Magical Tendencies (3 page)

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Authors: Selena Hunter

Tags: #novel

BOOK: Magical Tendencies
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"Hmmm, we shall see." Solomon stared at me in deep thought. He then leaned forward in the booth as well and hovered over the table, as if he was letting his torso float there. He was a good seven inches from my face when he did this. With a flash of his eyes his grin appeared on his face. "So, when can I see you again?"


Dinner with Solomon was fantastic. We had eaten early because I had a gig that night at Pete and Jack's and I had to be there by 7:00 p.m. So that meant that dinner had to begin at 5:00 or I would be late.

Solomon appeared in front of my apartment building just as I was descending the stairs to get my can of mace out of my truck. He was driving a glossy black Mercedes SL Class Roadster and I could feel my temperature rise just watching the car pull up next to my old truck. Yes, I have to admit that I have a thing for gorgeous cars. You wouldn't be able to tell from my '88 truck but I didn't care—my deep dark secret was usually never exposed.

I sighed as I watched him step out of his car, extending his body out as the car seemed to give birth to his perfect body. A tiny shiver shot up my spine as I took a breath.
Easy girl, easy.

He was wearing a fitted deep blue suit with a lavender shirt and tie. His hair was gently spiked up at the tips and I could feel my butterflies return as he approached me with broad, determined steps.

"Celeste," he smiled down at me as he reached for my hand and kissed the tips of my fingers. "It feels like it has been an eternity since I've seen you last." His eyes gleamed in the dimming sun. A chill ran down my spine as I noticed that his hands felt relatively cold.

"Uh, yeah, for me too," I smiled up at him, feeling awkward because he was in a suit and I was standing in my black cargo pants and muscle shirt. I reached into my truck and grabbed my mace, shoving it into my purse awkwardly.

"You aren't planning on macing me are you?" He laughed as he watched me shove the small tube in my purse.

"No, of course not. It's just, with that creep last night I figured I should be carrying this closer to my person than I did last night." Shrugging seemed to be a good response so I shrugged.

"That is quite true, self-preservation must be of the utmost concern with you, Celeste." He paused for dramatic effect and I turned to see what was holding him back.

He was staring right at me when he pulled back on my arm just a fraction, "You are a strikingly beautiful woman, my dear. Most men would not be able to control themselves in your presence." He released me, his fingers gently gliding over my elbow.

I laughed out loud because I couldn't help it, "Striking? Who talks like that anymore?" I shook my head.

Solomon stuck out his bottom lip in a pout, "I do, " he shrugged as he led the way to his dazzling car.

Walking around to the passenger side, Solomon held the door open for me, made sure I was comfortable and then closed the door lightly behind me. He took five long strides to get to his side and slid into the car so softly that I didn't even feel my body shift.

He turned the ignition and music poured out from his speakers. It was
by Linkin Park but he turned the volume down before it got past the opening riff.

"I love Linkin Park," I smiled as I reached to raise the volume on his stereo.

Solomon's hand was on mine before I could do so, though, stopping me and returning my hand to my lap. "I would much prefer to talk about you." He gave me full view of his gorgeous blue-green eyes before he shifted the car into gear and launched us out of my parking lot.


"What do you do?" He kept his eyes ahead of him as he shifted up and down to keep up with the traffic. Portland traffic didn't seem to be much of a challenge for his sporty car, though.

"Umm, I do freelance desktop publishing work and I moonlight as a singer in a swing band." I looked outside as the buildings blurred by. It felt like we were riding barely over the ground—like we were traveling through time.

"So you are a singer?" I heard the smile in Solomon's voice.

"Yes." I shrugged.

"That sounds appropriate." He seemed to say it to himself.

"What sounds appropriate?" I looked at him, my forehead creasing in the middle.

"That you would be a singer. You seem to have that kind of a personality—outgoing, expressive, talented."

It was hard to see fault in what he was saying. He was busy complimenting me and it felt wrong for some reason.

"Swing, though. That seems like such a waste of time. You should be singing opera or something more worthy of you." Solomon was all of a sudden pretty uppity.

"What's wrong with swing? It's big band music. Crooning as well. Anyway, it's just a way to get some extra cash to pay the bills. It's not like I'm going to get a recording contract or anything." I shook my head.
What just happened to our conversation?

There was a pause for a minute which I thought was a good idea since I didn't know where any of this was going anyway. He was really trying to push my buttons but I had no idea why.

"I beg your forgiveness for my comment. It was uncalled for. In all honesty, I quite enjoy big band swing. The Count is one of my favorite band leaders," he smiled to himself and chuckled as if he had made a great joke. "May I watch you perform? I would much appreciate the opportunity to see a live performance." He smiled over at me, pleading with his eyes.

"There's a cover charge. Guess if you pay it you have as much of a right to be there as anyone else," I shrugged. He really had bothered me with the opera comment.
Was he kidding me?

He nodded as he turned onto the highway toward downtown.

"So what are we going to eat?" I gripped a little harder onto the leather of my seat as he accelerated past the speed limit and opened up the throttle as we rocketed down the highway.

"Italian," he smiled.


After eating a pretty healthy dinner, we pulled into the back of the building again, ready for my gig. Solomon had insisted on escorting me to the back door and ensuring that I made it in safely. Part of me was appreciative for his concern after what happened the night before.

I knocked on the back door and waited as I scanned the back alley area, complete with Solomon. Solomon took a step in front of me, as if he was waiting for something to attack me. Really, it was becoming a little too weird for words.

When Jack came into full view Solomon immediately went rigid, grabbing my arm and pushing me further behind him as he took a closer step to the door. A low rumble began to emanate from his chest as he began to crouch down into what appeared to be a fighting stance.
What the heck was he doing?

Jack just stood there, looking at Solomon with the strangest expression on his face. Was it humor? "HA! Solomon, you crack me up, man!" He rubbed the back of his neck as he shook his head. "What the heck are you doing in the alley?"

Solomon relaxed as he stepped off to the side to fully reveal me behind him. I just kind of stood there, rubbing my left arm as I shuffled my feet a little. This was definitely an awkward situation and I felt like I was out of the loop.

Jack narrowed his eyes on me as he flicked his eyes up at Solomon. His eyebrows were so furrowed that they looked like one long hair unibrow. "What the hell are you doing with her?" He seemed to growl the question out even though he was obviously talking to an old friend, judging from what he said before.

"Umm, Jack?" I took a step forward and Jack shook his head sharply to tell me to stop. I froze where I stood, unaware of what was going to happen between the two men. I trusted Jack more than any other man so there was no reason to doubt his interpretation of the situation. There was something wrong.

"I am escorting her to her… gig." Solomon shrugged as he clasped his hands behind him, spreading his feet apart in a military-style stance. That was actually pretty attractive.

"What would she need you here for, Solomon?" Jack growled deeper in his throat. That was weird—he was the most easy-going person I knew.
Was that a real growl?

"She needs protection, Jackson. She was attacked last night," Solomon leaned forward as if to challenge Jack where he stood.

Jack's head whipped over to me and I began to blush even though it wasn't my fault that some goon had jumped me.
No, it was NOT my fault!

Jack looked at me for a second more and then burst out of the doorway to scoop me into the warmth of his arms, pressing me against his bulging chest and practically strangling me with his strength. I heard his breath catch as if he was afraid.

"Jack… " I coughed ,"choking me."

"Oh gods, Celeste!" Jack released me and held me at arm's length, scanning my face for any sign of the attack or marks from the attacker.
What was he looking for?

"Who was it? Did they hurt you? Oh my god, what in the world happened? I should have gone with you!" He shuddered as he rambled on.

"Yes, you should have." Solomon stated as he watched Jack's frightened reaction, "Why were you not with her?" His voice was hostile, cold. His biceps began to strain against his suit jacket, threatening to rip the stitches.

Jack shook his head as he closed his eyes and sighed. "I didn't think anything would happen. She usually just drives home and this was the one time that I didn't follow her."

"What? You don't follow me." I couldn't understand what I was hearing.

Jack continued to shake his head but he let the words come out, "Yes, I do, Celeste. Every time we have a gig. Every night that we are together, I follow you. I make sure that you make it home, I make sure that you are not followed, I make sure that you enter your apartment and I even make sure that your windows and doors are locked."

Huh? My windows and doors? "You check my windows and doors?" I think I sounded incredulous. "What are you talking about? I live on the third floor."

Jack released my arms and took a step backwards. "I make sure that you are safe. I always make sure that you are safe." He looked at me softly, sadly.

Solomon stepped forward and looked at Jack menacingly, "She was attacked. It was a demon, urban league, full-blooded."
Huh? Demon, in a league? What was that about full-blooded?

Jack nodded at Solomon and seemed to straighten up as if he was taking in valuable information. He was all professionalism now. I didn't recognize him from the change in his persona.

"So, that is how it is, huh?" Jack's voice shook with anger. "That's just fine." His hands fisted at his sides and he seemed to be breathing a bit harder.

Solomon nodded sharply as he looked at Jack thoroughly from head to foot, "Yes, it is."

There was something very secret going on between the two—a conversation that had obviously begun before and was continuing as if they were not really ever done. There was a thickness to the tension already in the air and it felt like something you could just grab and begin molding.

"Guys, I need to get to work." I heard myself say it but I didn't remember speaking.

Both heads turned directly to look at me. Jack's head began to turn slowly to Solomon but his eyes never released me, "Is it safe for her here?"

"With both of us? Yes."

Raking his hand through his shoulder-length hair, Jack put his weight on his left foot and drummed his fingers on his bicep. He took in a deep breath, closed his eyes and opened them again, letting them rest of me. "Okay then, let's go."


The gig went well and I was more than grateful for something to distract me from all of the absolutely random craziness. What craziness one may ask? Well, let's take stock:

1. I'm attacked by what was referred to as a demon but the guy just looked like a deep-city thug to me.

2. I was saved by a gloriously gorgeous man with a serious crush on a queen but he won't leave my side. He actually acts like he is interested in me although he just made it clear that he was only interested in this elusive monarch.

3. I find out that this gorgeous man and my band member/best guy friend are acquaintances.

4. My friend and band member, Jack, has been following me and basically doing what would amount to stalking. What in the world was going on?

Sitting on a bar stool, I spaced out as the band packed the equipment up and placed them in our travel boxes. I was in no shape to help so I just sat there, staring at the lighting above the stage, hoping that the intense light would fuzz my brain out of focus completely. It actually seemed to be working, if you asked me.

Faintly, in the distance, I thought I heard my name being called. Because I wasn't positive that it was my name, I just kept staring at the lighting. Hmmm, it looked like the third light on the left needed to have the gel replaced.


It seemed that the voice was directly next to my ear. In fact, I could feel the ridge of a nose brush lightly against my earlobe as the breath of the offender cascaded down my cheek.

Not allowing my head to turn or show any sign of alarm, my eyes slowly began to search for the unexpected visitor. I slowly began to glimpse a dark blue suit and lavender tie. Solomon. Still, I did not turn my head.

Solomon's hand gently touched my chin and turned my head to face him. His eyes were rich and deep like the ocean, emotions seemed to crest and fall within the depths, as if they truly were the windows to his soul. His strong cheekbones and sharply groomed hair actually made me weak in the knees.
What was going on with me?
Just having him within arm's reach was turning out to be a problem.

"Celeste," he said my name again as if it were a sensual poem. My stomach began to quiver and I began to become very uncomfortable where I sat.

Straightening up on the stool, I leaned my head back without even realizing it, smelling the delicious cologne that he was wearing mixed with the musk and natural scent of him. Opening my eyes, I saw that he was doing the exact same thing. His eyes were closed and he was taking in a long, exaggerated breath. He held it a second longer than I did and released it slowly, opening his eyes when my smell was finally clear of him.

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