Lust Call (5 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

BOOK: Lust Call
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‘No more,' I finally gasped. ‘Derek, no more.'

‘All right, my angel,' he said softly, teasing the last ripples of sex from my sated clitoris with the tip of his tongue. ‘There, now relax,' he instructed me, slipping his wet finger out of my burning vagina.

‘No,' I whispered as he sucked my hot milk out of my gaping sex hole. ‘Derek, please . . .'

‘I have to clean you, Sarah.' He locked his lips to the wet flesh surrounding my vaginal entrance and sucked hard. I could feel his tongue inside me, his nose pressed against my swelling clitoris. ‘I have to clean you, Sarah,' he repeated. ‘I have to drink from your sweet cunt.'

‘Please, no more,' I begged. ‘I can't come again.'

Finally sitting back on his heels, he smiled at me as I squirmed and gasped on the sofa in the aftermath of my beautiful orgasm. My thighs were parted, the gaping crack of my pussy blatantly displayed. I felt guilt, shame, remorse . . . I felt sexually satisfied as never before. What the hell had I done, I wondered as I came to my senses. The minute Dave had gone away, I'd opened my legs to another man. I'd betrayed my husband. Trust, marriage vows, loyalty . . . Shattered.

‘Are you all right?' Derek asked me, climbing to his feet.

‘Yes,' I breathed, brushing my long blonde hair away from my flushed face. ‘I . . . I didn't want that, Derek. I didn't want to . . .'

‘But you needed to,' he cut in. ‘You needed to come, Sarah. You feel better now, don't you?'

‘I feel like a slut,' I returned. ‘I feel like a cheating, two-timing, adulterous slut.'

‘Don't be silly.'

‘Don't be silly? For Christ's sake, how can you say that? I've just committed adultery.'

‘You've just enjoyed a much-needed orgasm, Sarah. No one will know, no one will find out.'

‘I know, that's the point. I know that I'm a cheating slut.'

‘Look, I'll leave you to rest,' he said, moving to the door. ‘You know where I am if you need me.'

‘Why did you come here?' I cried, wiping tears from my cheeks. ‘Why couldn't you have . . .'

‘I came over to ask you whether you'd like to eat with us this evening. When your husband said that he was going away, I thought . . .'

‘You and your fucking emails and your teenage girls and . . . Just go, Derek. Please, go.'

As he left the room, I held my hand to my head. The front door closed, I was alone in the marital home. ‘Fuck it,' I cursed, leaping to my feet and pacing the floor. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck it.' Gazing at the telephone, I recalled Dave saying that he'd ring me. What the hell was I going to say? ‘Say nothing, Sarah,' I breathed, trying to calm down. ‘Just say that you've been doing housework.' He'd sense that something was wrong, I was sure as I grabbed the wine bottle and refilled my glass. He'd realise that something had happened.

My hands were trembling, and I spilled wine down my front as I drank. I was a mess. Half-pissed, sucked and fingered to orgasm by an old man, I was now going to have to lie to Dave. At least I didn't get fucked, I tried to console myself. It wasn't full-blown adultery so . . . Who the hell was I trying to fool? I'd opened my legs, my cunt, to another man and allowed him to bring me off. Cunt. I'd always hated the word. But, now, it seemed appropriate. The word, cunt, was in keeping with a common whore, a slut. Cunt.

‘Yes?' I snapped, grabbing the ringing phone.

‘Sarah, it's me,' Susie said. ‘Are you all right?'

‘Yes, I'm sorry. I'm having a bad day.'

‘What's the problem?'

‘Dave's gone to Morocco on a photo shoot and . . . I'm feeling a little down, that's all.'

‘Morocco? Lucky him.'

‘Yes, lucky him. Anyway, how are you?'

‘I'm fine. Would it be OK if I called round this
evening? Ian's going out with the lads so I thought I'm come and annoy you.'

‘Yes, yes of course. I could do with someone to talk to.'

‘Are you sure you're all right?'

‘I'm fine, Susie, honest.'

‘Right, well . . . I'll see you later, then.'


Replacing the receiver, I wished that I'd said that I was busy or something. She'd obviously sensed that something was wrong, and she'd no doubt question me until . . . until I told her? That's what best friends are for, I thought. But, there was no way that I could tell her the truth. What the hell would she think of me? Opening my legs to a man in his fifties the minute Dave had left the house? She'd think me a slut. Fuck it, I
s a slut.

I took a shower, washed away the saliva and orgasmic milk from my sex crack, and slipped into a short summer dress. Although I felt better, I knew that I could never wash away the memory of my adulterous time with an old man. Living across the road from him, I'd see him most days. He'd grin at me, look me up and down and . . . I was going to have to live with the guilt, I decided. I'd made a mistake, and now I was going to have to live with myself. One thing was for certain, I'd never make that mistake again.

I'd calmed down and composed myself by the time Susie arrived at seven o'clock. I had to come across as my usual self, I thought as I led her into the lounge and poured her a glass of wine. If she suspected that something was wrong, I'd make out that I was upset about Dave going away. A perfect cover for my adulterous guilt, I thought, eyeing her short skirt. She had long black hair and a tanned face, full sensual
lips and well-rounded breasts. Did she have men chasing after her, I wondered as we sipped our wine.

‘So, what's the problem?' she began.

‘No problem,' I replied. ‘I was just a little upset about Dave going away. Anyway, what have you been up to?'

‘Just the usual, working too hard and not earning enough money. I wish I could stay at home like you do. It must be great not having to work.'

‘It can be very boring, Susie. I don't think you'd like it.'

‘I'd love it. Sunning myself in the garden, having coffee with friends . . .'

‘And being stuck in the house all winter?'

‘I'd stay in bed all day,' she said with a giggle. ‘I might even get myself a lover.'

‘A lover?'

‘To keep me company in bed. You should do that, Sarah. Particularly now that Dave's away.'

‘Are you serious?' I breathed.

‘Yes, why not? Have a man come in to sort you out. You know Jenny, my neighbour?'


‘She has a man on the side. Her husband works away a lot of the time, so she calls her man in when she needs him.'

‘God, I couldn't do that. Have you ever . . . I mean . . .'

‘Been unfaithful?'


‘Sarah, this is between you and me.'

‘Of course.'

‘I have been unfaithful to Ian.'

‘Wow, really?'

‘I'm twenty-three and I've been married for five years. Things get a bit stale after a while, if you know
what I mean? I think we all need a little excitement from time to time, just to spice things up a bit. I have a male friend I see regularly. Well, he's more than a friend. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to leave Ian. It's just that . . . Well, I like a little fun at times.'

‘I see,' I breathed, feeling a lot better about myself. ‘So, who is this man? I mean, how often do you see him?'

‘He lives down the road from me. I see him, maybe, once a month. It's nothing serious, just sex.'

‘But, it's adultery,' I said stupidly.

‘Sarah, you are funny. It's sex, just a quick fuck now and then.'

‘I suppose so,' I breathed, wondering whether I'd had another email. ‘But, I can't imagine myself cheating on Dave.'

‘Adultery, cheating . . . I don't look at it like that. I have a friend and we have sex now and then, it's as simple as that. No strings, no ties, just sex.'

‘You make it sound normal. I'm just going to check my emails. I'm expecting one from . . . from Dave.'

‘I'll refill the glasses. I could do with getting a little pissed.'

‘OK, I won't be a minute.'

In the dining room, I sat at the computer and opened the latest email from Brian. I couldn't believe that Susie was having sex on the side. I'd thought that I knew her so well, but . . .
I'd love to slide my hard cock deep into your sweet little cunt and fuck you senseless. But, first, I'd like you to do something for me. Shave your pussy, Sarah. Please, shave your sweet little pussy for me and I'll
. . .

‘God,' I breathed, imagining shaving my pubic hair off.
I'd love to slide my hard cock deep into your sweet little cunt and fuck you senseless
. My clitoris swelling,
my stomach fluttering, I switched the computer off and held my hand to my head. What with Susie confessing to an affair and Derek asking me to shave my pussy, I was becoming more confused than ever. The things Derek had done to me, the way he'd sucked on my clitoris and brought me to an amazing orgasm, had left me yearning for more. Imagining his solid cock sliding deep into my wet vagina, I returned to the lounge and flopped on to the sofa.

‘All right?' Susie asked me.

‘Yes, fine. There was nothing from Dave. Susie, don't you feel guilty about screwing this other man?'

‘Hell, no. Why should I feel guilty? My sex life with Ian has gone off the boil. I mean, after years of marriage, things change. We have sex, of course, but . . . This is going to sound awful, I know. Sex with Ian is boring. Don't you find that with Dave?'

‘Yes, no, I mean . . . I know what you mean.'

‘It's the excitement, Sarah. The excitement, the danger, the passion . . . You should try it some time.'

‘Whatever you say, Susie, it's adultery.'

‘Have you never looked at another guy and thought that you'd like to get him into bed?'

‘No, well . . . As you know, I'm a terrible flirt. But I'd never commit adultery.'

‘What do you think Dave will do in Morocco?'

‘He's working and . . .'

‘Yeah, right. He'll have his fair share while he's out there, you can bet your life on that.'

‘Dave would hardly . . .' My head was spinning. I needed time to think, time alone. ‘Susie, would you mind if I had an early night? I've got a headache and . . .'

‘No worries,' she said, knocking back her wine and leaping to her feet. ‘You have an early night with your vibrator.'


‘Haven't you got one?'

‘Well, no.'

‘God, you're living in the dark ages. I thought every girl had a vibrator these days.'

‘I haven't.'

‘Get yourself one, Sarah. You'll wonder how you ever lived without it. You take care, OK?'

‘OK, I will. I'll ring you tomorrow.'

Seeing her out, I tried to imagine her using a vibrator. Where had she got it from? How long had she had it? How often did she use it? Shaking my head in disbelief, I again realised that I didn't know Susie at all. A man on the side for sex, a vibrator . . . Maybe I
s living in the dark ages. She'd got one thing wrong, I decided as I took the bottle of wine and my glass into the dining room and sat at the computer. There was no way Dave would be having his fair share, as she'd put it. Filling my glass, I opened Brian's last email and clicked the reply button. I should have deleted the email but . . . Was I in need of a little excitement and danger?


I'm sitting here alone and I'm drinking wine and I'm confused. You've woken something within me, something that I don't understand. Before you started sending me emails, I thought I was happy and content. Today was wonderful. I've not had such an amazing orgasm in years. But, as I've said before, I'm a married woman. I can't cheat on my husband. Of course I'd love to feel your cock sliding into me. As I sit here thinking about it, I'm getting wet and horny. I've had too much wine so I really don't know what I'm trying to say. I don't even know my own thoughts. You can't fuck me. That's what I'm trying
to say. As much as I'd love you to fuck me senseless, you can't. Don't reply to this email. Don't confuse me any more.


Clicking the send button, I realised that I shouldn't have said that I'd love him to fuck me senseless. I'd had far too much wine, but that didn't stop me refilling my glass yet again. ‘I might as well get pissed,' I breathed, clutching the wine bottle in one hand and my glass in the other as I made my way to the lounge. Gazing out of the window at the houses opposite, I wondered what Derek was doing. Sitting at his computer? Screwing his wife and imagining that she was me? I gulped down my wine and again refilled my glass.

Reckoning that Dave wouldn't ring for another two or three hours, I thought it best not to go to bed. What to do, I wondered, again pacing the floor as boredom set in. Pondering on shaving my pussy, I switched the hi-fi on and slipped a CD into the machine. What the hell would Dave say if I shaved? Would it fire his libido? Listening to a piano piece, I slipped my wet panties off and sat on the sofa. Masturbation would while away some time, I mused, pulling my short dress up over my stomach and parting my thighs. The doorbell rang as I massaged my solid clitoris, and I decided to ignore it. It rang again, and again.

‘Derek?' I breathed opening the front door. ‘What are you . . .'

‘The wife has gone out,' he said, walking past me into the hall. ‘I thought that we could both do with some company.'

‘I was about to go to bed,' I lied, closing the door and following him into the lounge.

‘Now, that
a good idea,' he returned with a chuckle.

‘Alone, Derek.'

‘Oh, fair enough. As you seemed pretty upset earlier, I thought I'd . . .'

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