Lyon's Angel (The Lyon) (12 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Lyon's Angel (The Lyon)
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Now the fruits of her labor were being greatly appreciated by our
guests if all the words of praise were anything to go by. Those who weren't
able to make it the week before for our impromptu engagement party were sure to
make it today so the place was freaking crazy; somebody had even invited the
pain in the ass wedding planner Elise. I guess I better start calling her by
her name before I fucked around and called her pain in the ass to her face. Of
course the first opportunity she had she cornered me with her bullshit.

"You see Colton if all these people are going to be at the
wedding as well as hundreds more according to Elena then we definitely have to
get everything organized pretty soon; it's only because your parents are who
they are that we're even having this discussion. Most of the appropriate venues
are already booked but your family's name holds a lot of pull and so a lot of
these places are willing to work something out but we must have all our ducks
in a row if you know what I mean."

 I felt like fucking with her so I did.

"I don't see why we can't just do something like this; a nice
backyard barbecue you see I have enough room for two three hundred people what
more do you need? Get some beer and wine coolers throw some meat on the pit and
we're good to go. We'd have to hire someone to do the cooking though because I
don't think the bride should be doing all that work on her wedding day unless
you think it's cool." I kept my face serious even after she looked like
she would have an epileptic fit. She couldn't get away from me fast enough
after that; I'm sure she was off to complain to mom about her barbaric son,
whatever at least I'd bought myself one day of peace. Dad, Drake and Cyrus set
up a card table on one side of my big as fuck backyard; probably about to
fleece my guys as usual. There was a volley ball game getting underway on
another side and yet more people were sitting around the picnic tables we'd set
up. Kids were running around with balloons and shit and Stacy was painting
faces. Kat had rented some kind of tent like thing that looked like a castle
full of balls for the kids to jump around in. I would never have thought of
that shit this is why the women should be the only ones dealing with this
wedding shit since their minds ran to such things.




"Do you like it

"You did good baby."

I wrapped my arm around her neck and kissed her head.

"Babe what the fuck is that thing?"


"That shit those kids are jumping around in it looks like
it's going to topple the hell over any minute."

"That’s how it's made it's not going to topple over though it
just looks that way the bottom’s sturdy."

"If you say so meanwhile how about a quickie; no one needs
either of us for anything right now; mom and her gaggle of hens pretty much
have the food situation covered what do you say?"

"Geez Colt I just gave you some like an hour before everyone
got here."

"Your point?" I teased her thigh under the little flirty
shorts she wore; another one of her fuck me outfits that made me want to lock her
ass in the house somewhere. The top she wore played peek-a-boo with her tattoo
just barely hinting at its existence it made me want to strip her bare and fuck
the shit out of her knowing what was hidden there. Without waiting for her
answer I took her hand and headed for the house; I wasn't taking any chances of
being interrupted this time so I locked the backdoor. The pool house and the
boathouse both had bathrooms in case someone needed it. She fussed the whole
way up the stairs but I paid her no mind just stripped those damn shorts down
her legs. By the time she tried to form her next words my mouth was on the
pussy and my hand was busy trying to undo the snaps of my jeans.

"This is going to be quick." Taking her ankles in both
hands I spread her wide and sunk my cock deep loving that squeal that escaped
from behind the hand she'd thrown over mouth. Everything about her made me
crazy; the tattoo surrounding her shaved pussy, the jewel that adorned her clit
piercing, and her belly button ring. I pulled her top up so I could gaze at her
beautiful tits; couldn't leave them unattended.

"Fuck babe play with your tits for me." She was only too
happy for all complaining to take hold of her nipples and pluck them making
them stand out. Bending her double I pulled her ass up to meet me as I sucked
first one then the other into my mouth making sure to bite down on her
piercings. I felt the answering twinge deep inside her as she flexed around my
pounding cock. When I'd made sure she came at least three times I offloaded but
stayed where I was my forehead resting against hers as I fought to catch my

"Stop with the fuck me shorts babe or I'm gonna nail your ass
all day and all night."

"Get off me you big lug."

"Love you too baby." I kissed her senseless until her
stubborn ass kissed me back with equal fire before climbing off of her and
helping her up from the bed and into the bathroom to clean up. Needless to say
she dodged me the rest of the afternoon; she was always either in a group of
women or with the kids that didn't stop me from carting her ass off a couple
more times she kept griping at me but each time she was there with me the whole




   By the next
morning things were back to normal, the party had broken up around midnight
kids had school the next day people had work and shit like that. Kat's first
foray into the sisterhood had been a big hit; she was proud as fuck and so was
I my woman could handle her shit and it was good that I won't have to rely on
mom for those kinds of things in the future. I sound like a domesticated fuck.

"Babe get the lead out we've got work."

"I can't I'm calling out sick." She buried herself under
the covers.

 I felt her forehead and there was no fever I checked her
over, nothing; she looked like she usually did every morning; bed rumpled and
fuck hot. I smacked her on the ass to get her moving.

"Ouch that's just mean besides I am too sick I think you
broke me last night or this morning or whenever."

"I wasn't the one doing Acrobatics babe I think that last wine
cooler you had loosened you up a little I have the sprained dick to prove

"Humph, can't I just have ten minutes more?"

"Sure baby I'll go make breakfast in the meantime." I
left her and headed downstairs; I should really give her the day off since
she'd worked so hard this weekend but the truth is I'd miss the fuck out of her
if I did. I've grown used to having her there where I could see her, hear her
voice all throughout the day. She finally crawled down the stairs sometime

"Babe I made you multi grain pancakes that ought to give you
a little energy boost."~

She plopped down at the breakfast bar and I poured her coffee and

"Did you put the stuff on your tats?"


"Alright grumpy you think maybe next time we should let
someone else take care of the party planning and the cooking and shit since it
seems to wipe you out?"

"I'm not wiped out; I'm perfectly fine to take care of the

 I knew that would get her she took that woman of the house
thing serious and the way mom has been teaching her I knew there was no way she
was going to pass the reins off to someone else.

"Glad to hear it."




Work was work; the guys
spent a lot of time in the shop reliving some of the highlights of the day before.
Vanessa had been officially moved in and welcomed into the crew; that meant she
was off fucking limits to fucktards including her ex. Now that she was one of
ours shit was different. The kids had been enrolled in school already and I
hadn't even been aware that Kat had helped buy stuff for their new apartment. I
guess the sisters had schooled her on how things were done. My bad I hadn't
even thought past the BBQ and shit but it was good to know that she could be on
top of shit like that and the guys noticed it too. Of course I could do without
the teasing about my past flings that weren't as proficient.




~Zack, Jared and the others
chose today to approach me about the shit that had gone down in Arizona; we
haven't really discussed it since right after it happened after all what was
there to discuss; but I guess it was too much to expect that it would never
come up again. Jared was the ringleader as usual so he was the one to ask while
the others hung back a little.


 "The same."

"Your thoughts?"

"We're clear." That was the extent of that conversation
because like I said there wasn't much to be said.

"What about Rossetti?"

"Nah that fuck's still hiding he'll surface sooner or later
though and when he does I'll be ready. I just added a little heat to smoke his
ass out; I'm sure his old man is going to come down on him like a ton of bricks
for this one too."

"What did you do?"

"Okay this doesn't leave here yeah!" I waited for their
assurances before continuing on; not that I didn't trust my guys but they'd
understand the seriousness of what I was about to divulge by me asking for
their affirmation.

"So it's a little-known fact that my grandfather owned forty
percent shares in the Rossetti flagship Enterprise; I'm talking the main deal
not an offshoot like the ones I've been screwing with to get his goat. Anyway I
got a couple of the other shareholders to sell me their shares and let's just
say I now own the majority shares in their family business."

"Fuck bro how'd you pull that shit off, what the fuck you
gonna to do with a company like that?"

 "It was pretty easy to pull off actually I just did a
little digging; one of the people who sold out to me had gambling debts he
didn't want the wife to know about and the other one got hit hard by bad
investments which he might've recovered from if the recession hadn't hit when
it did."

"Yeah but how did your grandfather come to own so much stock
in their business and why didn’t they own the other sixty?"

"That's easy sometime back in the sixties their grandfather
ran into trouble and mine helped him out by taking a forty percent cut in the
business in lieu of cash. I guess Rossetti still owned sixty percent at the
time but when he died he gave ten percent each to two former business partners
so that left the son with forty percent. I guess because grandpa never said
much about the way they ran things they thought it was safe and it would've
been if him and his sister hadn't fucked with what's mine."

"So your grandfather's giving you his forty percent?"

"Already did now I'm really gonna start fucking with that
piece of shit."

"What the fuck you gonna do with it though bro?"

"Nothing it's Kat's wedding present."

"Smooth bro real fucking smooth."

"She doesn't know yet so don't say anything about it I'm going
to lower the boom on the Rossettis sometime soon but I have to make sure all my
shit is straight can't have too much going on at once. Grimaldi seems to be
trying to keep us busy for the next twenty years or some shit which is good; I
knew it would be good for all of us the old bastard did too that's why he's
been dragging his ass all this time."

"Yeah but now he has the hots for your woman you better watch

I threw a punch at Jared for being an ass; everyone knew that
Grimaldi and I were in the midst of a cold war; the old fuck thought it was
funny to only deal with Kat. At least my baby had a head for business because
she was brokering million dollar deals and getting me the better end of the
deal. The girl had cut her business teeth on a multimillion dollar deal; it was
going to be fun to see what she could do with the Rossetti business once I
passed it off to her. The corporation had a lot of interests and was worth
billions; there was a board that oversaw most everything but I don't see her
being as silent as grandpa had been; she seem to thrive on that shit me, I like
building bikes.

"We set for Cyrus's deal this weekend?" Jared went back
to the bike he was working on as the others followed suit.

"Yeah, shit I forgot this shit became what it did."

"You mean the fact that everyone wants in?"

"Yeah." I wiped grease from my hand and looked over the
sweet ride I'd just put the finishing touches on.

"That's a lot of fucking people and you know what can happen
when we ride deep like that."

"It'll be fine, besides your folks and the chief are tagging

"Yeah, my dad will be tagging along, on his bike, probably
high the whole fucking time; fuck my life."

They broke up with laughter because apparently it was funny to
have a pothead doctor for a father; one they thought was cool because he was
always supplying them with that shit.

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