Lyon's Angel (The Lyon) (5 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Lyon's Angel (The Lyon)
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"That looked like kind of a sticky situation so I thought I'd
help; I'm here with my old man no worries. I can wait and walk you back if you
want; I know what it's like to deal with jerks like that." I could
certainly see that because she was stunning.

 I didn't even want to use the facilities anymore I just
wanted out of there as soon as possible.

"I think I'll just leave thank you if you can just walk me
back to my table."

The lady, Becky she said her name was walked me back to the table
where I whispered what had happened to Carol while the others went on with what
they were doing.

She wanted to call Colton right away but I knew if she did that
he'd never let me out of the house again.

"No way let's just go to the movies he didn't really do
anything anyway I was just surprised to find him here that's all; please Carol
don't say anything."

 I could tell she was torn but in the end she agreed; I felt
a little nervous about getting into my car alone and kept checking my rearview
mirror to see if I was being followed but everything seemed fine.

My phone rang in the car and I pressed the button to answer.

"Come home right now."

"What, Colton why?" Had Carol called him after all?

"Where are you?"

"On the way to the movies."

"Call Carol and tell her you've changed your mind or would
you like me to call her?"

"Who told you?"

"That's not important the question is why didn't you, you
should've called me the second that fucker put hands on you; now turn the fuck
around and come home and Katarina, I understand that this is your little
power-play but trust me you do not want me coming after you we clear?" He
hung up the phone leaving me with a dial tone and the echo of his very pissed
off voice in my ear.~

I speed dialed Carol and told her what was going on and she swore
to me that she hadn't been the one to tell him. I can only surmise that someone
he knew had been there and saw what had happened.

"I told you he was going to have a fit but how the hell did
he find out so quickly?"

have no idea but I'm sure I'm about the find out." I rang off with Carol
and drove the rest of the way home on tenterhooks. Yes Colt had told me I was
supposed to tell him if anything happened but I didn't even have time to do
that if I'd wanted to.

was actually waiting on the driveway when I got there and boy did he look
pissed; arms folded, legs spread wide apart he looked ready for battle.

"Colton........." I started to give my paltry excuse.~

"Get in the house."~

I so wanted to argue with him but self-preservation was screaming
at me that this was not the time though I did take a while to comply since my
knees had gone a little weak. It's no mystery what his body does to me and
let's face it the last time I got into trouble the harshest part of the
punishment for me was not the spanking but the not knowing why he was mad. This
time I knew why and knowing the reason and also knowing he would never hurt me
I'm not ashamed to admit I was extremely turned on.

 "In the fucking house now Katarina." His bark made
me jump and rush to do his bidding. When I got inside I was surprised to find
Jared and his girl there I was even more surprised to hear Colton’s bike start
up and pull off; I didn't need to think too hard to figure out where he'd gone.




    I'm pissed
way the hell off; I'm pissed at her and I'm pissed at him but first I have to
deal with his ass. I warned him what would happen if he fucked with what's mine
but I guess he thinks I'm playing. The business deals I'd fucked him over with
were nothing compared to what I was going to do to this fuck now. Word was that
he'd grabbed her hand; for that he'll lose the use of his and be fucking lucky
that that's all he got.

By the time I got to the restaurant the fucker was long gone;
Boris and Becky had followed instructions and trailed her back to the house
instead of staying on him. I changed tact and headed in the direction of his
house; the fuck was probably hiding under his bed already because he had to
know I was coming for him unless he guessed correctly that my girl hadn't told
me a damn thing.

house was locked down tight and there is no sign of him or his car; I have no
idea where to start looking for the asshole since we didn't keep the same
company so it was back to the house to deal with Katarina and her bullshit.

   Jared met me
outside when I pulled up.

"That was quick what did you do shoot the fucker?"

"Didn't see him; not there and not at his house."

"He had to know you were gonna come after him after pulling
that stunt; asshole's probably hiding under a bed somewhere."

"How is she?"

"She's cool; didn't say anything about it to us but she's
being a little quiet; take it easy on her man."

"Don't go there bro."

He held up his hands and stepped back out of my space.

"No disrespect brother."

"I know that Jared I also know what she means to you, thanks
for sitting on her for me."

problem I'll just grab my girl and be out."

   They were gone
five minutes later; I found her in the den looking through channels and doing
her best to pretend I wasn't there.

"Something you want to tell me Katarina?"

"What you already know." She said that shit all testy.

"Watch your fucking mouth you’re already in enough trouble as
it is; try not to make shit harder on yourself."

"Everything was fine, nothing happened."

"Yeah but what did I say?"

"Colton if I'd told you you would never let me out of this
house alone again as it is you don't even trust me to be home alone...."

"Is that what you think; that I don't trust you to be home
alone you can't be that fucking obtuse Kat. The reason I don't want you home
alone in this big as fuck house is because the last time that happened shit
went south and yes I still have a hard time leaving you alone while I'm off
handling somebody else's shit so fucking sue me; and we're not talking about
that right now; right now we're discussing the fact that that fucker put hands
on you and you didn't follow procedure."

"I didn't have time; my phone was in my bag at the

"Fuck that what did you do after?" She took a minute to
answer but she knew better than to lie to me or it would be her ass.

"I went back to the table and told Carol I wanted to

"First mistake; when you got back to the table you should've taken
your phone and called me not make plans to head to the fucking movies. I told
you about this sick fuck what are you not understanding here?"

"Why are you yelling at me?"

"I'm yelling Katarina because you're not getting it; I need
you to get what I'm saying you told me you did but obviously you didn't."

She decided to go the sulking route; too fucking bad. I just ended
a motherfucker for fucking around with her; had three more on the hook and she
wasn't getting it.

"I'm not a kid Colton."

 I had to take a deep breath and pray for strength; am I
being difficult here am I putting too much pressure on her; expecting too much?
The fuck I know. I've never felt for anyone what she makes me feel; am I not
supposed to want to protect her, keep her safe; is it so hard to understand my
fears in this situation? She’s so fucking innocent and sweet and everything
that I’m not and it fucking burns me up that he got anywhere near her.

I found myself pulling her up from her chair and into the comfort
of my arms. Reality is that she'd been accosted tonight; with her history that
can't be a small thing so with all my anger and yes I'm still angry, I have to
take everything into consideration.

"Are you okay?"

 She relaxed against me at my soft inquiry nodding her head
against my chest.

"Baby look at me.” I raised her chin with my fingers and
kissed her brow.

"I'm mad because you were in danger no other reason; I don't
want anything happening to you; if I could I would keep you with me always but
there'll be times when that's not going to be possible I just need to know that
you're going to be safe. I can't do anything if I'm always worried about you;
sometimes I have to go out of town I'll try to take you with me as often as
possible but those times when I can't just for my peace of mind I might ask you
to stay at my parents or have someone come here to be with you. It's not lack
of trust; it's my own personal fear okay I'm afraid to leave you alone when I'm
far away. I don't know how long that fear will last or if I'll ever outgrow it
but I'm asking you to work with me here okay."

"Okay I'll try." She squeezed me and just like that my
little imp was back; I guess I'll just have to stay on top of things and pick
up the pieces.


Chapter V


  The next day I
cornered Jared to pump him for information; as much as Katarina and I had grown
together there was still a lot I didn't know and since I wasn't about to ask
her father he was my best bet. I guess he knew what I was after when he saw me
coming because he separated himself from the others and met me halfway.

"Everything cool boss?"

"Yeah, but tell me man was she always this fucking stubborn
or is it all reserved for me?" The idiot laughed.~

"Naw that's always been her way; before that whole bullshit
went down Kat was what you might call a free spirit. My dad used to call her
his little daredevil, girl had no fear; I have to admit I'm glad to see her
getting back to normal even if she's giving you fits. I also know I have you to
thank for that."

"Fuck bro I want her out of that shell all the way but she
has to learn to watch out for danger. Rossetti is fucked in the head; I've
known that for a long time, since I've been fucking with him on these business
deals he's gonna want to hit back. I'd prefer he came at me but he's too much
of a pansy ass for that so he'll go after her instead. I can't protect her if
she doesn't listen to what the fuck I say."

"I'm sure she got it this time she's not stupid."

"I hope so bro because one body on my conscience is more than
enough and if he fucks with her I'm pretty sure that's the only way it'll





    Since she
missed her movie I decided to take her myself; she claimed that was ten times
better anyway. I took her to dinner at one of my favorite places and enjoyed a nice
relaxed meal; she was happy and bubbly and full of laughter which made my night
a hell of a lot better.

We laughed and talked about nothing and everything her hand caught
securely in mine on the table top.

Sometimes I just like looking at her, she’s such a paradox, like
nothing I've ever known, a mix of virgin princess with just enough wildcat
thrown in to keep me on my toes.

She's sweet and sexy as fuck, and every time I look at her, I just
wanna fuck.

My cock was already rock hard just thinking of that first taste of
the night, of course he'd get to gorge himself on her until we were both too
spent to have another orgasm; that's how it always is with us whenever we're
together my need for her takes over completely.

"You want dessert baby?"

"Sure lets share something."

"You know I hate sweets babe just get something for

I should've known she was up to no good when she smirked at me
over the dessert menu; I still didn't think anything of it when she ordered the
lava cake. Who knew a piece of cake could be a sex prop?

I watched her as she licked the hot fudge off her spoon, her
tongue doing obscene things to that damn spoon. My cock twitched and demanded I
do something about his torture.

"Let's go."

I dropped some bills on the table and grabbed her hand.

"What about the movie?"

"If you wanted to watch a movie you shoulda ordered something
else for dessert."

I practically dragged her ass from the restaurant and helped her
onto the back of my ride. Her little dress rode up high on her thighs tempting
the fuck out of me. I grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her head back
for a deep I wanna fuck you kiss.

When I was done I helped her put on her helmet because she seemed
a little too shaken to do it herself.

"Hold on baby."

I peeled out of the parking lot my destination already set; she
didn't ask any questions when I pulled off the road and parked.

"Take everything off except the shoes."

She was wearing four inch heels at my request, she'd been
practicing to walk in them for a week , she was still a bit baby fawn like when
she walked but that just added to her appeal, she was so fucking innocent
looking, but the things I did to her and had her do to me were far from it.

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