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Authors: P.J. Mellor

Make Me Scream (12 page)

BOOK: Make Me Scream
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h-oh,” Francyne’s voice singsonged from the other side of the complex, where she stood in her doorway with Petunia, her voice echoing in the deserted courtyard. “Looks like someone’s got a secret admirer!”

Jamie grabbed the flower and hurried inside, firmly shutting the door, throwing the bolts home.

In the still air of the darkened apartment, the rose smelled cloyingly sweet.

After looking at it in horror for a few minutes, she strode to the kitchen and dropped it in the garbage disposal, flipping the switch and running the water until the sound told her it was devoured.

Fred had always given her a yellow rose after they fought. Obviously he still thought it would work on her. And, just as obviously, he was wrong.

Clutching together her shaking hands, she sat on the couch, in the dark, gathering her courage to go out in the sunshine and enjoy the day as planned.

She yelped at the sharp rap on her door.

Halting steps took her to the peephole.

Shoulders slumped with relief. She could breathe again. It was only Devon.

Mustering her courage, she threw back the locks and opened the door.

Upon seeing him, however, all her bravado deserted her and she fell into his arms, a mass of shook-up nerve endings.

“Hey, hey,” he said softly, holding her at arm’s length. “Are you okay? Did something else happen?” He grinned down at her. “Or did you just miss me?”

She gazed up at him through her tears. It would sound so stupid and pathetic to tell him she was afraid because someone left a rose at her door. Besides, maybe spending time with Devon would take her mind off Fred.

“I guess I missed you.” She pulled him down for a kiss that instantly heated.

Gathering her close, he stepped through the door and kicked it shut, never breaking the kiss.

Reluctantly she stepped back. If they stayed there, they would no doubt spend the day in bed. Not what she had planned.

“It’s such a gorgeous day, I thought I’d go out. In fact, I was just on my way out.” She stepped toward the door to give him a hint.

“Hey, great minds think alike. I’m playing hooky today. Wanna go to the beach?”

“What about the leasing office?”

“Francyne said she’d watch it while I’m gone.” He lowered his voice, “I think she has the hots for my big screen. She says her soaps come in better on it.”

“In that case, yes, I’d love to go to the beach! Just let me grab a few things.”

He playfully pulled her into his arms and said, “I’d like to grab a few things, too, if you get my drift. You know,” he said, rubbing his pelvis against her, “I know a spot where bathing suits are optional.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” She brushed her lips over his mouth and stepped out of his arms. “But I’m taking my suit just in case.”

A few minutes later, she skipped into the room with her tote bag. “I’m ready.”

“Great. Let’s stop off at my place on the way out so I can grab the picnic basket.”

“A picnic basket?” She turned and shimmied the door unlocked.

“Sure. Being out in all that fresh air and sand makes me hungry. Actually,” he said as they made their way across the courtyard, “you’re saving me from myself. If you hadn’t agreed to come, I’d have had to eat all the food alone.”



“Ugh, I’m stuffed.” Jamie flopped down on the blanket and rubbed her stomach. “Why did you let me eat all that?”

“I told you, you’re too skinny. Besides, I like watching you eat.”

She raised her sunglasses and looked at him. “That’s weird.”

“No, not really. I like the fact you enjoy your food. It’s even—”

“What? You think I eat like a pig or something?”

“No! Of course not. I just meant I think it’s sexy to be with a woman who likes to eat for a change. Hell, I’ve dated weirdos who would get full on a few grapes. So. Are you ready for dessert?”

In response, she clutched her stomach and moaned. “Didn’t you hear me? I’m stuffed.” She warily watched him unwrap two pieces of molten chocolate cake. “What’s that?”

“Leftover cake from the other night. I brought us each a piece, but you don’t want any so I guess I’ll have to eat both of them. Too bad. I even brought whipped cream.”

“All right. Fine.” She sat up and pulled a plate from his hand and then made a rolling motion with her fork. “Don’t forget, I like lots of whipped cream.”

“I thought you didn’t want anything else.”

“I’m only doing it for you. I know you don’t want to get fat, so I’m helping you out. Don’t be so stingy with the whipped cream.”

He reached out and rimmed her mouth with the frothy concoction then quickly licked it off. “We could save it for later. Maybe use it when we try out a few of the new sex toys. It might inspire me.”

“Shut up and eat your cake.”



Jamie wiped a trickle of sweat away from her eye and tried not to squint at the relentless sun.

“Want me to put more sunscreen on you?” Devon’s voice ruffled the hair by her ear, sending a shiver over her heated skin.

The idea of his hands, cool with lotion, gliding over her hot skin was heavenly.

She moaned. “I’d love it, but I don’t think that’s a good idea.”


“If you start rubbing lotion on me, I won’t want you to stop…and we’re in public.”

“Look around, sweet thing.” He lifted her sunglasses, his hot gaze melting her resolve. “I told you I knew all the secluded spots.” A flick of his wrist had her bikini strings untied; then he brushed aside her cups.

She grabbed unsuccessfully for the top. “Devon! Someone could walk up and see us.” Despite her words, the thought excited her, and she relaxed against the soft warmth of the blanket.

“Possible but not probable.” He nudged her legs apart and settled against her. Even through her bikini bottom, his hardness pressed into her weeping flesh. He reached between them and tugged on the side ties of the bottom. As soon as they fell by her side, he pulled on the fabric. “Lift your hips. C’mon. No one will see you. And even if someone walked up, I’m on top, shielding you.”

All the reasons why it was a bad idea left her in the thrill of feeling his hands on her flesh. Canting her hips, she allowed him to drag her suit away from her lower body, leaving her naked beneath his hot, hard body.

She hooked her thumbs in the elastic at his waist. “If I’m going to risk getting caught buck naked out here, you need to lose these, too.”

She didn’t have to say it twice. In seconds, he was back, his hot erection probing her willing flesh. Their combined heat amplified the coconut scent of the suntan lotion to waft up between them, creating an aromatic sensual cocoon.

His kiss was soft yet demanding and tasted of chocolate and sin.

Sex on the beach used to be one of her secret fantasies. The floodgates opened, bringing to life all her old longings and dreams. Within her arms was the epitome of every fantasy or daydream she’d ever had. She’d have to be a special kind of stupid to pass up what he so strongly wanted to give.

His fingers walked up her ribs, between their chests, to roll her hardened nipples while his tongue continued to sweep her mouth in languid strokes.

The urge to feel him inside her grew until it reached fever pitch.

Clutching him close, she spread her legs and thrust her hips on the off chance he didn’t understand what she wanted.

A sexy moan vibrated her mouth. She had no idea if it came from her or Devon. The tip of his penis teased her.

She nipped his lower lip in frustration and spread her legs wider. The hard muscle beneath the smooth skin of his buttocks burned the palms of her hands. Grasping a cheek in each hand, she flexed her hips, burying him to the hilt.

They sighed and stilled for a moment and then began a slow in-and-out glide. With each smooth thrust, Devon slid his lotion-slicked chest against hers. Her nipples hardened to tight, sensitive peaks. Each slide of hot, slick skin over skin caused an answering surge of moisture.

She hooked her feet behind his knees for more leverage, her soles pushing on his calf muscles.

He pushed up on his hands, looking down at her, while he reached down to massage her mons.

Her back arched as wave after wave of release washed over her.

Devon seized the opportunity to tickle her nipples with the tips of his teeth. Rhythmically he sucked and laved each nipple. Before she realized it, she was ready to climax again, her hips pumping vigorously along with his.

He reached beneath her shoulders, gathering her close while he increased the speed of his thrusts.

“Yes, that’s it,” he whispered in her ear, his breath harsh against her heated skin, “come for me again, baby. That’s right, just like that. I love—”

“What the hell is going on here?” a deep voice boomed.

Devon strained to look back over his shoulder, careful to shield Jamie from view. “Hello, officer.”


hat had to be the most embarrassing thing in my life,” Jamie muttered as she and Devon made their way toward the exit of the Surfside police station. Her steps faltered. “Hey, is that Todd?”

Devon, who had been schlepping along beside her, looked up. Sure enough, there was their neighbor. He increased his pace. “Todd?”

Todd looked up from a clipboard he’d been reading. For an instant, Jamie got the impression he was just as surprised to see them.

“Hey, you two.” Todd set the clipboard aside and walked toward them.

“What are you doing here?” Jamie stepped forward and grasped his hand. “Are you the one who bailed us out?”

He grinned down at her, blue eyes twinkling. “Well, someone had to do it.”

“Thank you,” she said in a strangled whisper, blinking back tears. “I’ve never been so humiliated! The policeman wouldn’t even allow me to get dressed.”

Todd’s smile disappeared. “What? Which one brought you in? That’s against the rules to—”

“Well, he did let me pull on Devon’s shirt,” she amended, “and he was allowed to pull on his swim trunks.”

Todd’s eyes narrowed. “Just what was it, exactly, you two were brought in for?”

Devon mumbled and shuffled his feet.

“Say what? I didn’t hear you.” Todd stepped closer.

“I said, lewd and lascivious conduct on a public beach.”

Todd’s lips tightened, and he looked suspiciously like he was trying not to laugh. “I see,” he finally said in a curt voice.

“I’m just thankful to be out of here and going home!” Jamie walked to the window marked
and rang the bell.

A woman who looked like she’d rather be anywhere else trudged up to the window. “Name? Last name first, first name last,” she said in a tinny drone through the little stainless-steel speaker in the thick window.

“Jamie. Jamie Cartright.”

, last name first, first name last.”

“Oh, sorry.” She repeated, this time in the correct order.

“And McCloud, Devon,” he said, leaning over Jamie’s shoulder.

“Sir, step back behind the line. I can help only one person at a time.” She blinked drowsy looking, mud-brown eyes at him until he complied. Her gaze shifted to Todd, standing a bit behind Devon. She blinked again. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m with them,” Todd replied. “I don’t need anything, but thanks. I’m just giving them a ride home.”

“Uh-huh.” She stared for a while and then turned and made slow progress. Then she disappeared into the labyrinth of shelving behind her.

Forty-five excruciatingly long minutes later, they’d signed for their belongings, dressed and exited the station, Todd in tow.

“Wow. It’s dark already. I guess I kind of lost track of time. Where are you parked?” Devon looked up and down the deserted street.

“I had to park a ways out. Wait here and I’ll come around and pick you up.” Before they could respond, he took off at a fast jog.

“I’m sorry,” Devon whispered, close to her ear, while they waited.

After a moment, she sighed and looked up at him. “It’s not your fault. Well, not entirely. I’m an adult. I should have known better than to get carried away like that in public. We’re both to blame.”

Standing in silence, she thought about her actions and subsequent arrest. Talk about reality slapping you in the face. But in the grand scheme of things, although it was an embarrassment, getting arrested was nothing compared to what might have happened if Fred had been the one to walk up on them. For that, she was profoundly grateful.

“Yeah,” Devon was saying next to her, “but I’m the one who kept assuring you it was okay, that no one would see us.” He shifted and looked down the street. “I still don’t know how he saw us. I’ve lived in this area all my life and know for a fact that area of the beach is secluded, hidden from view from just about every angle.”

“Well, if you knew it, don’t you think other people—like policemen—might also know it?” She tightened the grip on the bag on her shoulder. “Is that Todd?”

He looked in the direction she pointed. “Yeah, that’s his red truck.”

Todd squealed to a stop at the curb, causing them to hop back. The door locks clicked.

Devon opened the door and helped Jamie up into the cab. “Thanks again, Todd, for coming to our rescue. But how did you know we were here? I just called Francyne a few minutes ago.”

“I was out, so when she called my cell, I just hightailed it on over.”

“Well, it’s lucky for us you were in the neighborhood and available.” Devon settled Jamie against his hip and held her in place with his arm slung over her shoulder.

“Yeah.” Todd put on his signal and merged onto the highway.

The air-conditioned cab was cool, making Jamie grateful for the warmth of Devon’s body next to hers on the saddle leather seat.

She watched Todd’s face, bathed in the light from the dash. For some reason, she couldn’t shake the feeling he wasn’t telling them something. Maybe he’d been there looking for his sister and Devon didn’t know about her. That must have been it. Since Todd was alone and looking none too happy, it was a safe bet his sister was still missing. Poor guy.

The passing lights mesmerized her, and the next thing she knew, Devon was shaking her shoulder.

“Jamie? Jamie, we’re here. Wake up.”

“I’m awake.” She stretched and reached for the door handle.

The door opened, and Todd reached in to lift her from the cab, not releasing her when her feet touched the pavement of the apartment parking lot. “Are you staying with me again tonight?”


“Not necessary,” Devon said, tugging Jamie in the direction of the building. “Francyne said the glass people came and replaced Jamie’s window this afternoon. I’ll just walk her home and make sure everything is okay before I leave. Thanks again for picking us up. Oh, wait. How much do I owe you?”

“Owe me?” Todd stood like a deer in the headlights.

“Yeah, you know, for bailing us out.”

“Oh! Right.” Todd avoided eye contact. “Here’s the thing. I have some friends on the force, and I, well, I got the charges dropped. So you don’t owe me anything.”

“Oh, man, that’s awesome. Thanks! We both really appreciate it. Don’t we, Jamie?”

“Hmmm? Oh, yes, thanks.” Funny, Todd had the same look her students used to get when they were lying. But why would he lie about something like bailing them out? It didn’t make sense.

BOOK: Make Me Scream
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