Maggies Marriage (Cloverleaf #2) (19 page)

BOOK: Maggies Marriage (Cloverleaf #2)
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“I love you,” Michael said as he kissed the top of her head. “Thank you for being such a great mom to our babies.” He placed his hand on her growing belly. Maggie covered his hand with hers, and they both felt an incredible hard, swift kick from inside her womb.

“Oh my God, did you feel that?” Michael’s brown eyes were wide and excited.

“I did. Pretty neat, huh?”

“I guess our baby just wanted to say happy Mother’s Day.” Michael planted a kiss on Maggie’s mouth, which sent a tingle straight through her.

“How did I get so lucky?” Maggie asked, looking up at him.

“Sweetheart, I’m the lucky one.”

Maggie almost couldn’t remember the lonely past several months, the tears that had soaked her pillow, the knotted up anger she felt. It all seem so distant. As she stood alongside the man she loved, she felt complete. It had been a hard path which led her and Michael to the road they were traveling on now, but she was glad they were together.









Chapter Sixteen



The alarm shrilled loudly. Light filtered into her bedroom as she slowly, very regrettably, started to inch off the bed. She peeled Michael’s arm off, and Maggie slipped out from under the weight of it. She instantly missed the feel of his arm over her as she wrapped herself in her robe and headed down the hall to wake Melanie.

She tapped lightly against the solid door with her knuckles, then carefully opened it. Maggie whispered, “Melanie, time to get up, sweetie.” She heard her daughter stir beneath her covers and agree to get out of bed. Maggie left her and went to start breakfast.

Standing at the stove, she pushed the eggs together in the skillet. Maggie felt arms circle her waist. “Where did you go?” Michael’s lips found her neck.

“I have motherly duties, you know,” she said as her body responded to his touch. She raised her lips to his.

“I guess you’re right.” He released her and started for the coffee pot. “So, you want to go check out a couple more places today?”

“We need to. I will go to the shop after we are done. I really want just the right place. I don’t know why you want to live outside of town.”

“Have you seen Liam’s property? It’s amazing. The land will be worth a fortune someday.” Michael sipped his black coffee.

Maggie stirred the fluffy eggs and added a little pepper to them. “I like the idea of being in town. I love walking Melanie to school. I don’t think you will like driving in the snow when winter hits.”

“We need to think about getting an SUV or something, I was talking to your brothers about that just the other day.” Michael sidled closer to Maggie, and she forked a small helping of eggs into his mouth. “Those are hot!”

“Sorry.” Maggie heard little footsteps headed toward them, and Melanie appeared. “All ready for breakfast?”

“Yep, I’m hungry.” Melanie took a seat at the dining table as Michael went to pour her some juice.

Maggie filled plates with food and served them as Daniel shuffled into the kitchen. His reddish hair was wild from sleeping, and he yawned loudly before greeted everyone.

“Daniel, there’s plenty of eggs, you want me to make you some toast?” Maggie offered as she sat Melanie’s plate in front of her daughter.

“Thanks, but I got it,” he said as he threw some slices of whole wheat bread into the toaster and started to pour himself some juice. “You didn’t make bacon?”

“No, sorry.” Maggie laughed. Her brother loved his bacon, hell, the guy loved food in general.

He grunted and served himself some eggs as his toast popped up. He buttered it quickly and went to sit down next to Melanie. “How’s my little Mel this morning?”

“Good, Uncle Daniel. Sorry Mom didn’t make you any bacon.”

“That’s okay, I think she’ll make some next time.” Daniel winked at Maggie as he shoveled eggs into his mouth. “Good eggs, though.”

Maggie grinned at him and then turned her gaze to Melanie. “Better hurry, we need to get ready for school.” Melanie nodded as Maggie got up to get dressed.

A bit later, Maggie locked the door behind her as Melanie ran to the car. Michael was already in the driver’s side. She reluctantly slid inside. The weather was lovely. She would have enjoyed walking tat morning, but they were on a mission to find their perfect home. Not a cloud was to be found in the perfect blue sky, and Maggie took that as a good omen.

After they dropped Melanie off at school, Michael steered them toward the real estate office on the main street. As they cruised slowly, Maggie saw cheery, giant baskets with a mix of bright flowers hanging off each lamp post. Michael found a spot a few doors down from the office and parked.

“So, let’s keep an open mind, really weigh in on everything to get exactly what we want,” Michael said as he turned off the car.

“Well, quit being so settled on living outside of town,” Maggie responded with a teasing laugh.

“As long as we are under the same roof, I don’t care where the house is.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek before opening the door to get out.

Hand in hand, they made the short walk to the real estate office. Michael held the door open for her. Janice, the receptionist and close friend of Mary’s, greeted them with a broad smile. “Good morning, you two. Isn’t it pretty as a picture out there?”

“Remarkable,” Michael answered as he ushered Maggie inside.

“Is Cheryl in yet, Janice?” Maggie asked.

“She just called, and she is on her way.”

“Well, that’s no problem. We will wait here, if that’s okay?” Michael asked, flashing Janice his charming smile as he headed toward the small sitting area near a large window.

“Of course, you guys make yourselves at home. How’s your mother doing, dear?”

“She’s well, thank you,” Maggie responded as she sat down next to Michael. Janice rounded her desk and came to join them.

Janice sat across from Maggie, and placed her hand on Maggie’s knee. “How about you, love?”

Maggie looked over to Michael and smiled back at Janice, “We are doing great. Starting to feel really good, no more morning sickness.”

“Good thing you two are looking to buy your home now, before the baby comes. Plenty of time to set up the nursery.”

Maggie nodded in agreement. “Absolutely, we’re so excited and really hope we find the perfect place today.” She pointed at Michael and continued, “This one wants a place out of town like Liam’s, but I want to stay right here in town.”

Janice sighed. “Well, both are lovely, but I know Mary would rather have you and those babies close to her.”

“I keep telling him that driving into town in the winter is not a whole lot of fun. But he seems to think he wants to live out in the country.” Maggie laughed as she rubbed Michael’s leg.

“Hey, you can’t blame me, it’s beautiful out there.”

They heard the distinctive clicking of the high heels that belonged to Cheryl. Cheryl was in her late forties, Maggie guessed. She was always sharply dressed and ready for business. She didn’t really exude warmth, but she did have a kind way about her.

“Who wants to buy a house today?” her voice sang out loudly.

Michael got up quickly to shake Cheryl’s hand. “Good morning, and yes, we are hoping to find the perfect one today.” He pulled Maggie close to his side.

“Well, I have several properties I think would be a great fit for what you are looking for. So why don’t we get this show on the road?” She turned on her heel and started for the door. She meant business.





Maggie stood in awe. This was it, the home she wanted. Located on a large corner lot just a few blocks from the school and Michael’s office, it had everything she wanted. The outside was almost as grand as the inside. There was a wrap-around porch, and a beautiful, green, sprawling yard, which was landscaped with precision and love. The two-story home was a muted gray, black shutters graced all the large windows, and a bright red door matched the equally bright red metal roof. The kitchen was incredible, not that Maggie spent a great deal of time in them, but when she lived with her mother she found herself appreciating the space. Stainless steel appliances sparkled, and granite countertops with veiny ribbons of gold sat on top of dark cabinets. The home was modernized beyond any home in Birch Valley that Maggie had ever seen. Gleaming cherry wood floors spread throughout each room, crown molding gripped along the seams of the ceiling. There were too many incredible features to list, but when Maggie and Michael locked eyes as they explored the master bedroom and bathroom, they knew they had found their home.

They stood near the kitchen island, Maggie running her hands over the smooth stone surface as Michael confidently penned his name on the offer. When it was Maggie’s turn, she nervously tried to sign her name. The home was not cheap. Michael hadn’t blinked an eye at the asking price. She knew they were sitting well from his father’s inheritance and would be in great shape once they sold their condo. But Maggie felt her head spin when she saw numbers that large.

Michael must have sensed her discomfort, as he took her hand in his. “This is going to be our home.”

“I know, but Michael, it’s so expensive.”

“Maggie, I would pay any sum of money for the smile that has been on your face the last hour. We are getting this house.” Michael’s lips touched hers softly, and his hand gingerly stroked her cheek.




Maggie sat at her desk sorting invoices when she heard Patrick walk by. He had been quiet since she had arrived. Daniel rolled his eyes at her when she walked in, signaling that their brother was not in the best of moods. Surprise, surprise. That was Patrick, after all. He had always been moody, granted, the last three years were extreme, not that anyone could fault him. He had lost a great deal, and was still grieving. Time moved in slow motion for him. He wasn’t growing or moving on from Beth’s death. Granted, not that Maggie completely blamed him. If she lost Michael, she imagined she too would be a shell of her former self. It was just hard to watch it on display. With all the new life budding around them, she knew he was suffering.

“Patrick,” Maggie called out from behind her computer monitor.

“Yes?” he answered from his office. The door was wide open.

“Do you want to grab lunch together?”

“No, thanks, I have a lot to do here.” His tone was flat.

Maggie sighed loudly. “Ah, come on, we can go to Herrick’s.”

“I’d rather not today, Maggie.”

Well, she tried. Maggie hoped to get him to get out of the office, as getting a little fresh air would do him a world of good. She’d had a great day with picking out the house, and the weather had been gorgeous. The only thing that dampened things was Patrick’s sour mood.

She felt her cell phone buzz and saw that Michael was calling. “Hey, hon.”

“Babe, they accepted the offer.” Joy vibrated from his voice, and pure excitement filled Maggie as she let out a happy squeal.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, ma’am. We need to go over to Seattle and start getting things in order over there. We even got a short escrow because we’re paying cash.”

“Paying cash? Michael, what do you mean?” Her guts twisted at the price tag on the house.

“Well, babe, it made sense to offer a little lower than asking, and cash, that way we don’t have to wait as long to close. We need to be in our own place.”

“But, Michael, that’s a lot of money we’re talking about.”

“We can afford it. I just wanted to make sure we got that house. I know how much you love it, and we are going to raise our kids there. It’s perfect.” His voice was gentle, soothing her of any worries.

“It is perfect, but I didn’t think we could afford to pay it all at once.”

“Well, we can, and we just did. So do you feel like celebrating tonight? I figure we can drive Melanie by the house and maybe get dinner?” Michael suggested.

“Sounds great. I’m so ecstatic.” Maggie felt the thrill travel through her. They had found the most beautiful home, Michael was going to open up his own practice, and they were all together. Life was good.

“Well, I will see you this evening, love you.”

“Love you too.” She hung up and practically raced to Patrick’s office.

He glanced up from his desk and removed his reading glasses. He dropped the pen hard against the notepad. “What’s up?”

“We got the house!” Maggie scooted over to her brother and squeezed him. She needed to hug someone.

“Congrats!” Daniel called from the doorway. “What house did you guys put an offer on?”

Maggie ran to Daniel and circled her arms around him. “Oh, it is just the prettiest place ever.”

“I’m glad you guys found something, and it’s here in town?”

“Yes, it’s the gray house on Lincoln, near the school, and sort of by Michael’s building.”

“Dang, no way! That place is amazing.” Daniel’s eyes grew large. “Patrick, remember that one with the black shutters, we helped them with that shop and deck a couple of years ago?”

“Oh yeah, wow, Maggie, you guys bought that one?” Patrick’s face wrinkled in surprise.

“I know, it’s wild, huh?” She could hardly contain herself, her mind had already started decorating the large home.

“We should all go to lunch and celebrate, maybe drive by it?” Daniel offered with a grand smile.

“I tried to convince Patrick to go to lunch with me, but he wasn’t having it.” Maggie pouted and placed her hands on her hips, eyeing her brother.

“Oh, fine, I’ll go.”

Maggie was thrilled he had surrendered. “Let me grab my purse and let’s go.”

Lunch with her brothers turned out to be wonderful, even Patrick managed to smile and laugh a couple of times. Patrick and Daniel were amazed that the beautiful home was going to be Maggie’s. Lots of hugs were shared as happiness overflowed. They joked all the way back to the office, and the light mood followed them for the remainder of time at the shop. Just as the perfect blue sky had promised that morning, the day had turned out wonderful.

BOOK: Maggies Marriage (Cloverleaf #2)
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