Magnetic (6 page)

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Authors: Robin Alexander

Tags: #lesbian, #romance

BOOK: Magnetic
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“Isn’t this place great? Horseback riding, swimming, hiking. It’s like summer camp for adults. Every night, there’s live music and a barn dance. I can’t wait to see the cabins. Did you know each one has a Jacuzzi tub? This place is rustic and sort of refined at the same time. Les and Joy really seem to know what women want. Wine, dance, and song with activities to suit all tastes.”

“You memorized the brochure,” Ronnie said with a laugh. “You’re right, though,
, this place does have a lot of appeal.” Ronnie’s gaze swept over the room and lingered for a few seconds on the women who passed their table.

“One of the girls at the office told me that in Florida if you find a body of water larger than a bathtub, you can count on an alligator being in it.” Jenny added another rib bone to the plate where she’d made an impressive stack. “That doesn’t apply to the beach, of course, but we did pass a few ponds on the property as we came up the drive.”

Molly looked at Jenny. “You’re from Louisiana. You should be used to alligators by now, baby.”

“Yes, but our alligators stick to the swamp and maybe a few ponds on the golf courses. They have their places, we have ours. We don’t mingle.”

“Ours are equally polite as long as you don’t try to swim with them.” Everyone looked up at the woman who Layne had first noticed when they walked into the mess hall. “I thought I should come over and introduce myself. I’m Stick,” she said with a smile as she looked around the table. “I’ll be escorting you to your cabins and giving you the lay of the land.”

“I’m Ronnie and this is Stacy.” She caressed the back of Stacy’s neck, making it plain who belonged to whom, then pointed to the pair across from her. “This is Molly and Jenny. And this,” she pointed to Layne, “is Layne.”

“Well, it’s a pleasure meeting y’all,” Stick said, smiling broader at Layne when she finally looked up. “Where is everybody from?”

“Louisiana,” Jenny said as she wiped barbecue sauce from her fingers.

“Then you’re acclimated to the heat. We have a few folks here from Michigan. They think they’re about to die. Of course, I’d feel the same way if I had to face one of their winters.”

“Why don’t you sit down, Stick?” Molly pushed one of the extra chairs out with her foot.

“Thank you for the offer, but I can’t. Les needs my help with a couple of things.” Stick looked at Layne. “I’ll be watching you, though, and when you’re ready to go to the cabins, I’ll be right along.”

“That’s USDA prime dyke right there,” Jenny said after Stick had walked off. “I bet she has it stamped on her ass.”

Ronnie grinned at Layne. “She was checking you out, baby girl.”

“She was just being friendly,” Layne said as she stood. “I’m going to check out the dessert.”

Ronnie looked at Layne’s plate that appeared untouched, then at Molly. “She’s not eating. Has she been like this since Olivia…?”

“No.” Jenny shook her head. “You know how she gets
when she travels.”

Ronnie watched Layne as she perused the dessert bar. “She doesn’t seem right to me.” She sighed. “I feel so guilty for not going to see her after the breakup. I didn’t even call.”

“She won’t talk about it, Ronnie.” Molly glanced at Jenny. “She hasn’t said much to us about how she really feels except that it was overdue, and of course, Olivia pissed her off.”

“It’s how it was done that pisses me off, sending her an email on the day before Layne was due to leave Detroit, then cleaning out their apartment so Layne came home to nothing.” Ronnie tossed her napkin on her plate. “I know things weren’t good, but that was downright hateful even for Olivia. That bitch better hope she doesn’t run into me at the gym. I will lay her low.”

Molly met Stacy’s gaze for a second, then said to Ronnie, “Olivia isn’t worth it. Knowing her, she’ll derive some perverse satisfaction out of the knowledge that she pissed us all off. The important thing is that Layne is doing well.”

Ronnie shook her head. “She doesn’t look it. We need to draw her out of that funk, make her mingle.” Ronnie looked around. “There’s some hot women here, and not all seem to be attached.”

Jenny waved a rib. “No one draws Layne anywhere, you know that, Ronnie. She has people in her face twenty-four, seven. What Layne wants and needs is relaxation.” Jenny looked at Molly, then Ronnie. “Let her do her own thing. Don’t push her.”

“Getting her to mingle isn’t a bad idea. That Stick girl seemed mighty interested.” Molly opened her eyes wide as Jenny looked at her.

If Stacy hadn’t already figured out that the pair knew about what had happened between her and Layne, she was certain of it then.

Chapter 6

“The stables are down this trail. Regardless of your riding experience, we have a horse for you.” Stick stepped off the path and let the others pass and moved in step alongside Layne. “Anytime you want to see the beach, let me or any of the staff know, and we’ll run you down. Alligator Point is great for shelling and splashing around, but the water isn’t all that pretty. We do have day trips to Apalachicola for shopping and St. George Island for swimming.” Stick lowered her voice. “Do you ride, Layne?”

“Not unless it has a gas pedal. I’m not much of an outdoors woman,” Layne said with a slight smile. “I’m more of a lay-around-with-a-book kind of girl.”

Stick nodded. “You’ll like your cabin then. It has a hammock on the porch. I hope you’ll let me take you on a ride. Wildflowers are in bloom now. It’s very peaceful and scenic because the horses don’t have loud motors,” she said with a smile.

Stacy looked back over her shoulder. “They do have exhaust, though.”

Ronnie busted out laughing. “Horse

Stick laughed along with her. “It’s true, you’ll want to avoid Frank the flatulent. He’s the only paint we have.” Stick looked at Layne, who nodded as though she knew what the hell a paint was.

“This first cabin is assigned to Blanchard.” Stick pointed to the right.

“That’s us,” Ronnie said with a wave and wrapped her arm around Stacy’s waist. “It’s cute, isn’t it, baby?”

“Everything you need is inside, but if not, see me or Les. Actually, any of the staff will help.” Stick tugged on her T-shirt emblazoned with Moss Ranch on the pocket. “We all wear these as I’m sure you noticed. Layne, yours is here,” Stick pointed to the next, “and, Molly and Jenny, yours is just past that stand of trees.”

Layne stifled a sigh. Stacy and Ronnie’s cabin wasn’t but a stone’s throw away from hers. Molly and Jenny’s had more privacy. Stick continued to walk with her as Molly and Jenny scampered off to investigate.

“Have you heard about the barn dance we have each night?”

Layne nodded as she took in the quaint log cabin. As Stick had said, there was a hammock on one side of the porch and a swing on the other. “I may take it easy the first night. I’m kind of tired from the trip, but I’ll certainly check it out some other time.”

“Good, save me a dance when you do.” Stick smiled warmly when she caught Layne’s eye. “It was very nice meeting you. I hope to see you around.”

“You too.” Layne stepped up on her porch when Stick walked away. “Well, Layne, here you are,” she said under her breath as she slipped the key into the lock, “and here you will stay while this nightmare plays out.”


“Your friends are nice,” Stacy said as she and Ronnie unpacked.

“Normally, they’re a lot more jovial. I think Molly’s probably tired. She’s just really getting her strength back. Layne isn’t herself at all.”

Stacy put the last of her shorts in a drawer and moved her suitcase into the corner. “How long were she and Olivia together?”

“Six years. I don’t know how Layne put up with her for that long. Olivia is one of those women who thinks the world revolves around her. Most of the time when we all did things together, Layne didn’t bring her along, and for that, we were grateful. Olivia almost always sent her food back complaining that it was improperly prepared. She loved to show off her latest watch or piece of jewelry she bought herself, and my personal favorite to hate was the name-dropping. She was quick to tell you about the latest politician she’d met, even claimed to have run into a few movie stars at parties Layne wasn’t invited to. Olivia is a snob. Layne’s a good person, but she has a tendency to be a bit materialistic and she’s drawn to women like that. I’m so glad she’s free of that coldhearted bitch.”

Stacy smiled. “Tell me how you really feel.”

“Oh, sweetie, I’m really censoring myself. Molly and Jenny tolerated her for Layne’s sake, but I fucking despised her, and I let her know it.” Ronnie took her toiletries into the bathroom. “This trip will be good for Layne if she’ll come out of her shell. Stick is already swooping in, and I saw a few others give her the eye. Maybe she’ll get laid by a real living human being and see what she’s been missing.”

Stacy looked out the window at the cabin beside them knowing that Layne was inside. She remembered the desperation with which Layne had clung to her. It had occurred to Stacy that night that Layne seemed to be chasing demons away by immersing herself in another soul. Her touches were tender, her kisses like fire, and her passion was all-consuming. At times, it felt as though they weren’t strangers, and there were moments when it seemed like they were making love instead of simply enjoying a pleasurable physical act. And as she pondered those memories, Stacy wondered if maybe that was why she’d been so affected by Layne. Maybe it was more than being beaten at her own game.

She listened to Ronnie humming as she put her things away, wondering how to define what was happening between them. They’d slept together the night they met and made plans to do it again the following evening. She and Ronnie were on the same page—have a good time, and when the party was over, no problem. They’d go their separate ways with no hard feelings. Ronnie had said as much after a week of nothing but sport fucking. Having no expectations and knowing that Ronnie had none of her, Stacy had relaxed, content to let things just happen, then came the invitation to take the trip. Would Ronnie even care if she knew what happened in Detroit?

“Can I ask you an odd personal question?”

Ronnie stepped into the doorway of the bathroom and grabbed her own breasts. “They’re real, baby. You’ve felt them.”

Stacy laughed and folded her arms. “Of that I have no doubt.”

Ronnie leaned against the doorjamb. “Okay, shoot.”

“Would it bother you if one of your friends dated someone you had been with?”

Ronnie pursed her lips for a moment. “You’re right, that is an odd question.”

Stacy rubbed the back of her neck and shrugged. “It happens a lot in our circles, don’t you agree?”

Ronnie eyed her suspiciously for a moment. “Lisa talked to you at the club the other night, didn’t she? I saw her go into the bathroom one time after you did.” Ronnie started ticking off fingers as she made her points. “First, Lisa and I aren’t friends. She’s an asshole, and she likes to stir shit. She and
were broken up a month before
and I did anything, so I didn’t steal
away from her like she’s been telling everyone. It was a one-time thing, and I found it sadly dull.”

“Oh,” Stacy said with a weak smile.

“Molly, Jenny, and Layne are my real friends, and I would never mess around with anyone they cared for. Olivia’s pretty damn good-looking, and even if she didn’t have the personality of a dirty sock, I wouldn’t give her a second glance. Layne means too much to me.”


Ronnie grinned. “Don’t tell anyone I have a soft side. You’ll ruin my rep.”

Stacy looked back at Layne’s cabin as Ronnie busied herself in the bathroom. Maybe as she got to know Layne, the mystique would vaporize. With any luck, she’d downright detest Layne, and the gnawing in the pit of her stomach would finally go away.

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