Magic Hearts (7 page)

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Authors: Helen Perelman

BOOK: Magic Hearts
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“Not yet,” Berry said.

“You match the sand,” Cocoa blurted out.

Melli shot Cocoa a stern look.

“But I'm sure you'll be feeling like yourself soon,” Cocoa added quickly.

“Lemona was so sweet, Dash,” Berry told her. “She looked up the problem in a book and was so willing to help. In the morning you'll be feeling minty fresh, sure as sugar!”

Dash pulled the hood of her sweater over her head. “I hope you're right,” she said. “Otherwise, there is no way I'm going to Heart Day like this.”

Berry's heart sank. Heart Day without Dash? That would be awful! This peppermint plan had to work.

erry raced across Sugar Valley in the early morning light. She was rushing to get to Dash's house. She hoped that when Dash greeted her at the door, her friend would look like herself. She couldn't bear to see Dash red, pink, purple, or any other color!

The Royal Gardens were already set up for
the Heart Day celebration. From the sky above, Berry could see that the Castle Fairies were hard at work. There were small red and pink candy hearts draped from the tall sugar gates, and large heart-shaped candies hung from the royal candy trees. It was one gigantic heart fest!

Sighing, Berry hoped the day would go as she had planned. She wanted to be at the party with
her friends. She knew that if Dash wasn't herself, the proud Mint Fairy would not go to the castle party. And that would be all Berry's fault!

Berry raced up to Dash's door. She knocked several times. Berry was not known for her patience, and the Fruit Fairy couldn't wait a second longer at Dash's doorstep.

“I'm coming!” Dash finally cried from the
other side. As she opened the door, the bright morning light made her squint. She rubbed her eyes. “Berry?” she said. “What are you doing here so early?”

“I wanted to come see you first thing!” she blurted out. For the first time ever Berry was extremely early! She had jumped out of bed and quickly dressed. She wanted to be at Dash's side when she woke up.

“Holy peppermint,” Dash said. “I don't think I've ever seen you anywhere so early!”

Berry didn't even respond. She pulled Dash out into the bright sunlight. She gasped and reached out to give Dash a hug. “You look like your old minty self!” she cried.

“Never underestimate the power of peppermint tea,” Dash said, grinning. “I am feeling
much better.” She smiled up at Berry. “And looking much better too,” she added. She rolled up her sleeves and grinned at her normal color. She was back!

“Oh, Dash,” Berry gushed. “I am so glad! Sweet strawberries! This is going to be a great day!”

“But you didn't have a chance to make your heart candy or finish your new outfit,” Dash said. She eyed Berry's dress. “And you're not even wearing the new dress you made.”

“Don't make that sour face,” Berry said, smiling. “That other dress was stained. Besides, I love this red dress. It's red for Heart Day!” She twirled around in front of Dash. “Look, I even added a sugar crystal heart here on the waistband.” Berry leaned down and showed Dash the sparkly heart she had sewn on. “I'm going to give Princess Lolli my heart-shaped fruit-chew barrettes.”

“Princess Lolli will love those. And you always look fantastic,” Dash said. “Even when you are rushed!” She turned back and called over her shoulder. “I'll be ready in a minty minute!”

Just as Dash ducked back behind her door, Melli, Raina, and Cocoa flew up. Each of them held their heart candies for Heart Day. Before they could say anything, Berry blurted out the good news about Dash.

“Dash is looking
so mint
!' Berry shouted. “It's truly a happy Heart Day after all.”

“A day of hearts and true friendship,” Raina cheered.

Berry nodded. “Thank you,” she said.

“I've really learned my lesson. And I've been thinking . . .”

“Oh no,” Cocoa said. “What are you up to now, Berry?”

Laughing, Berry walked over to Cocoa and gave her hand a squeeze. “I was just thinking that I haven't been very sweet to a new Fruit Fairy.”

“You mean Fruli?” Raina asked.

“Who's Fruli?” Melli said.

Berry hung her head. “Fruli is from Meringue Island. She's new to Sugar Valley. Instead of trying to be nice to her, I've just been very jealous of her. And that's the ugliest and most sour way to be,” she admitted.

“Is she going to be at Heart Day?” Melli asked.

“I hope so,” Berry said. “I'd like you all to meet her.”

Raina smiled at Berry. “You were thinking about what Lemona told you, huh?”

“Yes,” Berry confessed. “I was thinking the same thing could be true about fairies, not just candies. I never took the time to get to know Fruli. Maybe she's different from what I thought.”

“A perfect plan for Heart Day,” Melli said.

“Yes, and the real meaning of Heart Day,” Raina said.

“It's not just a party. It's a celebration of good friends,” Cocoa chimed in.

“You can be sure as sugar it's a celebration!” Dash said as she zoomed out of her house. “Let's go have a heart feast!”

Together, the five fairies flew to the Royal
Gardens. There were already many fairies gathered in a line to see Princess Lolli. Lemona waved and winked at Berry when she saw her holding Dash's hand.

“Nice to see you all here,” Lemona said as she flew by.

“Hello, Lemona!” Berry called out. She noticed that Lemona had put the candy jewels in her hair for the party.

“Was that a Sour Orchard Fairy?” Dash asked.

“Yes,” Berry replied. “And one of the sweetest fairies you'll ever meet.”

When the fairy friends joined the line to greet Princess Lolli, Berry spotted Fruli. She was dressed in a beautiful soft pink chiffon dress and was holding a cherry red heart-shaped box.

“Hi, Fruli,” Berry called. “I'd like you to meet some of my friends.” Berry introduced everyone and then smiled at Fruli. “And I want to apologize to you. I haven't been very nice. Please accept my apology.”

A smile spread across Fruli's face. “Thank you,” she said. She looked right at Berry as she spoke. “It's been hard being the new fairy. I would love to meet some new friends.”

“And Heart Day is just the day for making new friends!” Princess Lolli said. She greeted the fairies and gave them each a hug. “Thank you all for coming and for these wonderful heart gifts.” She looked over at Berry. “And I see you have found the true message of Heart Day already.”

Berry beamed. “Sure as sugar!” she cried. She looked around at her good friends, and her new friends. Meeting Lemona and Fruli had made this an extra-special Heart Day. No candy heart was sweeter than making new friends!

ocoa the Chocolate Fairy, Melli the Caramel Fairy, and Berry the Fruit Fairy soared over Chocolate River. A cool autumn breeze ruffled their wings, but they stayed their course. Nothing was going to stop them from heading to the far end of Gummy Forest.

“Look—there's Dash!” Cocoa called. As the
three fairy friends neared Peppermint Grove, they saw their tiny friend shooting up to meet them.

“You are right on time,” Dash said as she flew alongside her friends. She looked at Berry and smiled. “This must be important. You are never on time!”

Berry shot Dash a sour look. “The sugar fly said Raina's message was urgent. I can be on time when I need to be!”

“And yet she still had time to put on her best sugar jewel necklace,” Cocoa added with a sly grin.

“Just because I was rushing doesn't mean I have to look sloppy,” Berry replied. Berry always liked to look her best and was usually sporting a new piece of jewelry that she made
herself from sparkling sugar-coated fruit chews.

“What do you think this is all about?” Melli asked. She was worried about her friend Raina the Gummy Fairy. Usually Raina didn't overreact to situations. She was very calm and always followed the rules.

“Maybe she just couldn't find something in the Fairy Code Book and needs our help,” Cocoa joked.

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