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Authors: Linda Cooper

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Number III of
Brothers in Ink
Linda Cooper
Brothers in Ink 3
Brothers in Ink 3ttt
Readers should be 18 and over due to graphic language, sex, and violence.
Meet LUKE. 

I want him, there's no doubt about it. But there is something mysterious about him. There are so many questions.
I never thought that the answers would change my whole life...

Inked Brotherhood Series:

Four young men with the same fate. They all share a dark secret from their past. Their tattoos mark them as brothers in ink. Will they overcome their challenges?
Four young women who have a crush on each of the friends. Will they be able to get through to them and make them happy?

The series comprises four interconnected, stand-alone stories: Dom, Preston, Luke and Jacob.




Brothers In Ink Romance Series 3


Linda Cooper





































Copyright © 2015 by Linda Cooper

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


Facebook: Linda Cooper





























Table of Contents


Chapter One


Chapter Two


Chapter Three


Chapter Four



Chapter One

“I’m just going to get a job and get laid.” Priest smirked. It sounded exactly like the type of plan he would have. Personally, I was just going to be happy getting out of here.

Jacob turned to me, his shaggy brown hair in his face. “What are you going to do?”

I shrugged. “I haven’t thought much about it,” I admitted. I still couldn’t believe I was getting out of jail tomorrow. It was like it could be a trick, or maybe it was just a dream. After ten years, I wasn’t expecting it to ever happen. “I’ll figure that out as I go, I guess. What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to get a dog.” A large smile spread across his face, something I so rarely saw from him.

Dom dropped down beside me, his plate of food in front of him.

“So what are you going to do?” Jacob asked, turning to Dom.

“The first thing I’m going to do is get that tattoo,” he whispered.

We all fell silent. We’d promised each other that we were going to get the date of her death tattooed on us, a constant reminder of her and how much she meant to us, but also a reminder that we would finish what we started. I glanced down at my wrists. The thin lines had healed years ago, they were now nothing more than some scars, but I still struggled with the urge.

“We’ll see each other,” Priest said though I wasn’t sure if it was a question or a promise. Jacob touched his shoulder.

“We’ll stay in contact.”

I nodded. “We’ll get together one year from now. Once we’ve all got our shit sorted out. We need to … we need to live first before we do this.”

“You’re right. We’ll kill him soon,” Priest whispered the last four words. Once again, everyone fell silent. Priest devoured his food before saying that he was going to his cell and leaving.

No one said anything until we were sure he was out of earshot. “You think he’s going to be okay?”

“No.” Dom spoke before Jacob could. “We’ll need to keep an eye on him. Eventually, he’ll find a way to deal with it, but it’s going to be hard for him when we first get out.”

“We’ll keep him safe,” Jacob said. He sounded so sure of it. Out of all of us, he was the protector. He was the one who tried to make sure everyone was okay, whether their pain was physical or emotional.

I looked at the two men I was sitting with. Two of my three best friends, and I wouldn’t see them for so long. “I’m going to miss you guys,” I confessed.

One Year Later


As Ashley and I stepped into the diner, the scent of grease hit me. My stomach grumbled as I looked around, noticing there were only two other people here. One of them looked to work here, and the other was talking to him in a hushed tone.
The waiter was hot.

He had short black hair that was slicked back; both sides were shaved down but not completely gone. Even in his white button up shirt, I could see his arms were muscular. The corners of his mouth twitched up into a smile as he caught sight of me and Ashley. His black five o’clock shadow moved as he said something to the guy he was with.

Ashley leaned forward. “You picked the right place.” Lust dripped from her voice. Oh, boy did I ever.

As he stepped away from his friend, something else caught my attention. The pitter-patter of paws against the floor.

A small white pit-bull dashed towards us, her mouth hanging open, her tongue hanging to the side, and her tail wagging. She skidded to a stop in front of me, her tongue reaching out and licking me.

“Well, hello you,” I said, petting the creature.

“Hello.” His voice was softer than I would expect. “Just the two of you?”

“Yes.” I turned my attention away from the dog.

The man nodded. He grabbed two menus and led the way to the back of the diner. The dog followed us.

“Is she always here?”

“No, she’s my friend’s. Since no one was here, I just let him bring her in. She’s a bit of a baby.” He grinned as Ashley and I slid into a booth. “And he hates leaving her outside alone. If she makes you uncomfortable, I can ask him to put her back outside ...”

“No!” Ashley spoke up. “It’s alright. I think she’s adorable.”

The waiter smiled. “I’m sure Jacob will appreciate that.” He left us with our menus after asking us what we’d like to drink.

“He’s cute,” Ashley commented the second he was out of earshot. I glanced at him, my head tilting to the left as my eyes locked on his rear.

“Yea.” I swallowed dryly as I forced myself to look away and turned my attention to the menu.

“But you can have him; I like the other one better,” Ashley said, letting out a deep sigh as she turned to the menu in her hands.

I glanced at him. He was kneeling on the ground, his dog in front of him. Light brown hair that fell to his shoulders, a muscle shirt and black jeans. He had tattoos covering his arms. His green eyes locked on our table. No, on Ashley.

“He’s checking you out,” I muttered into the menu.

“Is he really?” She sounded so excited but kept her eyes fixated on her menu.

“I’m pretty sure of it.” I stole another glance at him. Yup, he was still looking at her. He pushed himself to his feet, said something to the waiter and then headed for the door.

The waiter turned his attention to us; two glasses of water in his hands, he came over to take our order. His eyes locked on mine as he pulled a notepad out of his pocket. For a fraction of a second, I caught a glimpse of a tattoo on his wrist, as well as several scars.

“I’ll um, take the double cheeseburger, please.” Those gorgeous blue eyes. They made me want to fucking melt right then and there. He nodded and turned to Ashley.

“I’ll have the same.” She grinned. We both watched as he walked away before she leaned towards me. “Do you think if I ordered his friend he would call him back here?”

I laughed. “You never know. You could try.”

“I might just do that.” Her eyes gleamed.


I waited until Ashley was out of my sight before turning around and heading back to the diner. With Ashley’s birthday a day away, I couldn’t think of a better present for her then the hunk she’d been ogling.

The waiter looked up as I entered the diner.

“Is everything alright?”

“Yes … um, this is awkward but …” I could feel my cheeks already burning with embarrassment. “I was wondering if your friend is single.”

Oh God, I couldn’t believe I’d just said that out loud.

“Oh um ...” did he sound disappointed? “Yes.”

“Great!” I was sure I saw disappointment flash across his face. “It’s not for me,” I explained quickly. For some reason, I felt the need to make that clear.

“It’s for your friend?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Yes … um,” I could feel my cheeks burn hotter. “Oh, this is embarrassing, but it’s her birthday tomorrow and as far as she knows no one is doing anything for it, but … well, I was going to take her out to dinner as a surprise.” I paused, trying to figure out where I was going with this. He raised an eyebrow. “Your friend seemed interested in her and she was … quite interested in him, I guess I just couldn’t resist trying to play matchmaker.” I looked down at the ground, scared to see the reaction on his face.

He was quiet for what felt like ages though it was probably only a couple seconds.

“I’ll give him a call.” I stole a glance up at him. He was looking at his watch. “He’ll be working right now, so it will have to be tonight. Maybe I can call you later, once I have an answer?”

“Yes!” My heart skipped a beat at the thought of him calling me. “That would be perfect, thank you so much.”

His eyes fixed on mine. I felt a surge of heat.

“Anytime, I’ll just need your number.”

“Of course.” I scrambled to find a piece of paper in my purse. The entire time I could feel his eyes on me, and I was pretty sure I loved it.


“You remember that girl you were checking out at the diner?”

“Yes, what about her?”

“Well, tomorrow is her birthday and … I’m pretty sure her friend asked me if you would be her present.”

I could hear Jacob choke on the other end of the phone. “What?” he spluttered.

“You heard me right.” I grinned as I gave a soft laugh. “I think her friend wants you to be the present of the night.”

Jacob let out a sound of pleasure. “Well, that is interesting. What did you say?”

“I told her I would talk to you about it and then give her a call.”

He laughed. “Good way to get her number.” I’d thought so too. “Of course, I’ll do it, but I won’t leave you hanging. Tell the friend that I will do it as long as you tag along.”

I raised an eyebrow. So I’d get to see her again? That worked for me, I mean really I’d planned on asking her out now that I had her number anyways.

“Okay, I’ll give her a call now.”

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