Lust (17 page)

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Authors: T. C. Anthony

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Lust
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I felt anger and hurt that he would snoop around to find out
information about me. Why would he do that? If he wanted me
gone, he could easily have fired me when he took over. Hell, if
he wanted me gone, he should have asked me to just leave.

“Not that I owe you an explanation, as I have the right and
access to all employee files, but I was gathering your experience
and degree information for Marcus so he could appropriately be
informed about the employees he will be overseeing. I wasn’t
snooping. I get it, what this attitude is about. I used your full
name and made you cum all over my hands; you’d think I had
said or done something to disrespect or hurt you! I apologize if I
crossed the line; I gave you freedom to leave. Regardless, about
yesterday, you should have informed me, approved or not. It is
your responsibility to let me know where you are, I mean, when
you will be out of work. Hey, at least the personal day came just
in time for your night-slash-day with Marcus!”

He turned his back away from me, facing his windows
looking over Park Avenue, but he wasn’t looking at anything
in particular. His chest was rising and sinking fast, waiting for
confirmation, waiting for a denial. Would he have been OK if I
had been with Marcus?

“You bastard,” I said, slamming my hands down hard on his
desk. Alexander turned in shock when he saw my flushed face and
tear-filled eyes gunning him down. “How dare you insinuate that
I spent the night with Marcus. Are you fucking kidding me? You
have no right…” Shifting my body upright as Alexander walked
briskly toward me from the other side of the desk, I didn’t know
what he was going to do, and I felt pure anger toward him.

“I spent the day in a chemotherapy suite with my dear friend
who is dying. And then I spent the night helping her while she
vomited everything but her intestines. And if you need proof,
you can go fuck yourself; perhaps you’ll find it there.”

I should have stormed out, but I was frozen, with no idea
why. Upset by his allegations, the hurt showed on my face.

Alexander slowed his steps as he reached me and gently put his
hands on each of my shoulders. Alexander was soft as to not jolt
me. He knew he had gone too far. He had fucked up and now
had to mend it.

I tingled all over as his palms rested on my shoulders. I
didn’t know how I felt, but one thing was for sure, I would have
preferred his hands on my bare skin and not on my suit jacket. I
had a longing to be held by him even as my anger soared.

He spoke so softly now. “Please, I…I’m…I’m so sorry. I’m
sorry. I didn’t mean to insinuate that you had. I just thought—”

Pulling my shoulders away from his hands, eager to keep
my anger going, I said, “You just thought what? That this
young girl couldn’t possibly be intelligent enough to be this
successful? That she must have slept with someone to get here,
so why not Marcus? Is that it? You don’t know me, and you
never will. And if you hate me so much, just fire me. I’m wanted
elsewhere, that’s for sure.” I turned to leave.

He must have been thinking of how he had messed this
up so bad and that he was so stupid. If I didn’t hate him before,
well, now I was starting to! Alexander was frantic. “Ms.…

Evangeline, please…”

My head and body turned so fast I slammed right into him.

Alexander had the look of determination in his eyes. “Stop.

For a second, stop hating me. For one second. First…I prayed
on everything that you hadn’t been with Marcus, but you were
throwing yourself at him the last I saw you. And it was after I
had…you were so ready for…Anyway, and second, I don’t hate
you, don’t want you to work elsewhere, and don’t want you to
leave this office like this…”

I couldn’t breath, couldn’t move. Was he actually saying
this? No, I had to be dreaming. Alexander spoke so differently
than I had ever heard him before. It was strong but weak with
a desperate plea, passionate and consuming. How had we gotten

My God, I thought, if he holds me any longer, I’m gonna jump
him. Shit. Contain yourself. Come on, don’t go there. He’s your boss.

He’s just trying to calm you down. Be professional.

I was having trouble focusing. My eyes moved from his eyes
to his lips, and I swallowed a deep feeling of desire for those

Focus, damn it.

“Mr. Ma—”

Alexander shushed me. “Please wait. Let me finish.”

I stiffened. Yes; yes, finish. Finish inside me. Oh God! I couldn’t
contain my urge, being this close to him, his body so close I
could feel the heat beating off of him. What was happening?

Was I overthinking this?

“Lastly, I would not have used your name had I known it
would upset you. I have actually never met anyone with that
name before, and I…I just thought it was beautiful. You know
there’s a poem called Evangeline. You should…”

I snapped out of it. There it was: the love story bound for

Alexander paused, hoping I wouldn’t start screaming at him
again. And when I didn’t, he eased back into the conversation.

Lowering his voice a little more, he spoke gently. “You know,
most people think that story within the poem is sad and terrible,
but it’s really not. The moral is really that love lead her
through an amazing life, and even when she reached her love
and was about to lose him, she couldn’t regret it because he had
given her a reason to live. He, Gabriel, was dying in the arms of
the woman he loved, and it gave him his final peace. I think it’s
passionate really…just like you and your name. Full of passion.”

Alexander dared not to move. I’m sure he didn’t know what
to make of my expression. I showed no emotion, or maybe there
were so many emotions that he couldn’t tell what they were

“I’ve upset you. I apo—”

I leaped forward, my hands grasping his face and pulling
him down toward me, needing to hear nothing more than the
sound his lips made when they reached mine. I was there, finally,
kissing him again.

Uncontrolled passion filled us both, I could sense it.

Alexander, stunned, didn’t pause to think. His hands were
thinking for him, wrapping themselves around my waist,
stroking my back, making their way through my hair.

T.C. Anthony


Three Stages of Love: Lust

There was no explanation for what was happening. Had I
imagined it, it would never have even come close to how amazing
this felt. My lips were supple, soft, and sweet; his tongue,
strong, was kissing me fast, as if it was our last. I caressed his
tongue with mine fiercely, forcefully licking every inch of his

I ran my fingers through his hair, as I had wanted to every
moment since the other night. He smelled like heaven and
tasted positively sinful!

I reached down to his thighs and made my way onto his
erection. He was long and thick. I could barely focus on his
kiss at this point. I pushed him down on his couch and spread
my legs over his thighs, swaying my hips over his hard cock. I
could think of nothing but him plunging into me.

Something vibrated unexpectedly between us, making me
pull away. I looked at him surprised. It felt like a vibrator, but it
was his phone. That’s when he noticed my eyes had found happiness.

I watched as he motioned with his hand to find what was vibrating,
and all the while he was rubbing his cock into my thighs.

He was hard, long, and dying to get at me.

Wow! is the expression I wore sitting there on his lap, only
inches apart, staring at each other, hoping to find answers or
even just words to say.

“You should take that and I…should go. I have to go, I’m

He pulled me in, staring into my eyes, holding me inches
away from his lips but preventing himself from touching.

“Don’t you dare apologize. Had I had half your balls, I would
have done that the day I met you. This never has to happen
again if you don’t want it to. But I don’t want you to hide from
me or to leave. I promise, I’ll pretend it never happened if that’s
what you want. But know this: I want it, every bit of it, every
inch of you, even your smart-ass comments and sarcasm.”

As he held me close, I was burning to continue but hesitated
so as not to go too far.

“Don’t answer me now. Just please take all this in and try
to see how good it could be. You must see and feel that.” As
he pulled my waist into him, he stiffened his hips and dug
his hardness into my cleft. Sighing unintentionally, I closed
my eyes slightly to take in the feeling of him under me. “You
would never have kissed me the way you did had you never
before thought about what this would feel like. Your lips gave
that away, but I can taste more in you. There are sides and parts
of you that are daring and I want—no, I need to see and feel and
taste every bit of you.”

Breathing heavily, we remained , pressed tightly to one another,
and his damn pocket vibrated again.

Damn it. So close.

His phone was the wake-up call I kept getting and the one
I kept snoozing.

“Please get that. I have work to do. I have to um…” I spoke
as if I was determined to leave, but my body wasn’t listening.

He still held me in place, and I did not fight or try to move
away. “I must go to work. I have a meeting in…” Lifting my
left hand, I glanced at my watch. “Shit, it’s ten fifteen. I’m late.

I’m sorry, I have to go.” Forgetting where we were, I lept to my
feet and turned to run out his door.

“Hey, I’m having a fund-raiser at my home tomorrow
night. Marcus is coming and probably bringing Samantha.

And I think it would be good for you to mingle with all the
execs from the other firms and banks. Will you come? I’d really
like it if you…”

He purposely left the sentence unfinished. I was left
hanging on his next word. I knew the intentions of what he
was trying to say, and he wanted me to feel it: “if you would

I stood at his door, struck by lust and the possibilities that
stood before me. “I don’t know. I will try. Bye.” I left, closing
the door behind me, and jogged back to my office.

Samantha immediately stood as she saw me approach.

“Sam, why didn’t you tell me I was late? I look completely
foolish. Where are they? What’s wrong with…” I was out of
breath, fumbling into my office, looking for my makeup bag,
trying to get a grip.

Samantha obviously felt the energy coming off of me, a
thrilled and excited energy. “Breathe. Just breathe. They called.

They are running late.”

I looked up. Taking a hard, deep breath and letting it all
out, I slumped back into my chair.

Samantha leaned on my desk, smirking. “Fate has funny
ways of getting its way, you know?” Pushing her self off the
desk, she turned toward the door. Clutching the knob, she
turned and gave me one last wink and shut the door as she

I swiveled my chair around to face the window. Hoping for
an answer, I spoke to the reflection in the mirror, “Why was
that so amazing? Why now? This has disaster written all over
it! Ugh!” I moaned out loud, putting my hands to my head.

He likes this part of me. After the way I’ve already behaved, how
can I go back? He already knows the crazy, wild, improper side of me,
now what?. Maybe I can scare him away. God, I want him, I want
all of him, on me, in me—everywhere! Just a taste, just once, and then
it’s done. No commitment, no relationship, just raw sex. He could be the
type. This could work!

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