Make Mine A Monster: Monsterotica: Book 2 (4 page)

BOOK: Make Mine A Monster: Monsterotica: Book 2
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“Ooookay,” whispering as to not offend anyone else, “this is not what I was expecting.”

I’d hoped for goblins or a group of small, horny trolls and these people were truly celebrating aliens. Each poster, pamphlet and conversation revolved around the invasion of the 1950’s, a visitor every year after that and the tormenting of a family that had happened a little over a year ago on the outskirts of town on someone’s property. Everyone had a story. They knew who was attacked, they were cousins with the people who saw the UFO, Suzie’s mom was probed in her sleep, their dog peed on an alien. On and on it went. Not one mention of actual monsters.

“Shit. These people are nuts.”

I wandered around the festival, hoping for someone with some common sense. There had to be a booth devoted to the goblins somewhere, right? All of the stories online had referred to the visitors as goblins! I wasn’t there to investigate aliens for fuck’s sake. To some people, I knew I seemed crazy when I told my tale of Nessiana, but I sure as hell didn’t believe in aliens. Come on!

After having no luck whatsoever in locating a booth, a person or even a pamphlet dedicated to monsters, I threw in the towel. I was done. Done with the town that time had forgotten and done with this ridiculous goose chase in Kentucky. I’d go back to Roy’s place, get a good night’s rest and leave first thing in the morning.

“They’re crazy. Who the hell believes an alien invasion would ever take place in a town like that? What would they come to Hop Town for?” I was so frustrated that the entire trip had been a bust and all I had to show for it was some ridiculous cowboy sex that left me shaking my head and feeling like I’d been rode hard and put away wet. How did other women find all of that attractive? I cringed when I thought about how he’d left his boots and hat on the entire time.

A misty fog had settled on top of the tree line and was inching its way down minute by minute. Slivers of
smoky mist drifted in and out my headlights’ path as I sped around curves and over the hillside, eager to get back and pack things up.

I pulled into the driveway to find Roy still wasn’t back. “Good. One less problem.”

Against his advice, I decided to take my own truck down the lane to the old farmhouse. “That’s what four-wheel-drive is for, right? I don’t need to depend on some man and his tractor.”

Flipping the switch to give my truck more power, I cut right through the muddy trail without a care. “Like a hot knife through butter.”

Parking the truck in front of the massive porch, I ran up the steps and began the work of getting my things in order. Making quick work of re-packing what little I had taken out of my bags and tossing it all into my truck, save for the few items I planned on using in the morning before I left, I locked the front door behind me as soon as I was back inside for the evening. I doubted anyone would come this far out of town to mess with some stranger passing through, but a girl could never be too safe.

“My luck, the
of 1955 were actually just a bunch of drunk rednecks and there are plenty of those out and about tonight.” I wasn’t leaving anything to chance.

Chapter Six

After grabbing a late snack of chips, a candy bar and a soda, I began to grow restless. Changing back into my thin cotton t-shirt, foregoing any shorts, I felt the eerie stillness of the home and its location engulf me. Staring at the walls wasn’t going to help. I figured I might as well snoop around. Old houses like those had always fascinated me and I might just find something interesting. If not, maybe I’d burn off some excess energy.

The first floor was nothing extraordinary; standard master bedroom and bath, living room, dining room, half-bath, mudroom, laundry room and kitchen with a large walk-in pantry. Upstairs, there were four, modest-sized bedrooms, another full bathroom and an attic. After finding nothing of interest in the bedrooms, living or dining room, I retraced my steps back to the kitchen. Something about the room didn’t feel right. I felt myself being pulled to it over and over again, almost as if it were trying to whisper its secrets to me.

Research without the help of technology wasn’t something I couldn’t do. After all, I’d always been nosy and aside from my obvious lack of mechanical skills, I was usually pretty good at feeling things out. My gut was rarely wrong and in that kitchen, my gut was screaming that I was stumbling onto something huge.

From the doorway, everything appeared to be normal. Refrigerator, stove, table, chairs and cupboards. Slowly, I inched my way about the room, waiting for my senses to guide me in the right direction. Silence other than the simple hum of the refrigerator, was my only companion.

“Speak to me.” The layout of the kitchen resembled any farmhouse kitchen. Similar angles, appropriately spaced appliances and tacky seventies’ style wallpaper. It was clean, tidy and free of any stains. Too perfect.

I felt another tug, this time in the direction of the pantry. Opening the door, I found customary shelves loaded with canned goods, a broom and dustpan. Nothing out of the ordinary. Not even a cobweb. Narrowing my eyes into slits, I focused on the room itself; small in size for such a large home. The dimensions seemed to be
Upon closer inspection, there appeared to be a window frame, barely visible and clearly framed in and covered with tacky, grey paint.

I slid some cans out of the way, leaned in and noticed the glass was still there, but it had been painted over. “What do we have here?”

Using the tip of my fingernail, I chipped at the paint. As flakes fell onto the shelf, I felt the sleuth in me come to life and scraped harder. The pantry itself was dimly lit with a single bulb hanging from the ceiling and I couldn’t see what was beyond the enclosed glass, so I quickly went to the kitchen to grab the flashlight I’d seen on the table. Standing on tiptoe, I maneuvered myself between two of the horizontal shelves, propping the flashlight against the freshly scraped, fist-sized portion of the window.

“Another room? Where’s the old door?”

Searching high and low, I couldn’t locate anything that would open to that room other than the window and there was only one way to get closer to it. The shelves needed to be moved. Of course, I realized this type of behavior isn’t exactly stellar when you’re a guest in someone’s home, but I had to know what was in that room! I’d already gone past the point of no return by scraping the paint away, so at that point, it was a no-brainer. I was going to get inside that room one way or another.

Relocating the cans proved to be the toughest part. I’d counted one hundred and eight by the time I’d finished. All of them outdated by a year or so. “Must’ve been the former owners’.”

The shelves themselves weren’t attached to the wall or even bolted down, so I set to work wiggling and sliding them out just enough for me to get behind them for a better look. The rest of the paint fell away easily enough with a few more minutes of scraping and I was rewarded with a fantastic view.

Inside, that hidden room was a bed, dresser, books and toys scattered about the floor. With the flashlight aimed just right, I could see the door to the room on the other side and after my earlier inspection of the house, I knew that door was sealed behind a wall. The only way in would be the window. The same window that was one solid sheet of leaded glass
on top of what appeared to be another sheet of glass with holes in it. Shotgun-pellet sized holes.

“What the fuck?”

Any sane person would’ve stopped right there. Who in their right mind would keep digging after finding some holes in a window? To everyone else, it’d seem boring, but my body hummed with excitement and I was going in. I picked up a can of stewed tomatoes and began slamming it into the glass as chunks and shards fell to the floor. I realized too late that I hadn’t worn shoes on my little expedition, so I wiggled myself out from behind the shelves and ran to slip them on. Grabbing the broom, I swept the mess out of the way before bashing more of the glass.

“Almost there.”

A few more cracks and the entire inner window shattered, dropping to the floor and sending bits of glass everywhere.

“Ouch! Damn it!” A few slivers managed to cut the top of my foot and a toe, but nothing major. I’d live.

I took off my t-shirt, wrapping it around my fist to knock away the small remaining pieces of glass hanging from the frame and poked my head into the old room. It was as if time had stopped; there were coloring books open with unfinished artwork, books scattered about everywhere, clothing hanging from the curtain rods, laying on the floor and toys that had been abandoned. Everything preserved in the strangely cool portion of the house.

Across the room, the
re were large holes on one wall and dark brown stains shooting out of the perimeters that ran down the length of the wallpaper covering. Turning my head to the left, I noticed newspaper clippings had been glued around the window from the other side. I carefully pulled one down, reading the headline:
Little Monsters Take
ver Longfellow’s Ridge!
And another screamed:
Run For Your Lives!

“Hot damn.”

I propped my feet on a shelf behind me, leaning in the window, shining the flashlight around to get a closer look and every inch of the wall was in fact covered in newspaper. Each article about aliens, monster and goblins.
Oh my!

I was about to slide myself into the room when a large noise from outside caught my attention. I waited with baited breath, listening.
Thump, thump, bam! Thump, thump, bam!

“What on Earth?”

I slipped my t-shirt back on and inched my way out of the small space. “I’ll just get my gu…” Shit! My gun was in my truck. Stupid, stupid woman! “Think, Rosie.” I whispered.

Peeking out of the pantry, I knew I could get to the master bedroom in just a few seconds. I’d slip my shorts on and check things out once I was dressed. Grabbing a seven inch shard of glass, I slowly inched out of the pantry and into the kitchen.

Thump! Thump! BAM!

“Holy fuck!” I clamped my free hand over my mouth, biting my palm to keep quiet.

Suddenly there was scratching. A lot of it. It sounded as though every inch of the house was being scraped simultaneously, echoing and reverberating around me. I threw down the glass, knowing my weapon of choice wasn’t going to help one damn bit against whatever-the-fuck was outside or inside or wherever-the-fuck it was. Fast than ever in my life, I ran to the bedroom, slamming the door as hard as I could.

Silence. It stopped instantly. Not a scratch, not a thump and not a bam to be heard. I knew I hadn’t imagined it, but in that very moment, I began to question my own sanity. Was it really as loud as I’d thought? Or was it simply a tree scraping a window outside? The thumping could’ve been a branch bumping against the house in the wind.
What wind? It’s calm as fuck and there is no wind!
A quick glance out the bedroom window proved that. Nothing was moving. Wait! Something moved. I saw it streak across the yard. A silver blur.  Pressing my nose against the glass, trying to make my eyes focus, searching in the hopes of seeing it one more time.

Thump! Thump! Bam!

An ear-piercing, blood curdling scream tore through me as I came face-to-face with five sets of large, almond-shaped, silver glowing eyes! Some monster hunter I was! And then, there was blackness.


I drifted in a dream-like state, hovering between consciousness and deep sleep. My body felt light as air, free and floaty. An indescribable calm, akin to being high over took me. Surrounded by silver creatures; no more than three feet in height, I should’ve been terrified. My mind wouldn’t allow it. In those moments, I couldn’t even begin to describe what fear was if I had been asked. Love and belonging is all I felt. No other emotion existed as they touched me with their fingers, examined me with their minds.

I c
ould sense them, each of the five, prodding around my brain with their own. Searching for what, I didn’t know, but every thought they gave me was one of pleasure. I was being caressed head-to-toe by ten hands; hands with only three long fingers each. I realized I must actually be floating, for I felt their touches on my front and backside simultaneously.

I’m naked.
A finger slipped into my anus as another flicked my clit, teasing, tormenting. A pair of hands, more glorious and smooth hands rubbed my shoulders while a little silver man straddled my hips, rubbing his groin against my stomach. A gush of warmth shot to my pussy as the finger in my ass dipped in and out, in and out and I bucked my hips, pleasuring the creature on top of me.

Holy shit!
Two more creatures, one on either side of me began licking my nipples while another swam in the air, looking down upon us, jacking himself off. His cock was thick and wide with glowing silver veins that seemed to pulsate with each pump. Just as I was ready to come, they switched places, each of them getting a chance to do what the others did.

The next in line to straddle me was the hoverer. His cock slid between my boobs and he continued to pump and thrust until a glowing yellow fluid shot out, coating my face. It tasted sweet, like honey and my mind begged for more. Another finger in my ass as they switched places again and finally one of the creatures was fucking me. Two of the creatures held my arms at my sides
without even touching me as another covered my eyes. I opened my mouth and they knew what I wanted. All at once, I had cock in my ass, my pussy and my mouth as I floated above the bed being pleasured by silver monsters or aliens or whatever they were. I didn’t care! I just wanted more!

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