Make Me Crazy (Loco, Texas) (6 page)

BOOK: Make Me Crazy (Loco, Texas)
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“Fine,” she whispered and he trailed his mouth back to hers.

“How many dresses do you have,” he asked as he ran his hand down over her hips.

“Just the one my granddaddy bought for me for the Johnson’s wedding

“Wear it to church tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at nine.” He nibbled at her bottom lip.

“You’re taking me to church?” She slid her hands under the front of his shirt and over his abs.

He liked the feel of her calloused hands over his bare skin, but if he didn’t stop her, they were going to move beyond light petting and head straight for the really good stuff. Pulling away from her, he said, “Yeah, I’m taking you to church.”

“Why?” Her voice was soft, breathless and sexy as hell.

“Because one of the best ways to gain another man’s undivided attention is to date someone else.”

“But I had two other dates this week...”

Jake lifted his brow. “Fred and Bubba are great guys, but not exactly stiff competition for a guy like Jay. The guys no slouch.”

“Are you telling me you’ve been checking out Jay?”

He scowled. “Not like that, but a man likes to size up the competition. Which is exactly what Jay’s going to do when you show up tomorrow with me.”

“You are so cocky,” she said, pursing her lips as she seemed to consider his idea. Suddenly, her mouth split into a wide grin and she shook him by his shoulders. “But I also think you might just be an evil genius!”

Actually, Jake felt more like the biggest idiot in the world as Rand threw her arms around him and the smell of peaches surrounded him.  “Damn straight I am.”

She pulled back and said, “I owe you big.”

 “I’ll remember that.”

Chapter Six


Rand stared at herself in the mirror and bit her lip. The floral dress was tea length and hugged her body, the little cap sleeves were very feminine. She’d pulled on nude panty hose she’d had in a drawer for years, which itched like crazy and a pair of black flats. She’d put a little gel in her hair and used a blow dryer on it, creating soft waves over her shoulder. She didn’t have any make up except for a tube of clear mascara and chap stick. Her dark lashes, already long, looked fuller after the clear coating, although she poked her eye in the process, causing it to water.

 She finally stood in front of the full length mirror on the back of her door and studied the change. She looked like any other woman being escorted to church by a handsome man.

And yet, she felt like an impostor.

Her phone rang in the kitchen and she ran to answer, tripping over Scout, who hissed in protest. “Don’t you hiss at me, you’re the one laying in the hallway like a dork.”

The Calico meowed and rubbed against her legs, obviously knowing where her bread was buttered.

“Manipulative little fur-ball,” Rand muttered.

The cats golden eyes looked at her, releasing a loud, rumbling purr and Rand moved away from her. “I don’t have time to pet you. Besides, you’ll get fur all over me.”

The cat sniffed with indignation and ambled off towards her bedroom as she grabbed the phone off the counter.  “Hello?”

“Hey, are you almost ready?” Jake’s voice only added to the anxiety she was already experiencing.

“Yeah, I’m ready.”

“Okay, I’m walking out the door. See you in a bit.” He hung up the phone and she put hers down, wiping her sweaty hands on her dress nervously. Grabbing her jacket off the back of the chair, she sat down on the couch and waited.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door. 

“Since when do you knock,” she yelled as she jumped up to answer it.

“Since I’ve come a courtin’,” he yelled back through the door.

Her stomach fluttered at his words. She knew he was only teasing and she scolded herself for the reaction, but when she opened the door, all thoughts flew out of her head. It wasn’t like she hadn’t ever seen Jake in a suit; it was just that today, he was for all intents and purposes, wearing that suit just for her.

Boy, did he look stunned. His jaw was slack, his eyes wider than silver dollars, and she was pretty sure he stopped breathing.

Tucking her hair back nervously, she stepped out onto the porch and shut the door. “Geez, could you look more surprised?”

His mouth snapped shut and he smiled. “For a minute there I didn’t recognize you.”

 “Shut up,” she snapped, feeling stupid. “I’m going to change; I feel ridiculous.”

Catching her arm, he stepped close enough to press her back against the closed door. He leaned over her, and kissed her hard before she could say a word. When he finally broke the kiss, his breath warmed her tingling lips. “You look great.”

She stared up at him dumbly. “As opposed to how I normally look?”

He kissed her again. “No. Just different. And I really like your hair.”

“Are you always so kissy and complimentary when you go a courtin’?” Not that she minded. Every time he kissed her it was like a burst of electricity that warmed her from the outside in.

“Nope, you’re special.” He leaned in close to her neck and whispered, “And so very sexy.”

Maybe it was the way he said it or the feel of his breath on her neck but she clenched her thighs together and didn’t even try to give him a clever comeback. When his lips trailed over her skin she whispered, “We’ll be late.”

He pulled back with a grin. “Good. Then everyone’s focus will be on us.”

They pulled in front of the church and Rand started to open her door, but Jake stopped her. “I’ll get your door.”

“I can get my own door.” She hadn’t meant to snap, it was just a habit.

He leaned towards her and said, “Not the point. You let the guy get your door. It will tell you if he was raised right.”

She started to tell him that was the stupidest thing she’d ever heard, but he had already jumped out to get her door. She waited for him to open it, telling herself she was only humoring him, and let him take her hand to help her out. When he didn’t release it, he grinned. “It will have everyone’s tongue wagging.”

She bit her cheek to keep from laughing. He was so ridiculous sometimes. She let him lead her up the steps to the church and once inside, she glanced around nervously as a few people turned around, including Kim and her hoard. Kim’s eyes widened and she leaned over to speak to her minions. Rand felt Jake pull her forward and she focused on where he was leading her, which was right next to a wide eyed Red and his family. Rand’s gaze met Mrs. Hansen and she could have sworn Jake’s mother covered a smile as she turned back to face the pastor. Weird.

Rand glared at Red in warning as she sat down between him and Jake, but he leaned over anyway. “Damn Rand, you have boobs.”

His mother, who was sitting on his other side, must have heard him because she slapped him upside his head at the same time Rand pinched his arm.

“Ow!” Red yelped, glaring at his mother. “Ma, what was that for?”

“Mind your manners, you are in a church.” Hannah, Red’s mother, sat forward and said, “You look lovely, Miranda.”

Miranda couldn’t stop blushing, nervously tugging her hair. “Thank you, ma’am.”

Red rubbed his arm and gave her a dark look which she returned by sticking her tongue out.

“Real mature,” Red said with a smirk.

Jake squeezed her hand and she turned to see what he wanted. He kissed her cheek and whispered, “Jay has been watching you since you walked in.”

Rand would have turned to look but she was mesmerized by the flecks in Jake’s eyes and the warmth his kiss had left on her cheek.

“Stop looking at me like that or I’m going to forget we’re in a church,” he said it quietly but Red must have been listening because he squawked, “What?!”

Rand’s face was crimson as the pastor began his sermon and she looked around, catching Jay’s eye. He gave her a smile and a wave and Rand waved back, thinking for a man who should be overcome with jealousy, he looked awfully cheerful.




Jake was grinning by the time church ended. He’d held Rand’s hand the whole service, trailing his thumb over her skin and loving her reactions to him. He didn’t know what it was about Rand, but he didn’t want to stop touching her which was a major complication if she was going to marry someone else real soon.

He led her out of church and wasn’t surprised when people kept stopping them and complimenting Rand.

“Why Miranda, how wonderful you look,” Mrs. Donaldson exclaimed kindly.

“Thank you, ma’am,” Rand said quietly.

Mr. Donaldson slapped his shoulder and said, “Well, damn Jake, if she isn’t the prettiest girl in church today. Miranda dear, you clean up mighty nice.”

Rand clenched his hand and he could tell from the look on her face she wanted out of there. “That she does, Mr. Donaldson. If you’ll excuse us.”

He kept leading her towards the door and she whispered, “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet. Kim is standing by the door looking fit to be tied.” He heard her groan and said, “Well hiya, Kim.”

Kim looked like she had swallowed a lemon. “Why Miranda, don’t you look different.”

Jake wanted to cheer when Rand’s chin tilted up. “I don’t mean to be rude, Kim, but we need to be going.”

Kim blinked at Rand like she’d never seen her before.

 “Miranda, you look so nice. I trust my son is being a gentleman,” his mom asked behind them.

“Yes, ma’am, he was brought up right,” Rand said, giving him a knowing smile.

“I’ll take the credit for that. This one has a bit of a wild streak, you know.” His mom said it smiling as she patted his cheek, ignoring Kim.

“Yes, ma’am I do,” Rand replied.

“Hey, standing right here ladies. Mom, I’ll talk to you later.” Jake steered Rand away from his mom, who had an expression on her face he didn’t like at all. Like she was already planning his wedding. One thing about the mamas of Loco, they wanted their boys to marry a good southern girl. Apparently she thought Rand fit the bill.

They had almost made it to his truck when Red’s voice stopped them. “Hey, y’all wait up.”

Jake and Rand turned to face him and Jake said, “Hey Red, I was just going to take Rand home.”

Red couldn’t seem to take his eyes off Rand which was getting on Jake’s last nerve. Red, oblivious to Jake’s irritation responded, “Well ma wanted me to invite y’all over for dinner tonight. Your mama’s already coming.”

Rand answered him, “Please thank your mother, but I always go to Earl’s on Sunday afternoons for pie.”

Jake looked at her with surprise. She still went over to cranky old Earl’s house?

“That’s fine, dinner ain’t until six and then we usually do a game or two.”

Jake’s mouth thinned. Red had been his best friend since they were in diapers. So why did he feel like breaking Red’s nose for looking Rand over like he was interested?

“Alright, I’ll come over afterwards,” Rand said with a smile.

Red looked way too pleased. To his surprise, Jake squeezed her hand and said, “Don’t you mean we will, sweetheart?”

Rand blinked at him. “Of course I meant us. After all, you’re coming with me to Earl’s, aren’t you…baby?”

Jake started to open his mouth and say, “The hell I am” but caught Red looking at them like they had two heads, one body, and eighteen legs. “Of course, honey, I can’t wait to catch up with Earl.”

Red felt his own forehead. “I swear I don’t have a fever, but I must be febrile because this can’t be real.”

Jake shrugged. “Should have come to movie night, buddy.”

Red shook his head. “I’ll see y’all tonight.”

As he walked away Rand turned to him, looking confused. “I thought we were trying to make Jay jealous. Why didn’t we just tell Red the truth?”

Jake laughed. “Because I loved seeing the look on his face.”

Rand’s lips kicked into a smile. “You’re mean.”

“Are we really heading over to Earl’s place,” he asked.

Rand reached for the door and said, “Actually we have to stop by the house first to grab the pie and

He beat her to the door and opened it with a stern look. “No way in hell. If I have to spend hours with ornery old Earl, then you’re staying in that dress.”

“What the hell are you wearing?” Earl hooted from the porch.

“It’s called a dress, old man!” Rand yelled back, glaring at the cackling termagant.

“I know what it’s called! Guess a better question would be, why are you wearing it?”

She heard Jake chuckle and glared at him across the hood of the truck.

“Who’s that you have with you?”  Earl was coming down off the porch with a purpose in his step.

“Get down Reba!” Rand growled at the hound as Reba jumped up onto Jake’s slacks. She would have laughed at his terrified expression as he watched Earl, but she knew how intimidating Earl could be. “You know Jake, he runs the feed store.”

Earl pointed his gnarled finger at Jake. “He’s also the little hoodlum that used to steal my blackberries.”

She reached out and put his finger down by his side. “Only until I started bringing him home baskets of them.”

He scowled at her, looking her up and down, and let out a “harrumph.” He took her hand and held it up, spinning her. When she faced him again, he was grinning so wide it reached his twinkling eyes. “Well, now, looking a might girly there.”

She rolled her eyes. “I am a girl.”

He tucked her hand into the crook of his arm. “Purty too.”

“Please, I can’t take any more teasing,” she said, her cheeks burning.

Earl turned his attention to Jake and his expression darkened again. “Well, boy?”

Rand tried to cover her smile as Jake stepped forward and held his hand out to Earl. “It’s good to see you, sir.”

Earl reached out and squeezed Jake’s hand. “Most people in town run when they see me coming.”

Jake deadpanned.  “You can be kind of ornery sir.”

Rand coughed to cover a laugh and Earl looked at her with a knowing twinkle in his eyes. “Well, boy, why don’t you get that pie I know you brought out of the truck and come inside.”

Rand let Earl lead her inside and Earl said out of the corner of his mouth, “I like this boy.”

Rand laughed. “But you don’t like anyone.”

Earl  “Harrumphed” again and shot back, “If that were true, I would have sent a certain brown-eyed girl packing first time she tried to steal my prized laying hen.”

If someone had told him three weeks ago he’d be sitting in Earl Humphries’s kitchen, eating pie with him while Rand served them wearing a dress, he’d have laughed his ass off. Rand set his pie down in front of him and he looked up as she moved away. Her brown hair caught the sun and the shiny strands fell over her shoulder as she cut another slice. She tucked the hair back with a curse and he smiled.

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