Lust (14 page)

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Authors: Noire

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Urban

BOOK: Lust
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Trey’s dick was still swollen and throbbing in his hand as he stepped back under the cold shower spray. He rinsed the soap from his body, and stood there until the cool pellets reduced his body heat and softened his wood until it hung down by his thigh.

In his bedroom, Trey dried off and put on a pair of boxers. He grabbed the remote and turned on the television that was mounted on the wall opposite his bed, and then he sank back on his pillows to watch the news.

The usual fools were on Fox News talking all kinds of unintelligible shit, and Trey flipped through the channels surfing for something that would take his mind off what he considered to be a problem at hand. When he was just a young boy he had asked his mother what kind of woman he should look for when he grew up.

His mother, in all her wisdom, had rubbed his head and replied quietly, “You’ll know when you know, Antonio. It won’t be hard to recognize her. The heart always knows what it wants.”

Closing his eyes, Trey tossed and turned for a long time before finally drifting off. A burning question was on his mind as he drifted off into the darkness. Ignoring the needs of his body, his subconscious mind came right out and asked his heart what the hell it wanted. The answer came to Trey just as he was entering the world of deep sleep, but he heard what his heart said just as clear as day.

It answered, “Juicy.”




Chiney was scrambling eggs and stirring a big pot of cheese grits when her brother walked into the kitchen. Glancing over her shoulder, she slid the top on the pot quickly, and stuck the plate full of turkey sausage and beef bacon in the microwave so Trey wouldn’t see it. 

She had left her lady, Venus, chilling naked in her room. She was planning on serving her breakfast in bed as a reward for the hot loving she had laid on her, and she didn’t want Trey to see how much grub she had cooked up and realize she was hiding somebody up in the crib.

And that wasn’t the only thing Chiney was hiding from her brother. She had been steadily getting high behind Trey’s back, and even though most street slangas avoided selling to her if they could, she could always cop the good shit from her old friend Maleek.

“What’s up?” she asked and gave Trey a big smile. She had a red bandana tied around her short hair and was wearing a pair of loose red sweats on with a white belly shirt.

“Sup, Cool,” Trey said and opened the refrigerator. He took out a container of fresh-squeezed orange juice and held it up to his mouth and downed it.

“Damn, get a cup!” Chiney said like she was disgusted. “Don’t be up in here drinking out the carton like that!”

Ignoring her, Trey chugged the rest of the juice down and then belched.

“Uggh,” Chiney complained, screwing up her face. “You so damn nasty!”

Trey laughed as he tossed the empty carton in the trash. As gay as his sister was, she was still a girlie girl in a whole lot of ways.

“Yo, I saw your friend last night,” he said slyly.

“Friend who?” Chiney asked. She took a plate out of the dishwasher and put two big spoonfuls of hot grits on it and then put some scrambled eggs on top. She was trying to hurry up and fix Trey’s food real quick so he could get the hell outta the kitchen and let her sneak two plates in her room for her and Venus.

Trey shrugged. “That dumb chick you was locked up with in Rosie. What’s her name again? Spicy?”

“Oh, you real stupid,” Chiney said with a smirk. “Her name is Juicy. And you know goddamn well her name is Juicy.”

Trey shrugged again and sat down at the table while Chiney stacked three turkey sausage patties and several strips of beef bacon on his plate.

“Yeah, a’ight,” he fronted. “Juicy. I ran across her last night.”

“Eat,” Chiney said, passing him a fork. “Where’d you see her at?”

Trey reached for the salt-n-pepper shakers and waited until she passed them to him and then he answered, “Down in Brooklyn. I took the kids to perform at a homeless shelter. She was there.”

“For real?”

Trey dug into his plate. “Uh-huh,” he said, chewing.

“Ah, man. I shoulda went with you. What’s she up to? She got a spoken word group going too? Were they performing or something?”

“Nah.” Trey shook his head. “She was by herself.”

Chiney frowned. “Juicy was by herself at a homeless shelter way in Brooklyn? Why?”

“I guess ’cause she lives there,” Trey shrugged. “That’s where she rests.”

“Oh, shit!” Chiney exclaimed. “Is that where she went when she got off The Rock? I thought one of her girls was gonna hook her up with someplace to stay when she hit the bricks?”

“I don’t know,” Trey sounded annoyed as he picked up a half-burnt slice of bacon. “Hell you askin’ me for? I don’t know nothing about that damn girl. I guess somebody fucked up somewhere.”

“But that shelter shit is crazy,” Chiney countered as she remembered all of her late-night conversations and crying sessions with her jailhouse friend. “Juicy don’t have no family, Trey. She ain’t got no peeps. She told me Cooter used to look out for her at the G-Spot. She said he was the one who helped her get outta there and saved her life.”

She stared at her brother as he kept right on eating without a care in the world.

“I wanna go and get her, Trey. I wanna get her outta Brooklyn and bring her up here so she can have someplace decent to stay.”

Trey chuckled and shook his head. “Negative, baby girl. That shit ain’t gone happen.”

“Why not?” Chiney looked around and challenged him. “All these empty rooms and ain’t nobody up in here but me and you. I mean damn, it’s cool for you to help every snotty-nosed kid you walk past on the street but I can’t look out for my friend?”

Trey gave her a hard look. “What? You feeling her like that or something?”

“I’m feeling her like a
, Trey. Juicy is straight. But what does that gotta do with it?”

“Nothing.” He scraped the last mouthful of grits off his plate and stood up.

“For real,” his sister said. “We can’t leave her down in Brooklyn by herself.”

“Damn, girl! She wasn’t by herself. There’s a lot of people living in that shelter. And they prolly got a waiting list a mile long with people trying to get up in there everyday. She a’ight.”

Chiney stood up and put her hand on her brother’s rocked-up arm. “You know what I mean, Trey. I wanna go and get Juicy. I wanna bring her here.”

“Hold up, didn’t you tell me them G-Spot niggahs was looking for her?”

Chiney nodded. “Yeah, that’s what she told me when we were locked up. But so fuckin’ what, Trey? You got a posse! Them fools at the G-Spot ain’t crazy. If they know Juicy is up here with you and your crew them niggahs will chill with all that bullshit.

“Besides,” Chiney said slickly, completely exposing Trey’s weakness and blowing up his spot. “I saw how you was checking for her on the visit that day so don’t even front. You feeling Juicy ya damn self, Trey. And I already know how you get down. If you feeling a chick then you ain’t gonna let a damn thing happen to her.”






“Stop, Nooni,” Truth begged gently as she moaned her way through yet another orgasm. She was flying higher than an eagle, and instead of experiencing pleasure her flushed face was twisted and contorted in pain.

“That’s enough, baby,” he pleaded as he pinned her shoulders to the bed and moved away from her violently thrusting hips. “Cut it out. That’s enough!”

They had been fucking for over an hour and after cumming over and over and over again, Nooni’s body was wrung out and physically exhausted, yet she still couldn’t stop herself from going for just one more.

“Please,” she muttered through cracked, parched lips as she grabbed his ass and tried to pull him close again. “I need it. Just a little bit more…please.”

“Nah, baby. You need to come down, that’s what you need to do. They fuckin’ you up, girl. They tryna kill you…” Truth’s eyes were dark with worry as he stared down into the sweaty face of the girl he had grown to love.

Nooni’s shit was all fucked up. Her face had broken out in sores, there was dried vomit in her hair, and her mouth smelled rotten as hell.

Guilt and regret flooded Truth’s heart. Nooni didn’t look a damn thing like the fly-ass around-the-way-girl that he had fought over in T.C.’s Place that crazy night, or the sexy
who had cut outta school and rode with him to the G-Spot the next day.

Truth didn’t know how shit had gotten bad so fast, but it did. The only thing he’d been tryna do was get his hands on some cash. Nooni was supposed to be a simple pawn, and that was the only reason he had gone along with Monique and Salida’s grimy ransom plan from the gate. But these G-Spot muh’fuckas had gotten all extra with their endless greed and lust for doe and power. When the money scheme got deaded, instead of letting Nooni go like they said they would, she had become their junkie fuckin’ prisoner, and Salida had turned her out on a steady diet of hard-core drugs that had fucked up her body and were about to fuck up her young mind too. That is, if Truth didn’t get her outta there in time to save her.

He had thought shit was bad when they were staying with Pluto and Monique, but when Salida got run over in that alley, Ace had come and packed up Nooni’s shit and moved it over to Salida’s place. It was a wrap for Nooni after that. She had been on an everlasting meth high ever since.

Monique had walked in while Truth was complaining about that shit to his uncle Pluto, and her skank-ass had wilded right out.

“Let that bitch stay her ass over at Salida’s house! She ain’t coming back up in here, I can tell you

“C’mon, Mo. You see how Salida’s doing her! She’s fucked up, man. All the fuckin’ time too! That shit ain’t cool.”

“Oh shut the hell up, Truth!” she had blasted on him. “When you thought you was gonna get paid off her ransom money it was cool, wasn’t it? Don’t play ya self, clown. You was down from the jump. Ain’t nobody tell you to start catching feelings for her ass. Nooni don’t belong to you. Salida owns that ass now!”

If Pluto hadn’t been standing there Truth woulda pushed his fist into Monique’s mouth. He woulda broken her squeaky fuckin’ jaw. But he was already in the shit-house with the G-Spot crew, and smashing Monique woulda made everything worse.

Ace had already slashed his status and demoted him from being Salida’s driver to hustling out on the trap again. That dreadlock niggah Bilal had gotten his driving job, and he made sure Truth knew how much he loved sliding into his spot.

Wasn’t nothing going the way it was supposed to, and Truth knew it was time for him to make a big move. But first he had to get Nooni out. Get her away from Monique
that crazy bitch Salida, and back home to her family where she belonged.

And once Nooni was safe and sound and they couldn’t hurt her no more, then Truth was gonna dip out the backdoor and beat his damn feet too.






The morning after the spoken word show I was feeling myself. Egypt had gone out, so I went downstairs to the counselor’s office and got a notepad so I could start writing in my Juicy Journal again. I pushed all my pain and bad times out of my mind as I laid across my bed and dug into that old spot where my sexual fantasies had once flowed.

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