Read Madness or Purpose Online

Authors: Megan Perry

Madness or Purpose (14 page)

BOOK: Madness or Purpose
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He is possessive and rough forcing his tongue between my lips and gripping my head on either side with his strong hands. Gavin barely pulls away from my lips while I gasp for air. “You have been naughty. You are mine and I will have you right here, right now Zoe!” He practically growls at me. It should probably scare me, but it turns me on instead. I can actually feel the moisture between my thighs and feel my heart beat pulse between my legs as he presses up against me harder. Gavin barely gives me a moment to catch my breath before he claims my lips again and his hands slip down my sides to my hips. My hoodie has practically fallen off and my shirt clings to my body. Gavin’s hands barely linger at my hips as they continue to travel down to my body only pausing at the hem of my skirt. His lips move back to my neck and collarbone as his hands slip up under my skirt. In an instant he pulls my leggings off and tosses them across the room. His hands feel like fire, but they don’t actually burn. I snake my hands behind his head and grab handfuls of his hair. Gavin groans but it only seems to feed his aggressiveness.


I pull his shirt off over his head wanting to see his mark and run my finger tips over its intricate designs. Every touch is like a mild electrocution and it travels straight to my brain making everything blur. Gavin’s arm grazes mine and everything goes black again. I feel him rip my shirt and bra off with one hand. I hear his pants drop to the floor and he lifts me up by my hips as I lock my legs around his waist. He runs his tongue along my mark and I hear the light bulbs begin to rupture throughout the apartment. “Zoe, we can’t wait much longer, the buildup of energy is getting dangerous.” Gavin cautions me as he drops me back on my feet and turns me around. He presses me up against the wall. All in one motion he slides up my skirt and slides inside of me. With every thrust waves of electricity and pleasure crash over me and I can’t help but moan in pleasure. I can feel Gavin’s muscles strain and ripple against my back. He bites down on my shoulder just enough to make me cry out.



I hear her cry out as I bite down just hard enough for pleasure. Her sound makes me want her more and I pick up speed. All day long while other men looked at her I just wanted to take her right then and stake my claim. I know it sounds animalistic, but ever since the first time when we finished our bonding, I just can’t help myself it’s like I am addicted and possessive. Zoe’s scent is so strong it drives me crazy! Her practically naked body fits perfectly with mine and her desperation and carnal lust hit me like flames. Zoe’s body tenses and contracts around me and drives me to plunge deeper inside of her. She braces her hands above her head and I use her hips to pull her down on to me as hard as I thrust into her. Her back arches and her muscles tighten in her pleasure she climaxes once and as the heat drenches me I see red and I can’t help but push her further. Zoe screams and as her second climax erupts and I feel it run down my inner thigh I finally join her and then pull out. Both our bodies are trembling and I help her lay down on the floor next to me. Everything still has that hazy afterglow, but I can see well enough to do so.


As she lies next to me her breathing is still shallow and rapid. Her finger tips graze my thigh.
“You don’t seriously think you’re going to get out of telling me what you meant earlier do you?”
She winks in her head. Through my heavy breathing I laugh.
“Now, why would I think that? I don’t plan on hiding anything from you.”
I wink back at her. Quicker than I thought we have both caught our breath and I remember we were about to eat. Well, more like my stomach reminded me. Rolling over I look at Zoe and grin. “You know, we sure have been eating a lot of cold food lately.” She just smiles. I trail my fingers up the center of her body and her body involuntarily shivers. “Sorry about your clothes, I’ll have to buy you more.” I grin and wiggle my eye brows at her. “I do rather enjoy you without them though; I might have to remove them more often.” “You ruined my new hoodie with your damn pop too!” She reminds me.

“Oh, well. I’m sorry Ms. Jones, but you started it!” She grins sheepishly and sits up. “I’m going to go rinse off…alone and then get dressed again. We have to go down to the bar yet this afternoon and talk with Dean, remember?” I give her my best sad eyes when she says alone, but she just shakes her head. We’d never make it to the bar if I went in there with her.


She jumps up and slips into a pair of her skater shoes while grabbing the broom. I lift an eyebrow at her attire and in reply she reminds me, “didn’t you hear all the vanity bulbs exploding in there earlier?” Realization hits me. “Oh yeah, we have got to be more careful. We were lucky it was only the light bulbs! I might need to see if there is any advice or like tips regarding the not exploding building during such activities.” “Well, whatever you find out I have a feeling that letting it build up like that might be one of the problems though I agree we really haven’t had much choice in that area lately,” Zoe adds. I watch her walk off to the bathroom in her ridiculous get up and damn if I didn’t want to tackle her in the hallway! I jump up and catch her by the waist just as her hand reaches for the knob. Zoe jumps a bit and spins around. Looking down she says, “oh Gav, already?” She tries to shake her head but when my lips touch hers she stops fighting and surprises me with the force behind her kiss.


I pull her down to the floor on top of me and the moment our marks graze each other everything goes black. I am really beginning to wonder why this happens.

I love watching her, oh, but feeling her this intensely is just, I can’t describe it. She is still wet and I’m just as hard as before so we skip the foreplay and she mounts me. Zoe leans over me, her hard nipples lightly running over my chest while I guide her body with my hands on her upper thighs cupping her ass. Zoe has no mercy and though she herself is gasping for air she rides me hard and fast never losing rhythm or slowing down. I smack her ass and she nips at my chest hard enough to leave me a mark to remember her by later. We both climax at the same time and through her gasps for air she warns me. “You try that again and I’ll shock you so hard you’ll be out until next week!”


Zoe climbs off of me pulls herself up with the door handle and slips back into her shoes. She quickly shuts the door behind her and locks it. I laugh a little and lay my head back down on the floor. After a few moments I hear the shower turn on and I slowly sit up. While she showers I pull my jeans back on and pick up the ripped clothes on the floor. I throw the pop soaked articles in the laundry basket and I grab a wet rag from the kitchen to wipe up all the pop. We barely got anything on the furniture, but I grabbed some stain remover anyhow. By the time her quick shower was done and she blow dried her hair I have everything cleaned up. She walks by wrapped in a towel and I have to swallow hard and remember her warning. I dart into the bathroom to avoid being tempted and jump in the shower. I finish my shower in half the time and manage to change before she picks out an outfit.


When she decides to come back out I am busy eating my half of the cold chicken strips and munching on chips. I have already replaced our drinks and drank half of mine. She looks surprised or pleased I’m really not sure which. “Now, how about those memories of yours,” she orders more than asks. “Ok, so I think or well I know and I don’t know how I know, but our parents left us clues.” I answer her. “Clues about what,” Zoe questions. “About whom they are. About whom we are.” She says nothing but stares intently at me while nibbling on her food.

“I think our middle names are the names of our guardian parents. I think they have left other clues too, I just don’t know where or what yet exactly.” She nods and chews some more. “I like your theory, it makes sense.” She nods again.

Zoe focuses on her food and seems to be deep in thought. I leave her alone and I don’t try to use my new abilities. I figure she needs her space as much as I do and the least I can do is grant her that at home. I hear
and then nothing.


My phone buzzes and it’s a message from Dean. **Don’t forget, 4 o`clock at LEDGE.** When I look at the time on my phone it reads 3pm. “Hey ZZ, we need to get moving we have to be at the bar in like an hour.” She springs from her thoughts. “Oh yeah, let’s get going then.” She gathers her things and I grab my keys. I quickly let the dog out and she heads for the fire escape. I forgot about her. Poor dog I think I lock the door behind us and Zoe slips her hand into mine. We both look at each other for a brief moment and then our auras disappear and our eyes change to a normal blue. Hand in hand we make our way down the three flights of stairs and out to my truck. Zoe jumps in the passenger seat as I fire it up and we pull out into the afternoon traffic.



We’re supposed to be going to some kind of meeting or orientation or something for me at the bar. I don’t start until next week, but Dean thought I should meet everyone in advance and get the layout down. I think he also wants to see if we can keep our cool around the others. I mean they know we are bonded and wouldn’t try anything, but there is this primal, animalistic nature to the bonding that is proving to be challenging for us and Dean can’t afford for us to cause a problem at LEDGE or make the building explode. We drive by the front of the building and I notice there is no sign just a number for the address near the door and turn down an alley to a private parking lot for employees. The lot is tiny and already rather full. Dean parks the truck and turns off the engine.


Turning to me he smiles and takes my hand. “Please, Zoe, don’t do anything stupid.” He half begs. “I’ll try if you try.” I counter him. “Zoe, these are my friends, and well this could be a really good place for you. I know you have been doing well, but promise me that if you start to have problems, you’ll tell me?” “I will if you will.” I counter again. “Deal,” Gavin replies. When we are just about to enter a wave of noise and chaos hits me. Thoughts are slamming into me like unforgiving electric waves. I crumble to the ground my legs giving out and my hands fly up to my temples. Gavin scoops me up in his arms and jogs to the far end of the lot. It really isn’t that far away, but it dulls the onslaught just enough for me to breathe again.


I hear footsteps coming around the end of the nearby car. “Hey man, is she alright?” A male voice asks.

“I don’t know yet.” Gavin answers him. “You want me to go get Dean? I’m new here, but I know a newbie when I see one.” Gavin pauses before answering him, “uh, yeah sure. That might actually help. Who are you again? I didn’t catch your name?” “Oh, it’s Dominic.” He answers. He is about Gavin’s height, lean and dressed in jeans and plan black t-shirt that stretched tight across his chest. In a few moments he returned with a very concerned looking Dean. “Well, I’ll just head inside we don’t need to crowd. Peace!” Dominic announced and turned on his heel back to the bar. He definitely wasn’t new to this life, but he didn’t really appear to be as friendly as he just was to us. Maybe he just tries to look tough. I sigh as my head lulls back over Gavin’s arm and I fade out as he and Dean begin to discuss me.




I come to about the third time Gavin smacks my cheek. “What the hell Gavin?” I groan.

“Ha, see I told you it would work Dean!” Gavin exclaims in triumph. My head is throbbing and everything seems hazy. I hear Gavin and Dean, but I see 3 sets of shoes. The ones that don’t have a voice are red slip-ons of some type sticking out from under faded jeans. Everything is spinning and when they put me on my feet the ground comes back up to meet my face. “Man she is a wreck,”

the red shoes mumble under their breath. Wait, I know that voice…it’s new but I know it. It belongs to the guy in the black t-shirt with the short sandy blonde hair. What did he tell Gavin his name was? Oh yeah, Dominic. Oooo…what an ass!
“I heard that woman. Oh yes I did!”
What the hell? Was he in my head?
“Girlie you better stop thinking so hard about my shoes or Gavin here might just light us all on fire!”
He is in my head!
“You get out of here or I’ll electrocute your ass!” “Ha ha ha. You’re just plain stupid if you think you are going to do anything while you’re eating gravel kid.”

“Hell if I won’t!”
I scream in my head focusing my seething anger at this new smart ass thorn in my side. I hear him scream and gravel hitting the surrounding cars. As Gavin is picking me up I see Dominic flat on his ass with his hands to his temples. “God Damn Woman! I was just teasing! Fuck!” “That’s for being a cocky son of a bitch! You ass!” Gavin just stares at me. He glares at Dominic. “What the fuck did you do to her? I swear if you ever want to…” “Gav, I’m fine. Really, please chill out.” I beg him. His eyes are flashing red and his palms are starting to wisp smoke. “Please.” I beg touching his cheek with my hand, not flinching at the scorching heat. I know he sees the pain in my head as I try to hide it and he relives the last few moments and he takes a deep breath letting the air escape through his teeth making a noise similar to a hiss. “How can you do this?” Gavin practically growls. No one is confused we all know who the questions is meant for, yet only he and I know why the question is loaded with acid and loathing.

“It is not important how, but that I can teach her how to keep me out.” Dominic groans as he is still recovering from the nasty little shock I sent his way. “Gavin, it’s not him I know that presence, it’s evil. He may be an ass but he is not evil.” “Yeah, it’s not me! I don’t know what it is but it isn’t me.” “Yeah, Dominic, you should shut up right now if you like your current brain functioning.”I threaten. He shrinks back a bit and winces just thinking about it. “You bluff!” “You sure you want to try me?” I grin evilly in his direction. “Fine teach her, and teach her now. I don’t have a lot of patience or control right now.”

Gavin instructs. “Ok, well. For starters you have to stop touching your man toy sugar.”Dominic sure knows how to push buttons. I pull my hand out of Gavin’s before he lights us both on fire and Dean decides to drag him down the little lot so he can still see me and hopefully he can calm down enough not to hurt any of us.

BOOK: Madness or Purpose
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