Luna Grey (2 page)

Read Luna Grey Online

Authors: Emily Fox

Tags: #werewolf erotica, #werewolf erotic romance, #werewolf erotic sex fantasy romance romantic fiction, #werewolf paranormal romance sex, #werewolf erotica story, #werewolf sex erotica, #werewolf sex romance

BOOK: Luna Grey
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He growled and
pulled himself out of bed, creeping down the hall and into the
living room. He waited momentarily for his eyes to adjust to the
darkness before fetching a thick blanket from the cupboard. He was
careful not to make a sound, dreading the idea of being caught. She
was merely a tool for their bloodline, and his family would frown
at his attempts to make her comfortable. As long as she was alive
and reasonably healthy, they were happy.

Eric crept into
the kitchen and silently unlocked the basement, thankful for his
thick socks that muffled his footsteps. He made his way down into
the darkness, not daring to turn on the light.

At the bottom
of the stairs he welcomed the sliver of moonlight through the
window as it lit his way. He crossed the room to the cell and
pursed his lips at the sleeping form of Luna. She was curled up
under her thin blanket and was shivering. Eric could feel the cold
stone floor through his socks, and he withheld a growl at her bare
feet. If only his family could see how wrong this was.

“Luna…” he
murmured and knelt down as she shifted at the voice. She rolled
over and revealed her face from under the blanket, and Eric caught
his breath.

The dirt and
grime had been covering such beauty, which he could now see, and
his throat constricted as the realization of just how young she was
hit him. She would be no older than him.

Her ocean blue
eyes engulfed him as she stared, and his heart pulled as she sat up
and tiptoed over. He grimaced at the thought of how cold her feet
would be, and he instantly sat down and pulled his warm socks off.
He offered them to her along with the thick blanket and she frowned
as she accepted them through the bars.

“It’s cold
tonight,” Eric stated and she rolled her eyes. He relaxed at this
and sat back as she threw the blanket on the bed and quickly pulled
the socks on.

different,” she murmured as she climbed onto the bed and faced him
as she wrapped the blanket around herself.

“What do you
mean?” Eric cocked his head as he took in her fair features.

“You’re not
like them,” she flicked her head to the ceiling.

Eric gave her a
half-hearted smile and looked down guiltily.

“Thank you
Eric,” she whispered, and his eyes shot up to her as his heart
fluttered. Hearing her say his name pleased him deeply, and he
couldn’t understand why.

“I wish I could
do more,” he mumbled as he looked up at the ceiling in

“Help me escape
then,” she pulled the blanket tighter around her.

It sure was
cold down in the basement, and Eric could see his breath before
him. His skin had goose bumps already and he was losing feeling in
his toes.

“I can’t,” he
growled and looked away, unable to meet her questioning eyes.

“Why?” she
pleaded, her voice breaking.

He looked over
and felt the shame and guilt wash over him. Her eyes glistened in
the darkness and he clenched his jaw. She was so scared and

“My father
would…” he trailed off, not sure if he should tell her about his

“The older man
is your father?” she murmured as she frowned at him.

“Yeah,” Eric
sighed in defeat.

“Oh,” was all
she said as her eyes dropped.

“He has the key
for you cell on a chain around his neck. He’s the only one allowed
to release you,” Eric explained, hating the look of hopelessness on
her face.

“What do you
all want with me anyway? Why am I here?” she asked, her voice
hitching. She drew in deep breath to calm herself, knowing that if
she raised her voice too much they’d get caught.

“I…” Eric was
at a loss for words. He couldn’t bare the thought of telling her
the truth. Seeing the despair that she’d surely have would
devastate him.

Luna searched
his face, seeing the uncertainty. What was he keeping from her?
What was he hiding?

“I’m sorry, I
can’t tell you,” he choked as his throat tightened. Her eyes were
fearful, and the deep blue sparkled in the dim lighting. She looked
enchanting in the soft moonlight, her pale skin and soft lips
mesmerising him. Her blue eyes bore into him, and he stared,
captivated by her beauty and pull.

“Why?” she

“I just can’t,”
he growled as he hastily got to his feet. He dragged his gaze away
from her pleading eyes, hating himself. Such a beautiful creature,
but her family would destroy her. They’d break her down and take
whatever innocence she had left to offer the world.

Eric turned
away and retreated upstairs, ignoring the soft cry for his

Eric dreamt of
black monsters chasing Luna through the forest, their red eyes
gleaming through the darkness. Her screams split the air as
branches tore at her white gown. She stumbled as she fled deeper
into the forest, her blue eyes not daring to glance back for fear
of finding her attackers upon her.

Eric watched
helplessly as she ran, the fear and terror driving her on as the
howls rose behind her. He wanted to leap down from his viewpoint
above her and snatch her up. He wanted to protect her from the
horrors behind her.

Luna vanished
into the air and the scene changed, and Eric stared around him at
the forest. His eyes widened as his brothers stepped out of the
shadows, their red eyes locked onto him as they smirked.

“You caught her
brother, nice job,” Brent chuckled and gave him a twisted grin.

Craig crossed
his arms but looked pleased with his younger brother.

Eric frowned in
confusion and turned to spy his father stepping out of the

“Well Eric,
it’s time to make her yours, claim her,” he growled, showing
elongated canines as he grinned.

Eric shook his
head and stepped back. His foot caught on something and he tumbled

His heart sunk
and his gut wrenched as he stared at the curled up woman. Luna
stared at him with frightened eyes as she pulled her legs up
against her naked body. Blood streaked her skin along with claw
marks, and she whimpered as Eric reached out for her.

“Please Eric,”
she cowered from his touch, and his body trembled as he leant over

“Don’t hurt
me,” she begged as he pulled her arms up above her head.

He couldn’t
control his body, and he screamed inwardly at himself as Luna
struggled feebly in his grip as readied himself over her.

His clothes
were gone too now, and he grunted as he shoved his length into her,
feeling her inner warmth envelope him.

She cried out
at the forced entry and whimpered, and Eric raged within his mind
as tears streaked down her dirty, bloody face as he thrust into

She gave up
fighting though and laid beneath him in defeat as he rocked back
and forth, growling as he slammed into her.

“Is this what
you want?” she murmured, her face twisted with anger and hate as he
sped up. He was nearly there now.

Luna snarled
and flipped them over, and the forest scene changed, his brothers
and father dispersing into the air as a bed replaced the grass
beneath him.

He fisted his
hands in the sheets as Luna rode him, her face now free from the
grime and blood, and there was no trace of tears.

“I want this,”
she purred as she straightened up on him, allowing him to fondle
her small, plump breasts as she rocked slowly on him.

She stared down
at him with an adoring smile, but her face turned to one of bliss
as she fastened her pace.

Eric slid his
hands to her hips and helped guide her movements as she ground down
onto him.

Eric moaned at
the feel of her warm, soft skin and her clenching insides. He
relished the feel of her, loving the warmth of being inside her as
he thrust up to meet her. She pulled back, almost slipping his
length out before grinding back down.

“Jesus,” Eric
gritted his teeth as he tried to drive himself deeper into her, but
Luna giggled softly, making sure to keep her body moving at her own

“Do you like
this?” she murmured in his ear huskily, and he moaned in ecstasy as
she fastened.

Luna’s body
quivered and shook as she moaned in pleasure as Eric plunged deep
into her. He moaned loudly and shook as his body erupted in bliss,
filling her up inside.

Eric awoke
sweating, his manhood throbbing beneath his blanket. He slipped his
hand down and wrapped his fingers around his length, wanting to
continue the fantasy while it was still fresh in his mind. He
pictured Luna, imagined her body atop him and her endearing eyes
focused solely on him. He pumped himself hard and fast, already
horny and turned on from his dream. It didn’t take much for him to
tremble and growl as he came.

Chapter 3

Eric tromped
down the stairs with a plate of bacon and eggs, his mind whirring
as he spotted Luna sitting up on her bed expectantly.

He wanted to
free her, his dream last night had shown him he wouldn’t be able to
stand it if any harm came to her, and he wanted to get to know her
properly, not just through the bars of her cell as a captor.

“Here, I cooked
it for you,” he smiled softly as he slid the plate and cutlery
through the slot.

His family had
gone into town, Craig waiting until Brent and his father were gone
before leaving as well. He had told Eric if he dobbed him in he’d
beat him, but Eric had no intention of doing so. Having Craig gone
meant he might be able to free Luna.

Luna leapt off
the bed, her eyes bulging at the delicious meal. Her stomach
grumbled noisily and she tried to maintain her calm as her mouth

She picked up
the plate and sat back on her bed, ignoring Eric’s watchful gaze as
she dug into her meal. She tried to refrain from scoffing it down,
but the hot eggs and smell of the perfectly cooked bacon ruined any
chance of that, and she chuckled through a mouthful of food as Eric
laughed at her eagerness.

“I won’t let
you starve Luna, and I won’t let you stay locked up here,” Eric’s
faced turned serious as Luna finished up her meal.

“What?” she
mumbled dumbly as she set the plate down on the floor and looked at
him carefully.

“I’m going to
find a way to get you out of here okay?” Eric clenched his jaw as
he eyed the cell.

“You said so
yourself, your father has the key. I’ve tried to find any other way
out, but we’ll need the key,” Luna spoke slowly, not believing what
she was hearing.

This boy, this
young man; he was not like the others at all. She felt a pull
towards him and an odd trust, one she questioned constantly since
she first saw him.

“I won’t let
anyone hurt you,” he growled as he approached the cell, testing the

He checked the
hinges, wondering if perhaps any tools could undo them. They looked
unbreakable though, but he’d try anything.

Luna pulled the
blanket up around herself as Eric searched the basement and far
workshop for any tools, cursing as he struggled.

Luna murmured. Eric sighed and turned to her with pained eyes.

“Don’t thank me
until I’ve gotten you out,” he frowned. “But all we’ve got here are
rusty tools that aren’t suitable for the job.”

“We need the
key,” Luna stated.

“I know,” Eric
growled and closed his eyes. His father wore the key around his
neck, and he would never be able to get it away from him. He needed
a plan.

“We need a
plan, and I might need your help,” he stated, and Luna nodded

“I need to get
the key,” Eric stated as he sat down before her cell, his brow
furrowed in thought.

Luna watched
him silently as his mind worked, and he eventually grunted.

“I have an
idea, I’m not sure if it’ll work, but it’s worth a shot,” he gave
her a soft smile.

Luna listened
intently as he explained his idea, and she felt her heart flutter
at the thought of freedom and seeing her brother again.

It might just
work, but they needed to be careful and time it right.

Eric sat in the
basement with her, speaking about his passion for fixing cars.
There was nothing else to do until his father returned, so he
decided to spend the time getting to know Luna.

She grinned as
he spoke, enjoying his enthusiasm and love for the mechanical
beasts of the modern world, and she told him of her brother, how
their Aunt had taken him after the death of their mother and she no
longer saw him much. They’d always been close, and he was just a
young boy. She wanted to take him in and be his main caregiver, but
first she had to get to him.

They spoke for
hours and Luna laughed, a sound that melted Eric inside. He loved
her smiles and her interest in his stories, the way she laughed and
would struggle to breathe when he told her of childhood stories
with his brothers and the trouble they got in.

Luna wanted to
ask about what plans were in store for her, but she was afraid to
question Eric, fearing he’d run away again. He was sweet and kind,
only wanting to make her comfortable and happy. She didn’t want to
ruin that, and she tried to keep the questioning thoughts at bay as
they spoke.

Luna spoke
fondly of her mother and how her family once was. She spoke about
her art that she loved so much, and Eric’s heart raced as he dashed
upstairs to find her some pencils and an old musty art book in a

He flew down
the stairs, loving how Luna’s eyes lit up with joy and gratitude as
he handed them through the bars.

He watched her
quietly as she drew. She seemed at peace and content as her hand
moved in precise strokes, and she started to hum softly.

Watching her do
what she had loved so much filled him with a happiness like no

Luna was
overjoyed when Eric presented her with the old art book with a few
scribbles in it from his childhood. She flicked to a blank page,
remembering how she used to draw before her mother died. After
that, she no longer found the time or inspiration. But talking to
Eric and hearing his stories had brightened her spirits, and she
found her hand moved with ease as she lowered the pencil to the
paper. She fell back into her old rhythm, humming softly as her
hand swirled and stroked across the page, bringing to life a pack
of wolves frolicking in the forest. She almost forgot Eric was
there as he watched in silence, mesmerised by her talent.

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