Lying in the Sand (15 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

BOOK: Lying in the Sand
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She sat at the table and ate her French toast, eggs, and bacon. It was nice to have breakfast for once. Normally she grabbed her power bar on the way out and only ate half of it.

She changed then grabbed her purse, getting ready to leave. She sighed before she walked out, not wanting to leave the sanctuary he made for her. When she was with Gray, she forgot about all the stress of her own life. And it was nice.

She avoided the lobby and took the stairway on the other side of the hotel. If she saw her coworkers, she knew they would all give her the stink-eye. It didn’t matter what they thought. No other single woman would judge her for spending time with Gray. Only a gay woman wouldn’t want to.

When she got to her car, her phone vibrated. She assumed Gray left her a message, but it was Bryce.

Hey. Join me at the beach. I’ll show you the fabulous lifestyle of a lifeguard.

Will you save me if I drown?

With me on duty, you wouldn’t drown to begin with. Now come.

She smirked.
I need to grab my swimsuit.

Good. I’ll see you in a few.

She put her phone away and headed to her apartment.


When she arrived at the beach, she saw couples scattered across the sand under their umbrellas. A few people were in the water, paddling around. There was a slight breeze to minimize the heat. It pulled her strands from her face.

She spotted Bryce standing near his lifeguard tower.

Bryce whistled then waved. “Come here, Baywatch.”

“Baywatch?” She laughed then crossed the sand in her sandals. She wore a loose dress that covered her swimsuit. “I’m a least three sizes too small up top, and three sizes too big down below.”

“I think you’re perfect.” He laid two towels on the beach. “Join me in my office.”

She laughed. “Your office?”

“Don’t be intimidated. I know this is really fancy, but I’m a down-to-earth guy.” He sat down and patted the spot beside him.

She smiled then joined him. She placed her purse beside her then leaned back on her arms.

Bryce was wearing red swim trunks and a floatation device was in the sand beside him. He wore a white t-shirt and sunglasses.

“This is what you do for a living?” she asked incredulously. “Sit on the beach all day?”

“It’s harder than it looks—at least to look this handsome at the same time.”

She chuckled. “You’re cocky just like my brother.”

“I have something to be cocky about. He doesn’t.”

“He’s a professional surfer,” she argued.

“And I save lives,” he countered. “Surfers like him.”

She nodded. “You’re right.”

“I know I am.” He pulled his shirt off then tossed it aside.

Cheyenne tried not to gawk. She’d never seen him with his shirt off before. His chest was prominent. His shoulders were packed with muscle, and his arms were cut like the definition of a mountain range on a map. His stomach was toned and tight, not a single ounce of fat present.

She tried to look away but she was finding that difficult.

“How’s your day going?” he asked. If he knew she was staring at him, he was humble about it.

“Good.” She thought about the note Gray left.

“Did you see Gray last night?” There was no bitterness in his voice, but he didn’t look at her when he said it.

“Yeah.” She refused to lie about it.

“And did you talk to him about me?”

She nodded. “He’s okay with it.”

Bryce stared at the ocean, saying nothing.

She waited for him to ask something else about her relationship with him but he never did. “Any close calls today?”

“Nope. I only save about three people a year. Most people are smart enough to understand their limits. Unfortunately, not all.”

“And you’re here all alone?”


“What if there are two people drowning at the same time?”

“There are various factors to determine who to save, but it comes down to the one who’s more likely to survive.”

“Have you ever had to make that decision before…?”

“No, fortunately.” He turned to his small ice chest then pulled out a Capri-Sun. “Juice?”

She laughed. “I haven’t had one of these since I was a little kid.”

“Let’s go back in time.” He ripped the wrapping off the straw then put it inside the foil hole. “There you are.”

She sucked the straw. “Just as good as I remember.”

He grabbed his own and sucked on the straw. “Let’s hope a group of kids don’t rob us.”

“I could take them,” Cheyenne said.

“At least it would be a fair fight,” he teased.

“Hey, I’m strong.”

He smirked. “For a girl, maybe.”

“I could take you.”

“Only because I’d let you.”

“Fine. I’ll prove it.”

His eyes narrowed. “I don’t fight girls—even just messing around.”

“No.” She held out her hand. “I challenge you to a thumb war.”

He smiled. “Oh no. A thumb war…”

She stared him down. “You scared or something?”

He put down his juice then hooked his fingers around hers. “You’re on.”

“1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a thumb war.” Their thumbs moved back and forth before the game began.

Bryce pulled his thumb back then tried to stomp on hers. She was too quick and pulled away. “I can tell you’ve done this before.”

“My brother and I used to choose what movie to watch this way.”

“Who usually won?”

“Me. I’m not sure why he agreed to my challenges. I’m undefeated.”

“Until now…” His thumb pressed into hers and held it down. “1, 2, 3…I win.”

“No! You cheated.”

“How did I cheat?” he asked with a laugh.

“You distracted me with all those questions.”

He smirked. “I’m the new victor. And I get to choose what movie we watch next.”


“I can’t believe you actually thought you could beat me in something…”

“Well, you were supposed to let me win. It’s the gentleman thing to do.”

“You don’t strike me as the kind of girl who wants a gentleman. You want an equal.”

She shrugged. “It’s nice when a guy opens a door for you once in a while, tells you you’re pretty, and picks a flower off a plant and hands it to you.”

He stared at her for a while. “That’s not what you want. You need a guy who understands you’re just as strong as he is, not weaker.”

She pulled her knees to her chest then looked into his blue eyes. The sun highlighted them, making them appear brighter. When he looked away, she didn’t want him to.

“You like to hike, right?”

That was a random question. “Yeah.”

“Let’s do the
Road to Hana

“I have to work.”

“How about the next day?”

“I’m off.”

“Then let’s do it. You’ve ever been?”


“You’ve lived on Maui your whole life and you’ve never been on the
Road to Hana

“You’ve lived on the island your whole life. Have you been to the Four Seasons?”

“That’s totally different and you know it is. Why would I stay at a hotel when I have a house?”

“Why would I go hiking when I have a treadmill?”

He smirked. “You’re brat. But I like it.”

Her cheeks blushed slightly.

“So, you’ll come with me?”


“I’ll bring my famous apple turkey sandwiches.”

“Apple turkey?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Don’t judge it until you try it.”

“Bring more Capri-Sun. Those are good.”

He gave her a fond look. “I will. Want another one?”

“Yeah. You’d think they’d make them in bigger sizes by now.”

“Well, they have so much sugar in them that I’m sure the FDA restricts their size.”

“I don’t care about getting diabetes,” she said with a laugh.

“Other people do—normal people,” he teased.

She stared at the ocean and watched people walk by, holding hands with their significant others. A few people were playing volleyball a few feet away. “Is it hard to watch everyone?”

“Not really. I just pay attention to the people in the water. The longer they’re in, the more I pay attention to them. And anybody who moves away from the shallow water has my eyes set on them.”

Cheyenne pulled her dress off, lying in her yellow bikini.

Bryce glanced at her but turned his gaze away quickly. “I get off work in a few hours. You want to grab a shake with me?”

“I’m working tonight.”

He nodded. “When are you going to start school?”

“When I get enough money,” she said with a laugh.

“How much is beauty school?”

“About twenty thousand.”

“That’s not too bad.”

She laughed again. “Easy for you to say.”

“I’ll give you the money,” he blurted.

Did she hear him right? “Is that a joke?”

“No. You’re trying to pursue your dream. I’d love to help.”

She wouldn’t even consider it. “I appreciate the offer, Bryce, but I’ll find my own way.”

“I’d just rather see you working toward that goal instead of making a dollar over minimum wage working at a hotel run by a corporation.” The bitterness was in his voice.

“Well, life isn’t fair. I’m doing my best. I’m sorry if that isn’t good enough for you.”

He sighed. “That’s not what I meant, Cheyenne. I just wish you would let me help you instead of being proud.”

“I can’t take that much money from someone. Maybe a few hundred bucks but that’s it.”

“I’ve saved a lot of money for a long time now. It’s really not hitting me hard.”

“I said no.” She wouldn’t change her mind.

“Has Derek offered you anything?”

“He offered to pay my tuition but I said no. He has his own life to live and someone to take care of—if they last.”

“If they last? What does that mean?”

“They got into a fight the other day and they’re struggling. He’s been sleeping on my couch.”

“Oh…I hope they work it out.”

“Me too. I really like Paola.”

“I do too. She’s a nice girl.”

“And she’s really pretty—way out of my brother’s league. I’m not sure what she sees in him.”

He laughed. “I’m sure that makes your brother feel good about himself.”

She rolled her eyes. “That guy thinks he can do no wrong. His ego needs a reality check.”

“I know you love him.”

“Not really.”

“Deep down inside…”

“Maybe a little.”

The hours passed and they made small talk. Being with Bryce was easy and natural. She could talk to him about anything, say anything that came to mind. They had all the same friends so they had a lot to talk about.

She looked at the time. “I should probably go…”

He nodded. “I understand. I’m here until dusk.”

“Well, you make a difference, Bryce. All these people feel safe because of you.”

“And they should.”

She stood up then pulled her dress on.

When Bryce got to his feet, he was a foot taller than her. She had to look up to see his face. His chiseled body was more noticeable, unable to be ignored. “I’d walk you to your car but I can’t leave my post.” His eyes relayed his frustration.

“I understand. I’ll see you in a few days.” She stepped away.

He grabbed her arm and yanked her back. “You think you’re going to leave without hugging me goodbye? I don’t think so.” He pulled her to his chest, hooking his long arms around her.

She pressed her head against his chest, feeling the warmth underneath. He felt like a concrete wall. She hooked her arms around his waist and held him close. They’d never hugged before. The attraction between them was obvious but neither one made a move. His hand moved to her lower back while he held her.

“I like holding you.”

“I like it too…”

He reluctantly pulled away. “I can’t wait to see you again.”

Her cheeks were blushing and the butterflies started to soar in her stomach. “Me neither.”

“Bye.” He put his hands in his pockets and waited for her to walk away.

She walked to her car, still feeling light-headed. When she got to the parking lot, she realized she forgot where she parked. At that moment, everything fell out of her head.

Chapter Twelve

Cheyenne was at the front desk when Gray made his appearance.

“Hello, beautiful.” He didn’t bother keeping his voice down this time.

She smirked. “Hello, sir.”

“You know that isn’t my name.”

“Well, if I do say your name it will go straight to your head.”

“Which one?” He gave her a smoldering look.

“Can I help you with something? I’m working.”

“You’re staying with me tonight, right?”

“Are you inviting me?”

He grinned. “I want you to stay with me every time I’m here. Pack a bag and be prepared next time.”

“Yes, sir.”

He glared at her.

“I mean, Gray—my apologies.”

“Apology accepted. I’m staying an extra day this week, so make sure you extend your stay.”

She was seeing Bryce on Thursday. “Actually, I have plans.”

“On a Thursday night?” he questioned.

“Yeah.” She looked down then fidgeted with her pens.

The realization came into his eyes. “I see…”

It quickly became awkward.

“Well, you’re mine until Wednesday.”

“Okay. I’ll be there when I get off.”

“When will that be?”


“I look forward to it.” He walked to the elevators then disappeared behind the closed doors.

Cheyenne didn’t realize dating two guys at once would be so complicated. Even though Gray didn’t say anything, she could tell he didn’t like her dating anyone else. It was understandable, but not, at the same time.

The time passed and her shift finally ended. The butterflies grew in her stomach as she headed to his room. She still had his key but felt awkward using it. She knocked on the door.

“I gave you a key for a reason.”

She rolled her eyes then walked inside. “I don’t want to barge in.”

“I have nothing to hide.”

“Well, maybe you were doing something….private.”

“Why would I do something ‘private’ when I know you’ll be sleeping with me tonight?” He walked across the room then wrapped his arms around her. He pressed his face close to hers. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

“Then you probably didn’t get much work done.”

“Actually, I didn’t.” His hand moved up the back of her dress then found her zipper. Slowly, he pulled it down. “No clothes when we’re in here.”

“Then why aren’t you naked?”

He pulled the dress off her, placing kisses down her stomach and to her thighs. Then he yanked it off her feet. “I will be the moment you undress me.” He stood up then unclasped her bra with one hand, just like a pro. When he looked at her chest, his eyes smoldered.

Her hands moved to the button of his shirt and undid each one a time. He stared at her, being patient. She drew it out on purpose, making it last as long as possible. The intensity shined in his eyes but he didn’t pressure her. He eyed her body with obvious heat.

She pushed his shirt over his shoulders then kissed his chest. His skin was smooth and hairless, just a mass of muscle. She sprinkled kisses down as she moved to her knees in front of him.

When he saw her move down, the excitement came into his eyes. He breathed hard, knowing what would come next. His hand immediately moved into her hair, pulling out her clips so her hair fell free.

She undid his pants and yanked them off, leaving the socks on like always. Then she sealed her lips around him, using her tongue to drive him wild. He closed his eyes and moaned while he felt her. It came from deep in his throat, sounding carnal. Then he gripped her neck and pulled her mouth away. “I want you. Now.” He pulled her from the floor and into his arms. Then he tossed her on the bed.

“No dinner first?”

He smirked as he crawled on top of her. “I think we’re past the formalities. But I’ll definitely feed you when I’m finished with you.”

“Who knows when that will be.”

“You’re right.” He gave her a look full of passion. He stared at her lips then her eyes again. “I hope you aren’t too hungry.”


The two days were spent in lazy bliss. When Cheyenne was in his room, they did nothing besides, eat, talk, and make love, in no specific order. She spent more time in his bed than anywhere else. The sheets were soft and cool. His pillows were heavenly. Being there made her hate her own apartment.

Derek and Paola were still fighting, and Cheyenne was starting to get worried. Derek was growing more depressed with every passing day. His body molded into the couch, making a permanent imprint. Seeing her brother in pain was unbearable. She decided to do something.

She arrived at Paola’s apartment and knocked.

There was no answer.

“Paola, please answer the door. I know you’re there.” She didn’t, but she decided to give it a shot.

Paola cracked the door open. “Hey, Cheyenne.” She looked tired, miserable.

“Do you have a minute?”


“I guess I’ll cut to the chase then… please work it out with my brother. He loves you so much, Paola. How could you possibly doubt that?”

“He asked you to come and talk to me?”

“No. He barely speaks at all. You knew Derek wasn’t the greatest guy in the world before you came along. He made mistakes and he regrets them. Just because he messed up with Nancy doesn’t mean he’ll mess up with you.”

She looked down. “It’s more complicated than that.”

“Not really. You love him and he loves you. End of story.”

“Once a guy cheats, he’ll cheat again.”

“Usually. But not Derek. Come on. He lives with you and he’s always with you. When would he have time to sneak around? And it’s obvious he doesn’t want to. Just talk to him. You’ve been shutting him out and his head is about to explode.”

Paola leaned against the door while she processed her words. “I appreciate you coming by…but my relationship with Derek is private. I’ll talk to him when I’m ready.”

Cheyenne sighed. At least she tried. “Okay. Well, I hope you work it out. Because you guys are meant for each other.”

Paola said nothing, waiting for her to leave.

Without saying goodbye, Cheyenne headed back to her car.


Bryce knocked on the door. “Ready for this?”

Cheyenne opened it. “I’m just looking for my hat.”

“Okay.” He wore jeans and a gray t-shirt. She thought of the way he looked without a shirt but she shook the thought away, knowing it would only lead to bad things.

“Come in.”

He stepped inside and waited for her to grab her things.

Cheyenne put the baseball cap on and tightened her ponytail. She was wearing jean shorts and a green t-shirt. Her swimsuit was on underneath. Since they were going hiking, she didn’t put much work into her appearance.

She came back to the entryway. “I’m ready.”

He eyed her outfit and her baseball cap. “You look cute.”

“Cute?” Her cheeks blushed.

“Yeah. Really cute.” He stepped closer to her then wrapped his arms around her. “I expect a hug every time I see you and every time I leave.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and smirked. “I’m sorry. I’ll work on it.”

“Thank you.” He kissed her cheek then dropped his hands.

Her cheek burned where his lips touched her skin.

“Let’s hit the road. We got a ways to go.” He opened the door for her and let her step out first.

Once they were in the car, Bryce handed her a Capri-Sun. “For the drive.”

She smiled. “Thank you. These really are the best things in the world.”

“Hold on. You haven’t tried my apple turkey sandwiches.” He drove with one hand on the steering wheel.

“That’s right. But I have to admit they don’t sound that fabulous.”

“Just wait.” He gave her a warning look before he returned his eyes to the road.

She looked in the backseat. “A picnic basket?”

“Yep. I made it.”

“Wow. You surprise me more and more.”

“I fight sharks by day and make awesome lunches by night.”

She leaned back in the seat and stared at the road.

“So, how’s your week?”

“It’s good. Just work, mainly.”

“Derek and Paola are still struggling?”

“Yeah.” A sigh escaped her lips.

“They’ll work it out. Don’t worry.”

“I stopped by her apartment the other day. She still seems pretty upset.”

Bryce kept his eyes on the road. “I’ve gotten to know Derek pretty well. He won’t let her go without a fight. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.”


“Have you reconsidered my offer?”

“What offer?” She turned to him.

“Letting me pay for your education.”

“Absolutely not. Drop it, Bryce.”

He sighed. “So proud…”

“I’ll figure something out without someone’s charity.”

“You could pay me back if that makes you feel better. Consider it a loan without interest.”

“No, thank you.” She looked out the window and watched the trees pass by.

“Stubborn woman…”

“Stubborn?” she asked. “I’m not stubborn.”

“You’re so stubborn. You’re worse than my sister.”

“You have a sister?” she asked.

“Yeah, she’s younger than Henry and I.”

“I didn’t know that…”

“I don’t mention her. She’s annoying.”

“You tell me to be nice to Derek, but you tease your sister just the same way?”

“It’s different,” he said. “She’s my younger sister. It’s my job to toughen her up for the real world, make her strong. Derek did a good job with you. You have realistic expectations of life and you never give up.”

“Just a second ago you were complaining that I was too stubborn.”

“You are—as a girlfriend. I’d prefer it if you let me take care of you. But I can tell that’s going to be difficult for you.”

“I don’t need someone to take care of me.”

“Which is why you’re spending time with a zillionaire?”

She glared at him from her seat. “Excuse me?”

“I’m not stupid. He’s dark, mysterious, good-looking, rich…he’s a total cliché.”

“I’m not with him for his money.”

“Then why are you?” he asked.

She shook her head and looked out the window. “I can’t talk about this with you.”

“I’m not saying this as a jealous guy. I’m talking to you as a friend right now—honestly. Now tell me. What do you see in this guy? Derek made him sound like an intimidating and closed off guy.”

She stared out the window for a long time.

“If it’s not going to go anywhere, why waste your time? It’s a legitimate question.”

“I don’t know…”

“Maybe you should figure it out.” He dropped the conversation and kept his eyes on the road.

“How about we not talk about him when we’re together?”

“Fine by me. I just know you’re making a mistake spending time with him. As a friend, I’m trying to help you.”

She fell silent, ignoring his final words.

They reached the waterfalls and parked the truck off the side of the road. Bryce grabbed the picnic basket then carried it to the rocks near the water. It was secluded and no one was around.

He laid the basket down then sat beside her. “I hope you’re hungry.”

“You know me. I’m always hungry.” She tried to forget about the conversation they just had.

He pulled out two sandwiches wrapped in cloth. He handed one to her and kept the other to himself.

She stared at the waterfall and listened to the sound it made against the rocks. A bird cooed nearby, and the water rippled near the beach. The green plants were covered in bright flowers. It smelled, clean, tropical. “It’s beautiful here.”

“I know. I like to come up here alone sometimes.” He took a bite of his sandwich and chewed.

“Alone? Why?”

He shrugged. “Just to think.”

She wanted to know more but she dropped it. She unwrapped her sandwich and was about to take a bite.

“You’re not allergic to seafood, right?”

She cringed. “What did you put in here?”

He laughed. “I’m kidding.”

She breathed a sigh of relief and took a bite.

“I hope you don’t like possum either.” He laughed at the glare on her face.

She chewed then nodded. “It is good.”

“The secret is the cinnamon cream cheese. It adds a kick to it.”

“It does.” She finished her sandwich. “That was good. Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome.” He opened the basket and handed her a cup of sliced fruit.

“If your career as a lifeguard doesn’t work out at least you can be a chef.”

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