Magic Kitten: A Christmas Surprise (7 page)

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Authors: Sue Bentley

Tags: #Ages 6 & Up

BOOK: Magic Kitten: A Christmas Surprise
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‘Do you mean it?’ Molly gaped at her gran. Maybe she
like Flame a little bit, after all. She flew over and gave her a huge hug. ‘That would be perfect! Thanks, Gran. You’re the best!’


Molly felt full of the magic of Christmas as she walked into the cathedral. The ancient walls flickered with the light of countless candles, and footsteps echoed on the stone floor.

Even though it was long past Molly’s usual bedtime, she didn’t feel a bit tired.

Flame was in her shoulder bag. And it didn’t matter if everyone could see him.
Animals and their owners were all welcome for the special Christmas Eve service.

‘Isn’t it gorgeous in here?’ she whispered to him, looking at the candlelight flickering on the stained-glass windows and the big vases of flowers and holly and ivy.

The church was packed and everyone was in a good mood. There were hot drinks, mince pies and bags of fruit and nuts to nibble. A special band with amazing instruments from all round the world played and dancers performed folk dances. And then the cathedral choir sang and everyone joined in with the carols.

Molly caught sight of Shona with her parents. She hesitated for a moment and then waved at her. Shona looked surprised and then she waved back, smiling. ‘Happy Christmas!’ she called.

‘Happy Christmas!’ Molly replied happily.

‘I’ve got my pony. You’ll have to come over and see him. He’s gorgeous,’ Shona said.

Molly bit back a grin. She was glad they were friends again, but Shona would never change.

After the service finished, Molly and Flame, her parents and grandparents all trudged home through the snow. A big silver moon shed its light on to the glittering snow crystals underfoot.

Molly held her bag close to her chest, so that she could stroke Flame without anyone noticing. ‘This has to be the best Christmas Eve ever,’ she whispered to him.

Just before she went up to bed, Gran pressed a tiny package into her hand. ‘For Flame. I hope he likes it,’ she said.

Molly threw her arms round her and kissed her cheek. ‘I love you, Gran.’

Gran’s eyes looked moist and shiny. ‘I love you too, Molly.’

Molly slipped Flame’s present under the tree before she went up to her bedroom. She felt so excited that she was sure she wouldn’t sleep a wink. She’d just lie there in the dark, waiting for Christmas Day.

After undressing and cleaning her teeth, Molly slipped into bed. ‘Good night, Flame,’ she whispered, breathing in his sweet kitten smell as she cuddled him.

Seconds later, she was asleep.

It felt like about five minutes later, when Molly opened her eyes. She was amazed to find the winter light pushing through her curtains.

‘Come on, Flame. It’s Christmas morning!’ She leapt out of bed, threw her dressing gown on over her pyjamas and pushed her feet into her slippers.

She shot down the stairs two at a time, with Flame gambolling at her heels.

‘Happy Christmas!’ she said, bouncing into the sitting room.

Her mum and dad and grandparents were already dressed and sitting with hot drinks. They looked up and smiled as Molly burst in.

‘Happy Christmas, love,’ said her dad, pouring more coffee.

‘Happy Christmas,’ chorused her mum and Gran and Gramps.

‘Can we open our presents now?’ Molly said, going to sit cross-legged on the rug with Flame in her lap.

‘We thought you’d never ask!’ Gramps said. ‘We’ve all been waiting for you to wake up.’

Molly unwrapped her presents eagerly. She had some books and music and lots of other brilliant stuff.
But best of all were the new boots she’d been hoping for. ‘Cool! Thanks so much for my lovely presents, everyone!’ she said, putting the boots on straight away.

‘Interesting look with those pyjamas!’ her dad joked.

Everyone laughed.

‘Here’s your present, Flame!’ Molly loosened the wrapping paper.

He ripped it open with his sharp teeth and claws, a look of delight on his tiny face. The moment Flame saw Gran’s knitted mouse, he gave an excited little mew. Grabbing it in his mouth he padded proudly round the room, his bushy tail held in the air.

‘I’m glad someone likes my knitting!’
Gran said, giving Molly’s dad one of her looks.

Mr Paget kissed Gran’s cheek and then winked at Molly.

Molly choked back a laugh. ‘Flame adores his mouse, Gran! Um… is it OK if I phone Narinder and ask if she wants to come and listen to my new CDs later on?’ she asked.

‘Course it is,’ said her mum. ‘And then can you hurry up and get dressed? Breakfast’s almost ready. It’s your favourite.’

‘OK,’ Molly said, going out into the hall.

Suddenly, Flame streaked past her and zoomed upstairs so fast that he was a tiny white blur. Molly frowned. He’d never done that before.

‘Flame? What –’ she broke off as a horrible suspicion rose in her mind. She started running after him, her phone call forgotten for the moment.

As Molly reached the landing, there was a bright flash from her open bedroom door. She dashed into her
room. Flame stood there, no longer a tiny kitten, but a magnificent young white lion with a coat that glittered and glinted with a thousand sparkles. An older grey lion with a wise and gentle face stood next to him.

‘Prince Flame! We must leave now!’ the grey lion growled urgently.

Molly caught her breath as she understood that Flame’s enemies had found him again. This time he was going to leave for good.

Flame’s emerald eyes crinkled in a fond smile. ‘Merry Christmas, Molly. Be well, be strong,’ he rumbled in a velvety growl as a whoosh of silver sparks spun round him. And then he and the old lion disappeared.

‘Goodbye, Flame. Take care. I’ll never
forget you. I hope you regain your throne,’ Molly said, her heart aching.

Molly knew that she’d remember this Christmas forever. Having Flame as her friend, even for only a short time, was the best present she would ever have. She stood there for a moment longer as she brushed away a tear.

And then she remembered Narinder. As Molly went downstairs to phone her, she found herself smiling.

Table of Contents


Title Page

Copyright Page


Magic Kitten A Christmas Surprise

Chapter ONE
Chapter TWO
Chapter THREE
Chapter FOUR
Chapter FIVE
Chapter SIX
Chapter SEVEN
Chapter EIGHT

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