Mad for the Plaid (33 page)

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Authors: Karen Hawkins

BOOK: Mad for the Plaid
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Instead, he lowered his head, his breath sweet and warm on her cheek. “Why did you come here,

“I heard the footsteps and wished to make certain you were well.”

“I am honored, but . . . that's all? You weren't slipping into my room in the hopes of joining me in my bed? I'm disappointed.” As he spoke, he turned her so that she faced him, sliding his hands over her, from her hips, to her waist, and then up her back, molding her to him.

She shivered, pressing against him.

His hands never stopped roaming and tugging, pulling
her closer. Soon, she realized he'd untied her chemise.

“Take it off,” he growled in her ear, easing his hold.

She could have argued. And he would have listened, too.

But her breasts were already heavy with wanting, and she realized that if she left now, without embracing her desires for him, she'd have naught but regrets. She slipped the undergarment from her shoulders and let it drop to her feet.

She stepped out of the pool of clothes made by her chemise as Nik's arm tightened about her waist. With one easy movement, he lifted her to him, over his glorious expanse of bare chest. She let her hands wander, tracing his ridged abdomen, his muscled arms, the strong column of his throat.

His ragged breath met her explorations, and with a swift tilt of his head, he captured her mouth with his, his hunger and wildness as evident as her own.

She pressed into him, her bared breasts to his unclothed chest, her naked hips to his powerful thighs, shifting against him, wordlessly inciting him to do more.

He cupped her breast, his thumb flicking over her nipple until she gasped and squirmed against him, lifting her legs around him.

He held her there, her womanhood against his hip, his erection captured between them. She clenched her teeth against a wild moan. God, how she loved the feel of him against her.

She pressed against his thick shaft, gasping as wanton heat flooded her.

He growled, and rocked back on his heels, thrusting his hips forward as he trailed hot, openmouthed kisses down the line of her throat, over her collarbone, sending spirals of heat through her.

She rocked her hips against him, and he broke the kiss, his hot breath tickling the trail left by his kisses.

He took two steps and then found the bed. He lowered her to the edge.

She started to scoot back, but he placed his large warm hands over her thighs, holding her in place. “Stay.”

She did so, her heart pounding furiously.
What is he going to do? How do I—

He knelt, and she gave a startled gasp as he pressed her legs apart, bending forward to capture her mouth in a demanding kiss. When her objections had been quelled, he left her swollen lips and trailed his lips over her jaw to her neck, kissing and nipping as she splayed her hands through the crisp curls on his chest.

His mouth went lower, to her breast, where he captured a tortured nipple and twirled his tongue over it.

She sank her hands into his hair and arched toward him, half mad with desire.

Though she couldn't see a thing, the darkness sharpened her other senses until she was filled with them. He smelled of sandalwood soap and leather; his skin so warm that she wondered if he still had a fever. His breathing was rapid and harsh, which delighted her to no end. She ran her fingers through his hair, arching her back, pressing her breast more fully into his mouth.

He obliged her unspoken demand, twirling his tongue over her nipple, rolling it between his teeth until she shook with need.

He released her and sank lower, dropping heated kisses down her midriff.

He pressed her back on the bed, his broad shoulders opening her legs.

She panted as if she were running with all her might up a steep hill. Sensations flooded her; her body ached and yearned. She couldn't keep her legs still, couldn't stop moving against him, like waves thrusting upon a shore, seeking land upon which to rest.

He shifted, his weight moving down, spreading her legs until she was fully open before him, her most intimate part level with his stubbled chin.

He raked his chin over her wetness, and she dug her fingers deep into the blankets to keep from crying out.

He did it again, and then again, each time listening to her panted whimpers. He flicked his tongue over her damp curls.

She clenched her eyes closed and dropped her head back as he teased and taunted with his tongue. In, out. Up, down.

She reached for him with one hand, her fingers threading through his hair as she pressed his face to her, urging him to keep kissing, keep stroking, gasping his name as her hips lifted of their own accord. He slipped his hands under her bottom and held her up, angled now for his pleasure as he plundered her.

He was unrelenting and ruthless, tasting her with a thoroughness that left her writhing under an assault of
feeling so intense, a tear slid down her temple to pool in her hair. She anchored him in place, holding him to her, pressing herself to him.

He cupped her cheeks tightly as his tongue filled her and, with a cry, she arched wildly as her senses tumbled, gasping his name over and over while her body spasmed with pleasure.

Her cries seemed to inspire him, for he increased his ministrations, lapping at her until she was lost, quivering at the wildness that was her body.

Finally, she could stand no more and she whispered a broken, “Please, dinnae—”

He stopped instantly, and arose to slide an arm about her waist. He pulled her to the center of the mattress, covering her body with his.

His erection rested against her hip, and she turned toward him, kissing him fiercely. Now she was the one tempting and teasing. She splayed her leg over his hip and reached between them, her fingers encircling his hot shaft—

He groaned and lifted on his elbows, positioning himself between her thighs. With an insistent push, he pressed into her. His ready cock filled her slickness with a thick, velvet hardness. A momentary pain made her gasp, but then he was moving, his hips thrusting against hers, her body aching with the sweetness.

She closed her eyes and met him thrust for thrust, as he rained kisses down her neck, his harsh breath spurring her onward as she planted her heels on the mattress, lifting her hips to meet his.

He murmured her name, gasping harshly as he took her with a wildness that stole her breath. Their passion built until she gasped and arched against him, losing herself in another wave of pleasure. As if in answer, he gave a final thrust, pulling free just as his own passion erupted.

Chapter 21

Ailsa slid her foot into her boot. The inn was abuzz with voices and noises, while outside in the courtyard arose the whicker of horses and the thud of boots scuffling across the flagstones. The scent of ham and sausages wafted upstairs, and her stomach growled in return.

The whole world was now awake, which was very different from late last night when she'd gone to Nik's bedchamber. She couldn't help but smile.
What a glorious, glorious night. Whatever happens, I will have that memory.

It was a bittersweet thought, one she'd avoided thinking about all morning—that a memory was all it ever could be.

And that is fine
, she told herself, ignoring the lump in her throat.
I knew that from the beginning. Perhaps that is why I felt bold enough to do as I've done. There can be no complications.

Can there?

She'd awoken this morning to find herself scooped against Nik's broad chest, his steady breathing warm against her ear. She'd never felt more comfortable or safe, resting in his arms.

But feeling safe and being safe were two very different things and she'd quickly arisen, put on her chemise, and slipped back into her own room. There she'd waited in bed until she heard Rurik and Gregor speaking on the stairway before she arose and rang the maid for a bath.

Now, bathed and dressed, Ailsa felt as if she owned the world. This venture had been freeing in many ways. Smiling, she turned her face toward the morning sun that poured through the window, and basked in its warmth. She supposed she should feel some sort of loss for having given herself to Nik last night, but all she could dredge up was a relaxed, sated sigh. She'd never dreamed she could be so forward or wanton. And it had been obvious that Nik had enjoyed her efforts, which only confirmed her decision all the more.

She stood, pushed her still-damp hair to one side, and stretched, as languid as a cat basking on a windowsill.
So this is what a woman of the world feels like the morning after indulging herself.
Truly, other than a faint tenderness to her nether regions, which the bath had already eased, she felt stronger and more capable than ever.

Nik had the right of it—he never worried what other people thought or said. Perhaps it was time she did the same. This morning, she felt as if she could conquer the world. She even found herself wondering if the huge desk at Castle Leod was big enough to challenge her forever. Was it was possible she'd now want more than it could offer? It was a thrilling thought.

She stepped around the small tub the maid had carried
in earlier and had just picked up her comb when her door flew open. “What—”

Nik stood in the doorway, his black hair falling over his brow, his green eyes cold with fury. In his hand, he held a sheet. He stalked in and slammed the door behind him.

She blinked. “What's wrong?”

“This.” He shook the bedsheet, and she saw a small, reddish stain in the center.

Her face heated. “Oh. That.”

. You are a virgin.” He said it as if it were the worst thing she could possibly be.

“Well, I
a virgin, but now, nae longer.” She tugged the comb through her hair.

He watched her with a stunned expression and then threw the bedsheet to the floor. “Bloody hell, do you not know what this means?”

“Aye, it means I'm nae longer a virgin, something I discovered last night around two. Or I think it was aboot two; I'm nae certain as to the exact time.”

“This is not a laughing matter!” He stalked about the room, as if in a cage. “You could be with child.”

“We took nae precautions,” she pointed out matter-of-factly. “You withdrew, if you remember.”

His face turned red. “This is my fault.”

“It is
fault,” she corrected sharply. “But rest assured aboot that; 'tis nae the proper time of the month for such.”

“Are you certain?”

“Verrah. I've sisters, you know. More than one.”

“That's good, I suppose. But, dammit, you should
have told me before we—” He raked a hand through his hair.

“Why? Would it have mattered?”

,” he said grimly. “I wouldn't have touched you.”

“Then I'm glad I dinnae tell you, so that I was able to enjoy the best half hour of this expedition thus far.”

When he didn't smile or even agree, she threw the comb back on the dresser. “Fine. You and I agree it would be unfortunate if I were with child. But I doubt it would happen after one time, especially at this time of the month, and that my first attempt, too.”

He eyed her with a dark look. “You are damnably calm about this.”

“To be honest, I'm relieved.”

“Was your virginity such a burden?”

“Nae, but my curiosity was.” That was true, especially after she'd met him. “Now I'll nae longer wonder what I have given oop by being my father's estate manager. And dinnae say I might still wed, for nae one visits Castle Leod other than my family.”

His mouth tightened. “So last night was nothing; you were merely sating your curiosity and nothing more.”

It was more than that. Much more. But she hadn't allowed herself time to consider what. And now, facing the unmistakable fury in Nik's eyes, she found it even more difficult to do so.

Why was he so angry? There was no reason for him to be so unless he'd thought she— Her gaze flew to his face. “You thought I was planning on using my loss of innocence against you.”

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