Mahu (36 page)

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Authors: Neil Plakcy

Tags: #Fiction, #Gay, #Mystery & Detective, #Police Procedural, #General Fiction

BOOK: Mahu
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“Oh, Kimo has a boyfriend,” he said as he started to cut. “Dish, baby. Tell Uncle Tico all about him.”

“Not a boyfriend, a suspect. Although he
cute, even though I know he’s bad all the way through.”

“Oh, they’re the worst,” he said. “My weakness. I love a bad boy.” In the mirror I saw him shake his head. “Except eventually they end up being bad to you. But while it works, it can be so wonderful!”

We went on to talk about Tatiana and Haoa and their children. “They’re angels,” Tico said. “Every last one of them. Angels from heaven. They all take after Tatiana, you know that.”

“I thought you weren’t mad at my brother anymore.”

“Oh, I forgave him. Do you know, yesterday he came to my house and planted a whole row of hibiscus bushes, just for nothing? I tried to thank him and all he said was, ‘You needed a hedge out front to shelter the yard.’ I mean, do you believe it? He just can’t say he’s sorry, but he means it.”

“Tell me about it. What he did to you last week, he did to me for at least ten years, until I got big enough to fight back. He and Lui would just whale on me whenever they thought they could get away with it. And even when our parents caught them, red-handed, they didn’t care. They’d take their punishment, and start right in on me again.”

“Poor baby.”

“Sometimes I don’t understand why I love them so much.”

“Your family will always be with you,” Tico said. “When you have no one else to turn to, you can always go to them.”

I nodded, and he pulled my head back up straight. “I saw that this week, for sure.”

He worked for a while longer, then styled and combed and moussed and by the time he was done even I was surprised at how handsome I was. I’
never been that vain about my looks—I figure
it’s all genetics. I was lucky to get the best features my Irish, Hawaiian and Japanese ancestors had, and to have them put together in a way that people found attractive. I ke
up my body and I st
d up straight, and I d
n’t worry about the rest. But what Tico had done had pulled something out of me I’d never thought I had.

“If I were twenty years younger,” Tico said. “You’d have to beat me off with a stick.”

“I might still have to. You’re not ready for Social Security yet.”

Tico laughed. “The man I see is fifty-one. Two years younger than I am. On Saturday nights we go out to the clubs to watch, not to dance. By midnight we’re yawning and we go home and go to bed.” He grinned. “Though not right to sleep.”

I tried to pay for the haircut but he wouldn’t let me. “Lock up a bad guy for me,” he said. “Then I’ll consider us even.”

From Tico’s I drove up to my parents’ house, feeling stronger and readier for action than I had in weeks. When my mother saw my truck pull up in the driveway behind Uncle Chin’s Cadillac, she came out to greet me. “Ai ya!” she said. “My handsome son! You got a new haircut.”

“Yeah, looks good,” I said, leaning down to kiss her.

“You make me feel like such a frumpy old lady. My handsome husband, my beautiful sons, and me.”

“You’ll always be the most beautiful woman in the world to me.” I nodded toward my father, who stood in the doorway. “And I know someone else who thinks so.”

She blushed. “You boys. How did I raise such boys as you? Come on inside, lunch is almost ready.”

My father led me back to the porch, where Uncle Chin and Aunt Mei-Mei sat drinking iced tea, and we made small talk while my mother put the finishing touches on plate lunches, the kind of food her mother had prepared for her father as he worked in the fields. Tender, spicy teriyaki steak and two scoops of rice, and fruit salad with fresh pineapple, mango, papaya and melon.

At the table we talked lightly, about the project my father was bidding on, a Chinese wedding the Chins had attended the night before, my mother’s orchids. “And tonight all my grandchildren come for barbecue,” my mother said proudly. “Ai ya, all afternoon I have to cook. Each one likes something different, and each one wants his favorite. Tūtū
Lokelani, why you no make those sweet potatoes I like? You don’t love me anymore? Tūtū
Lokelani, you no make mango bread for me? Your mango bread so ono.” She shook her head. “It’s easier to do the cooking than listen to them complain!”

Uncle Chin and Aunt Mei-Mei nodded in agreement, and I felt sad for them that they had no children of their own, no grandchildren, and all they could have now would be Derek Pang, who would certainly not bring little children of his own into the world. Aunt Mei-Mei helped my mother clear the table, and then they retreated into the kitchen to clean up and cook for dinner.

“Your father tells me you met with my grandson,” Uncle Chin said, sitting back in his chair.

I nodded. “I’m sorry to have to say he’s not a very nice person. Not really a proper grandson for such a kind grandfather as you.”

Uncle Chin smiled. “Many people Chinatown tell you I not so nice, either,” he said. “Say apple not fall far from tree.”

I said, “You know his name is Derek, and he’s twenty-five years old. He and his,” here I hesitated, not sure what term to use, “partner are running the Rod and Reel Club now. I told him about you, and he remembered meeting you, but his father never told him your relationship. He said he’s willing to meet with you.”

Uncle Chin smiled, and I could see the relief in his face. Derek Pang didn’t deserve him as a grandfather. But then again, Derek hadn’t gotten much fathering from Tommy, and maybe Uncle Chin might be a good influence on him. And, I had to admit, Uncle Chin was probably a much worse criminal than I knew, and maybe their joint malfeasance would be a place of intersection for them. Derek might end up with a record longer than his father’s or his grandfather’s.

I passed on Derek’s phone number. “Too soon I call him tonight?” Uncle Chin asked. “Give him more time think, maybe?”

The wheels clicked in my brain. Putting Uncle Chin and Derek together tonight would leave Wayne free to meet me at the Boardwalk. “Tonight would be good,” I said.

“Everybody’s busy tonight,” my father said. “You, and Lui, and Haoa are together tonight, aren’t you?”

“What do you mean?”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “Liliha and Tatiana are coming here with their kids tonight because Haoa and Lui are having a boy’s night out. It must involve you, too.”

I didn’t say anything. “I want to come with you,” my father said. “I know you’re all up to something. They’re going to help you get your job back, aren’t they?”

The last thing I wanted was my father in Haoa’s van listening to me and Wayne making out as I tried to get him to confess. “Not at all. We’re going out for a few drinks, that’s all. Just to make things better between us.”

“I could come too. Make sure you’d don’t end up in jail again.”

“You have to be here, ready to bail us out.” I paused. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep them in line. You stay here with your grandchildren. Imagine how they would complain if Tūtū Al weren’t here.”

He wasn’t happy, but I had no intention of telling him what we were up to, and I hoped my brothers had as much sense. It was almost three by then, so I begged off and drove back down to Waikīkī, where I went through my wardrobe looking for something to wear. I
no fool; I kn
w what look
good on me. Pale colors like pink, light blue and yellow
well with my coloring. I ha
a narrow waist and broad shoulders, so I like
to wear tightly fitted shirts that show
off my physique. But nothing I took out of the closet seemed to work. Everything was too baggy, or too faded, or just didn’t feel right. My wardrobe needed a major makeover.

So I walked down to the Clark’s on Kalākaua Avenue. I tried on a dozen different shirts, finally settling on a pink oxford-cloth button-down that made me look younger and preppier. It was a size too small, and with the top three buttons down and my chest threatening to burst through, it even looked a little sexy. I picked up a pair of white painter’s pants that fit snugly, particularly across the crotch, and yet had plenty of pockets in case I wanted to carry anything. I stood in front of the mirror, closed my eyes, and thought about Wayne Gallagher.

It didn’t take much for my penis to swell up, and I looked at it in profile, easily outlined against my thigh. That’ll do, I thought, though it made me nervous to think how easily I could get excited by a guy who had bad news written all over him. I charged it all on my Clark’s revolving charge, and took the shopping bag with me as I walked back out to Kalākaua Avenue, where I nearly ran into Jimmy Ah Wong.

“Detective!” he said, surprised. He looked the same—the coxcomb of bright yellow hair, Smashing Pumpkins t-shirt and flip flops.

“Hi, Jimmy. How’s it going?”

He nodded. “It’s okay.” He motioned me with his head, off to a more secluded spot back in from the street. Though it was bright and sunny, back under the trees on this little plaza it was cooler and shady. We sat down on a concrete bench. “I took your advice. I went to the gay teen center today.”

“Good. How’d it go?”

“I liked it. The people there were pretty cool.” Then he looked down at the ground, and spoke softly. “He came back to the store on Wednesday,” he said. “Wayne. He knew I would be there by myself. I told him I didn’t want to do anything with him anymore, but then he got down on his knees and he—he sucked me, and it felt so good, I didn’t know what to do. I knew I needed help so I came here.”

“Good for you. Don’t worry about Wayne. I’m going to take care of him.”

“I don’t know what you can do.” He looked up at me and there were tears in his eyes. “I think I might be in love with him.”

I put my arm around him. “I know it’s hard at your age,” I said, “but try and be careful not to confuse love with lust. Just because you want to be with somebody, because you want to have sex with him, doesn’t mean you’re in love with him.” I pulled back and looked at him. “Can I tell you a secret?”

He nodded. “I think he’s pretty sexy myself. I mean, I haven’t done anything with him, but I’m not sure I could resist.” I pulled a tissue out of my pocket and wiped his eyes. “So don’t feel bad about the way you feel, okay?”

“I’ll try. Will you let me know if you ever arrest him?”

“You’ll hear,” I said. “Oh, yeah, you’ll hear.”



I gave Jimmy Ah Wong my home phone number and cell number, and told him to call me if he ran into any trouble with Wayne, or if he just wanted to talk. Heading down Kalākaua, I saw Officer Saunders approaching me with a big grin on his face.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t ex-Detective Dicksucker,” he said.

“What’s your problem, Saunders?” He was wearing street clothes, and I guessed he was heading to the station for the start of his shift. “I ever do anything to you?”

“Guess I just don’t like faggots on the force.” He leaned in close to me. “I’m glad they booted your ass out. I hope you end up running security for some shopping mall, rent-a-cop with a little go-cart. Then you can pull your carpet-muncher buddies over for a quickie in somebody’s back seat, out in the mall parking lot.”

“You’ve given this a lot of thought,” I said. “Sounds like you’re the one with the problem. You having wet dreams about guys sucking your cock?”

“You asshole. You pervert that badge you used to wear.”

“You’re not on duty yet, are you, Saunders?”

“I was on second watch. I got off duty at three-fifteen.”

“Good.” I punched him in the eye, knowing I could blacken it easily. “Then you can’t say I assaulted a police officer,” I said, as he went reeling backwards. “Unless of course you want to cry about the fairy who gave you the black eye.”

My hand started to throb, but I didn’t care. I brushed past Saunders and headed for home. “You haven’t heard the last of this, faggot!” he called after me.

I smiled all the way home, despite the pain in my hand, imagining the excuses he would come up with for sporting a shiner. He was more flab than muscle and more bark than bite, and everybody knew it. His tiny Chinese wife was really the one who wore the pants in the family. I figured there’d be a lot of snickering at the station, guys asking if his wife had given him the black eye. Good. He’d been talking stink about me; now he’d be the butt of fun.

I decided to change into my new clothes before going over to Harry’s to help set up the equipment. I stripped down to my Gap boxers, printed with tropical fish, then poured myself into the too-tight pants and shirt. When I was finished, I admired the results in the mirror.

It didn’t look like me, not the me I usually was. It was like I was getting into costume, preparing for a performance. I combed my hair one last time, and left.

When I got to Harry’s parking lot, Haoa’s van was nowhere in sight. So I walked across the street to the Ala Wai Canal and sat on the stone wall at the water’s edge. From there I could look down towards Diamond Head, looming in the distance, or straight ahead to the Ko‘olau Mountains, where the spill of suburbia trailed down its sides.

Clouds were starting to mass over the mountains, and though the sun was behind me it got cooler due to the wind. There was a steady buzz of traffic on Ala Wai Boulevard behind me, as I sat there staring at the placid water. The occasional jogger or walker went by, but I hardly noticed them, thinking about what lay ahead.

Based on the note Evan Gonsalves had left for Terri, I was pretty sure that Evan hadn’t killed Tommy Pang. That only left Wayne. He wanted to manage the club and he wanted to stay with Derek, and I was sure Tommy wouldn’t have liked that.

I was pretty sure that Derek and Wayne had been at Evan’s house, and that it was because of them that he was dead. I just didn’t know why.

A black bird landed next to me, pecked at the ground, then flew away. Then I understood. Suppose Wayne had killed Tommy, and somehow Evan had witnessed it? Evan could have been blackmailing Wayne, threatening to tell Derek what had happened.

That would explain the cryptic message Evan had left, that he had one more thing to do before he could go back to being legit. Wayne was probably making a lot of money from the sale of those Hawaiian artifacts, money Evan thought could pay for his future with Terri.

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