M. Donice Byrd - The Warner Saga (26 page)

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Authors: No Unspoken Promises

BOOK: M. Donice Byrd - The Warner Saga
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Agnes handed Blake the key. “It’s room 412.”

“Thanks, Agnes.” Crossing to the children with renewed energy, Blake asked, “Have you two ever ridden in an elevator?”


























The mayor’s annual gala smacked of overindulgence and waste. It was one of the few times during the social calendar when the politically influential nouveau riche hobnobbed with the old money. In more than principle, Blake enjoyed the infusion of new blood into society. He liked to see the once middle-class business owners, who pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and now had as much money as many of the people living off the money their great-grandfathers earned, putting their toes in the waters of society.

Blake intentionally came in through the kitchen door to avoid being announced as he entered the party. He found a spot hidden from the view of most of the room and began searching the partygoers for his bride. Being a regular to these events, he could tell there was an excitement encompassing the room and he had no doubt who everyone was talking about. The women stood in groups with their heads close together and their fans shielding their mouths from view.

Blake spied his father with Cloris not far from the main entrance. Senator Knight could always be expected to be near the doors because he liked to make sure he’d both greeted and said goodbye to every potential voter and his wife.

Randolph Knight’s wife, Clara, spoke to him as he nodded absently but his mind and his eyes were focused on the same corner of the room as everyone else. Meredith.

Blake wondered what his father thought. Had he met her yet? Did he find her provincial? Did he find her
naïveté charming? Had she said something completely inappropriate? Or was he wondering if the marriage was scandalous?

Blake Warner stood across the room looking at his bride. Her back was turned toward most of the room but from what he could see she looked beautiful. She wore a midnight blue gown with a full hoop skirt. The modest neckline, no doubt, met the approval of the matrons and, he had to admit, was wholly appropriate for a married woman. Blake would have liked to have seen her wearing something off the shoulder, with a low décolletage which might give him a glimpse of her beautiful breasts. But then again why should she be on display for other men to ogle. For someone as petite as Meredith
, she had very nice breasts. Not so large that she looked out of proportion but enough to fill his hand. And they were youthful and firm and ….

Blake gave himself a mental shake. If he kept
thinking like that, it would soon be quite clear the direction of his thoughts. He purposely sought out Cloris with his eyes. That should waylay his lustful imaginings. She wore a rather glib smile on her face and he wondered why.

As if she felt his gaze upon her, Cloris glanced in his direction, her eyes widening with surprised when she saw him. She inclined her head in a public acknowledgment of his presence then spoke to her mother behind her fan.

Just as Blake turned back, Meredith turned where he could see her profile. He could see immediately she was troubled even as she laughed at something amusing Rebecca said. Whether someone was rude to her or Cloris had done something, he didn’t know, but he knew if he provoked her, she would soon forget about whatever upset her.

In light of the fact that Pete and Lolly needed a
mother and the way she had introduced herself to the town as his wife, he supposed he had little choice but keep her as his wife. But she needn’t know that yet and he decided to have a little fun at her expense. Frankly, if she wanted to stay married, a little conversation about it would have been the polite thing to do. This, which he had to admit, had the feel of Donna’s hand all over it…well, it was sneaky and underhanded. And, by-God uncalled for. They had an agreement! The more he thought about it, the more it annoyed him.

Blake thought about stealing up behind her and planting a kiss on her lips when she turned but in the light of her decision, he strode across the room and boldly confronted her.

“You!” he shouted, pointing his finger at her. He was intentionally causing a scene. “Are you the woman going all over town claiming to be married to me?” Blake managed to keep the smile from his lips but he was sure his eyes danced with mirth.

Rebecca gasped but Meredith looked at him blankly, blinking.

Blake saw one corner of Meredith’s lips tug upwards and then disappear.

“Alas, my plot is foiled,” she said, loudly, her acting as bad as the troupe of traveling actors who had performed in
Des Moines. “I thought I would have more time to hoodwink these people and your reputation would be destroyed if you did not wed me. But now I see no one could possibly believe I am your wife.”

Blake stood there flummoxed. He wanted to see her stammering and protesting the truth but instead she’d done the opposite.

Meredith leaned toward him and spoke in hushed tones. “Thank God, I knew I erred when I came here but I didn’t know how to fix it.” She took two steps toward the exit. “Can I catch one of those omnibuses in front?”

Blake grabbed her by the arm. “What the hell are you talking about?” he said in her ear.

“Do I need to use small words? I came here because I thought I wanted to stay married but it was a mistake. You have brilliantly given me a way out and I’m going to take it.” Meredith tried to pull her arm free of his grasp. “Please, let me go so I can leave.”

“No, you’re not going anywhere.”

Blake noticed the lowering of the crowd noise and knew every eye was on them. “Oh, I remember you now,” he announced loudly. “You’re Meredith Vande Linde-Warner, the one I married in Minnesota about two months ago.”

Meredith gasped. “Why did you do that?” she hissed in low tones. She then raised her voice. “The hoax is revealed. No one will believe it now, sir.”

“Your memory seems faulty, treasure. You and I stood before a minister and took vows.”

“We did not,” she said waspishly. “You said, ‘I agree to marry her.
Period.’ That’s no vow.”

“So you will agree we are married.”

“Stop,” she whispered. “I’m sorry. You’ve had your fun. Just let me go and you’ll never see me again.”

“But there’s the problem, Meredith. I’ve decided to keep you.”

Meredith’s frustration showed on her face.

“Have you forgotten our wedding night?” he said into her ear to remind her that the marriage had been consummated.

Meredith looked at him directly in the eye and said only loud enough for him to hear. “I slept alone that night.”

“You would have me refer to the night I ruined you by some other name?”

“Indeed, Blake, perhaps you should call it the night I committed adultery.”

Blake couldn’t help but grin at her. “I knew you’d be mad about that. I wish I could’ve seen your face when Rebecca told you.”

Meredith’s expression changed. She bit her lip and her eyes filled with unshed tears. “I don’t know how you can laugh? Do you find pleasure in hurting me?”

“No, Meredith, no,” he said contritely. “I didn’t want to hurt you, I just like it when you get mad and argue with me.”

“Please, let me go.”

. He hadn’t meant to upset her – well, make her mad, yes, but not to make her cry.

“I’ve missed you, my little treasure. Take my hand and we’ll leave together.” Blake released his grip on her arm.

“Why would I leave with you when I just told everyone I’m not really married to you?”

“First of all, you are really married to me. Second, we’re going to the same place and I asked the driver of the carriage I rented to wait,” Blake said, reasonably. Then, he added – not so reasonably, “If it weren’t for those damned hoops, I’d throw you over my shoulder and haul you out of here!”

Meredith shrugged and shook her head. “Darn these stupid hoops.”

“I’ve just spent the last two and a half days on the train to get here. All I want to do is go to bed. Then Agnes told me you were here so I bathed and dressed up and came to get you. I was actually excited to see you but,
frankly, I’m all battled-out and I just want to leave.”

She noticed the dark smudges under his eyes and reached up and cupped his face.

“You do look tired.”

He covered her hand with his then turned and kissed her palm.

“I’ll leave with you, if you’ll agree we’re not married.”

Blake let out an exasperated sigh.

“Leave with me or I’ll tell them we’re not married but you’re having my baby.”

“If you tell them that, I’ll tell them it’s true but you refused to accept responsibility for your child and that’s why I’ve been pretending to be your wife.”

Blake’s eyes narrowed at her. “The idea of hauling you off over my shoulder is growing in its appeal — hoops or no hoops.”

Meredith put her hands on her hips, a wry smile curling her lip. “Your idle threats don’t scare me.”

Blake thought about forbidding her to wear hoops under her skirts but realized he’d come off looking like a fool. Instead, he grabbed her by the waist and leaned down and kissed her. As a newlywed, just reunited after an absence, Blake knew society would forgive him for a brief kiss. But once he started kissing her, he didn’t want to stop. He didn’t know what it was about her lips that made his pulse race and his breath quicken but he suspected he could kiss her until his lips were raw and he would never understand it.

Suddenly, Meredith was shoving against his chest. As soon as he released her, she bolted for the door with him barely a pace behind.

“Blake!” his friend Thaddeus, called.

“Evening, Thad,” Blake said without stopping. “Sorry, can’t talk. My
wants to leave.”

“I’m not his wife,” Meredith said, never letting up her pace.

“Wishing it were true, doesn’t make it so.”

Thaddeus laughed a deep belly laugh.

There seemed to be a cacophony of people calling out
Mrs. Warner
and they either merely nodded or said hello as they swept through the crowd.

“Blake!” Senator Knight called out before they could exit. “You’re not going to introduce me to your bride?” 

With a silent curse, he caught up with her in two long strides, put his arm around her shoulder and forced her toward the Senator. It was one thing to ignore friends and acquaintances, it was another give his father a cold shoulder.

“Come meet Donna and Mrs. Billingsham’s parents,” he said.

Meredith turned her head and met his gaze. She understood the significance of who wanted to meet her.

“Senator Knight, how good to see you tonight,” Blake said crossing to where his father stood with his wife, his arm possessively around Meredith’s shoulders. His father was positively beaming at him.

“You are full of surprises.”

“I’d like you to meet my wife, Meredith, of the Minnesota Vande Lindes,” he added with a wink. “Meredith, this is Mrs. Billingsham’s parents, Senator and Mrs. Knight.”

Meredith shrugged out of Blake’s grasp and reached her hand towards his father. As she met his eyes, she realized he and Blake shared the same eye color. As the older gentleman released her hand, she went to shake Blake’s stepmother’s hand but the woman did not extend her hand.

“My dear, I’m tickled pink to see my young friend, Blake, has finally settled down,” the senator said. “When were the nuptials?”

“Almost seven weeks ago,” Blake interrupted not allowing her the opportunity to deny it.

“It’s very nice to meet you, sir. I saw your daguerreotype at Mrs. Daily’s home but I didn’t realize you were her father.”

“You’ve met Donna already?”

“Yes, I’ve been staying with her for several weeks. She was going to accompany me here but word of Mr. Daily came and she was unable to leave.”

“Oh, yes, I heard,” the senator said gravely. “Poor Hamilton, to lose his arm in battle is sad news indeed. But he is a resilient man, so I have no doubt, he shall overcome his infirmity as well as any man. By your expression, Blake, I take it you hadn’t heard.”

“No, I’ve only just arrived and we haven’t had time to catch up on the news.”

The senator nodded his head. “Well, I hope to see you at the club sometime soon, Blake.”

Blake knew when his father mentioned
the club
it was code for wanting to meet privately the next day.

“I’m afraid I’ve got so many obligations to take care of over the next few days, I won’t be spending any time at the club. But I’m sure as soon as we get more settled, I’ll be seeking refuge from life’s toils.”

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