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Authors: Peter Birch

Tags: #Peter Birch, #Erotica, #Spanking

Maid Service (33 page)

BOOK: Maid Service
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“Think it over for a while, if you like, but you know it makes sense.”

Peter hesitated a moment, then nodded.

“Excellent!” Stephen went on. “Good man, and of course there's no reason why we shouldn't carry on having fun. In fact, to seal the deal, why don't you give Vivienne a good spanking, if I might perhaps borrow Rhiannon at the same time?”

“Stephen!” Vivienne squeaked.

“Don't be prissy,” Stephen told her and made a casual gesture of his hand towards Peter. “I did say that you could expect a spanking this evening.”

Vivienne came, pink faced and struggling not to pout, to lay herself across Peter's lap, still with considerable poise despite the indignity of her position. Rhiannon showed no such restraint, climbing quickly into position over Stephen's knee with her bottom raised to make it easier for him to pull her dress up. It had been done in a moment and her panties came down with no more ceremony, leaving her wriggling her bare bottom in encouragement as Stephen laid one large, bony hand across her cheeks. Vivienne had seen and threw her husband a worried glance.

“I don't have to have my …” she began, but broke off with a little gasp as Peter began to lift her beautiful silk evening dress.

“Yes you do,” Peter told her, lifting the dress up to show off a bottom even smaller and tighter than Rhiannon's and covered only by a minuscule pair of lace panties.

“And your panties, I'm afraid,” Stephen said as he began to spank Rhiannon.

“No, Stephen, please, they'll all see my … my pussy,” Vivienne babbled, her voice breaking as Peter slowly but firmly turned down the little lace panties to bare her bottom.

“Always such a fuss when it's time for their panties to come down,” he remarked. “Do you remember how Tiffany charged double to let you watch her get it in the buff?”

“You'd have thought they'd be proud of their pussies,” Stephen replied.

“They are,” Peter said, making a final adjustment to Vivienne's undergarment and lifting his leg to make sure that she was suitably and comprehensively displayed from behind. “But they like to make sure we realize they're showing off something precious. Anyway, the really embarrassing thing is if people see their assholes.”

Vivienne gave a gasp of shock and outrage as her tiny cheeks were hauled wide to expose the perfect little star of her ass.

“Not that you should worry, Vivienne,” Peter went on. “Not when you have such a pretty one—so tidy and cute.”

Christine looked disgusted, but she did not turn away.

“Don't tease Vivienne like that,” Michelle put in. “You're making her embarrassed.”

“That's half the fun,” Peter replied, and he began to spank.

He'd taken a good grip on Vivienne's waist, making sure there was no escape as he applied his hand to her perfect little cheeks. She'd tried to keep her poise, even as her panties were removed, but with the pain of her spanking she'd lost it in moments, squirming and wriggling over his lap, kicking her legs and tossing her beautiful pale hair. Her reaction only encouraged Peter, who spanked all the harder, until her indignant cries and yelps of pain had turned to sobs and a soft, whimpering noise as she began to cry.

“Spanked to tears, perfect,” he said, and let go of her waist. “Okay, sweetie, you can get up. But I think you ought to leave that pretty little bottom on show for a while.”

“Yes,” Stephen agreed, releasing Rhiannon. “Up against the wall, the pair of you, with your dresses held up.”

Rhiannon obeyed without hesitation, scampering across to the wall to stand with her red bottom bare to the room. Vivienne followed, sniveling slightly and pausing to take a tissue and wipe her tears before taking her place beside Rhiannon, her dress held up in the same fashion, while her pretty lace panties had fallen down around her ankles.

“Such a pretty sight,” Stephen remarked. “I wonder how many girls have been spanked as a consequence of that time you did Tiffany in front of us?”

“Easily over a hundred,” Peter assured him. “Nearer two hundred in fact, and that's just the ones I've done myself. In total, I don't know, but I'd like to think that we have played our part in ensuring that spanking remains a regular occurrence for the women of Britain, and elsewhere. Cheers.”

They clinked their glasses together and each took a sip. For a long moment there was silence broken only by Vivienne's faint sniveling. Christine had stayed as she was, watching and listening with an unreadable expression, but she finally spoke up.

“Okay, Stephen, I accept, but …”

She'd turned to Peter.

“I want to see that bastard spanked, just like I was, with the rest of you watching.”

“Spanked?” Peter echoed. “Me?”

“Yes, you,” she answered him. “Or can't you take it?”

“That seems fair to me,” Rhiannon put in before Peter could find an answer.

“Yes,” Vivienne added, turning her tear stained face to the room. “Very fair.”

“You have to admit,” Stephen said, trying not to laugh, “in the circumstances it does seem a reasonable request.”

Peter threw a pleading look to Michelle, but she merely shrugged.

La Fesse en Rose, Dordogne, France 2016

Peter lifted his glass to the sun, admiring the golden gleams in the rich, sweet wine Michelle had poured for themselves and their guests. To his side, Ben Thompson lowered himself into a chair, smiling with amusement as he watched the scene beside the brook at the end of Peter's garden, where a blonde girl lay face down on the lawn, her mini skirt lifted and her panties turned down to present her perfectly for the spanking being administered by the somewhat taller blonde sitting astride her back.

“Just like the old days, eh?” Peter remarked.

“Very like the old days,” Ben agreed, then turned to Gabriel, who was watching the spanking with equal amusement. “So, did Daniel make it?”

“Yes,” Gabriel replied. “Which is why he can't be with us this weekend, unfortunately, but he sends his regards, along with a request, Peter. The day he steps down you're to send him Angelica and Siobhan, together.”

“That seems fair,” Peter answered, then called to the two girls at the bottom of the garden. “Come on, you too, stop fooling around. You're supposed to be entertaining our guests.”

The blonde girl merely stuck out her tongue and continued to spank the red-head's wriggling pink bottom, before the two of them burst out laughing, as Rhiannon emerged from the house with a broad, wooden paddle in one hand. Peter chuckled and took another sip of wine, then spoke again.

“What was it old Porter used to say? ‘The wages of sin is death', a statement I had to write out on the blackboard fifty times. Complete nonsense, of course, as I like to think my own life demonstrates. Rhiannon, if you're going paddle Siobhan, make it quick. I hear a car on the lane and it's probably your mother.”

Glossary & Notes

Many readers will be unfamiliar with slang terms both from British public schools in the middle 20th century and the London fetish scene somewhat later, both of which have been drawn from in the creation of this novel.

Surnames – it is a curious and now dying feature of the British class system that at old fashioned, male public schools pupils were always addressed by their surname. This habit persists into later life, but almost entirely among those who went to the same school, save perhaps for close university friends who went to different public schools. Curiously, the same form of address is used for servants or social inferiors, creating a minefield of social nomenclature in which the outsider can give offense all too easily.

Sneak – somebody who reports others to authority, for whatever reason. Like an informant in the world of gangsters, a public school sneak is the lowest of the low.

Prefects – the official hierarchy among public school pupils can be almost military in its complexity and precision. Most schools have their own system, but there are frequently two or even three tiers of prefects, each with their own responsibilities, privileges and areas of authority, jealously guarded and not infrequently absurd. In one school only the Head Boy was entitled to grow a mustache, while woe betide the junior who carried an umbrella after lunchtime.

Ragging – making a nuisance of yourself, whether it be fighting in dormitory or giving an unwelcome lecture. The university term “rag week” is related.

Police raids on fetish clubs.–.when fetish clubs first started to operate regularly in London during the late 'eighties and into the 'nineties, interference from the police was a constant hazard. Perhaps the most notorious was the raid on Club Whiplash on the night of October 12th 1994, which involved sixty officers and a cost of more than half-a-million pounds but failed to secure a conviction.

Gated – restricted to college grounds, a punishment normally reserved for senior pupils a little too inclined to make use of their freedom under national law. The author himself was gated for visiting a girlfriend in a city some seventy miles away and hitchhiking back in the early hours of the morning.


In British English, panties are commonly referred to as knickers.

In British English, “fanny” is an affectionate term for a woman's vagina.

Spunk is a slang British term for semen.

Gym knickers is the British name given to the short, tight elasticated shorts as worn by female runners, high-jumpers, pole-vaulters and other track and field athletes. Up until the 1980's, it was quite common for European female students to wear just such a garment during most athletic activities.

“Quid” is the slang name given to the monetary value of 1 British pound sterling.

Toasty girl – technically a girl who warms up another girl's bed for her, although the term has strong sexual implications.

Member of Parliament. This is the British equivalent of a Member of Congress/congressman in the United States.

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A place for no holds barred ranting.

A place for secrets. And drawing. Even if it's bad. Even if it's wrong.

No one will see here. No one will see this.

This is just for me.

Charlotte has secrets.

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