magic and mayhem 01 - switching hour (6 page)

Read magic and mayhem 01 - switching hour Online

Authors: robyn peterman

Tags: #Werewolves, #Fantasy Romance, #Paranormal Romance, #Witches

BOOK: magic and mayhem 01 - switching hour
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"Shut up!" I shouted. They went silent and waited. "One at a time you will tell me your name and what happened to you—then I will hold a short press conference to either answer your questions truthfully or lie if I don't know the answer. I will then attempt to do a little magic juju on you to fix up your booboos, and you will all go home to your pack or tribe or gaggle. Clear?"


"My name is Chuck," the now human bear said in a deep gravelly voice. "I really have to take a crap and would greatly appreciate the use of your facilities. Now."


"What happened to you?" I asked as I ransacked the bins of clothes and threw him the largest pair of pants I could find. The dude was freakin' huge and seriously good looking. He had to be at least seven feet tall.


"Turf war with the panthers. Bathroom?" he grunted.


"Upstairs on the left. If you clog the toilet I'll smite your ass."


"Got it," he said as he took the stairs three at a time.


"You." I pointed at what used to be the beaver as I tossed him some clothes. He was short and muscular and had a hairline that started right above his nose. That was unfortunate and I wondered if he'd ever thought about electrolysis. "Story."


"My name is Bob," he said in a soft voice. That would be easy to remember… Bob the beaver. "My shoal was attacked by coyotes and my alpha was killed. We are scattered in caves and gullies along the river. I need healing and then I need to get back to my people. Please."


"Um… sure," I said. Bob beamed and dropped to his knees in gratitude. "Let me just get everyone's names and then I'll, you know, give you a tune up. Cool?"


He nodded and got to his feet.


"My name is Deedee," the very naked and very pretty deer shifter told me. Her huge hazel eyes filled with tears as she went on. "My herd has been dwindling for a while and my mate was killed by mortal hunters for sport. We hid and buried his body, but we are relocating. I am wounded and unable to make the trip. That is why I am here, your grace."


"It's Zelda," I corrected her.


"She was bestowing you with a complimentary title to butter you up," a wiry little dude sporting a shock of black hair with a white stripe down the middle informed me.


"Yes, well, I am not grace or graceful or even all that nice, so Zelda will do," I snapped, a little embarrassed that the honor flew right over my head. "You're the skunk."


"Yes." He grinned and I had to bite back a giggle. He was cute and bizarre and if he didn't blow stinkbombs out of his butt, we could have been friends. "My name is Simon and I'm not actually injured at all. I was just ensuring a safe passage for Wanda and BoboBabyBoy."




I glanced over at what I assumed was the mother raccoon and her baby. Damn it to hell he
cute, but what a name.


"I'm sorry, what's his name?" I asked, sure I'd misunderstood.


"It's BoboBabyBoy," Wanda said as she stroked the small, beautiful child's hair.


"Is that all one word?"


"Yes, of course." She smiled and nodded.


"Wow, you do realize he's going to get his ass kicked in school with a name like that."


"BoboBabyBoy is an alpha," she explained, as if that negated the most redonkulous name I'd ever heard.


"That's great and all, but he's still going to get his butt handed to him at least three times a week and six times on the weekends," I told her.


Wanda's eyes grew wide and she pulled BoboBabyBoy close. She was seconds away from bursting into tears. Fuck, I needed to learn tact, but feared it was far too late for me to develop any social skills.


"What's his real name?" I asked, praying to the Goddess it wasn't BoboBabyBoy.




Damn… not much better. "Why don't you call him Bo? It's strong and no one will want a piece of a raccoon alpha named Bo." At least I didn't think they would.


Wanda glanced around at the other Shifters who nodded in agreement. "Do you think that would work?" she asked me, still clutching the boy to her.


"I do."


"Then we shall call him Bo." She leaned down and kissed and hugged the little boy lovingly. I felt a burning pang of jealously settle in my gut. My mother had barely touched me. Ever.


Turning away from something I couldn't relate to, I got back to the matter at hand.


"Do you have a plunger?" Chuck the bear called from the top of the stairs.


"Are you serious?" I shouted. He was now my enemy. It didn't matter how handsome he was.


"Nahhhhh." He laughed as he loped back to the group. "Just screwing with ya."


I rolled my eyes and took in the motley crew. They were injured and they looked weak and tired. "I'm guessing my Aunt Hildy used to fix you hairy bastards up?"


"She was the Shifter Whisperer," Deedee said reverently. "And now you are."


"Nope, I'm just here for a month, so I don't get put back in the pokey or turned into a mortal. I am not the Shifter Whipper."


"Whisperer," Little Bo said in an adorable voice.


I wanted to squeeze him. Hard.


"Whipper, whisperer, whatever… it's not me. I'm a materialistic witch who isn't even crazy about animals. Sooooo I am
your gal."


"This is the new Shifter Whisperer?" Bob demanded in a disgusted voice. "Worthless," he muttered under his breath.


"Bob, while I kind of understand your disappointment, if you're an assbucket I won't heal you and I might even lower your hair line by an inch or two."


I smiled and hopped up on the metal table. Bob the beaver gasped and moved behind Chuck the bear.


"Now line up and get ready to be zapped."


Quickly they all began to strip out of the clothes I'd just given them. WTF? As soon as they were in the buff they all shifted back to their animal form except for Simon the buttbomb maker.


"Is there a reason we need to be in zoo form for healing?" I asked the one uninjured member of the fur pack.


"Oh yes, you'll be able to communicate much better with them in their shifted forms," Simon explained and hopped up on the table next to me.


"And more importantly, is there a reason you're buck ass naked?"


I stared at the ceiling and prayed I didn't accidentally on purpose smite all the annoying species in my basement.


"Whoops." He giggled and re-dressed himself.


"Who's first?" I asked as I rolled my neck and popped my knuckles. I could do this. Healing had always come easily to me. I tended not to let people know because I didn't want to have to deal with it. My mom couldn't heal a flea and I spent most of my childhood fixing her every ache and pain. Did this make her love me? No. Would I do it over? Probably. Pathetic and in need of a mommy didn't make for well-adjusted adults.


Deedee the deer stepped forward and stared at me intently. Her head swung gracefully from left to right and her eyes never left mine for a moment.


"What the hell is she doing?" I asked Simon.


"Talking to you. Listen."


"I already told you dumbasses I am not the Shifter Whisperer. I am Zelda the slightly unstable and selfish witch. You're going to have to interpret for her or we're all up shit's creek."


"Listen," Simon insisted. "Open your pea brain and listen."


"You're a dick," I told him. "I said I was selfish, not stupid."


"My bad. Listen. Please."


I rolled my eyes and closed them. These Shifters were nuts. They were asking me to be someone I wasn't.


I listened.




I listened harder.




"I can't do this," I said. "I don't hear anything. I'm sorry."


The group looked at me in confusion. I shrugged and got up to leave. I was sick and tired of being a disappointment to everyone. Maybe being a mortal
the answer.


"You're her niece," Simon said. "You have her blood."


"Who? Hildy?" I stopped and turned back. "I don't know if I'm really her niece. I didn't even know she existed till the other day. There is no proof. None. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you have the wrong gal."


"No," Simon yelled, startling me. "You look just like her and we feel your magic. You. Are. The. Shifter. Whisperer."


"No," I shot back. "I. Am. Zelda. The. Fuck. Up."


I was done. I didn't even care if Baba Yaga sent me back to the pokey. I didn't glance back as I made my way to the stairs. I couldn't. I'd find Fabio a witch that would be good to him and overlook his crotch goblin habit. I'd drive the ugly green piece of crap right back to Salem, check myself back into jail and wait for Halloween and my mortal status. I would mope and watch TV. Good plan.


You really are the Shifter Whisperer. You have to believe… we do
," a female voice implored.


I jerked to a stop and whipped around. "Who said that?" I demanded, looking around for a woman not in furry form.


I did
," DeeDee the damn deer said. "
And you heard me


I did. I didn't want to, but I did. They all knew it evidenced by the hopping around and peeing on the walls.


"Absolutely not," I yelled at Chuck, who had peed on the wall and looked suspiciously like he was going to add a dump to that. "Yes, I heard you, but if you defecate in my house I will ignore all of you. Permanently."


The ruckus stopped and the animals shivered in anticipation. Fuckityfuckfuck, now what was I supposed to do?


My injuries are in my front left leg,"
DeeDee told me. It was odd. Her mouth didn't move like Fabio's did when he spoke. It was like a weird mindmeld thing. Very
Star Trek
. "
I think it's fractured


"I thought Shifters could heal themselves," I said to Simon as I ran my hand through my hair nervously.


"She has already healed herself substantially. She has nothing left and that's where you come in," he said as he bowed to me.


"Don't do that," I snapped. "It makes me uncomfortable." What if I couldn't do it?


"As you wish." He grinned and winked. I was beginning to really like the skunk.


I squatted down and examined DeeDee's leg. Sure enough, it jutted out the wrong way. Small pieces of sharp bone covered in dried blood protruded through her light brown fur. Magic took me without my calling it up. It was alarming, but I went with it. It was warm and swirled around me stronger than it ever had. Lavender sparks crackled and bounced around. My hair flew around my head and I laughed—with joy. Nothing had ever felt so right.


I gently touched her leg and I went from elated to shocked so quickly I fell backward. Her leg healed, but there was a price. A burning shot of pain exploded through my own leg that mimicked the area of her injury. Shit. The heat eased, but I was a little wary to find out where everyone else was injured...especially Chuck.


"Well, that sucked," I said as I massaged my leg. "Chuck, if you're having bowel problems you are shit out of luck for a healing. Pun intended."


My wound is on my shoulder. There is a bullet lodged deep
," he said as he showed me the hole. "
If you would remove the bullet I will be on my way


"Can I just reach in and pull it out?" I asked Simon. I knew I might puke, but it would save my shoulder a world of pain if I could fix Chuck without magic.


"Nope," Simon informed me, way too happily for my pleasure.


He was a sick bastard.


"Fine," I ground out. "Chuck, sit. You're too damned tall for me to reach you standing. And I mean sit—not squat."


I heard Chuck's laughter rumble around in my head as he plopped down on the floor. Again, the magic came up unbidden as soon as I touched him… and again it hurt like a motherfucker. Maybe Hildy hadn't died. Maybe she got sick of being in excruciating pain all the time and just took off. They never did find a body.


"Next," I gasped as the bullet popped out of Chuck's shoulder. Better to get it all over fast before I chickened out.


Bob had a partially cut artery and Wanda had broken paws and her femur was cracked. It was getting difficult to breathe or even see straight, but Baby Bo was still waiting.


"I can do one more," I told them. "Come here, little guy."


He scampered over and curled up in my lap. My heart grew three sizes like the freakin' Grinch as I nuzzled his slightly stinky fur.


My head hurts
," he said. "
It hurts so bad, Zelda


Blood still slowly seeped from a long gash at the base of his little skull and my inside clenched in fury. He was just a little boy.


"What happened to him?" I demanded.


"He was attacked by honey badgers and thrown against a tree," Simon said quietly. A very pale and now healed Wanda shifted back to human and sat next to me on the floor. All of the animals had shifted back and were dressing themselves as they watched.


"What the hell is wrong with you Shifters? Why would anyone attack a child?"

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