Mace (Cocky Cage Fighter #4) (8 page)

BOOK: Mace (Cocky Cage Fighter #4)
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Chapter Six


I wake up gaspin’ for breath and can’t seem to find any fresh air. I’m pretty sure I’m bein’ squeezed and smothered to death by a giant, but delicious smellin’, anaconda.

Blinkin’ my eyes open, I’m lookin’ at a broad, naked chest, one with sculpted pecs. My tongue sneaks out and licks my dry lips, wantin’ a taste. No, no, no!

I scramble out of Mason’s hulk-like grip and go straight to the bathroom, lockin’ the door to go through my normal mornin’ routine while he’s asleep.

When I come out almost an hour later, Mason is still dead to the world. I tiptoe barefoot around to my side of the bed and admire him with more than a quick glance while I can. Despite the thicker, auburn colored scruff along his jaw, he looks younger, closer to his real age of twenty, in this unconscious state, his fist curled up and restin’ underneath his head. Last night, he held onto my hand tightly for as long as I remember, until I woke up in his choke hold this mornin’. It was…nice to be touched in such a gentle, non-sexual, yet oddly intimate way by an irresistible man.

I watch as a wrinkle forms between his dark eyebrows, like he’s thinkin’ hard even in his slumber. His full, sensual lips are parted with his heavy, even breaths. Of course my eyes drop lower, checkin’ out his thick, bulgin’ biceps. His smooth chest leads to chiseled abs, but that’s as far as my exploration goes because the damn covers are in the way.

Since he bought us lunch and dinner last night, I grab my purse and head downstairs in search of breakfast for him. Debbie sees me in the foyer and stops me before I walk out the front door.

“Where are you off to so early?” she asks. Today’s she’s wearin’ a blue and white plaid apron, still lookin’ the part of a southern housewife.

“I was just gonna go look for some breakfast,” I tell her, gesturin’ in the direction of the diner a few blocks away.

“Oh no, ma’am. I’ve got biscuits, ham, eggs, bagels, and cinnamon rolls for you two already made. Go fix as much as you want for you and your fiancé.”

“Are you sure?” I ask hesitantly, but she grabs my arm, leads me into the kitchen, and then hands me a big plate.

“Absolutely,” she replies with a smile, so I accept her offer.

I grab a little bit of everything since I have no idea what Mason likes. As big as he is, I’m guessin’ there’s not much he would turn down since he must burn thousands of calories more than most men each day with all his vigorous trainin’. Plate piled high and a big glass of orange juice in my other hand, I start for the stairs.

“Don’t you want to fix yourself another plate?” Debbie asks.

“Oh, this is plenty, thank you,” I tell her. “We’ll share.”

“Okay, but you both come back for seconds.”

I nod and escape up the stairs. Back inside the room, I notice the bed is empty right before I hear the shower turn on in the bathroom. Tryin’ not to think about the fact that he’s currently naked, I put Mason’s food down on the desk and start packin’ up my things. Once that’s done, I sit down on the edge of the bed and scroll through messages and emails on my phone to try and distract myself from thinkin’ of the water cascading over chiseled muscles.

“Morning,” Mason says when he comes out of the bathroom in nothin’ but frayed and faded jeans ridin’ low on his sculpted hips. I sneak a quick peek of his spectacular upper body before lowerin’ my eyes to my phone again. The man would make a killin’ as an athletic model, lacin’ up a pair of brand name sneakers or all shirtless and sweaty, guzzlin’ a sports drink.

“Mornin’. Breakfast is on the table,” I tell him.

“Awesome, thanks,” he says as he comes over and sits down at the desk that’s next to my side of the bed. “Where’s yours?” he asks, glancin’ around the room.

“I ate downstairs.”

“What did you eat?” he pries, eyein’ me over the glass of juice he’s sippin’ on.

“A biscuit and some eggs.”

“Liar,” he calls me out like usual, but I only roll my eyes in response. “At least you’re a beautiful liar. That dress is hot by the way. Very fifties pin-up bombshell.”

“Thanks,” I mutter, glancin’ down at my red and white polka dot halter dress. I try not to smile and let on to how much I enjoy his compliments. He obviously has a fat fetish, but who am I to judge? I apparently have a fetish for giant, ripped men. Wait, what woman doesn’t have that fetish?

Inhalin’ the plate of food quicker than you would believe, Mason asks, “You ready to get on the road?”

“Sure. We’re only an entire day behind schedule,” I tease. Honestly, other than his lecturin’ yesterday, this road trip has been fun. I like being around Mason. He’s so young and laid back and pretty damn funny. There’s also the singin’ that I can’t get enough of. He has really great taste in music. And hearin’ his smooth, deep voice croonin’ lyrics like the ones to the sweet song last night make me practically melt.


We’ve been on the road for two hours, more than halfway to the beach when Hailey does the unthinkable. Obviously feeling brave and comfortable around me after spending the night sleeping together, she leans forward in the passenger seat and changes the channel on my fucking radio.

While she’s still surfing, my right hand comes off the steering wheel so I can reach over to slap her titties. I didn’t even try to cop a feel. The lick was about discipline and nothing more.

“Ow! What the fuck, May-Son?” Hailey shouts over the loud wind noise, since Sally’s topless on this beautiful summer day. As I hoped, she jerks her hand away from the radio dial to cover her breasts. Mission accomplished, I turn the dial and tune back in to the station playing Tupac’s “Dear Mama


“You have to respect the dead, woman,” I tell her, not just referring to the deceased rapper. I lost my mama to lung cancer when I was just thirteen. She was an incredible woman, and way too young to die. It seemed like she was healthy one day, other than her heavy smoking, and then the next she was gone. Since she didn’t have insurance at either of her jobs waitressing and packaging plastic in a factory, she never went to the doctor for anything because we couldn’t afford it. When Claire found her coughing up blood one morning, she made her go to the ER, but it was too late. There was barely enough time for us to say goodbye before she was gone. That’s when Claire took over raising Mandy and me even though she had just turned nineteen.

“Don’t ever touch my radio again,” I warn Hailey.

“Ohh-kay, but you didn’t have to smack my boobs. A simple request not to change it would’ve done the trick. Jeez, at worst you could’ve smacked my hand away.”

“Nuh-uh,” I mutter. “You smack a toddler’s hand to teach him not to touch a hot stove. A grown ass woman who dares touch a man’s radio gets a titty slap. Much more effective, don’t you think?”

She scoffs and crosses her arms over her chest as she fumes. “What do you thank my brother would say about you slappin’ my boobs around? I’m pretty sure he’d disapprove, you big jerk.”

“I’ve been thinking about that,” I say to her, knowing I shouldn’t but unable to resist. When I woke up with morning chubby and the urge to pound her into the bed, only to find her gone, I felt like an idiot. What’s wrong with me? Did I really let a perfect woman who I’m certain wants me, too, sleep next to me all night without a single bad touch? I should have my man card revoked. Fuck that shit. I’m so hard and horny that I’m ready to say screw all the goddamn rules. Right now, driving down this highway might be my last and final chance to actually lay a hand on someone so damn gorgeous that it hurts to look at her for more than a few seconds. So, I offer up the most fucked up logic that has ever crossed my mind. “Your brother has done a helluva lot more than touch my sister’s tits, so why can’t I do the same to his sister?”

“W-what about the consequences?” Hailey stutters.

“If I don’t tell anyone and you don’t tell anyone, then no one will find out, right?” I ask, and then glance over to see her reaction when she doesn’t respond. Reaching down, I have to adjust my cock that’s been hard as a rock for an entire day. Maybe the lack of blood to my brain is making me stupid. At this point, I don’t give a shit about anything else, which probably makes me an asshole, but I’m too horny to care. No, I’m not gonna fuck Hailey, even if I want to. I don’t do casual sex, and she’s not the type of girl who can handle that sort of thing, either. I don’t want to do anything to hurt her when she’s already dealing with serious self-image issues.

I try to read Hailey’s expression, but it’s hard looking back and forth at the road and her with those big white sunglasses on. Finally, she says two words that make me nearly come in my pants. “Pull over.”

I flash her a grin that she reciprocates before I ease my foot off the gas and slow down, looking for a wide shoulder. The first one I come to, I put my turn signal on and call it good, pulling off the highway. The car comes to a stop and both of us start frantically undoing our seat belts. Hailey opens her door and is out before I can launch myself at her across the console, so I do the same. When I walk around the front of the car, she’s standing with her back against the passenger door, waiting for me to come to her. Reaching for the dark, obstructing sunglasses, I slide them off to see her eyes, and toss them behind her into the passenger seat of the car.

“You sure about this?” I ask. Before I attack her, I look for hesitancy or second thoughts on her face. But all I see is determination and desire staring up at me from the blue depths of her eyes. She proves both of those concepts when she says, “God yes,” and grabs the waistband of my jeans to pull me forward until I’m standing flush against her. I wrap my arms around her back and thoroughly enjoy the rise and fall of her breasts against my chest with each of our deep breaths. Our mouths are only mere inches away from each other, but I still don’t kiss her. I wait, savoring the moment even though I’m desperate to do something to ease the pressure in my cock.

Without lowering her eyes from mine, we have a silent but intense conversation. Hailey’s hands slip underneath my shirt and fan out over my stomach, making my breath catch before she moves them higher to my chest. Not to be outdone, I lower both of my hands to squeeze her perfect ass. Unable to wait a second longer, I finally lean down and brush my lips over her parted ones. She tastes…like heaven, the sweetness of the Diet Coke she’s been sipping on blended with minty freshness. Our tongues touch tentatively at first, but quickly become insistent in a battle to see who can dominate the other’s mouth first or better. I’m not really sure which, but I like it. The whole time, her fingertips wander over my torso desperately. She’s so thorough on touching every inch of me, like she’s reading a message in Braille that I had no idea was even written there.

I’m definitely not expecting Hailey to tweak both of my nipples between each of her thumbs and fingers. I groan into her mouth and feel her smile when the zing of pleasure travels straight down to my already hard cock. I press the steel length into her stomach so she can feel just how much I want her.

“Mmm,” she moans, and then her wily fingers are quickly undoing the top button on my jeans and lowering the zipper. My cock twitches with anticipation, knowing she’s about to pet it. Only, her hand doesn’t disappear down my boxer briefs. Instead, she yanks the elastic front down so that my cock bobs free before she sinks to the ground. She’s not really gonna…son of a motherfucker! I reach out and grip the top of the doorframe with both hands to hold myself upright when her warm, wet mouth wraps around my shaft. I look out at the cars whizzing by us on the highway at the same time she grabs my ass and pulls me forward to suck even more of my length down her throat, eliciting a groan from my own. At this point, I can’t figure out if I should pull back to stop her or start thrusting my hips to encourage her.

“God, Hailey,” I mutter. My decision’s made when I look down to watch her after she gets busy counterstroking my cock with her hand and cradling my balls, all while her head bobs. She sucks me harder, deeper, and the good news is this indecent exposure is not gonna last long. Since Hailey’s kneeling between me and my car, I’m pretty sure that to passing motorists it looks like I’m standing alone on the side of the road, just chillin’. Fuck, I hope no one decides to be a good citizen and pulls over to see if I need help. Nope, we definitely don’t need anyone’s help shoving my swollen cock down her throat.

Glancing back down at Hailey…oh fuck me, she’s gorgeous. Her eyes are closed while she works me over like she’s into it, not just getting me off for my sake. No, I’m pretty sure she’s got one hell of a naughty side. One that enjoys sucking cock on the side of the road in broad daylight. Hopefully just my cock. Has she sucked Senn’s cock? Okay, I need to stop thinking about any cocks but mine and get my head back in the game. The game Hailey’s playing called
Blow Mason’s Mind
. I reach for both sides of her face on her next uptake and rub my thumb over her cheek just because I want to touch her and show her how good it is without being an asshole and jerking on her ponytail. Although, that’s exactly what I’m desperate to do. Her watery, blue eyes open, and she blinks up at me in question.

“Almost. Fuck, that’s good,” I praise her as my knees start to go weak. Then, like she knows what I need, she grabs my hand from her face and moves it to the back of her head.
. My body is tense and strung tight when I wrap her hair tightly around my fist. Giving up trying not to move my hips, I thrust down her throat at the same time I yank her head forward. My control snaps with her increased suction and hum of approval.

BOOK: Mace (Cocky Cage Fighter #4)
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