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Authors: Avril Ashton

Make Me Sweat (3 page)

BOOK: Make Me Sweat
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“My ass.” Wes pulled a bottle of orange juice from the fridge and
swallowed half of it. “You want him. I can see it in your face.” He placed the
juice back in the fridge and met her stare. “You know your eyes can’t lie to

Ever gulped and walked into the living room, Wes on her heels.
She plopped down on the couch and flung an arm over her eyes. Wes sat beside
her, rubbing her knee.

“You know what I think?”

She groaned. “Do I dare ask?”

He chuckled. “I think it’s been way too long since we both had
some fun. We should go out tomorrow night.”

“What are you talking about?” She lowered her arm. “You had fun
with Luke, didn’t you?”

Wes waved her words away. “Luke had his moments, but he couldn’t
deal with having a lover who got calls at all times of the day and night.” His
lips twisted. “And of course I couldn’t tell him what’s really going on.”

“Well, of course not.” Ever cupped his cheek. “The last time I
got laid was on that trip we took to the Caribbean almost a year ago. We’re two
lost causes, aren’t we?”

Wes kissed her palm. “Not quite. Something about Dakota called to
you.” He curled up next to her. “What was it?”

Ever laid her head on his shoulder and thought over Wes’s words.
What was it about Dakota that called to her?

“His confidence,” she said. “He wore it like a custom-made suit.
He’s gorgeous with that Native-American flavor.” Her voice lowered. “Black on
black, Wes. His hair, all long and flowing, and those eyes. Black as sin.”

A laugh rumbled in Wes’s chest. “I’d say you’ve got it pretty bad
for our prospective new client.”

“Why did he have to be our client? He can buy guns from anyone,
why does he need the Ghost? And speaking of which.” She sat up. “When do you
make the call to tell him you’ll take him on as a client?”

Wes shrugged. “I was instructed to wait a couple days. At least
until that handy little bug picks up anything useful.”

She grunted. They were all pawns in a sick game played by a man
thousands of miles away. And with no way out from under his thumb in the
foreseeable future. Her and Wes’s future, their lives, depended on how quick
they jumped when commanded.

Puppets. All because she fell in love with an animal.

Ever hated having to use the bug to blackmail Dakota. She
regretted the deceit. What she couldn’t call a mistake was getting to taste
him. Feel him.

An elbow poked her in the ribs. She looked up to find Wes grinning
at her. “You’re thinking about him, aren’t you?”

She opened her mouth, closed it, then opened it again. “I—Wes, I
can still feel him on my skin. I can still taste him.” Ever licked quivering

“Why did you turn him down when he asked you to stay?” Wes cocked
an eyebrow. “I hope it wasn’t because of me.”

“It was partly because of you.” She smiled. “I knew you’d chew me
a new one, but mostly I was afraid of what he made me feel.” Ever rubbed her
chest slowly. “He made me feel soft and safe, which is nuts considering he was
fucking me six ways to motherfucking Sunday.”

Wes guffawed. “Oh, honey. I feel your pain. I know how much you
hate soft.”

She smacked him on the arm. “This isn’t funny.”

He sobered. “You still have time. Why don’t you go to him? You deserve
at least one night to indulge.”

Her heart stuttered. “Going to him now…” She shook her head. “I
don’t know if I can handle it, Wes. He’s going to be hard to shake.”

“But you will.” Wes stood and headed for the kitchen. “You’ll
fuck him out of your system then it’s back to business as usual. I’m making a
sandwich, you want one?”

“No, thanks.” Ever stared after him, teeth sinking into her
bottom lip.






“Any updates on Ghost?”

Lying in his bed, still fully dressed, Simon Dakin crossed his
ankles and shook his head, even though his boss on the other end of the phone
couldn’t see. “No, not yet. I’m still waiting for some kind of confirmation
that he’ll agree to produce the weapons I asked for.”

He’d been undercover for a year hunting the weapons dealer. Only
in the past few months had he come close to having something remotely
substantial to bring to his superiors at the FBI.

“Find something soon, Dakin. Ghost is the sole reason we’ve set
up this particular identity for you.”

Dak rolled his eyes. “Yes, sir. I know that, sir.”

“If nothing comes of this lead you’ve got, Ian Dakota will be
disappearing. Permanently.” Dial tone buzzed.

“I’m well aware of the consequences, asshole.” Dak threw the
phone down beside him on the bed and thought back to all the information they
had on the slippery little fucker nicknamed Ghost. The dealer had appeared on
the scene five years ago, quickly becoming the go-to-guy for the big names in
weapons trade. They’d had suspects back then, but nothing came of it. Then all activities
ceased. Until a year and a half ago.

Ian Dakota was invented, his identity and criminal activities
carefully constructed to attract Ghost. But no matter the amount of feelers Dak
put out in the street about needing a good weapons connect, no one bit large
enough to connect him to Ghost.

More than once, the validity of the case had been questioned, and
he’d petitioned for more time. Now that time was rapidly coming to an end, and
he had no more re-ups. A phone call was imminent letting him know if he’d
finally snagged the big fish or if time had come to pack up and head home.

Dak had mixed feeling about leaving Ian Dakota behind. He’d made
good friends, learned valuable lessons. As part of his cover, he had a finger
in nearly all the illegal happenings in town, and he’d had his share of women.

He regretted only one.

She told Jayce she didn’t wait for anyone. His friend was in
stitches seeing how those words stunned Dak. He thought she’d stay. He hoped
she would. He wanted her to. A revelation that stunned the shit out of him. He
didn’t have women spend the night, and it had nothing to do with his cover. He
hadn’t slept beside a woman since he was in his twenties, young, fresh, and
full of bright ideas. Like getting married. That notion went away pretty
quickly, aided by a cheating fiancée.

Would he ever see her again? Or was it like the way he usually did
it, no coming back for seconds? He still felt her touch, still heard the sounds
she made when he ate her out. He closed his eyes, calling up the picture of her
spread wide on his desk. Pink, wet, and inviting.

The beep of the intercom roused him from his fantasies. Leaning
over the side of the bed with a grunt, he pressed the red button on the phone.

Jayce cleared his throat. “Uh, you have a visitor at the gate.”

Dak frowned. A visitor at—he glanced at his watch—three-thirty
am? “Who is it?” Someone spoke in the background, but Dak couldn’t make out the

A scuffle sounded then a familiar drawl came over the intercom.
“Dakota darling, what say we take this inside?”

Dak’s heart hammered in his chest. He gripped the sheets. “Ever?”

Her husky chuckle hardened his cock instantly. “Tell the sexy
Jayce to let me in.”

“Let her in, Jayce.”

“You heard the man, sexy Jayce. Let me in.”


She’d changed out of the dress into a black tank top with
glittering red lips on the front, black motorcycle jacket and dark, skin tight
jeans. Black leather boots came up to just over her knees.

Dak stood a few feet from her in the foyer and drank her in. Ever
watched him with a tiny smile hovering on her lips. “You think Jayce is sexy?”

She grinned. “He is a delicious morsel, but he’s not who I

He laughed and walked to her. “You’re who I desire.”

“Good to know.”

He grazed his knuckles down her cheek. Her eyelids fluttered. “Why
didn’t you stay?”

Green eyes opened, centered on him. “I—I had business to take
care of.”

Dak asked the question he knew he should’ve asked way earlier.
“Are you taken, Ever?”

A shadow crossed her eyes and she shook her head. “I’m not seeing
anyone, but I—this has to be the last time we, uh, do this.”

Biting his tongue to stifle the need to ask why, Dak forced a grinned.
“Then I guess we should really make this time count, hmm?”

Ever grabbed hold of the front of his shirt and pulled. Buttons
scattered and she smiled. “Show me your bed.”


Ever stared at the ginormous bed covered in black sheets and
fought back a smile. Dakota’s bedroom looked exactly like she pictured it, and
trust she pictured that shit. Low lighting and the faint smell of sandalwood
set the mood perfectly.

Dak stepped out of his gray sweats, cock bobbing, the red
mushroomed head shining. Her mouth watered for a taste. She held out a hand to
him. “Undress me, Dakota.”

Something flickered in his eyes for a quick second, then he sat
at the edge of his bed and tugged her between his parted knees. Her hands went to
his hair, pulling as he kissed her stomach through her clothes. He pushed her
jacket off her shoulder then lifted her t-shirt, exposing her stomach, and
nipped at her.

Ever groaned and raked her nails across his shoulders. Dak
growled against her skin. Twisting her fingers in his hair, she jerked his head
back. He came willingly, dark eyes open, watching.

“I want your marks on my skin.” Her voice trembled, but he had to
know what she wanted, what he’d get in return. “Mark me, Dakota, because I’ll
be leaving mine on you.” Memories, physical and otherwise, she wanted them. She
wanted to be able to look at her skin and see the evidence of his possession.
Make sure she wasn’t dreaming all this.

His Adam’s apple moved hypnotically as he swallowed. Ever yanked her
t-shirt over her head and dropped it at his feet. Taking a step back, she
placed first one then the other foot on his thigh and watched as he tugged her
boots off. Before the last boot hit the floor, his fingers were at the snap of
her jeans, unzipping and easing them down her hips.

“Commando,” he breathed.

“Yeah. Me and underwear had a sudden falling out.” She winked.

Brushing his lips to her left hip bone, he said, “You won’t hear
me complaining.” He palmed her ass, kneading, squeezing as his tongue traced a
line from her belly button to just above her pussy. Ever scraped his scalp with
her nails, allowing him a couple minutes of exploration before stepping back.

Their eyes met and the need and desperation in his made the
breath shudder in her lungs. Damn man could turn her into a wet pile of goo
with his eyes alone. Kicking off the jeans tangled around her ankles, Ever
graced him with a wobbly smile.

“I’m thinking it’s my turn to do the fucking.”

Dak blinked, but not before she caught the surprise and delight
in his dark peepers. Inwardly, she grinned. Seems Mr. Dakota had no problem
giving up control every now and then.

Who knew?

“On your back.” Hands on her hips, she commanded, “Let me see you
play with that gorgeous cock.”

Maintaining eye contact, he crawled backward until he lay in the
center of the bed. His cock lay across his hard stomach, the tip leaking
pre-cum. Ever licked her lips. She’d definitely be getting more of that pearly
liquid later. Dak wrapped a large palm around his cock, and she almost choked.

Much later.

She watched, unblinking, as he dragged a thumb over the slit in
the mushroomed head then pulled at the skin. A raw groan echoed in the room.
His. Ever cupped her breasts, pinching the nipples. Her hips bucked. Dak
mimicked her movements as he jerked himself off. Slick sounds filled the room,
coupled with her whimpers and his ragged breathing. Unsteady legs brought her to
the bed.

Lying between his widened legs, Ever brought her face to his
crotch and nuzzled. The musk of man and arousal went straight to her head,
making her dizzy with want. Pre-cum poured from his cock and she flicked her
tongue out, licking it off. Dak groaned. His cock bobbed and her clit pulsed a
needy rhythm. The juncture of her thighs was slick with her juices.

As Dak worked the length of his cock, Ever took one of his balls
into her mouth. His hips rose off the bed. She cupped the other heavy sack and
traced the seam with her fingernail.

“Fuck. Ever, please…” His palm fluttered, stilled. Releasing his
ball with a plop, she licked the fingers wrapped around his cock then worked
her way upward to take the head of him into her mouth.

He shuddered as she sucked. Salted honey filled her mouth,
leaving behind a slightly bitter taste Ever savored. Nails raking his stomach, she
ground her hips into the mattress as she bobbed her head and took him deep. To
the back of her throat.

Above her, Dak’s head thrashed back and forth, tense muscles
bunched as he fought for control, but he should’ve realized by now she had it
all. She smiled around the thickly veined cock in her mouth then grimaced when
pain pinched her scalp. Dak gripped her hair, anchoring her to him as he lifted
his hips and fucked her mouth. Hard, rough. She stayed in place, mouth open, as
he plunged in and out. Ever felt his control fraying in the thick tension in
the air. She saw it in the frenzied, almost staccato movement of his hips.

Digging her fingers into the flesh of his buttocks, she hollowed
her cheeks and tightened her lips around him. She slid a finger down the
underside of his balls, skating over the sensitive flesh. His body grew taut.
Ever pressed a finger over his anus, teasing the tight hole. One last throw of
his hips and his low cry bounced off the walls. He froze and frothy cream
flooded her mouth. Ever drank him down greedily, moaning as his cum slid down
her throat. She slurped all of him down, sucking his cock dry.

“Ev—” Dak’s hoarse voice broke. He cleared his throat and tried
again. “Ever.”

BOOK: Make Me Sweat
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