Make Me Yours (10 page)

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Authors: Marie Medina

BOOK: Make Me Yours
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He also wanted to march across the hall and punch David in the mouth. He couldn’t very well tell Susan what David had said to him because she would insist he’d misunderstood or simply dismiss it as his being overprotective. She also might suspect him of lying to make David look bad, though he doubted she’d actually say so. As much as he wanted to know every single word David had uttered while they were driving home, he was also a little afraid to know. What kind of thoughts had he put in Susan’s head? Was she judging his every move based on things David had suggested to her? David must have said something about him being jealous. She’d brought that up at a point when he’d calmed down and even apologized. It was staying at the front of her thoughts for a reason, and he believed it was something David had said or implied. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself. He was the one sleeping next to her tonight, the one spending the day with her tomorrow, and the one who was going to have a calm, rational discussion with her tomorrow with the benefit of no hangover. He tried his best to push David from his mind as Susan turned out the lights and crawled into bed beside him.

He lay on his back, and she snuggled close to him. She rested her head on his chest above his heart.

“Good night, Erik.”

“Good night. I love you, Susan.”

She ran her hand over his chest before extending it across his stomach. “I know,” she whispered, almost too low for him to hear.

He kissed the top of her head and held her close, settling gradually into a fitful sleep.

Chapter Seven


Susan woke up tangled in the sheets with her head burrowed against Erik’s chest. She took a deep breath, enjoying his scent and the warmth of his embrace. She ran her hand over his chest, and he kissed the top of her head.

She jumped in his arms and looked up at him. “I didn’t know you were awake.”

“I didn’t want to wake you up.” He kissed her forehead. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yes.” She’d actually been surprised by how well she’d slept. As upset as she’d been, being in his arms had soothed her mind and calmed her down enough to sleep very peacefully. Her instincts told her not to discount that. Maybe he was overreacting because he was jealous of David, and maybe he had said something to David about staying away from Susan. It was also very possible David had completely misunderstood or that he’d expressed himself poorly because of the alcohol. Either way, she was going to keep an open mind and give Erik a chance to explain fully. “How did you sleep?”

“I was glad to be here holding you, but I did have some trouble sleeping.”

“Why?” She knew the answer, but she wanted to hear his explanation.

He pushed her hair off her face. “I was worried about how you’d feel this morning.”

“Did you think I’d be upset when I woke up?”

“I wasn’t sure what to expect.”


“Yes. I think this is all one big misunderstanding. I’d like to talk about it, if now is okay.”

“Sure.” She pulled out of his arms and stood up. “But I need to go to the bathroom first.”

He nodded.

She took her time so she could gather her thoughts. This entire situation could be cleared up with the answer to one question. What had Erik and David actually said to each other the day before? She had David’s version, and now she was going to get Erik’s. She wasn’t sure if she wanted them to sync up or not. If Erik’s story matched David’s, then Erik did have a problem with jealousy. If it did not match, then one of them was lying to her. She didn’t want that to be true. She could easily envision a life with Erik, and she knew she was falling for him. But if he began lying to her, she’d have to reconsider her relationship with him.

She went back out into the bedroom, and she tried to keep her breathing even as she walked to the bed. He looked so sexy reclining there waiting for her. His eyes followed her every moment, and she wanted to go into his arms and kiss him. Instead she sat on the bed and faced him, crossing her legs beneath her.

“You and David talked yesterday when he first got to the store, right?”

Erik took a deep breath and sat up. “Yes, we did.”

“What did you talk about?”

“What did he say we talked about? He had to have told you in the car. It was the only time you were alone.”

“He did. I want you to tell me.”

“I don’t like tests, Susan.”

Was he reluctant to tell her? And if so, was it because David was telling the truth or because he’d said something she wouldn’t like hearing repeated? “This isn’t a test. I’m asking bluntly. I’ll listen. Just tell me.”

“He said if I screwed around with you, he’d do something about it. He said I was rushing you and implied you weren’t over your husband’s death. I defended my actions and even told him I’m in love with you.” Erik looked down for a moment and then met her gaze again. “Instead of being reassured, as a protective friend would have been, he reacted with very direct jealousy. He said I couldn’t just come in here and sweep you off your feet. I told him to be honest about whether he intended to compete with me, and he said he did. Then he said I needed to remember that the trust you would place in your friend, namely him, was very different from the trust you would place in your boyfriend.”

Susan looked down at her hands. Had David really said those things? She simply couldn’t believe it. He’d been calm and understanding when she’d talked to him about his feelings for her.

Erik took her hand. “Please look at me.”

She lifted her gaze to his again.

“That’s why I couldn’t sleep. Those last words he said before going upstairs have been driving me crazy. I’ve been worrying about what he might have said to you while you two were alone.”

She chose her words carefully. “So, you were worried he’d made something up to change my feelings about you?”

“Honestly? Yes. I’m very worried he’s lied to you.”

“Then I’ll be honest too. What you told me is nothing like what he told me.”

“I figured that would be the case.”

“He said you threatened him. He said you told him to never be alone with me and to stay away from me. He said your jealousy worried him.”

“Did you believe him?” Erik asked softly after her words had sunk in. His eyes searched her face, and he looked almost frightened as he waited for her answer.

“I told him he must’ve misunderstood you. I don’t believe you would’ve threatened him.”

“Then what is the real problem here?”

“I find your story just as hard to believe. Does that make any sense at all, Erik? He’s my friend, and I do love him. I find it hard to believe he’d be so aggressive toward you, and I don’t want to believe he would lie to me. He said his feelings for me weren’t serious. He said he wants me to be happy. He’s even told me more than once that second chances are wonderful things. He told me to go for it when you contacted me. Why would he then turn around and tell you he intended to compete for my affection?”

Erik’s expression had gone from worried and frightened to angry. “Why? I’m going to be very blunt. A man in love is capable of doing many questionable things. He would tell you one thing and me another because he wants to look good so he can move in after I’m gone. If he convinces you I’m some sort of jealous maniac, then after you dump me he can be the consoling friend and then conveniently let those old feelings he’d promised were nothing suddenly grow into something more.”

“David would never do something like that to me!”

“It’s my real, honest opinion. I’m sorry you don’t like it. I hope it isn’t true.”

“It isn’t!”

Susan turned away from him. She had no idea what to believe about what he and David had said to each other, but she couldn’t deny that jealousy motivated Erik now. He was obviously threatened by her relationship with David. Men in love do questionable things? Would he admit he might be guilty?

“And if David would do something like this because, as you believe, he’s in love with me, wouldn’t you? He’s on the offensive trying to break us up. In your opinion, at least. So why wouldn’t you become defensive and do something just as bad?”

“It’s just as likely. I readily admit that. I’m asking you to believe I love you enough
to do such things, just as I want you to believe I love you enough to tell you the truth even if it will sting. I don’t want you to lose a friend. I don’t want him to hurt you that way. But it seems unavoidable at this point. He isn’t trying to hurt you. He simply isn’t thinking about what is best for you or how his actions will affect you.”

She was glad he had admitted, but she didn’t know what to think. Would he lie to her? That was the question. If she could believe David might’ve been lying, she had to believe Erik might be too. Neither of them was perfect. She knew Erik was in love with her. He said he would put up a good fight to keep her. Did that extend to this arena? “I can’t see him being that selfish. I just can’t, Erik! I don’t want to hear you accusing him of different things every single time we discuss this.”

“I hope we aren’t going to have to discuss this much longer. Should I not be honest with you only to avoid a fight? That’s no way for two people in love to act.”

“But I’m not in love with you.”

She immediately regretted her words when she saw the stunned pain on his face. “Erik, I’m—”

He held up his hand. “Don’t apologize. I know you’re not in love with me. I shouldn’t have phrased it that way. I’m sorry I did.” He reached out and touched her face, moving closer and gazing into her eyes. “I wish I could make you love me.” He ran his hand down her neck and then between her breasts.

She couldn’t pull away. Her breath quickened, and he responded to that. Part of her wanted to hit him and push him away, and the other part wanted to apologize and forget the whole fight. His hand slid lower, down to the waistband of her panties. His fingers lingered there. The light caress made her tremble. She needed to feel him close.

“Touch me,” she whispered against his lips.

He kissed her top lip, then the bottom. He nuzzled her hair and breathed in her scent as his hand slid into her panties. She gasped as his fingers touched her clit.

“I wish I could do to your heart what I do to your body.” He brought his lips back to hers, and she welcomed his kiss. His fingers toyed with her, and he pulled her into his arms when he discovered she was wet.

“That’s exactly what you do,” she whispered when he broke the kiss off. She sighed as she opened to him and he slid a finger into her. “You tease, torment and confuse. You make me want you so much. I can hardly think when you touch me. Then you have me at your mercy and the pleasure and happiness are too much for words.”

“Is that good or bad?” he asked after pulling his hand away from her.

“I don’t know.” She missed his touch. Needed it. She pushed him back on the bed and slid her panties off. She freed his cock from his boxers and moved onto him, taking him inside her. He was hard as a rock, and she moaned as he entered.

He groaned in reply and thrust high inside her. “Mixed signals again, my dear.” He held her hips and pushed deeper. “I did encourage you to use such methods—” He groaned as she clenched her pussy tight around him. “Mmmm. But who’s confusing who now?”

She took every inch he gave her and rode him harder. She knew she was confusing him. She almost enjoyed it because of the turmoil of emotions inside her head. She loved having some degree of control over him. “You can pay me back for it later.”

He thrust high and hard, making her gasp. “I will. You can count on it.”

She closed her eyes and focused on how good he felt. The head of his cock had found a spot she hadn’t even known existed. Every part of her body felt stimulated as he stroked that deep, secret place. Her clit throbbed, and she began to grind against him. Her orgasm was about to break when he tried to stop her.

“Susan, I’m about to come. I need—”

She pushed his hands away. “I don’t care.” She looked down into his eyes. “I’ve never felt anything this good in my life,” she whispered.

His eyes darkened with lust. He held her hips against him and thrust over and over again. They came at almost the same time. Her orgasm took her breath away. Lights danced before her eyes as the waves of pleasure rolled all over her body. She soared even higher when she felt him come with a hot jolt inside her. She slowed her pace and enjoyed the sweet throbbing low in her belly. Her pussy ached with pleasure, and her nipples and clit felt electrified. She lay on top of him, both of them hot and breathless.

She listened to his heartbeat. As it slowed, she said, “You always amazed me, Erik. You were perfect. All I wanted was for you to touch me, for you to love me. You’re like a dream come true, and I’m still a bit dazzled that a man I once had such a crush on is now my lover. I don’t want to believe your jealousy will be a problem, but you can’t deny you are jealous.” She propped herself up on her arms and looked into his face. “Let me handle this. Okay? Don’t be alone with David. I promise I won’t believe him automatically simply because he’s my friend.”

Erik nodded slowly. “Okay.”

“Just okay?”

He nodded again. “You give a man little choice, you wicked seductress,” he teased with a smile. Then his face was serious again. Very softly, he said, “You let me come inside you. I’m not sure there’s a better way you could show that you trust me.”

She felt heat rushing to her face. “That’s not what I meant to show you, but you’re right. I wanted you, and I simply didn’t care. I wish I hadn’t said I didn’t love you. I am falling for you, Erik.”

“I know. It’s the only reason you haven’t told me to get lost.”

She started to tell him that wasn’t true, but his smile told her he was trying to make her laugh.

“I’ll never do that.” She heard a bedroom door open. Then she heard whistling, so she knew it was Jeremiah. “These walls are pretty thin. You think he heard us?” she whispered.

“Heard us arguing or heard you forcing your attentions on me?”

She giggled. “Both.” She rolled off him and sighed. “Relationships seem easier when you’re younger.”

“Not easier, just different.” He turned to look at her. “Do I really confuse you?”

“A little. It’s scary and exciting at the same time.”

“As long as nothing scares you off.”

She shook her head. “I promise it won’t.”

She snuggled down into the covers again as he took a shower. Everything about him was confusing and a little scary, as she had said. Yet she felt complete in his arms. He felt right in her life. That excited her. Her head wasn’t telling her what to do, and her heart wasn’t being much help either. She hoped the two would work things out soon.

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