Maid to Be Mine: A Regency Cinderella Story (18 page)

BOOK: Maid to Be Mine: A Regency Cinderella Story
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Of course! You are are my closest neighbors, and we are becoming fast friends. I would certainly want you to be there. You, your mother, Lady Georgiana...”

I am sure you wish my sister would
come,” Edith said with a chuckle. “I know I am wicked for saying that, but it's true. Georgiana isn't exactly a joy to be around.”

James opened his mouth to reply, but he did not know what to say.

I am sorry if I put you in an awkward position. I don't expect you to malign my sister,” Edith said.

I have noticed you and your sister are often at odds with each other.”

Oh dear. Is it that obvious?!” Edith chewed on her lip for several seconds.

They fell into another awkward silence, and there was nothing left to discuss about the weather. James knew he could not stall much longer. He had to tell Edith the reason for his visit.

Do you mind if I share a burden with you, my lady?” James asked. “I have... a lot on my mind.”

Of course, Lord Charmington. You may share anything with me!”

Well... I... you see, Edith, I am...”

Take your time, my lord.” If she had been sitting beside him, Edith would have laid a hand on his shoulder. Something was greatly troubling him—it was obvious.

There is a reason for this ball,” James said. “My grandmother is frequently ill, and... my mother is pressuring me to find a wife. She wants me to have a wife and heir before my grandmother passes away. Not long ago, I promised my mother I would find a wife before my thirtieth birthday, and now my thirtieth birthday is fast approaching. I have finally decided to succumb to my mother's wishes and... and choose a bride.”

I am not sure if I should congratulate you or console you,” Edith said. “Is there someone in particular you had in mind?”

Not quite,” James said, even as an image of Cynthia's angelic face flashed before his mind's eye. “That is the reason I am having this ball. I know it might sound strange, but... on the day of the ball, I
propose to someone by the end of the night.”

I suppose I can understand your urgency.”

At any rate, I want every marriageable female to be there,” James continued. “I am inviting every eligible female I can think of... so, of course, I would want you and Lady Georgiana to be there.”

As I am hardly marriageable, you'll have to forgive me if I decline the invitation.”

Really, Edith?!” The disappointment in his puppy dog eyes was so evident, it almost made her feel guilty. “Perhaps you should give yourself more credit? You aren't exactly an old maid, and I would certainly want you to be there...”

It has nothing to do with me being a spinster, Lord Charmington... I don't particularly enjoy social gatherings. When I was younger, I was always a wallflower. When I reached a certain age, I decided I would never attend another ball again. I no longer cared to subject myself to ridicule and disappointment,” Edith explained. “However, Georgiana will
want to be there. I will be sure to pass your invitation to her.”

And to Cynthia as well
, she thought with a grin.

Chapter Nineteen

Cynthia had her ear pressed to the drawing room door, where she could hear her stepmother and stepsisters discussing Lord Charmington's ball. While she wasn't particularly fond of eavesdropping, she could not resist the temptation to listen in.

You need to make me look beautiful, Mama!”

But you always look beautiful, Georgiana.”

I know I do!”
On the other side of the door, Cynthia rolled her eyes at Georgiana's vanity. “
But I need to look my best... I need to look ethereal! I will have to wear my finest dress, and weave some flowers into my hair. I need to ensure he will choose me, and no one else!”

And who else would he choose, dear? He has been calling on you nearly every day!”

He came to see
...” Cynthia whispered to herself. “He wants

Is he really going to propose to someone by the end of the night?”
Georgiana squealed.

To which Edith emptily responded, “
That is what he told me.”

Oh, I can hardly contain my excitement! In another twenty four hours, I might be engaged to the man of my dreams! And oh, Mama, he really IS the man of my dreams! He's handsome and charming and clever and kind... he likes reading and painting and horseback riding. My heart flutters at the thought of him!”

As soon as she heard her stepmother's voice, Cynthia could hear footsteps moving across the room. “
Do you see the shadow under the door? A bit peculiar, wouldn't you say? I think someone might be spying on us!”

Before Cynthia had a chance to react, Jemima threw open the door. “Cynthia!” her stepmother shrieked. “Cynthia, what are you doing?! Are you eavesdropping on our conversation?! How dare you! Aren't you supposed to be

Cynthia timidly clasped her hands behind her back and stepped away from Lady Montforth. She was afraid Jemima might try to wring her neck—or worse. “I... I wanted to talk about the ball,” Cynthia said.

ball?!” As Jemima glared at her stepdaughter, it was as if her eyes possessed all of the world's fury. “You weren't supposed to know about that! Who told you about that?!” Before Cynthia could respond, Jemima turned her fury on Edith. “It was you, wasn't it? How dare you!”

Edith simply shrugged. She refused to be a victim of her mother's intimidation tactics. “I think she deserved to know.”

And I think I should go to the ball,” Cynthia suggested hopefully. “Lord Charmington wants every marriageable female to attend. I am
a maid, I am an earl's daughter! I have every right to be there!”

an earl's daughter. That man is dead, you hear me?
” Jemima seized her stepdaughter's arm and dragged her away from the drawing room. “Now you are a servant, and that is what you will always be! The next time you protest, I will throw you out of Montforth Hall forever... I swear I will! Everything your father owned... everything your father cherished... you will never see it again!”

Cynthia looked down at her arm, where Jemima was pinching her flesh. “You're hurting me!”

Good!” Jemima opened the door to the servants' quarters and shoved her stepdaughter inside. “There's nothing like a bit of pain to prove one's point!”

As soon as her stepmother slammed the door, Cynthia collapsed in a chair and sobbed. She buried her face behind her hands and erupted with a tremendous wail of despair.
It wasn't fair!
She was tired of feeling as if her hands were tied. What was she supposed to do?!

When Robert heard her crying, he flew out of his room and knelt by her side. “Cynthia? Cynthia, what's wrong?!”

I... I'm sad,” she mumbled at him through her fingers.

I can see that!” Robert tugged one of Cynthia's hands away from her face and held it between his. “Tell me what's wrong!”

The ball...” she squeaked. “I wanted to go. I wanted to go so badly!”

What ball?”

Lord Charmington's...” Cynthia didn't want Robert staring at her tears, so she turned her head away from him. “He is supposed to choose a wife. I
to be there!”

And why shouldn't you go?”

He thinks I'm a maid!” Cynthia exclaimed. “I... I have nothing suitable to wear! All of my possessions were taken away from me. If I showed up at his estate in a maid's dress, they would show me to the kitchen!”

Not necessarily,
” a female voice chimed in.

When Cynthia saw Edith standing in the doorway, she breathed a sigh of relief. Her stepsisters had similar voices; the last thing she needed was to have Georgiana railing at her.

Edith ran to her stepsister's side and gave her shoulder an encouraging squeeze. “We'll get you to that ball,” Edith said. “If you're there, I
you would be the one he would choose!”

What if I'm wasting my time?” Cynthia sighed. “What if it is hopeless?!”

It won't be hopeless.”

How can you be so sure?!” Cynthia's tears had stopped, but her heart continued to throb. “What if Jemima sees me there?! It might be the end of me!”

No!” Edith protested. “It will mean a new beginning! My mother might rebel against you, but you can begin a new life... as Lord Charmington's bride!”

How can you be so sure he'll choose me?!”

Because he's in love with you!” Edith exclaimed. “I can see it in the way he looks at you... I can hear it in his voice whenever he speaks of you. He's yours, Cynthia! You need only to claim him!”

Well...” Cynthia's gaze traveled to Robert, then to Edith. Their faces were so sincere and encouraging, she felt like she owed it to them to give her love a chance. “How am I going to get to the ball? Lord Charmington might be our closest neighbor, but it is too far to walk!”

Robert grinned at her. “I could carry you.”

What?!” Cynthia should have known it was one of his jokes; nevertheless, his suggestion made her gasp.

Actually, that won't be necessary. My uncle has a carriage. I'm sure it's not the fanciest you've ever seen, but it should be serviceable,” Robert said. “I can take you there.”

But I don't have anything to wear!”

You can wear one of my gowns,” Edith said. “You're a bit slimmer than I am, but we are roughly the same size.”

You two...” As Cynthia exchanged glances with the concerned friends beside her, the tears returned to her eyes. “I don't know what I would do without you! I am so honored that you want to help me.”

are my sister,” Edith said. “Sometimes, I believe you might be my
sister. Nothing would make me happier than to see the smile return to your face.” She gave her stepsister's hand a gentle pat. “He makes you smile, does he not?”

He does. For some time now, I have been aware of an undeniable truth,” Cynthia said. “And that is... that I'm falling in love with him. Ever since the day we met, I was drawn to him. Every time I gaze into his eyes, I can see a happy ending for myself.” She searched Edith's eyes as she spoke. “Do you think it's foolish to feel the way I feel? Is it foolish to have hope?”

Of course not.” Edith shook her head. “Now, the ball is tomorrow. We have no time to waste! We need to find you the perfect dress!”

Chapter Twenty

Robert and Edith were standing by the carriage, eagerly awaiting Cynthia's arrival. Jemima and Georgiana were already en route to Lord Charmington's estate, which meant Cynthia was free to follow them. They knew her entrance would be fashionably late, but it was better late than never.

It's not good enough for her,” Robert said.

Edith's eyebrow was raised. She did not know much about Robert, aside from the fact that he seemed to have Cynthia's best interests at heart.“Pardon?”

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