Mail Order Bride - Westward Justice: Historical Cowboy Romance (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 6) (12 page)

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Authors: Linda Bridey

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Victorian, #Western, #Historical Romance, #Westerns

BOOK: Mail Order Bride - Westward Justice: Historical Cowboy Romance (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 6)
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              “That’s my business,” Jack said defiantly.

              “Jack, I have a lot of relatives in camp.  Do you want to be seeing a girl who’s related to me?” Marcus asked.

              Jack’s face registered horror at that thought.  “Sparrow.”

              Marcus mentally went through the various lineages he belonged to and was relieved that Sparrow wasn’t part of any of them.  “Whew.  No, she’s not related to me.”

              Jack’s relief was visible in the sagging of his strong shoulders.  “Thank God.”

              “How long have you been seeing her?” Marcus asked.

              “About six months.”

              “That long?  How have I not heard about this?” Marcus asked.

              “We mainly meet outside of camp because we didn’t want anyone to know,” Jack said.

              “How did you meet?” Marcus asked.

              “I was chopping down a tree for wood for the cook stove and she stumbled into the clearing where I was working,” Jack said and smiled at the memory.  “She looked like a scared deer with her big brown eyes.  I do know some Lakota, you know.  I told her I was a friend and that you were my uncle and then she wasn’t afraid of me anymore.  Things just kind of took off from there.”

              Marcus felt for Jack.  Black Fox was right when he’d said that not all the Lakota could walk in both worlds as he did.  Jack was in much the same situation that he’d found himself in at the age of sixteen.  That’s how old Marcus had been when he’d found out that his biological father had been a Lakota brave.

              Marcus saw Jack in a new light.  He wasn’t the funny little nephew that Marcus loved so much.  He was now a young man with his own life and dreams.  “Do you love her?”

              Jack’s chin rose.  “Yes, I do.”

              “Are you intimate?” Marcus asked.

              Jack smiled, “Yes and no.”

              Marcus rolled his eyes.  “You know what I mean.”

              “Then no, we’re not doing that,” Jack said.  “It’s not that I’m not interested, but I’d rather wait until we’re married.”

              “Until you’re married?” Marcus said.  “You asked her to marry you?”  Panic began building inside Marcus’ chest.

              “Yeah, but we’re trying to figure out how to go about telling both families about us first before we even bring up the fact that we want to get married.  We thought it would be best to just tell them that we’re courting for now,” Jack said.  “You know, kind of ease everyone into the idea?”

              Marcus nodded.  “That’s smart.”

              “I don’t know what the big deal is.  I mean, you’re my uncle and Black Fox and those guys are like family to me.  Once her family knows that I’m your nephew and all, it shouldn’t be a problem,” Jack said.

              “Jack, it’s not quite that simple.  Plus, you do remember how your father reacted when I told him I’m half Lakota?” Marcus said.

              “I haven’t forgotten.  I don’t plan to wait very long to tell him, Uncle Marcus.  I didn’t want to tell anyone until I knew where things were going with Sparrow.  What’s the point of saying anything if it doesn’t last?” Jack said.

              “But now here we are and this is going to be a difficult path to walk, Jack.  You and Sparrow need to decide if you are strong enough to walk it together or whether you need to head in different directions,” Marcus warned him.

              Jack nodded.  “I understand.  When I do tell Pa and Mama, will you come with me?”

              “Yeah,” Marcus said without hesitation.  He would have given anything to have had someone who truly understood with him when he’d told his family his secrets.  Claire had been there for support, but she couldn’t fully comprehend what Marcus was going through.  Marcus knew what Jack was up against and would stand by his nephew when both families were informed about the young couple.  “I won’t say a word to anyone until you’re ready.”

              Jack hugged him.  “Thank you so much.”

              “You’re welcome,” Marcus said as he hugged Jack back.  “When did you grow up?”

              Jack laughed as Marcus released him.  “You sound like Mama.”

              “I understand how she feels.  Go on and see your little bird,” Marcus said and watched his nephew go back through the trees.  His instincts told him that there was indeed a very rocky path ahead of them all.



Chapter Twelve



              Owl tailed Sammi home every night that week without fail.  No one ever saw him.  Once she was safely inside her cottage and the lock slid home, Owl would go on his way.  That Friday night as Owl was getting ready to leave, he noticed someone coming up to her cottage.  They moved stealthily towards her door. 

              The Lakota brave went into action.  The man never heard him coming.  Owl slammed into him and sent him flying into the yard off to the side of the hotel.  Owl tucked and rolled and came up on his feet and attacked again.  He didn’t make a sound as he dove for his opponent’s legs and brought him down. 

              “Owl!  Stop!” Mitch called softly to the brave.  “It’s me, Sheriff Taylor.”

              Owl pinned Mitch down and looked for the badge.  He saw the glint of metal in the moonlight and let him go.  Standing, Owl held a hand out to the lawman and helped him up.

              Mitch brushed grass from his clothes and whispered, “I guess I don’t have to worry if you’re doing your job.”

              Owl offered him a friendly smile and Mitch was reminded again of how much Owl resembled Marcus.  “I do good job.”

              “You sure do,” Mitch said and stretched his back a little.  “Dang, you hit hard.”

              “Yes.  I not fool around,” Owl said.  “You say protect Sammi, I do that.  She good-looking woman.  Strong like Indian warrior.”  Owl got a kick out of watching Sammi throw people out of the bar.

              Mitch laughed quietly.  “Yes, she is.  Thanks for all your help.  Have a good night.”

              Owl nodded.  “Ok.  See you.”

              Mitch watched in amazement as Owl faded soundlessly into the shadows.  He saw that there was a dim light on in Sammi’s cottage.  He knocked softly on her door.  Sammi heard the knock and got her gun.  She unlocked the door and opened it cautiously.

              “It’s just me, Sammi,” Mitch said.

              Sammi was surprised. “What are you doing here?” she asked as she let him in.

              As soon as she locked the door, Mitch took her gun and sat it on a table.  Then he took her in his arms and kissed her until they were both breathless. 

              “Well, that was unexpected,” Sammi said with a smile.  “What brought that on?”

              “I have watched you work every night this week and you have no idea how incredibly sexy it is when you have to deal with troublemakers.  This is why you can’t be my deputy.  Can you imagine if we’re dealing with some criminal and all I can do is watch while you fight him?” Mitch said.

              Sammi laughed.  “I can’t believe my job does that to you, but I love it.”

              Mitch took off his vest.  “I never thought I’d ever see woman like you and it just gets me all wound up when you’re aggressive.”

              Sammi was mesmerized by the heat in his eyes.  “Really?”

              “Really,” Mitch said and started undoing the cuffs of his shirt.

              “So you liked it tonight when I had to show Clyde the door?” Sammi said.  It was her intent to inflame his desire and it was working.

              “Yeah,” Mitch said and undid the buttons of his shirt.

              When he took off the garment and flung it to the side, Sammi practically salivated as his hard, toned chest and shoulders were revealed to her.  “And what about when Otis got lippy and I had to shut him up?”

              “Loved it,” Mitch said and cupped her face in his hand and kissed her again.

              Sammi couldn’t help giggling against his mouth.  He was both exciting and amusing and Sammi enjoyed the combination.  She hadn’t changed her clothes yet and Mitch began pulling her shirt out of her pants.  There began a funny, frenzied need to get their clothes off as quickly as possible.  They laughed and fought each other’s hands, but finally succeeded and Mitch pulled Sammi to the floor.



Chapter Thirteen


              At some point during the night they’d moved to her bedroom and fallen asleep.  Mitch’s internal alarm clock woke him up around five a.m. and he looked down at Sammi. She looked peaceful and beautiful and he wanted her again.  There was no way he was going to wake her, however, and Mitch stifled his desire.  He kissed her cheek softly and got out of the bed.

              She didn’t move as he tiptoed from the room and went out to the parlor.  Quickly he dressed and went outside.  He made sure to lock the door before leaving.  Mitch went home and cleaned up before making some coffee.  He sat at his kitchen table and thought about Sammi.  It hadn’t been his intention to sleep with her before they got married, but he hadn’t been able to stay away any longer. 

              Images of their night together flitted through his mind and Mitch left to go to the office to distract himself from them.  She’d been passionate, aggressive, and fun.  It was amazing to him that a woman who had been through the kind of traumatic experiences she had was so free when she made love.  Mitch had to use tremendous restraint to start his work and not think about the time they’d shared last night.


              Sammi slowly woke up and stretched.  She rolled over to the side of her bed where Mitch had slept.  She knew by the bright sun coming in the windows that he would be gone by now, but his pillow still smelled like him.  Cuddling it, Sammi thought about last night and smiled.  It had been like a dynamite blast of passion between them.  She laughed as she thought about her job turning him on.  She’d be looking forward to busting heads just to get him wound up.

              As she got out of bed, Sammi decided to go see Mitch for a quick visit.  Then she planned to see if Jamie would show their new house to her.  Instead of wearing her hat, Sammi braided her hair.  She wasn’t used to wanting to look pretty for anyone, but she wanted to for Mitch.  Looking down at her pants she wondered how it would look if she bought some blue jeans.  They were a relatively new type of pants and might look a little better than the ones she was wearing.  Sammi smiled as she decided to go to the store to see what they looked like.

              It was a beautiful day and Sammi hummed a little as she rode Macbeth down the street to the store.  She went in and found the blue jeans.  After holding several different sizes against her, Sammi found a size that looked right for her.  She wanted to wear them and see what Mitch thought, but she needed a place to change.  She purchased two pairs and left the store.  It was inconvenient but she went back home to change.  She slipped into a pair and immediately liked the way they felt.

              Sammi wanted to see what they looked like, but the small mirror in her room didn’t go that far down.  So she bounced on the bed until she could see her lower half in the mirror.  The pants emphasized her hips and rear end and Sammi loved the effect.  She locked up and ran to Macbeth.  As she trotted back to the main street, she hoped Mitch was in the office.  Luck was with her.  Rico was tied outside under a tree where Mitch usually put him.

              She tied Macbeth close to Rico and entered the office.  Mitch was doing some sort of paperwork.  He looked at her and did a double take.

              “Oh my God!  What are you wearing?” he said.

              “Blue jeans, silly.  I just bought them.  What do you think?” Sammi said and turned around.

              Mitch couldn’t take his eyes off her.  If she was sexy in her pants, she was downright racy in the jeans.  “I think you need to leave or I’m gonna take you in that storeroom and have my way with you.”

              Sammi laughed.  “We’ll have to do that, but not right now.  I’m going to see Jamie.”  She turned around again and bent over.  “So you like them?”

              “Sammi, get out!” Mitch hollered.  “There’s only so much I can take.”

              She straightened and went over to him.  “Not until I do this.”

              The kiss she gave him was soft and languorous.  Mitch had to keep his hands on the desk or he would drag her onto his lap.  Sammi drew back and smiled at him.  “Come see me at work tonight.  Tomorrow is Sunday so you don’t have to leave at dawn.”  Then she kissed his forehead and sashayed from the office.

              Mitch put his head in his hands and groaned.  He waited about ten minutes before he left the office.  She was sure to be gone by then.  Taking a ride around town would be a good distraction, he hoped.


              Sammi rode up the lane to the Samuels ranch and put Macbeth in the paddock.  As she was walking to Tessa’s, someone behind her whistled.  She turned around to see Jack smiling at her. 

              “Looking good, Sammi,” Jack said.

              She walked over and said, “Are you flirting with me?”

              “What if I was?” Jack answered.

              “I’d say if I was about ten years younger, I’d snatch you up.  As it is, I’m taken.  Sorry,” she said.

              “That’s ok.  It doesn’t hurt to just look,” Jack said.  “Besides, I have a girlfriend.”

              Sammi said, “Oh, you do, huh?  Who?”

              Jack got a little cagey.  “I’m not ready to say who it is or even that I have one.  Please don’t tell anyone.”

              Sammi laughed and said, “Don’t worry.  I know how to keep my mouth shut.  I’ll see you later, Jack,” Sammi said.

              Jack watched her walk away and smiled.  He looked over at the barn and saw Seth standing in the doorway watching Sammi, too.  Jack waved at his uncle.  Once he had Seth’s attention, he pointed at Sammi and gave Seth the Lakota hand sign for “beautiful”.  Seth grinned his agreement and then disappeared into the barn.


              Jamie stood looking open-mouthed at Sammi.  “Oh my goodness!  Turn around.”  Sammi complied and Jamie said, “I have to get a pair.”

              “You should have seen Mitch this morning when I went to the sheriff’s office.  He almost drooled,” Sammi said.

              “Who could blame him?” Jamie said.  “Are they comfortable?”

              “Yeah and I can still wear my gun and knife under the pant legs.  And I have pockets for my brass knuckles, too,” Sammi said.  “Jack approves.”

              Jamie laughed.  “I don’t imagine any guy wouldn’t approve, even if it’s secretly.  They are quite form-fitting and you have an excellent figure for them.  They certainly look good on you.”

              Tessa came into the parlor and had much the same reaction to Sammi’s jeans as Jamie had.

              “Hi, Tessa,” Sammi said.  “How are you?”

              “Fine, thank you,” Tessa said absently as she looked Sammi over.  “Those are new.”

              “Yep.  Like ‘em?”

              “Um, I’m not sure what to say.  They’re rather daring,” Tessa said.

              Jamie said, “You should get a pair, Tessa, and wear them for Dean.  I’m going to get some.”

              Tessa shook her head.  “No, I couldn’t do that.  Dean would not approve, I don’t think.  What does Mitch think about them?”

              “He loves them.  He found me irresistible,” Sammi said.

              Jamie said, “How could he not?”

              “He likes watching me work.  It gets him wound up when I’m aggressive.  That’s what he told me last night.  Just wait ‘til he watches me work in these tonight,” Sammi said.

              “You’re so bad,” Jamie said.  “I love it.”

              Tessa was more reserved about the subject of sex.  She supposed that was one of the reasons why she and Dean got along so well.  However, Tessa found herself curious about what her husband would say if she were to wear jeans, even if it was just one time.  It might be fun just to see his reaction. 

              She said to Jamie, “If you are going to buy a pair, pick me up one in the same size as Sammi’s since she’s only a little taller than me.”

              Jamie clapped her hands and said, “We should all wear them the same day as a joke.  We have to tell Maddie!” she said and ran out the door.  Then she came back and grabbed Sammi’s hand and dragged her with her.  “You have to be the model.”


              Tessa had given Jamie permission to take Sammi to see the couple’s new house.  It was nestled in a small grove of trees.  It had a large front porch and plenty of windows.  Inside there were five rooms; kitchen, parlor, two bedrooms and a wash room.  The walls had been left the natural blonde pine.  Luke and his cousins had simply sanded and varnished the boards and the effect was stunning.  Their kitchen stove was a more modern Garland with an ornate black and gold design.

              Sammi ran her hands over it and whistled in appreciation.  “That’s a beauty.”

              Jamie smiled.  “Luke saw it and insisted we get it.  I told him it was too much money, but he said that it’ll last forever since it’s such a good stove.”

              “I’d say he’s right.  You lucked into a good guy, Jamie.  Not only is he handsome, but he’s kind and likes to spoil you,” Sammi said.

              Jamie nudged Sammi and said, “Mitch is a good guy, too.”

              Sammi grinned and said, “You have no idea.”

              “I think I might.  So, have things become physical?” Jamie asked as her green eyes smiled.

              Sammi nodded.  “Very physical.  As in, he stayed at my place last night.”

              Jamie laughed and pulled Sammi over to the sofa in their parlor.  “Tell me everything!”

              Sammi wasn’t shy about things the way Lacey was and had no problem giving Jamie a general description of the night before. 

              “I love him, Jamie.  I’ve never loved any man before,” Sammi said.

              Jamie said, “Well, you just hadn’t met the right one until now.”

              Sammi looked down and played with the button on her shirt cuff.  “There are some things I need to tell you that only Mitch knows about me.”

              Jamie became serious.  “What is it, Sammi?  You know you can tell me anything.”

              Sammi took a deep breath and related everything about her true past to Jamie.  She couldn’t look at Jamie as she spoke or she would have burst out crying.  Jamie sat still and quiet as Sammi told her story.  She was stunned beyond belief and completely understood why Sammi hadn’t shared this information with Lacey and her until now.

              “That’s everything,” Sammi said.

              She was promptly enveloped in Jamie’s tight embrace.  The redhead wept openly.  “My poor, Sammi.  I can’t believe you had to endure all of that by yourself.  I’m so sorry, honey.  I wish I would have known you then.  At least I could have been there for you.”

              “You’re not mad that I didn’t tell you?” Sammi said as she hugged Jamie back.

              “No!  I wouldn’t want to tell anyone, either, but I’m glad you told me.  Are you sure you can’t have children?” Jamie said.  “I know you always said that you’d like to have one or two.”

              Sammi sighed.  “I would, but I don’t even get a monthly.”

              “You’re so lucky!  Or not, well, sort of both.  It must be convenient to not have to worry about it, but on the other hand, I know that it does mean that it’s not likely you can conceive,” Jamie said.  “What does Mitch say about all of it?”

              “He was furious.  Not with me, but that I had been put through so much.  If he’d have had the guys who did those things to me in that hotel room, he would have killed them.  And he told me that having kids isn’t all that important to him, but if we decided we wanted them, we could adopt,” Sammi replied.

              Jamie said, “I like him even more than I already did!  What a sweet man.”

              “Yes, he is,” Sammi said.  “I gave him a key to my place.”

              “You didn’t!” Jamie said.

              Sammi said, “I did and gave him full permission to use it.  He said, ‘I have it, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna use it.’  It was funny.  I could tell that he wanted to, but his gentlemanly side wouldn’t let him.”

              “Luke is that way sometimes, although he says that I’ve corrupted him,” Jamie said.  “Well, let me show you the rest of the house and then I’d better get back to work.”

              “Ok.  Lead the way,” Sammi said.


              The remainder of Jamie’s house was as charming as the parlor and kitchen.  All the way back to the Samuels place, they chatted about it.  Jamie told Sammi funny stories about things that had happened while they’d been building it.  When they reached the lane leading to the ranch, the two women parted ways.  Jamie said that she and Luke were planning on coming to the Watering Hole that night.


              Mitch was kept busy all day, which was rare on a Saturday.  There was a group of young men who were causing trouble and had to be dealt with.  Then someone’s house had been robbed and although Mitch couldn’t prove it yet, he was fairly certain the gang of hooligans was responsible.  Then there was Boonie who was still hung over from the night before.  He had decided to pull his pants down in the middle of the square.  Mitch had taken him to the office and put him in a cell to dry out.  Bart had been taken to another town to await trial, so Boonie was the only one in the clink at the moment.  Mitch wanted to get some food and coffee into the man, so he walked up to the Grady House.

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