Lure (19 page)

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Authors: Brian Rathbone

BOOK: Lure
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"Yeah. Guide me back to the ramp, will ya?" Greg said after climbing up and pulling bumpers out over the sides.

"I got your back, brother," Shells said, and Sam had to laugh at the serious look on Shells' face as she used hand signals to guide Greg back. Her favorite was the closed fist she used to tell him to stop. It was done with authority, and that alone cracked Sam up.

After pumping up his parking brake, Greg hopped out as if afraid his truck might end up in the lake.

"It's not going anywhere," Shells said, and she gave the truck a good shake. The tires slid the slightest bit on the slick ramp. Greg grew pale and quickly went for the winch release. Once the boat was in the water, his truck would be a good bit safer.

Greg then handed Sam a rope and said, "Don't lose it."

Though not much of a boat person, Sam didn't think she had to worry about losing it; until the boat began to drift. "Damn. Shells, grab one of the ropes on the other end."

"Can't," Shells said, as the boat moved out too far for her to reach.

Slowly the boat turned, and by the time Greg got back, it was perpendicular to the dock. "Uh. What the hell are you doing?" he asked.

"It didn't get away," Sam said, "But it's not exactly where I wanted it either." Then after a moment longer she said. "Help?"

Greg laughed. "Now that's a first." Without hesitating, Greg just walked into the water, his rubber-soled sandals giving him good grip. "The water's cold," he said, and he let out a whoop when the water reached his waste. "Man, that's cold."

"What's the matter, Gregory?" Shells said. "The little sailor afraid of the cold?"

"He's gone below decks," Greg said in a strained voice, but then he reached the back of the stern and pushed it back toward the dock.

Shells caught the boat with her foot and grabbed one of the stern ropes. "Got it."

Greg waded back to the ramp and joined the girls on the dock. "It'll just take me a few minutes to get her going. Life jackets are under the seats." No one moved to put on a lifejacket, and Greg noticed the eyes of the men in uniform, and some of those who were not. "What's with all the undercovers?"

"Ah. You noticed," Sam said.

"How could I miss it?"

"I don't know what's going on yet, but this boat trip will help."

"Either that or it'll get us locked up. I think this thing might be a little loud," Greg said, after pushing some buttons that made noises but had no visible effect.

"Ya think?" Shells asked.

"Well, it's got dual 427s bored out and supercharged. If memory serves, this thing will get out of its own way."

Everyone in the marina looked when Greg turned the key. Just the whine of the starters and the superchargers drowned out the other boats nearby and attracted unfriendly glares. When the engines fired, one before the other, there was a loud backfire and flames shot from the pipes.

"No worries," Greg said, as the crowd reacted in surprise. The second engine fired and all 16 cylinders sang a deep-noted tune, rumbling like a coming storm. "Hold on everybody!" Greg shouted. The uniformed men and a few others made as if to move, and everyone watched to see what Greg would do. He moved the throttle forward and the sleek cigarette boat eased away from the dock with a
blub blub blub blub
. "What?" Greg asked to all those watching. "Too much? Wait. How about this?"

He must have had it planned since he cranked up the stereo and out came the theme song from Miami Vice. Those on the docks laughed and clapped their hands, and Shells was jamming on the air drums as they coasted out to deeper water at a snails pace.

"I think you can go a little faster," Shells said.

"Let me at least get out of the no wake zone before I piss off the locals again."

Sam had to admit it was a really nice boat.

"Twelve speaker sound system," Greg shouted over the music, which was echoing off the valley walls, but no one seemed to care. Other boaters waved and cheered them on, so Greg held a steady course. "We've got a couple hours of daylight," Greg said. "Where to?"

"Just keep going straight for now," Sam said. "There is a specific spot I need you to take me to, and we are headed straight for it."

"What's at this spot?" Greg asked.

"I have no idea," Sam said. "I just have a feeling."

"You and your feelings," Greg said with a dismissive wave. Shells and Maddie gave him dirty looks. "Nothing I've ever
has overridden my ability to use reason. It's like you feel something and then all common sense goes out the window."

"It's nice to see you, too."

"I'm sorry," he said. "I really am glad to see you."

"So tell me, what exactly happened to land you down here? I thought you were working construction."

"Yeah," he said. "That didn't work out."

Sam raised an eyebrow.

"I quit."

Sam raised both eyebrows.

"Ok. I got fired. Satisfied?"

Sam nodded, a small smile playing across her face. "I'm happy to see you too."

"Aw. That's so cute!" Shells said, and Maddie laughed for a moment, but then her face looked distant.

"Slow down," Sam said. "Wait, turn around, go back just a little."

"Yes," Maddie said, not opening her eyes.

This was the spot. It felt now as if she were being pulled straight down.

"Can we go swimming?"

"Yeah," Greg said. "I can drop anchor here for a while."

"You wore a swimsuit?" Shells asked.

Looking coy, Sam just took off her boots and socks, dropped her jeans and jumped into the water in nothing but panties and a white t-shirt.

"You never were afraid to show your ass, were you?" Greg asked. Sam just dove into the water so her butt stuck up for a moment before dipping below the greenish-blue waters that were cleaner than Sam would have imagined. She could easily see her feet and for quite a distance beyond. This would be perfect for diving. If only she had diving gear and knew how to use it.

When she reached the surface, she saw Maddie standing with her back to her. Shells sat across from her, an expectant look on her face. Then Maddie raised her hands over her head and removed her top. Shells looked as if her eyes might pop out, and Greg looked much the same. Then Maddie dropped her jeans and jumped into the water. Sam couldn't resist the unspoken challenge and threw her soaking wet top at Greg; it hit him with a wet splat, but he didn't seem to mind much.

It seemed like good fun until she heard the cheer from a nearby boat where a pair of young men held binoculars.

Maddie laughed and waved to them. "Let them have their fun," she said.

Still feeling the insistent tug, Sam smiled and then dived below the lightly rippled surface. Though she dived until her ears hurt and her chest felt like it would explode, Sam could not see the bottom; below her only deeper green and then darkness. The need for air drove her back to the surface with urgency, and she broke into the open air with a desperate gasp.

Maddie was there and put her arms around Sam. "Are you OK? You were down there a long time."

Sam nodded, it was the only thing she could do at the moment besides breathe. Her mind noted that the feeling of Maddie's breasts pressed up against her was far from unpleasant.

"Did you find anything?" Maddie asked a moment later when Sam's breathing started to slow.

This time Sam shook her head.

"Damn. I was really hoping you would. I can't dive, inner ear problems."

Together, they swam back to the boat. Shells waited with towels and in no way averted eyes. Greg wasn't exactly turning away either and Sam flushed when the boys on the nearby boat erupted again. Maddie left the water first and seemed less embarrassed than Sam, but then, Sam thought, she was definitely better endowed. The woman's tattoos were nicely done and accentuated her natural beauty.

Shells just stared when Sam left the water and seemed to have forgotten the towel she held in her hand. More cheers echoed through the valley, and Maddie put her arm around Sam. The two took a bow, then turned toward the other boat and took another bow. The sight of a black boat with a silver star painted on the side and coming straight for them convinced Shells to give up the towels. The police boat approached slowly.

"Please remain calm and stay where you are," came a voice over a far-too-loud speaker. "We are going to board your vessel."

Using oversized bumpers and what looked like a padded gaff, the police brought the two boats together and two men boarded Greg's Uncle's boat. "We had a report that y'all were creating a disturbance."

"A disturbance?" Shells asked. "I'm pretty sure those boys over there were anything but disturbed."

Greg shot Shells a look that clearly told her to shut up.

"Any alcohol or drugs on this vessel?" the man asked ignoring Shells.

"No, sir," Greg said. This was the same man who had been giving him a hard time when he had arrived, and it was clear Greg knew he was not in a good position.

"This is a family friendly town," the officer said. His partner couldn't seem to take his eyes off of Sam and Maddie. "Maybe you should take your boat to Vegas."

"I'm sorry, sir. It seems a couple of my passengers lost their shirts. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

"It seems your partner wouldn't mind if we disturbed his peace a bit, now would you sweetie?" Maddie said, leaning forward toward the younger officer.

"Corporal," the older officer said, but as soon as he made to turn his head the younger man saw both Maddie and Sam lean forward and grab their towels as if they would take them off. "Corporal!"

"Oh. Uh. Yes, sir," the young man said, his face crimson.


"Yes, sir," the young man said, but he sneaked one last glance, and despite the other officer watching, Sam and Maddie both gave him a little show.

"Sweet dreams, officer cutie!" Maddie said.

The young man looked like he wanted to say something, but one glance from his superior stifled the notion, instead he just looked back at Maddie and Sam with forlorn eyes. Before the older officer disembarked, the boat that had been lingering nearby drew closer.

"What's up, Bill?" came a shout from one of the young men aboard. "These folks aren't bothering anyone. Why are you giving them a hard time? Don't you know we need tourists around here?"

"Just because your father is the Mayor doesn't give you the authority to interfere with police operations," the older officer responded.

"Oh. I'm sorry. It looked to me like you were all done being a pain in the ass."

The older man did not respond. Instead, he just climbed back onto the police boat.

"Ahoy there lovely ladies, and to you, good sir," the young man said. "We were hoping to do some knee-boarding, but this hunk of junk will barely pull itself through the water. You ever pull anyone with that thing?"

The older officer looked like he would have something to say, but a glance at the young man seemed to change his mind. Greg looked to the officer, a question in his eyes.

"Keep it to the deep water, and if another boats needs to pass, you
shut it down
. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir," Greg said. The young men on the other boat just grinned and pulled a pair of kneeboards from the back of the boat. A coil of white and blue rope got tossed to Greg, and Sam noticed that it had two handles attached to it. Each handle had its own length of rope that joined with the other some twenty feet away. It took Greg no time at all to hook the rope to the cleats on the back of the boat, which had been made for just such a purpose.

"Are you any good with those things?" Greg asked the young men. In answer, they donned their foam rubber life jackets, pulled their boards to their chests, and leaped from the side of their boat, flipping in air, and both were soon paddling toward the floating handles.

Greg eased the boat over next to the young men's smaller boat and, showing some skill, he got close enough to offer the young lady remaining in the boat his hand. She looked to be in her mid twenties and didn't have an ounce of fat on her. Her tanned skin glowed, and her eyes shone with excitement. Greg flexed and pulled her aboard in a single motion. She seemed in no hurry to get out of his arms, but then she looked over her shoulder to Sam, Shells and Maddie.

"Hi y'all. I'm Kim."

This girl reminded Sam of everything she used to be and what she was no more.

"Can I join you?"

"It'll cost you," Shells said. Before anyone else could say anything, the girl just nodded, smiled, and reached up behind her back. Both Shells' eyebrows shot up, as the girl's bikini top fell to the floor of the boat.

After giving Greg a good view and a shake for good measure, the girl turned to Sam, Shells and Maddie. "How's that?" she asked, her arms raised in the air, pissing off Sam again since gravity seemed to affect this girl in no way. How could anyone look that good and ever get out of the house, Sam wondered, but then she slid closer to Maddie and held out the corner of the towel. Kim then smiled mischievously. "Eat your hearts out, boys!" she shouted, giving them a good show. Both boys cheered with hearty enthusiasm. Sam guessed this was not an every day event, and she smiled even as Kim pressed herself in close.

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