Magical Tendencies (17 page)

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Authors: Selena Hunter

Tags: #novel

BOOK: Magical Tendencies
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From a dark corner the growling continued to grow. Red eyes reflected any light from the hallway in the shadows—ominous and frightening. The red flickered and my heart began to sink. I was in trouble.

I audibly gulped.
Very tough

I had run across something that I wasn't prepared for—I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. My heart began to beat furiously as my adrenaline began to pump.

"So, queenie… " A scraping, gruff voice sounded in the corner, just below the eyes, "We meet again."

"Who are you?" My voice shook slightly.

The eyes pushed away from the corner and slunk into the lighted hallway where I could see the voice for who he was. A chill ran down my back as I recognized my attacker—the demon from behind the Starlight diner.
What the… ?!

"How do you know me?" My voice sounded annoyed.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You don't remember me, Queenie?" The demon shook his head as he brushed back his greasy hair with razor-sharp claws. His baggy jeans and wife-beater shirt were just as I remembered them. His steel tipped boots were just the same as well. "I thought I made a better impression last time." He chuckled to himself.

"What last time?" Had I met this guy before in the past as well?

"Ahh, come on, chica. You know what I'm talkin' 'bout." He shrugged and his knife appeared in his hand again. "You and I danced together… in the alley."

I gasped. "What the hell?! Where are we?!" I looked around, beginning to be frightened.

He smirked like he knew the punch line to an amazing joke but he wasn't about to share it with me. He shrugged and lunged for me. Honestly, my demon assailant wasn't much for talking but he did seem to like 'dancing' very much.

My body responded with a quick jump backwards. I hit something hard on the way back and my mind reeled when I figured I had hit a wall. Having my back against a wall was not a good thing with this demon. My hands reached to push against the stone and I accidently grabbed the hilt of a sword that was directly behind me.

"Leave, demon." A deep voice bellowed behind me, "Or pay with your life."

The demon stepped backward and looked from the floor to almost the ceiling. Since he wasn't very tall to begin with, the demon had to look pretty high to see whoever it was directly behind me. "So, it's you again. Thought you wouldn't be in the future."

The demon shrugged as if he didn't care about the misunderstanding, "Is okay with me to take you out in da future. Maybe I won't have a problem with you in the past if I do." His grin was evil and showed two lines of razor sharp teeth as he crouched closer to the ground, willing his claws to grow even longer as he began to skirt the hallway.
Did that even make sense?
It was actually beginning to.

The demon was inching closer to me and I didn't want to let him anywhere near me. I took a step to the side, allowing whoever was behind me to step forward. My mind was assessing where the exits may be and what weapons I might have at my disposal. I really didn't pay attention when a tall man appeared directly next to me, with long dirty-blond hair that cascaded down to the middle of his back. He was dressed in black leather and he had his hand on the hilt of his sword—the hilt I had accidentally grasped before.

My eyes were still focused on the demon as I saw the man take another step forward, cutting off the demon's path to me. My eyes flicked up and down as I took in the back of my protector. His shoulders were broad and muscular, his waist trim. He was tall, very tall and he had swords crisscrossed against his back, daggers strapped to his boots, the sword at his waist and two more daggers tucked into the small of his back. Damn, this guy liked weaponry. That was a bit of a turn on.
Did I just sigh?!

There was a low growl from the demon's chest and then there was movement. Both men began to move so quickly that all I saw was a blur of bodies and arms. The only sounds that were made came from the demon—he was fierce and frightening. His sounds were animalistic and brutal as the swirling began to tighten in on itself. Sounds of fists making contact and metal touching metal echoed on the stone of the hallway.
Why has no one else come?

My heart pounded as I watched in astonishment as the fight ended as quickly as it had begun. My protector had his back to me, holding the hilt of the sword so close to the demon that it was evident he had run him through. The demon's eyes burned into me over his killer's shoulder, making one last attempt to attack me with his fierceness before he died.

The demon's eyes flicked back to my savior as he scowled down at him, resting on the sword as it were an old friend. "You will lose her. You know that, right? You can't always be there to protect her. Past, present or future—she will be lost." The demon smiled wickedly at me as the fierce red light began to fade from his eyes.

The knight lowered the body of the demon to the stone floor as he removed his sword, wiping it on the jeans of the demon before sheathing it. The metal rang across the walls of the corridor and my heart skipped a beat as I looked down at the body of the demon. It slowly began to wither away, seeming to dry and shrivel right in front of me.

The knight watched as the body began to curl up on itself before squaring his shoulders and turning around to look at me. "Are you lost?" His voice sounded a bit accusatory as he looked down at me with those piercing blue-green eyes.

Shock hit me square in the chest—it was Solomon but nothing like the Solomon I knew. This man held himself like a knight—arrogant and brooding. I wasn't sure that I liked the way that he loomed over me, arms crossed against his chest. I wasn't sure that I liked this man at all.

I took a step backward as his eyes pierced me through. My eyes darted around the hallway. Where the hell was I?

"I guess you could say that." I shook my head.

"And what is your name,
lost lamb
?" He sounded condescending—his tone dripping with innuendos.

What should I do? Should I run?
I wasn't sure that running would be the correct reaction to Solomon. A vampire could outrun anyone.

Solomon's arms were still crossed against his chest and his feet were shoulder width apart. Yes, I knew that stance very well. Part of me wanted to give him a good swift kick in the pants for how he was acting towards me right now but the other part of me just wanted to throw my arms around him and kiss him for saving my life… again.

Deciding to use my knowledge to my advantage, I shrugged my shoulders and decided to go for the jugular.
This is going to be fun.
I tried very hard not to smile but a hint sat on my lips anyways, I could feel it.

Shrugging and walking down the hallway away from him I flicked my hand backward as if he meant nothing. "I guess I should be thanking you for your help, Solomon. Even though you give me no reason to feel grateful with the way that you are treating me now." I smirked as I walked down the hallway.
That is really going to push his buttons

A swift movement of stale air and Solomon was standing directly in front of me, looking down at me as if he didn't know what to think. "How do you know my name?" His eyes were piercing.

I smiled ruefully at him, "I know all about you, Solomon Ryker. Knight, king,… vampire." I was really letting him have it and I was enjoying every little bit. He was here incognito, at least I believed so.

"How?!" He shook slightly, "No one… " He swallowed and his eyes revealed a tiny sliver of fright. A pang of guilt rang through me but just a tiny one—I could still give him a hard time.

Crossing my arms underneath my breasts I noticed as his eyes flicked to my chest and then wandered up and down the length of my body, stopping at my eyes. He didn't look fierce anymore, or menacing. He looked like Solomon, deep down in those gorgeous eyes of his. He was the Solomon that I knew and cared deeply for. A soft smile spread over my face. I didn't want him to fear me.

"I know." My voice was a gentle tone. It was soothing but strong.

"But how?" He looked at me and his forehead furrowed deeply. I hadn't noticed those deep worry lines before. "Who are you?"

Nodding, I figured it was time. "I am… " I had never said this name before from what I could remember. What
my real name? My mind reeled because my memories began to flood back.

My name had come as a gift. Children were born with the names that their parents gave them, but my mentor had done a vision quest for my true native name and I was allowed to use any combination of that name—it was our tradition. I could call myself by any version of the name and it would mean the same thing. I could call myself Celeste Woods, Celeste Ravenwood, or Raven Celeste of the Woods… it was all the same. I sighed at the revelation. It felt peaceful to know who I really was. "I am Queen Celeste Ravenwood," I refused to let my body move in any way as I spoke.

Solomon looked as if he had been slapped. His eyes widened slightly as he eyed me again from top to bottom. He didn't seem to believe what I was saying. He shook his head from side to side slowly, eyes piercing, questioning.

"Believe it or not, Solomon. I know you." That's all I wanted to say. What else could I say without giving too much away?

His eyes flicked to the dead demon on the hallway stones as the body continued to decay and then back towards me. I kept my shoulders back, trying to appear as strong as possible.

Solomon looked confused as his eyebrows furrowed and his irises darkened, "Do I…
you? Personally?" He was beginning to catch on quickly. That put me off slightly. Maybe I had said too much already.

I just smiled at him. He was perplexed, thrown off.

I turned slightly, as if to turn away from him as I spoke, "I
lost, Solomon. In more ways than you could ever imagine." I paused as a swell of loneliness swept through me.
What am I

He took a step closer to me but kept a small distance between us. He frowned slightly as he scanned my face. I looked back at him, unafraid. I knew him—his heart, his mind, his soul. I knew I could trust him and I smiled warmly at him.

The tension released from his shoulders as he stared into my eyes. Every part of me was glad that he had found me. Actually, from what Solomon had said, he had actually followed me all the way from the knights quarters. So, he stalked me in hopes of a kiss. I remembered that part.

Inching closer to him, I laid my hand on his chest. I was taking a liberty with him and I knew it. "I owe you a gift. A thank you for saving my life." I warned him to stay still with my eyes.

Shaking his head slightly he continued to stare. "You owe me nothing," his voice was gruff.

Smiling mischievously at him, I leaned up to look him in the eyes. He was just so tall, though, and I couldn't reach. I couldn't will him to stoop down to me so I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the base of his jawline. His body tensed as my lips touched his cool skin.

Pushing away from him I looked him square in the eye, "Thank you."

He looked down at me, astounded by my actions, taken aback by the honesty in my voice it seemed.

Just then sounds of footsteps came around the corner of the hallway. "Celeste," a familiar voice sounded anxiously down the hallway.

My eyes darted towards Solomon as Von Edwards swept around the corner and eyed the two of us uneasily. My first instinct was to begin biting my nails—I was definitely not ready for this confrontation.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Von stepped between Solomon and me. The two of them sized each other up as I took Von's appearance into consideration. His hair was slightly longer, down to the back of his neck but nothing compared to Solomon's length. The two men squared off and stared at each other as if assessing the damage they both could inflict on each other.

"Von, this is Solomon Ryker." My voice shook as I realized that the two of them were just beginning a relationship that would span for decades to come. What a way to begin—with Von already jealous of my relationship with Solomon. It was just so typical.

Von's eyes darted to me and back at Solomon. He could sense the tension in the air which was so thick that you could have cut it with a knife. I tried to relax my body, breathing in a cleansing breath.

Solomon's eyes flicked to me with the motion of my breathing. He seemed a bit disturbed by the action.
That's weird

Von walked past Solomon and eyed the demon on the floor, "So, you
attacked. A full-blooded demon it appears. But his clothing. It's nothing like I've seen before." He shook his head as he walked around the demon, "Not in this era."

"He's from the past, or the future, or whatever." Gosh I sounded insane.

Both heads snapped to me, startled by what I had said.

"Why would you say that?" Von asked as he squatted by the decaying body.

"Because I've met him… before." I nodded at the demon, squaring my shoulders. I needed to appear strong.

Von shook his head, "When? How?"

Solomon eyed me up and down and appeared to be perplexed by the entire situation.

"In a parking lot." Well, that did it. Both men shot glances at each other like I was crazy. My blood began to boil because I knew that I was telling the truth but there was nothing that I could do or say to convince both of these men that I was honest. I was beginning to lose control.

"A parking lot?" Solomon's voice shook with disbelief, "There are no parking lots anywhere near this castle."

"Whatever." I waved the men off and turned back down the hallway.
Where the heck am I going anyway?
I didn't know but I just needed to get away from these men. It seemed like my life was going to be full of them in the future and I didn't care to begin that screenplay just yet. GRRR. Men!

"Celeste!" Von's voice chased me down the hallway. My anger began to boil—I just wanted to be alone. "Stop, wait!"

Von's hand closed on my arm and pulled me back gently. His touch was soft, kind. My heart stuttered as a slight wave of electricity flew from his touch to the rest of my body. I turned sharply at the feel of it. When I made eye contact I could see that he had experienced the jolt as well—his eyes were wide.

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