Lyre (14 page)

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Authors: Helen Harper

BOOK: Lyre
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‘It’s probably easier going down,’ he puffed.

She smiled at him.  ‘You’re out of shape.’

He flexed his muscles.  ‘No, I’m not!’

Yuri giggled, then felt immediately guilty.  Her eyes flew to his.  ‘It feels wrong,’ she whispered.

‘Having fun after what happened to Brittani?’

She bit her lip and nodded.  Ozzy pulled her into a tight embrace.  ‘She wouldn’t want anyone to mope around.  If anything, her death should tell us we should live every day as if it’s our last.’

Yuri sighed deeply into his shirt.  ‘Yeah.’  She stayed in his arms for another long moment.  ‘I’m sorry,’ she finally said.

He let her go.  ‘For what?’

‘You promised her mum we’d go to the wake.  Instead we’re here.’

‘I had to make sure you were okay.  Besides, I doubt Mrs.  Smith will notice our absence.’

‘No.’ Yuri scratched her neck and walked over to the cliff edge.  ‘There’s not a word for it, you know.  If you lose your spouse, you’re a widow or a widower.  If you lose your parents, you’re an orphan.  There’s no word for what you are if you lose your child.’

‘That’s because it’s too awful to contemplate.’

She stared down at the beach.  ‘It is.’

‘Yuri,’ Ozzy said nervously.  ‘You’re quite close to the edge.’

She outstretched her arms, feeling the light breeze buffet against her skin.  ‘It’s safe.’  She quirked a glance in his direction.  ‘I wouldn’t have done anything stupid really.’

‘Like get too close to the edge of a cliff, you mean?’

‘I’m not going to fall.’  She sat down, her legs dangling over the side.  ‘No matter what that song says, death is not appealing.’

He moved up beside her and also sat down although she could feel the tension in his body as he did so.

‘Are you afraid of heights?’ she asked.

‘No.  I just feel a bit uneasy, that’s all.’

She smiled.  ‘I’ll catch you if you fall.’  She gazed out over the horizon.  ‘Imagine how unfair it would be to Brittani,’ she said quietly.  ‘To kill yourself.  To make that choice when she had no choice at all.  My father didn’t have that choice either.  Not really anyway.’

‘He’s dead?’ He reached out and touched her.  ‘I’m sorry.’

‘It’s okay.’ She realised it actually was.  ‘He’d never have wanted me to mourn him forever.  What you said, about living every day as if it’s your last?  That’s what he’d have wanted me to do.’  She sighed.  ‘Do you think Mrs. Smith would, you know, do something stupid?’

‘I don’t know.  I can understand why she would.  It wouldn’t make anything better though.  Not for anyone.’  He put his head on her shoulder.  ‘What does make it better?’

Yuri thought about her mother.  Her inability to stay in one place.  The way her grief had consumed her until it was almost all she knew.  ‘Living,’ she finally answered.  ‘Moving on.  It doesn’t happen straight away but it does happen.’

‘How about we move away now from this cliff?’

She smiled at him and stood up, then stuck her hand down.  ‘Come on then, scaredy cat.’

He put his hand in hers and let her pull him up.  ‘Would you like to come and meet my parents?’ he asked, shoving his hands awkwardly into his pockets.


Ozzy grinned.  ‘Oh, wait,’ he said suddenly, bending back down and plucking a daisy out of the ground.  He reached over and carefully placed it behind her ear.  ‘There.’

Yuri laughed.  ‘If I’m going to look like a hippy then you are too.’  She crouched, looking for the right one before finally selecting one with pink tips along its petals.  She stood up on her tiptoes and put it behind Ozzy’s ear.  ‘Now we’re matching.’

‘It’s almost like we’re engaged,’ he said, with a wink.

‘I’m going to a marry a musician?  I’ll be starving for the rest of my days,’ she said mournfully.

‘Don’t worry.  Most venues will give you free peanuts.  Maybe even the odd soda water or two.’

‘I’m so lucky.’

‘You betcha.’ He kissed her forehead then, holding hands, they both walked away.

LONDON, 2014


Shoulders set and head held high, Yuri swept into the office.  She wasn’t going to cower with a hangover this time.  If Oz wanted to shag someone as vapid as Anais Arletti, then that was his look-out.  She wasn’t going to let him stomp all over her, whether she deserved it or not.  She wasn’t sixteen years old any longer.

‘Ms. Tateno!’  Dirk Duke beamed.  ‘Everyone’s already setting up on the roof.’

‘Great,’ she muttered.  ‘Although with temperamental English weather, I have to wonder at the choice of venue.  Our equipment is expensive, you know.  If it rains and we’re caught outdoors, there will be hell to pay.’

He seemed rather taken aback.  ‘The view of the skyline…’

‘Whatever.  Alicia no doubt wants her logo in view at all times.  Don’t think I don’t know what’s on your roof.’

‘It’s not my roof.  I don’t work for Odyssey,’ he said stiffly.  ‘I represent Orpheus.’

He actually appeared to be offended by her comment.  ‘Sorry,’ she said, although she felt rather unrepentant.

‘Well, then.  I suppose that’s alright.’ He glanced at her sideways.  ‘You are right though.  Alicia likes the symmetry of the giant MDF ‘O’ for Odyssey next to Oz who is the front man for Orpheus.  She had a suggestion for the story title to give you.’

‘Let me guess,’ Yuri said drily, ‘oh my?’

He laughed.  ‘Pretty much.’

Yuri rolled her eyes.  ‘I’d have thought she’d have flogged that one to death by now.’

‘It’s got plenty of mileage in it yet.’

Despite her tension at the upcoming confrontation with Oz, she couldn’t prevent herself from grinning amicably with the agent.  The band certainly landed on their feet with getting him to represent them.

‘How long have you been with Orpheus?’ she asked.

‘Since the beginning.  I heard their first hit on a demo tape long before anyone else had ever heard of them.  I knew I was on to a winner, even though they were all pretty much kids back then.’

‘’Stabbed Through The Heart’,’ Yuri said softly.

‘That’s the one.’  He leaned in towards.  ‘Off the record and completely between us, it’s based on true life.’  Yuri squirmed.  Dirk, however, didn’t seem to notice.  ‘Oz had a high school sweetheart back in the day,’ he continued.  ‘Apparently it all ended rather acrimoniously.  Whoever she was, you can bet she’s kicking herself for giving him up now that he’s one of the most famous faces in the world.’

She gritted her teeth.  ‘Or maybe she’s living her life happy in the knowledge that she’s not had the trauma of being with someone who’ll broadcast their private life to every sodding person who has ears.’

Dirk blinked.  ‘Er…’

She sighed.  She wasn’t here to give Dirk Duke a hard time.  That was reserved for Oz alone.  ‘Sorry.  I’m just nervous about the interview, that’s all.’

‘Perfectly understandable.’  He patted her hand.  ‘Come on.  I’ll take you up to the roof.’




Despite her complaints to the contrary, the day was bright and sunny.  Although there was a breeze and the air was cold, the expensive camera and lighting equipment which was already in place was clearly in no danger.  Part of that reason was no doubt down to the number of people hovering around and making sure everything was shipshape.  Yuri vaguely recognised the photographer, a freelance artist
often used for these kind of shoots.  She raised a hand to him in greeting and pointedly avoided looking in Oz’s direction.  Out of the corner of her eye, however, it was difficult not to register that he was topless and being fussed over by the make-up artist. 

Dirk wandered over to him, while she headed to the photographer and greeted him.

‘Yuri, right?’

She nodded and smiled.  ‘And you’re Timothy.’

‘That I am.  Things are going well so far.  We’ve been in place for a while and taken a number of shots already.  I want to wrap everything up in the next hour or so, before the light becomes too bright.’ 

He turned to one of his numerous assistants and fired off a series of technical sounding instructions.  Trying not to get in anyone’s way, Yuri stepped back and looked carefully around.  She had to admit that it was an impressive location, even if Odyssey were going to ridiculous lengths to include themselves in the shots.  The building was tall enough to provide panoramic views of London’s skyline and the numerous familiar buildings glittered in the late morning sun.  The huge O, which seemed to Yuri’s untrained eye to be balanced rather precariously on the edge of the building itself, was considerably shabbier and less impressive up close than when viewed from a distance.  It could almost be a metaphor, she decided.  What may look glossy and appealing from afar was actually untrustworthy and distinctly unglamorous up close.  She smirked to herself, then realised Oz was focusing intensely in her direction.  Their eyes met and she willed herself not to look away.  I’m not intimidated by you, she thought to herself, and I don’t care if you do look sexy as hell.  You’re actually freezing your arse off and miserable.  The corner of his mouth crooked up as he watched her.  Then he disappeared from her view as Dirk moved into her line of sight and busied himself by thrusting a bottle of water in Oz’s direction.  Biting her lip, she finally turned away.

‘So, Yuri,’ Timothy said, wiping his palms on his jeans and stepping back from his tripod to return his attention to her, apparently satisfied as to the set up, ‘as I said, we already have several good shots with the buildings in the background.  They’re ready for viewing with Belle.’  He pointed towards a young looking woman who was bent studiously over a laptop.  ‘Obviously the picture editors will make the final decision but you are welcome to add in your own suggestions.’

‘Thank you,’ she murmured, surprised at his forthcoming nature.  Yuri knew next to nothing about photographic composition and she suspected he was fully aware of that fact.  It was nice, however, to be included.

and Odyssey want the photos to include several, er,’ he scratched his neck, ‘romantic shots.  He doesn’t seem so keen but they’re already oiling him up so I guess he’s been persuaded.’  Timothy leaned in towards her.  ‘Do enough of these kind of shoots and you’ll realise all these stars are divas who love getting in front of the camera and showing off.  They have to play hard to get to begin with to avoid looking overly vain but the fact is they’re all the same at heart.’  He winked at her.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable at his words, Yuri took a step back.  She had the distinct sensation that he was flirting with her.  She apparently wasn’t the only person who thought that because before she had the chance to answer the photographer, Oz was standing in front of the pair of them with a definite glower on his face. 

‘You two are friends?’ he addressed her, ignoring Timothy.

Choosing not to directly answer the question, she gazed at him coolly.  ‘Timothy is a professional who knows what he’s doing.  You can learn a great deal from that sort of attitude.’

Oz’s eyes narrowed fractionally.  ‘I’m sure I can.’ A muscle jerked in his cheek.  ‘What happened to you last night?’ he asked.  ‘You ran off right after the show.  I had been hoping we’d get the chance to talk.’

She opened her mouth so speak but, before she could answer, Alicia’s grating voice interrupted.  ‘Oz, we need to get you inside the O.’

Yuri raised her eyebrows. ‘You better do as you’re told.’

His shoulders tensed and he looked unhappy, a cloud crossing across his face.  ‘Yuri…’ he began.

‘I need to see the photos so far,’ she said airily, turning her back on him and strolling in the direction of Timothy’s assistant as nonchalantly as she was able to manage.  By the time she glanced back, he’d already moved away and was manoeuvring himself into a reclining position inside the O itself.  She exhaled deeply.  Acting like she didn’t care would be a damn sight easier when was Oz  became fully dressed and didn’t have erect nipples and gleaming skin inches displayed inches away from her face.

‘Let’s aim for moody,’ Timothy was saying to him, holding the heavy camera in his hands and taking several shots close-up.  ‘Good.  Extend your arm up an inch or two.’  Oz did as he was told but she could tell from the stiff arch of his back that he wasn’t happy.  ‘Now,’ the photographer instructed, ‘turn away from us slightly and look off into the distance.’ He began backing up, snapping away the entire time.  Then he returned the camera to the tripod and fixed it into position.  ‘Yuri,’ he beckoned, ‘come and look at this and tell me what you think.’

Surprised, she moved over.  Timothy gestured towards the camera.  Oz was in the centre of the frame, the massive O curving round his body.  The sun was directly behind him, making his skin glow.  She sucked in a breath.  It wasn’t fair that he looked so good.

Timothy chuckled.  ‘So I guess he gives you the big O too.  That’s the look I was aiming for in my audience.’

Despite herself, Yuri laughed aloud at his words.  Oz’s gaze snapped towards them.  Aware she was playing with fire, she moved nearer to the photographer, her arm brushing lightly against his.  It had the desired effect.  Oz’s expression was nothing short of thunderous.  Hah, she thought.  Two can play at this game after all.

‘So,’ Timothy said, continuing to snap away, ‘what is it between you two then?’

‘What?’ she started.  ‘Nothing.  I don’t know what you mean.’

‘Oh yeah?  As soon as you appeared up here, he became alive.  Now he looks like he’s going to throttle me.  I’d been going to ask you if you fancied getting a bite to eat once we were done.  I think if I do that, I may be in fear for my life.’  His tone was dry.

‘Like you said,’ Yuri replied nervously, ‘he’s just another vain celebrity.  He wants all the attention on him.’

Timothy paused for a second and glanced towards her.  ‘Actually I don’t think that’s true.  I was wrong before.  The only person whose attention he really seems to want is yours.’

Shifting her weight, she coughed.  ‘I’m the one writing about him.  He probably just wants to make sure I paint a flattering picture.’  She quickly changed the subject.  ‘Are you almost done?’

‘Yeah.  Just a few more angles and I think we’re good.’

‘I’m going to head down and get set up for the interview then,’ she said.

‘Sure,’ he winked again.  ‘Maybe we can have lunch another time.’

Guilt trickled through her.  ‘Yeah.  Maybe.’  Then she ducked her head down and escaped as fast as she could.




Less than an hour later, Oz was sitting across from her in the conference room, flanked by both Dirk and Alicia.  He’d already changed into a fresh pair of jeans and black t-shirt.  Yuri’s laptop was set to record the interview so she pushed her notepad to one side and looked over at him.

‘So, Oz,’ Yuri began, enunciating his name, ‘
is thrilled to have you as next month’s cover story.’

He leaned back, his green eyes hooded.  ‘And how about you?  Are you thrilled also?’

‘Ecstatic,’ she murmured.  Something flickered in his gaze at her unenthusiastic tone.  ‘You tend to shy away from the press, however, and there are a lot of questions our readers are desperate to know the answers to.  Everyone knows the story about how Orpheus started because you were school friends.  Why don’t you tell us more about those days?’  she challenged.

‘Oh, school days are the best days of your life,’ he answered, stretching his arms behind his head.  ‘Don’t you think so?’


When it became clear she wasn’t going to add anything else, he shrugged.  ‘We all grew up in the same town together.’


His jaw tensed.  ‘Yes.  Torquay.  We were in the same year at school and shared a music class together.  We were a natural fit right from the start.  But music wasn’t my only interest.  I enjoyed surfing too.’

‘Do you still surf nowadays?’

‘I gave it up after I had a bad experience.  You see,’ he said before she could interrupt, ‘I almost drowned.  If it wasn’t for a girl who happened to be up on the cliffs at the time watching me, I wouldn’t be here to talk to you.’

rescued you?  Did that damage your self-esteem?’

‘No.  Not only am I secure enough to be able to admit that sometimes I need help, as I mentioned, she’d been watching me.  She was already a big fan of mine.’


‘Oh, yes.’ His eyes gleamed.

‘Perhaps this girl wasn’t watching you.  Perhaps she was there talking to someone and you merely happened to be surfing at the time.’

‘Oh I doubt that.  She had a strange fear of the sea.  And she didn’t have any friends to talk to back then anyway.’

Yuri glared at him.  Alicia shifted in her chair.  ‘Why don’t we…’

‘Shut up, Alicia,’ Oz said, almost conversationally.  She blinked, obviously taken aback.  ‘You see, Ms. Tateno, this girl and I ended up having a very special relationship together.  You could say she was my one and only true love.’

‘And now,’ Yuri said, ‘you have many loves.’

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