Making Babies With Mr White (BWWM Interracial Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: Making Babies With Mr White (BWWM Interracial Romance)
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He pulled away from her and looked at her. She felt another shiver go down her spine as his stare probed through her. His gaze was fierce; his body shook with erotic frustration as he struggled to maintain his thrusts while looking at his wife. She felt herself growing breathless as she looked back at him. She had never seen him look so aggravated, so driven, so….hot. He suddenly bucked his hips into her, making her scream once again. He maintained the look as he thrust into her again, and then again, and then went into full blown piston mode. She held on to his neck as he soon became like a jackhammer, punching into her waiting pussy. She could feel his breathing, labored like an irritated bull readying itself for battle.

She squealed as she felt her body giving in to her pleasures when her orgasm tore through her. She trembled violently as he struggled to keep his rigid cock inside her viciously pulsating cunt. She screamed out as the concluding chapter of her climax finally came to pass. She felt her legs getting weak as Mitchell continued going at her even more strongly this time. She felt a tear roll down her cheek as he fucked her though her post-orgasmic sensitivity before he finally began depositing his seed inside her. He held onto her ass cheeks, squeezing them as he poured himself inside her.

God, I missed you,” he said as he felt his cock slipping out of her. “Whoa,” he said when she almost fell over. He turned the water off and took her in his arms. “We can shower later,” he said as he carried her to bed.

I’m sorry,” she said as he put an arm around her. He planted a kiss on her forehead and pulled a blanket over them.

It’s okay,” he said as the two of them snuggled under the blanket. All that mattered at this moment was that he had his wife back and even though all was not perfect, he had his wife back. “This moment right here, this is the best moment of my life,” he whispered as the two drifted off to sleep.


It had been a couple of months since the steamy bathroom sex which then preceded some sort of honeymoon. After that day, Mitchell and Natasha were going at it like sex crazed bunnies. They were literally all over each other, in the living room, on the dining table, in Rita’s gallery….everywhere. It was no shock when Natasha missed her period. But this time around, she was in no particular hurry to know whether or not she was expectant. She was not ready to be disappointed again. She was just starting to relive her life in love with Mitchell and she was not about to do anything to ruin it. But when she could not hold any food down, it was time to face the facts.

As she walked into the house after her appointment with the doctor, she was not sure what to think of the whole situation. She looked at Mitchell who was busy watching his Sports Weekly.

“Mitchell, I’m pregnant,” she said in a low voice. Mitchell looked up at her and muted the TV. “Three and a half months,” she added as a tear rolled down her cheek.

That’s good, right?” Mitchell asked looking at her. She shook her head.

I don’t know. I’m scared,” she said as he walked towards her. “I can’t lose another one,” she said. He wrapped her arms around her and kissed her neck.

We won’t lose another one, Tasha," he said in a whisper. “Not this time,” he added. She did not know what it was about his voice that told her everything would be just fine.

Chapter 5

Natasha pulled a t-shirt over her head and sighed. She was well into her second trimester and she could not conceal her baby bump anymore. She could no longer put on the beautiful pencil skirts and mini-dresses she loved so much. Strutting in heels was also a major no-no. Her wardrobe had been reduced to oversized t-shirts, slacks and sandals.

Estelle looked at her as she walked into the living room and smiled. She thought Natasha looked like a cute kid overfed on chocolate cake, especially now that she was showing. Mitchell had to run off to England on an urgent meeting and Rita had clients from Prague coming in every day that week. Getting away for even a second was close to a nightmare and Stacy…well, Natasha’s shoes, though dainty, were not easy to fit into. With all her cravings and morning sickness, Estelle had thought it best for her granddaughter to stay with her till her husband came back and it was not an easy fight either. She took the breakfast tray she had prepared earlier and walked to the dining room.

“You know I never let people eat in there,” Estelle said to Natasha who was just about to take a seat in the living room. Natasha groaned.

“Why can’t I have it in here for once? For the baby?” she asked, looking at Estelle who was now walking towards her. Estelle smiled and took her hand before slowly walking her to the dining room.

“Not even for the baby, honey. Rules are still rules,” Estelle said. “Even though I am about to get a great grandbaby!” she added excitedly. Natasha looked at the beaming smile playing across her grandmother’s face and smiled. “So, don’t you think it’s about time we got you some maternity clothes?” Estelle asked looking at the t-shirt.

“Why, Nan? Are you trying to tell me I look fat?” Natasha asked taking a large bite of her pancakes. “God this is like heaven on maple syrup,” she said closing her eyes, savoring every bite.

“Well, honey, you know I always tell you the truth, so yes. You cannot wear the clothes you are used to. They make you look….weird,” Estelle said looking into her eyes. Natasha shrugged.

“I love my clothes, Nan. I am not about to trade them in to look like a pillow case,” Natasha said as she took another bite. Estelle smiled.

“I didn’t want to say anything but, have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?” she asked. Natasha looked down at her clothes.

“What’s wrong with what I have on?” she asked. “I know it’s a bit big but, hey, it serves the purpose,” she added as she poured more maple syrup on her pancakes. Estelle sighed.

“For starters, you have on your father’s old and stretched out t-shirt and a pair of gym pants,” Estelle said. Natasha took another bite and ran her fingers through her hair.

“Ouch!” she yelled as her fingers got caught up in her tangled strands.

“Plus, you need to brush your hair when you sleep. Avoids all that mess going on right there,” Estelle said pointing at Natasha’s hair.

“The shampoo smells really gross,” Natasha said looking at her grandmother.

“Then buy another scent,” Estelle said as she made her way back to the kitchen. She came back a few minutes later carrying a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. “I can take you shopping later on this afternoon. I don’t think I have anything to do then,” she said as she handed Natasha the juice. Natasha looked at her and smiled.

“Thanks Nan,” she said before taking a sip of her orange juice.

“Any time baby,” Estelle said and kissed Natasha’s cheek. “Right now, I have to get dinner started,” she added as she walked away. Natasha frowned and looked at her wrist watch.

“Dinner? It’s only ten,” Natasha said. Estelle turned around and smiled at her.

“Well, I’m going shopping later. Didn’t you hear?” Estelle asked before walking to the kitchen. Natasha smiled as she looked at her plate. She took the last bite and pushed the plate away. She wanted to go to the kitchen for more pancakes but she was confused between the sudden urge to take a nap and the need to grab a bite. The former won. She gulped down her juice and walked back to the living room where she slouched down on the couch. She grabbed the remote and began flipping through TV channels trying to decide on what to watch. She was still flipping channels when she heard the distinct beep of her computer. She looked around frantically trying to remember where she last saw it, or placed it. 

she thought as she looked around. One of the most annoying things about being pregnant was the way her memory seemed to deteriorate. She would forget the little things like where she placed her phone or what she went into a room to do. Sometimes she would even go down to the grocery store for some bread but come out empty handed because she had no idea what she was doing at the store in the first place. “Hey, Nan! You seen my laptop?” she called out as she flipped the cushions over.

“On the shelf, under the cable decoder!” Estelle called from the kitchen.

she thought as she picked it up. “Thanks Nan!” she yelled as she walked back to the couch. She set the laptop on the coffee table in front of her and flipped the top open.
“Good news, I hope,”
she thought as she clicked on the “new mail” icon popping up at the bottom left corner. She smiled when she saw it was from Mitchell.

TO: Natasha Black

FROM: Mitchell Schmidt


Hello, my love. I am just back from a meeting with the English dude. He was a bit disappointed you couldn’t come, kind of made me a bit jealous. He sends his best though.., but that is not why I am writing. How are you? How is the baby? Are you still waking up in the middle of the day?

She smiled and clicked reply.

TO: Mitchell Schmidt

FROM: Natasha Black


I miss you too love.
I am just fine, getting bigger every day. Sometimes I think whales are smaller and the thought that I will only get bigger freaks me out, big time! And yes, I am still waking up in the middle of the day after all I am carrying your baby. Today I got up a bit early though. I went to bed at five last night, okay, last evening. Long day.  And he is not ‘that English dude,’ he has a name. It’s Luke. If you were here you would notice just how much I am rolling my eyes at you right now. Wait, technology
made that possible. Why are we e-mailing? Why can’t we Skype? By the way, I felt the baby move for the first time today. Such a great feeling. Wish you were here.

She smiled as she clicked “send” and leaned against the back rest. She looked around for the remote and then realized that she had misplaced it, yet again. She sighed as she looked around, wondering if there was a chance it could have slipped in between the cushions. She was still looking when she heard another beep.

TO: Natasha Black

FROM: Mitchell Schmidt


Okay, it’s official. I am jealous. The baby moved and I wasn’t there! Man, this is unfair. But I’ll be back in a couple of days and I will not let you go till I feel her move. Skype…hmmm, can’t work. Something about the hotel’s servers. And Luke will always be ‘that English dude.’ I don’t get how women just fall all over themselves just because a man has an English accent. So, ‘that English dude,’ Red Alert!

Natasha found herself laughing when she read the last sentence.

TO: Mitchell Schmidt

FROM: Natasha Black


Correction, dear husband. It is not the English accent that makes women weak in the knees, it’s the
accent. And Luke’s not even that hot. He would have never have caught my attention if it wasn’t for that package of…you know what it doesn’t matter. What makes you so sure that it’s a girl I’m carrying? You realize that there’s a fifty-fifty chance right?

She leaned back and with her free hand, slowly caressed her tummy. She had never thought of knowing the sex of the baby. She wanted to be surprised. There was a thrill in not knowing. But what if Mitchell was right? Or did her husband know something she didn’t? She looked at her computer again and noticed the “new mail” icon pop up again.

TO: Natasha Black

FROM: Mitchell Schmidt


I don’t know what it is that makes me so sure it’s a girl. Maybe I have been praying for a girl for so long I am hoping that my prayers have finally been answered. We’ll see. But whatever happens, you are mine and what you are carrying, male or female, is ours and I will always love you both.

Natasha smiled and clicked on reply again.

TO: Mitchell Schmidt

FROM: Natasha Black


Nice save. But we’ll see. Patience pays….I’m sure our baby will be the definition of awesome! Feeling sleepy now, I have to take a nap. I have a busy afternoon ahead. Nan is taking me shopping later today.

She smiled as she sent her last email and got comfortable on the couch.
National Geographic
would have to do. She was not about to break a sweat looking for the remote.  She heard the beep again and opened the new email.

TO: Natasha Black

FROM: Mitchell Schmidt


I am a bright man, so nice saves are kind of what I do. Sleep away my beautiful wife. I will call you tonight. Say hi to Estelle. I love you.

She smiled as she slowly stretched out on the couch and reached for the small blanket draped over the couch. She smiled as she pulled the blanket over her body and drifted off to sleep.

She woke up a few hours later to the delicious aroma of fresh bread. She rubbed her eyes and slowly made her way to the kitchen.

“And behold, there she is,” Rita said when she walked into the kitchen. She smiled and leaned over the counter.

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