what gives them hope in their lives. Educators and parents, if you want to do build a stronger hope culture in your school, this is a great place to start.

As principal of Liberty Elementary
: Leo Adam Biga’s “Fast Times at Omaha’s Liberty Elementary: The Evolution of a School” is the story of an inner-city elementary school transformed by a gutsy and innovative principal who attracted great educators to join her and create something great for kids and the surrounding community. In a culture of pundits blaming teachers without understanding their daily challenges, the Nancys of the world are too busy changing the world to stop and listen to them. It’s a screenplay waiting to be written. Now on Leo Adam Biga’s blog, a reposting from the indie publication
The Reader
in Omaha (it’s unfortunately not online there anymore).

Chapter 14: Networking Hope

Charity Escobar

Ven Conmigo:
“Lecture on Media and Fertility in Developing Countries,”
. Historical reference in Spanish:

Airing for thirty minutes a day

Sabido wove his approach together
: S. Bansal, “Soap operas with a social message,”
New York Times,
Jan. 26, 2012. One American company followed Sabido’s lead by creating soap operas with purpose to be aired on television and radio around the world. Today, the Vermont-based nonprofit Population Media Center creates hope on most continents by building on Sabido’s legacy. These serial dramas promote literacy, entrepreneurship, and reproductive health in countries from Mexico to Papua New Guinea to Ethiopia. In each of these soap operas, the heroes model growth in realistic achievable steps, showing the viewer the how of change.

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