MacCallister: The Eagles Legacy: The Killing (15 page)

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Authors: William W. Johnstone,J. A. Johnstone

Tags: #Fiction, #Westerns, #General

BOOK: MacCallister: The Eagles Legacy: The Killing
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Meghan arrived before Duff and, after receiving oohs and ahhs from all the other women about her dress, she walked over to one side so she could keep an eye on the door without being too obvious. As she was standing there, Sue Stearns came up to her to show off her dress, a dress Meghan had made for her.
“Oh, Meghan, I am getting so many compliments on this dress, you did such a wonderful job,” Sue said.
“They aren’t complimenting the dress, Sue, they are complimenting you. You look beautiful in it.”
“Why, thank you,” Sue said, blushing. Sue turned to leave, then she gasped. “Oh, my, look over there,” she said.
Looking in the direction Sue had indicated, Meghan saw Duff standing just inside the front door. He was perusing the room, and he was in his kilts. For most men, in fact, for just about any other man Meghan knew, it would have been a farcical entry. But Duff towered over every other man there, not only in his height but in his raw power, broad shoulders, powerful arms, and muscular legs, shown off by what he was wearing. Duff was also carrying his bagpipes, having been asked by Biff Johnson to bring them. Biff’s wife was Scottish, and had a fondness for the pipes.
Duff and Meghan saw each other at about the same time, and, with a big smile, Duff came toward her.
“My, don’t you look beautiful tonight,” Duff said.
“So do you,” Meghan replied.
Duff laughed. “Sure ’n don’t let Elmer hear you say that. Methinks he is havin’ a bit of a problem with m’ wearin’ o’ the kilts as it is. And I suppose it is a bit pretentious of me.”
“Nonsense, you look devilishly handsome,” Meghan said.
“Ladies and gents!” someone shouted, and looking toward the sound they saw Fred Matthews standing up on the band platform. Fred was the city fire commissioner, and as such, was in charge of the Firemen’s Benefit Ball.
“Ladies and gents, may I have your attention, please?” Fred said, holding his hands up.
The laughter stopped and the myriad conversations ended as everyone looked toward Fred.
“I want to thank you folks for coming tonight. And I thought you might like to know that the money we raised by selling tickets to this event is enough to buy a new pumper!”
Everyone cheered and applauded.
“And now, what do you say we have some fun?” he shouted, and there were more cheers and applause.
The caller stepped up to the front of the platform then. “Ladies and gents, form your squares!” he shouted, and the men and women rushed to the floor to form the squares. Elmer and Mrs. Violet Winslow, the attractive widow who owned Vi’s Pies, joined the same square as Duff and Meghan.
The music began then, and the caller started to shout. As he did so, he clapped his hands and danced around bowing and spinning as if he had a girl and was in one of the squares himself. The floor became a kaleidoscope of color as the dancers moved and swirled to the caller’s commands—the butterfly-bright dresses with skirts whirling out, the jewels in their hair, at their necks or on the bodices, sparkling in the light.
Ladies do and the gents you know,
It’s right by right and wrong you go,
And you can’t go to heaven while you carry on so,
And it’s home little gal and do-si-do,
He was quiet for a moment, and the fiddle player stepped front so that the high skirling sound carried throughout the barn as the dancers moved in and out and whirled about.
The fiddler stepped back and the caller became king again.
Now it may be the last time, but I don’t know,
And oh by gosh and oh by Joe.
Circle eight and you get straight,
And we’ll all go east on a westbound freight.
Once more the fiddler held sway as the dancers continued. The fiddler worked the bow up and down the fiddle, bending over, kicking out one leg then the other as he played, his movements as entertaining as the music itself. Then, when his riff was over, the caller stepped up again.
Round we go and do si do
Pass by Bill, say hello to Joe
Knock down Sal and pick up Kate,
And we’ll all join hands and circle eight.
Around the dance floor sat those without partners. As there were many more men than women, the only ones who were not dancing were the men. Every woman, regardless of her comeliness, or lack thereof, was engaged in one of the squares. Overhead, young boys and young girls lay on their stomachs at the edge of the balcony, the better able to look down on the dancing below.
Chapter Fifteen
Because there were so many more men than there were women, Duff agreed to sit several of the dances out in order that Meghan could dance with some of the unattached cowboys. Duff walked over to the punch bowl and poured himself a drink, but nearly choked, because over the course of the evening, cowboys had added so much whiskey to the punch that it was nearly pure whiskey by now.
“What’s the matter, Miss? Is the punch a little too strong for you?”
The question asked was obviously a mocking reference to the kilts Duff was wearing. The questioner was a cowboy, nearly as big as Duff, and there were two more with him. The questioner and the two who were with him laughed at the sarcastic question.
Duff didn’t know their names, but he had seen all three before. It took but a moment for him to recall that they were the three cowboys Biff had kicked out of the saloon a while back.
“Aye, ’tis a wee bit too strong and that is a fact,” Duff replied. He didn’t take the bait, so the cowboy tried again.
“Me ’n my buddies was lookin’ at all the purty dresses the women folk is wearin’ tonight, and what we was tryin’ to do is figure out who was wearin’ the purtiest dress. And damn me, if we didn’t choose you.”
“Aye, the kilt of the Black Watch is quite a handsome getup, I agree,” Duff said.
“Come on, Al, hell, he either ain’t got enough smarts or enough sand to get riled by us. Let’s find us some women,” one of the other cowboys said.
Duff watched them walk away, fighting back the quick flash of anger that had built up inside him. He didn’t react to the baiting, because he had no wish to cause any trouble.
The music stopped, and Fred came over to talk to Duff.
“Any trouble with those galoots?”
“No trouble,” Duff answered.
“They’re the same ones caused a little trouble down at Fiddler’s Green a while back, if you remember.”
“Yes, I thought I recognized them. I don’t know them, though.”
“The big one is Al Woodward. The other two are Case Martin and Brax Walker. They hang around Woodward like gnats buzzin’ around a dog’s pecker. They can’t hold a job more than a few months anywhere they’ve ever been, ’cause they are always getting into trouble.”
“They did seem to be a bit quarrelsome,” Duff agreed.
“Oh, the reason I come over here is that some of the folks were hoping you would play the pipes now,” Fred asked.
“What about the band?”
“The caller says he needs a break, and the band is all for it. And you did bring your pipes with you.”
“Aye, I brought them.”
“What are you going to play? I’ll announce it,” Fred said.
“‘The Skye Boat Song,’” Duff said.
Fred nodded, then he stepped up to the band platform. Because the music had stopped, it was easy to get everyone’s attention.
“Ladies and gents, we are in for a treat tonight, and I mean a real treat. I have prevailed upon Mr. Duff MacCallister to play a tune for us on his bagpipes.”
“Is he goin’ to curtsey, and whirl around a bit in that little dress he’s a’ wearin’?” Al Woodward shouted. Walker and Martin laughed loudly at Woodward’s taunt, but no one else did. On the contrary, the others stared at him in annoyance.
“If you—gentlemen—would kindly be quiet so the rest of us can enjoy this treat, I will go on,” Fred said, separating the word “gentlemen” from the rest of his sentence.
“Yeah, go ahead, don’t let us stop you!” Woodward shouted.
“You ain’t stoppin’ us, sonny,” Elmer said. “But if you don’t shut up, a few of us are likely to stop you.”
There were enough grunts of agreement with Elmer’s thinly veiled threat that Woodward and the others shut up.
“The song Mr. MacCallister has chosen is a song of Scotland, called ‘The Skye Boat Song.’ Duff, the platform is yours,” Fred said.
There was a scattering of applause as Duff moved up onto the platform. He inflated his bag, and there was a tone from the drone and chanter as Duff began to play. What he had not told Fred, and what he had not told anyone, ever, was that Skye McGregor had been named after this song.
After he finished, several came up to thank him for playing. Meghan, especially, was moved.
“That song means something to you, doesn’t it, Duff?”
“Aye, ‘tis a song of Scotland, and ’tis Scotland-born I am.”
“No,” Meghan said. “It’s more than that. I have seen and heard you play before. But there is something very special about this song. I could see it in your face.”
“You are a very astute lass, Meghan.”
“It’s Skye, isn’t it? Yes, that’s it. I believe Mr. Matthews said this was called the ‘Skye Boat Song.’ You were thinking of her when you were playing it.”
Duff bowed his head slightly, and Meghan reached out to put her hand on his arm.
“Don’t be embarrassed or self-conscious about it, please, Duff,” she said. “You’ve no idea how wonderful I think you are for being able to sustain that kind of love. Skye was such a lucky woman.”
“I should have chosen another song,” Duff said. “I’ve no wish to bring such melancholy.”
“I’m glad you chose it,” Meagan said. She smiled. “And my dance card is free again.”
“Ladies and gents, form your squares!” the caller shouted.
Over by the punch table, Woodward, Martin, and Walker, the three cowboys who had accosted Duff, were getting drunk on the heavily spiked punch.
“I got me an idea,” Woodward said. “Martin, let’s me ’n you join one o’ them squares.”
“We can’t, we ain’t got no women to dance with us.”
“That don’t matter none,” Woodward said. “Once we start the dancin’ and the do si do’n and all that, why, we’ll be swingin’ around with all the other women in the square.”
“Yeah, Martin said. “That’s right, ain’t it?”
“No, it ain’t right,” Walker said.
“What are talkin’ about? What do you mean, it ain’t right?” Woodward asked.
“Well, think about it. Whichever one of you takes the woman’s part will be do si do’n’ with all the other men when you get to swingin’ around.”
“Yeah, I hadn’t thought about that,” Martin said.
“Hell, that ain’t nothin’ to be worryin’ about,” Woodward said. “Next dance, why, we’ll just switch around. Martin, you can be the woman on the first dance, then I’ll set the next one out, and Walker you can come in and let Martin be the man. Then on the third dance, why, I’ll come back in and be the woman. That way, all three of us can do si do with the other women.”
“All right,” Martin said. “But let’s pick us a dance with some good-lookin’ women in it.”
When the next set of squares was formed, Woodward and Martin joined the same square as Duff and Meagan.
“Well, lookie here, Martin,” Woodward said, pointing toward Duff. “Looks like you won’t have to do si do with all men. You’ll get a man in a dress. That ought to count for somethin’.”
Martin laughed just as the music started.
As the couples broke apart to swing with the others, Martin made a round with the men, including Duff. But on the next round, he rebelled. Pushing one of the men aside, he started swinging around with all the women until he got to Meghan. That was when Duff stepped out into the middle of the square and grabbed him by the arm.
“Get out of my way, girlie,” Martin said. He reached for Meghan, but as he did so Duff, with his thumb and forefinger, squeezed the spot where Martin’s neck joined his shoulder. The squeeze was so painful that Martin sunk to his knees with his face screwed up in agony. The other squares, seeing what was happening in this one, interrupted their dancing. Then the caller stopped, as did the band, the music breaking off in discordant chords.
“If you gentlemen are going to dance in our square, you’ll be for doing it correctly,” Duff said, talking quietly to the man, who was on his knees in pain.
“Missy, you done started somethin’ you can’t finish,” Woodward said. Woodward was the other interloper cowboy, and he swung a powerful right fist toward Duff.
As gracefully as if he were performing a dance move, Duff bent back at his waist and allowed Woodward’s fist to fly harmlessly by his chin. Duff counterpunched with one blow to Woodward’s jaw, and he went down to join Martin, who was still on the floor.
Suddenly a gunshot erupted, and men shouted and women screamed.
“Ow!” one of the young boys cried out from the balcony above. “I got shot!”
Looking toward the sound of the gunshot, Duff saw the third of the three cowboys he had encountered earlier. This was Walker, and he leveled his pistol at Duff.
“No!” Meghan shouted.
Duff reacted before anyone else did. Pulling the
sgian dubh
, or ceremonial knife, from its position in the right kilt stocking, he threw it in a quick underhanded snap toward Walker. As he had intended, the knife rotated in the air and the butt, not the blade, hit Walker right between the eyes, doing so with sufficient force to knock him down.
One of the men close to Walker reached down quickly and grabbed his pistol.
Marshal Ferrell and his deputy took charge then, escorting all three of the troublemakers out of the dance hall and down to the jail.
In the meantime Dr. Pinkstaff had gone up the stairs to the balcony to check on the boy who was hit.
“It’s all right, folks,” he called back down. “He wasn’t hit with a bullet, just with a splinter of wood.”
“But it hurt anyway,” the boy said, and the crowd laughed, more from relief than anything else.
“Ladies and gents, form your squares!” the caller shouted, and the dance resumed.
Elmer and Vi Winslow were sitting this dance out.
“Don’t they make a good-looking couple?” Vi asked.
“Oh, handsome enough, I reckon,” Elmer said. He smiled. “But iffen you was to ask me, why I’d say we make a right handsome couple our ownselves.”
Vi laughed and waved her hand at Elmer. “Hush, Elmer. You’ve got me blushing like a young girl.”
“Why hell, Vi, you are a young girl,” Elmer said. “Purty as one, anyhow. And you make the best pies I ever et.”
“Elmer!” Vi said, hitting him playfully. “Now I don’t know if it is me or my pies you are interested in.”
“Both,” Elmer said.
“Well, after the dance, you’ll have to stop by the restaurant for a piece of pie.”
“Say, that sounds like a good idea. We’ll get Duff and Miss Parker, too.”
“Why not?”
“Meghan and I discussed it,” Vi said. “This will give them a chance to be alone.”
“And us too.”
After the dance Duff walked Meghan home, and she invited him up to her apartment.
“Would you like a cup of coffee to help keep you awake for your drive back out to the ranch?” Meghan asked.
“I’d like to, but Elmer and I came into town together, and he ...”
Meghan smiled at Duff and put her finger on his lips. “Worry not about Elmer. Vi will keep him busy for a while.”
“How do you know?”
“Would you believe me if I said we arranged it?” Meghan asked.
Duff chuckled. “Who would have thought that women could be so devious?”
“Oh, devious?” Meghan said, and she hit him, but her response was ameliorated with a laugh. “Not devious, cooperative,” she said.
“Cooperative,” Duff agreed.
Meghan stepped over to the cooking stove that already had wood and kindling laid in. She lit the fire, which caught quickly, and within a few minutes her apartment was permeated by the rich aroma of coffee at the boil.
They spoke of the dance and laughed at some of the events of the evening as they drank their coffee.

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