Mace (Cocky Cage Fighter #4) (23 page)

BOOK: Mace (Cocky Cage Fighter #4)
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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Hailey Abrams Reed

“Are you gonna take my name?” my new husband asks from behind me. He starts placin’ open mouth kisses down my neck, all while I try and focus on swipin’ his room key to make the little lights turn green. It’s not as easy as you would think, especially with one of his big hands wedged between my thighs. His fingers tease me through my panties. What was the question? Oh, do I plan to take his name.

“Yes, and no hyphen,” I tell him. I squeak in triumph when I turn the lever and the hotel door opens. I squeal again when my feet suddenly come off the ground and I’m hefted into Mason’s strong arms. 

“I’ve got to carry you over the threshold, right?” he asks, lookin’ happy and smug before his lips find mine. I run my fingers through the back of his hair, holdin’ his mouth to mine to keep us connected, even when he lowers us to the bed. God, I am so freakin’ lucky to be married to this wonderful man.

“So, you’re gonna move in with me?” Mason asks. He pauses to look up at me with army green eyes before yankin’ the top of my dress down and latchin’ his mouth over my nipple.

“Yes,” I moan in answer, spreadin’ my thighs for his body to settle in between them.

“Do you regret not having your family there?”

I freeze when I realize I missed havin’ my dad walk me down the aisle, and my mom fret over all the weddin’ details like a big, beautiful dress. But at the same time, it just felt right, like I had to marry Mason right that second.

“I don’t regret getting’ married,” I tell Mason as he hovers over me, worryin’ his bottom lip with his teeth while waitin’ anxiously for my response. Without a mother or father, and after recently losing Mandy, I think eloping is what was best for Mason so that he wouldn’t have to look over at his side of an aisle and see so many empty spaces. “I wish my family and Claire could’ve been there, yeah, but they weren’t, and I’m okay with that, too. I didn’t want to wait.”

“You sure?” he asks. “We could have another wedding if you want.”

“Maybe,” I reply, combin’ my fingers through the front of his hair. “Don’t worry. I’m not gonna freak out and say this was a mistake.”

“Me, either,” Mason assures me. “Now, I’m gonna make love to you, call room service so I can eat and drink a bunch of shit, and then I’m gonna bury myself inside you, making myself at home for the rest of the night.”

“Sounds good,” I tell him.

“Where was I, Mrs. Reed?” he asks, makin’ me giggle and grin like an idiot. He reaches around to unzip my dress, and then he slides it and himself farther down my body. “Oh, right. I was sucking on your titties and getting ready to lick your pussy.” His tongue strums over my nipple several times before he looks up at me and says, “I can’t believe you’re really mine, not just tonight, but for the rest of my life.”

“Hurry up and claim me as your wife, Mr. Reed,” I tell him. Sittin’ up, I reach for the hem of his black
tee and pull it over his head. That’s right; we were married with me in my white dress and him in a shirt with my brother’s logo. Now that his chest is bare, I tug on his arms and he willingly lets me yank him up my body until his mouth is back on mine again.

“Mason,” he says against my lips. “Please don’t ever call me anything else because I love the way you say my name. May,” he kisses me again, “Son.”

“I love you, Mason,” I tell him while shovin’ his black athletic pants and boxers down his legs as far as I can. “I’d love you more if you were naked.”

He chuckles as he reaches down to remove his shoes and socks, kickin’ off the rest of his clothes. On the way back up, his warm mouth covers my sensitive flesh through my white, lace thong, makin’ me writhe and moan before he jerks the material out of the way and tongues my pussy until I’m about to shatter.

My heart is racin’ and I’m almost hyperventilatin’ when Mason kisses my lips again and wraps me tightly in his arms.

“I love you, Hailey. Let me show you how much,” he says. I hold him to me as our bodies join, makin’ love to each other for the very first time as husband and wife.


“You ready?” Linc asks as he finishes taping up my hands in one of the arena’s dressing rooms.

“Uh-huh,” I say with an unpreventable smile.

“You sure? You seem…off. Where did you go last week when you should’ve been trainin’ your ass off?”

“Nowhere. I just needed a day off,” I lie while I put my gloves on. Hailey and I haven’t had a chance to tell anyone our news since we refused to leave the hotel room until ten minutes ago when I had to check in for the fight.

“Well, you better get your shit together. And remember, don’t step into your swing if he’s on the offensive. You’ve gotta be patient. Look for the openin’ or you’ll get slammed.”

“Got it,” I say when he gives me the same advice for the millionth time.

“You can easily win this fight if you play it smart,” he tells me.

Nodding my agreement, I shadow box to warm up in the small space. Linc’s right. I haven’t been able to get my head in this fight because of how shitty the week was without Hailey, and now all I can think about is seeing my new wife again after the fight. If I don’t get in the right mindset soon, I’m gonna lose. Then I’ll have nothing. No big money and no contract, with a wife to take care of.

There’s a knock on the door that Linc answers. An older, gray-haired man in a dark suit stands in the opening with a briefcase. “Mason Reed?” he asks.

“Yeah, that’s me,” I say as I approach him.

“Carl Warren, head scout for the IFC,” he says with a smile, offering me a handshake which I take with my gloved hand. “I know they’re almost ready for you, but can I get just a minute of your time?”

“Sure,” I reply quickly.

“I’ll wait for you out in the hall,” Linc says as he leaves the room and shuts the door.

“Have you seen the Vegas odds?” Mr. Warren asks. I nod even though I haven’t looked at them since the weigh-in last night. “No one’s ever seen you fight before, but the odds are with you. You know why?”

“No clue,” I say, shaking my head honestly.

“You’ve got a presence that makes people sit up and take notice. You’re likeable in your interviews. Men want to be you and women want you. The IFC wants you. Win tonight and we’re willing to cover a hundred percent of your training and travel. Sponsors will line up for you, and we’ll set you up with no less than two fights a year with a minimum purse of one hundred grand for a loss.”

Holy shit. That is a lot of money for losing.

“If you win your first four fights,” he goes on, sweetening the deal. “Then in two years’ time you’ll get a shot at a title fight, with a minimum purse of five hundred thousand, a million if you win.”

The amounts of money this man is talking about are staggering. Growing up, it wasn’t uncommon for the electricity to go out for a few days until mom worked extra shifts, or for the landlord to bang on the door warning us he was gonna throw us out if she didn’t come up with the late rent. It’s hard to even imagine the amounts of money being offered to me now.

“So, I just have to win tonight?” I ask, because it all seems too good to be true. Dave, my new manager, has made it clear that they want me to not only stay single, but look like a playboy.

“Win and put on a good show,” he says, walking to the door as if to leave.

“And how do I put on a good show?” I ask.

“Well, Kim, the ring girl, is
looking forward to meeting you,” he says with a smile. “Give her and the audience an intro to Mason Reed they’ll never forget.”

Oh fuck.

“Mr. Warren, wait,” I say to catch him right before he walks out. “I-I can’t do that. I’m married.”

“Married?” Over his shoulder, he repeats the word like it’s a curse before he turns back around to face me. “Since when? Who knows?”

“Since last night, and no one yet,” I tell him, bracing myself to watch his incredible offer go swirling down the fucking toilet.

“Then keep it that way,” he says. “It’s all about an image in public and in the cage. We don’t give a shit what you do when you’re at home.”

“So, you’re still gonna give me a contract if I win?” I ask in surprise.

“Sure,” he replies with a nod. “If you win and if you put on a good show. Convince me and the audience that you’re a wild bachelor instead of a boring married man, and I’ll have a contract in here for your signature as soon as your arm is raised.”

“Holy shit,” I mutter to the empty room after Mr. Warren leaves. I can do that, I can pretend for a few minutes and then I’ll have it all, a wife and a fucking career I love, all while being able to easily support her. Sure, it might look bad, but it’ll be worth it. I just need to find Hailey and warn her beforehand.

Pulling open the door, I’m met by one of the stern looking officials. “They’re ready for you,” he says.

“But I just need one minute-”

“You’re up
,” he holds up a palm and interrupts. “We’re broadcasting live with only a five minute delay. Let’s go.” 

Chapter Twenty-Eight


After I walk into the huge arena, I try to figure out if I should look for the
team and say hello or ignore them. As soon as I see my brother, my feet are movin’ toward him regardless of my plan.

“Hailey? What are you doin’ here?” Linc asks when he sees me.

With an angry index finger, I poke my younger brother in the chest, right in the middle of his red griffin,
logo. “You don’t get a say in who I date or don’t date!” I tell him.

“Um, okay?” he says, takin’ a step back. “But what does that have to do with why you’re…wait. You’re here for
?!?” he exclaims.

“Yes! He loves me. He-he sold his car to come to New York last weekend. I kept tryin’ to push him away, but I can’t do it anymore! So you better get used to the idea of us bein’ together,” I yell at him.

“Sorry, Hailey. I didn’t know,” he says softly. “Are you sure, though? I mean, I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I’m sure,” I tell him, and hold up my left hand with the white gold wedding band.

“What the fuck!” he exclaims, grabbin’ my hand to pull it to his face for a closer look. “You got
? When? Do Mom and Dad know?”

“Last night, and no, not yet,” I say as I pull my hand back.

“Hales?” Senn says when he walks up behind us. “What are you doing here?”

Leavin’ Linc with his mouth still hangin’ open in shock, I turn around to face Senn when I tell him the truth. “You know I told you that there was someone else?” I start.

“Mace?” he asks, not soundin’ very surprised.

“Yeah,” I answer, and then Linc grabs my hand and holds it up for Senn.

“I’ll be damned,” the big man mutters with a grin when he sees the weddin’ band.

The lights dim, indicatin’ the intros are about to start.

“We’ll talk about this later,” Linc says to me, so I head for my seat a few rows back, shakin’ with nervousness. I know there’s a lot on the line with this fight, but I just hope Mason doesn’t get hurt.

The first notes of “Magic Stick” start up over the sound system, and then the spotlight is on the tunnel where Mason steps out to the crowd’s screams and cheers. He’s wearin’ nothin’ but the tight, black spandex shorts, no hoodie, just the snug material over his perfect ass and…well-endowed cup area. His hands, covered by blue gloves, are in the air as he dances to the song about a magical cock and makes his way to the cage. The sound of women hootin’ and hollerin’ grows the more he moves his amazin’, tan, sculpted body. Those sluts have no idea he’s
husband now.

Cleared by the referee to enter the cage, Mason runs inside and continues to dance provocatively until the song ends. The whole time his face looks more serious than it should for his flirty behavior.

Mason’s competitor comes out next, to a slower country song. He’s even wearin’ a cowboy hat. This is Matt Howell’s second fight for the IFC. They’ve already signed him after his last win, and are now pittin’ him against Mason to see what both guys can do. God I hope Mason wins.

After both men are in the cage and ready, the ref gives them the final rules and tells them to touch gloves. When the fight starts, I barely resist coverin’ my face with my hands so I don’t have to watch. Needin’ to know what’s happenin’, I hold my breath as I watch the two men circle each other. A few missed fists and kicks later, Mason finally lands a right fist to the cowboy’s stomach. When he doubles over, Mason swings at his face, landin’ a haymaker that puts the other guy flat on his ass. Pouncin’ on him, Mason lands a few more fists before the ref gets in between the two fighters and stops the fight.

Oh my God! He not only won, but he did it in a matter of seconds. Shocked but relieved at the quick win when Mason’s arm is raised, I’m still on my feet and cheerin’ when the ring girl, wearin’ nothin’ but a skimpy bikini, walks up to him in the center of the cage. The slutty bitch actually throws her arms around him. I wait for him to pull away, but instead, Mason suddenly picks her up. She wraps her legs around his waist right before he slams her against the cage wall and kisses her for all he’s worth. She is definitely into it too, threadin’ her fingers through his hair while his head moves down her neck. Wow. It seems like the kiss might never end but finally he pulls away, only to throw her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry and leave the arena.

I’m not sure how long I stand frozen in shock before the hurt and anger hit me. We haven’t even been married for twenty-four hours and it’s like he’s forgotten all about me after winnin’ a big, fat IFC contract. I had no idea how painful it would be to see him with someone else. He could’ve at least waited until he told me he couldn’t be monogamous before doin’…
in front of me. It’s just another brutal body shot to see him with the petite and beautiful ring girl because she’s everything I’m not.


I won.

I still can’t believe I fucking won and that it was so damn easy. The ink has already dried on the contract Mr. Warren had ready for me. Not a word in it says I have to remain single, only that I
do anything in public to damage my reputation

Grabbing a bottle of water from the cooler in the dressing room, I’m tossing it back as I head for the door to find Hailey when it explodes open. In the blink of an eye, Senn and Linc are both on me. Instead of congratulating me, I’m thrown against the brick wall so hard I grunt from the force of air leaving my lungs. The open water in my hand sails through the air spraying all over the fucking place.

“What the hell?” I ask as I try to take a step forward only to be slammed against the wall again by Senn.

Linc gets in my face, or actually my neck since I’m taller than him. “If my wife wouldn’t divorce me for it, I would kick your fuckin’ ass, you stupid piece of shit!”

Senn slams his forearm over my throat. “Good thing I’m not married to your sister,” he says just as the door flies open again and Claire storms in.

“Get off him!” she yells. Damn, saved by my sister. “If anyone gets to kick my brother’s ass, I really think it should be me.”

Wait, what?

“Before anyone kicks my ass, can you at least tell me why?” I ask, rubbing my neck when Senn lowers his arm, letting off the pressure.

“Like you don’t know,” Linc says, crossing his arms over his chest as his face turns even redder in anger.

“I don’t!” I exclaim, throwing up my arms.

“How about your little stunt out there just crushed Hailey,” my sister says, mimicking Linc’s pissed off pose.

just saw you makin’ out with another woman!” Linc yells at me, motioning toward the arena. Okay, so Hailey must have told them we got married last night.

“Just hold on. I know it looked bad, but it was all a setup,” I tell them. “For the contract,” I add when the three of them continue to stare murderously at me.

“Like Hailey will ever believe that shit,” Linc snaps. “She’s gone.” 

Oh God. Pushing off the wall, I grab my duffle bag from the floor and start digging through it, looking for my phone. I need to find her to try to explain. And of course, my battery is dead because I didn’t charge it last night while we were otherwise occupied.


“Where’s she going?” I turn around and ask them as I slip on my shoes and grab my wallet. Not that it has much in it. Yet.

“Who the fuck knows!” Linc yells. “I tried to find her afterwards, but she was gone. She won’t answer her fuckin’ phone either.”

“If I had to guess, I would bet that she’s on her way to the airport,” Claire offers, stepping into Linc’s side to try to calm him down.

Not waiting another second, I leave them standing in the dressing room and head for the front of the hotel. Flagging down a cab, I tell the driver to get me to the airport as fast as possible. He looks at me a little strange since all I have on are the spandex shorts, athletic shoes, and a wallet in my hand. Doesn’t matter. I didn’t have time to get dressed.

Airport security thankfully doesn’t stop me from entering the building with my lack of clothing, so I go straight to where I’m almost certain I’ll unfortunately find Hailey - the first women’s bathroom I come to.

“Hailey!” I yell into the opening, but get no response. When a woman about Hailey’s age comes out, I stop her. “Is there a tall, beautiful blonde in there?”

The stranger’s eyes look me up and down as if trying to figure out if I’m a homeless bum or what. “Not that I noticed,” she says. “Unless she’s the one who’s sick.”


I slap my hand over my eyes in case there are other women wandering about, and make my way into the bathroom. “Hailey? I know you’re in here.”

“Leave me alone, May-Son,” she mutters from one of the last stalls. “You shouldn’t be in here.”

“Like that’s ever stopped me before?” I ask. “Listen, Hailey, about earlier-”

“I don’t want to hear it.”

“It didn’t mean anything. I have no idea what her name was.”

“And that’s a good thing?” she shrieks.

“No, what I mean is it was a setup, a publicity stunt for the IFC. That’s it.”

“Congratulations, I’m sure you got your contract.”

“I did,” I tell her, leaning against the door I’m pretty sure she’s behind.

“Good for you. Now you get to fuck lots of women. You’ve got it made.”

“I don’t want to fuck lots of women. I only want to fuck you, that’s why I married you. Please come out and stop making yourself sick,” I beg her, bracing my forehead on the door. “Just give me a chance.”

“A chance for what? To watch you cheat on me?”

“No, Hailey. I would
cheat on you! I got the contract, and the IFC knows we’re married. What you saw- what looked like a kiss- was just acting, pretending to be the player that you know I’m not.” 

“You’ll regret it,” she says softly. “You’ll be miserable and hate me in a few days or-or weeks because you’re only twenty-”

“I’ll never regret the decision we made last night. I meant every word of those vows,” I tell her.

“I shouldn’t have come here. We shouldn’t-.”

I interrupt her before she says the words that might kill me to hear. “I’m so fucking glad you came, and that you were crazy enough to marry me. I just wish I could see and hold you right now. Please open the door, Hailey.”


“We can go back to the arena. You can talk to Mr. Warren with the IFC and the girl. They’ll tell you that
happened. I didn’t kiss her, it just looked like it. I swear!”

“Sir, you can’t be in here!” A balding, overweight security guard comes barreling into the bathroom toward me, but I’m not concerned since I’m way bigger than he is.

“I’m pretty sure you can’t be in here either,
,” I tell him.

“Let’s go, now!” The rent-a-cop motions toward the exit.

“Hailey, please come out and just talk to me face-to-face,” I beg. 

“I’m gonna need backup,” the security man says into the walkie-talkie on his shoulder. “Send a Marshal.”

Oh shit. U.S. Marshals are no joke. They can and will arrest me for a federal offense. “Hailey, they’re making me leave, but I promise you that this is not over. I’ll wait outside for you. I’m not giving up on you,” I tell her as I finally start moving toward the exit. “I love you. I haven’t been with anyone else since we met, and I won’t be with anyone else again. Only you.”

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