Lucy's Wolverine (Lilly Town Shifters) (14 page)

BOOK: Lucy's Wolverine (Lilly Town Shifters)
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Chapter 25


              "So we'll meet up in the morning to formulate a plan with everyone," Bill said. Everyone nodded and Mike walked over to Lucy, helping her pack up her computer.

"You okay?" he asked.

"I'm great. I just came up with some great ideas for a new book. I've been wanting to do some adult books. Wait, that came out wrong; more grown-up books," she said with an excited giggle.

Even though he'd had a hard day, he couldn't help but be excited for her. She jumped into his arms and kissed him. He was surprised, but was quick enough to catch her. He knew she hadn't heard what Paul had said about the wolverines. He knew he had to tell her but just didn't want her to lose her happiness. "Come on, let's get you home," he said with a smile.

"You're done?" she asked.

"Yeah. We're going to meet tomorrow and get everything set before we raid their base."

"Good. I get you all to myself tonight," she said with a smile.

God he loved that smile! He wanted to see it every day, wake up to it every morning, and see the joy on her face when she got an idea about something she was working on. He knew that now she’d had that idea, she’d be living in her world of books, but maybe she wouldn’t mind letting him be there while she worked. He could only hope.

They walked out to his truck, hand in hand, with him carrying her computer bag. That was something he never thought he’d be doing, carrying a green computer bag, flowers and all. He’d always thought of himself as very masculine. He was always very respectful, opening doors, helping to lift heavy things, helping old ladies cross the street, that kind of thing. But holding a girl’s hand while carrying a bag that screamed ‘girl’ was something he would never do. Yet there he was doing just that and doing it very happily. He must really like her.

Mike was shocked when they walked through the door to Lucy’s house and instead of pulling out her computer and typing away, she walked over to her DVD collection and picked one out before disappearing into the kitchen. A minute later, Mike smelled popcorn. She was putting together a movie night. Maybe she thought he needed to relax or maybe she needed it, but he had a feeling it was for him. She walked back in with a bowl and two bottles of beer. Yeah, this was for him.

“Here,” she said, and handed him one of the bottles. He took it and sat down on the couch. Lucy pressed the ‘Play’ button then settled into his arms. He pulled her close and wrapped a blanket around her as he watched the movie.

Mike could tell she was having trouble watching it. She was constantly readjusting, trying to get comfortable, like she was bored or having trouble concentrating. He knew she wanted to pull out her computer and bring to life what was in her mind. He wasn’t surprised; she was a writer.


              Zeke paced his office, waiting to hear from someone that Paul was dead. The Hunters had started trickling in hours ago. He couldn't figure out why the man was still alive. It was a small town – how hard was it to find one man? There were only so many places he could hide. He knew Paul was a good soldier. He knew he was the best fighter. He also knew that no one had turned up injured or dead. That meant no one had found him. He shoved everything off his desk angrily. He wanted Paul dead. It was that simple. Did he have to do that himself too?

Taking a deep breath, Zeke straightened his clothes, trying to gain some composure. He was in charge. He couldn't afford to show anger and weakness. The men followed his lead. He had to be strong no matter what. He needed their fear and respect, not for them to see him lose it. He could do this. He could catch Paul and destroy the wolverine. It was possible and he was going to do it, no matter what.


              Paul watched from the tree outside of Zeke’s command center. He’d done enough to hurt the shifters; it was time to help them. He needed to see what Zeke was up to. He knew Zeke was aware he had switched sides, for there was no way his boss hadn’t noticed that he had not followed his orders. He also knew that Zeke was going to try to take him out. He knew too much about the organization. He was a huge threat to them.

Zeke was pacing back and forth in his office. The man was stressed. He deserved so much more for all he’d done. He deserved to die for all the parents, children, brothers, and sisters he’d killed. Paul probably deserved it just as much, but he was trying to make up for his involvement.

Maybe if the shifters Zeke had in his collection were released, he’d make up for just a small part of it. He was going to keep trying to help until the day he died. He was ashamed of what he’d done. He was wrong. And now he was going to make it right.


              “I want a team in Washington ASAP,” Bill said into his phone.

“I’ll have them there in two hours. What’s our mission?” Jason asked.

“There are shifters being held there. I’m told there are two wolverines, and one is pregnant unless she’s already given birth. I want them on a plane back here as soon as they’re out.”

“Yes sir. Any other details?” he asked.

“Just be alert. This is a Hunter base. I know Zeke sent some men here, so the security might be lighter, but I’m guessing that the facility has a lot.”

“Okay, I’ll text you when we go in, and I’ll call you with an update when we’re out.”

“Good luck,” Bill said and hung up. He was thinking the wolverines were Mike’s parents, and really hoped they were. He’d seen Mike’s reaction when he’d found out about the wolverines. He’d also seen how his face had fallen when he’d found out the female was pregnant. It wasn’t uncommon for shifters to have grown children and to then have more. They lived so long that this was possible. He hoped that maybe he could help the kid one more time and give him his parents back.








Chapter 26


              Lucy was trying to watch the movie, she really was. The problem was she kept coming up with ideas for her new book. She was itching to get her hands on her computer, or even just a note pad. She had character names, the introduction to it, and the beginning of an outline. She was about to give in and ask. She didn’t think Mike would mind if she sat with her laptop while he watched. They were spending time together, though, and he needed time with her before whatever they were planning.

Before she could make up her mind, Mike moved, pulling her close and kissing her neck. Okay, that would definitely distract her from her book. He pulled her into his lap, still kissing her. She could live on his kisses alone. She never wanted him to stop. He moved his tongue just right. He could get her from ‘distracted writing mode’ to ‘almost ready to come’ in thirty seconds flat. He was good.

Reaching down, Lucy pulled his shirt up as she ran her hands over his chest, feeling the muscles under her hands. His chest hair tickled her fingers as she ran them through it. The man was sexy as hell. She couldn't get enough of him. She pushed the rest of his shirt off and took in his muscular chest. He was gorgeous. She ran her hands down his chest to his pants, unsnapping and unzipping them. When she felt the silky warmth of his cock, she moaned. He felt so good.

Mike pushed her down on the couch, still kissing her. Then he ran his hands up her body, stopping to knead her breasts. She moaned when he found her nipple and started rolling it between his fingers. Lucy couldn't take it any more. She had to feel his hands on her, skin to skin. She pulled her shirt and bra off before collapsing on the couch, pulling Mike down to kiss him again. He ran his hands up her sides, feeling her skin. She could feel the calluses on his hands and they just added to everything. He moved down her body, sucking at her collar bone and lapping at her shoulder. She'd never had anyone make her feel the way Mike did. She'd love to spend the rest of her life just feeling like this. He unsnapped her pants and ran his hand inside. He found her clit and rubbed his finger over it. It made her jump and arch into him.

Lucy pushed at her pants, trying to get them off, trying to get him closer to her. He removed his hand and she groaned at the loss. Before she could reach to pull him back, he had her pants off and his head between her legs, running his tongue up her inner thighs. When he reached her clit, she moaned. He sucked it into his mouth and pushed a finger into her. She couldn't remember ever feeling that good. She was so close. If he just sucked a little harder…


              Mike couldn't help but smile when Lucy screamed as she came. He loved that he could make her feel so good. Just that thought made him harder. He couldn't wait to get inside her. Picking her up, he took her to the bedroom. The wall was fun, but Lucy deserved more. She deserved a soft bed and candles. Rose petals on the bed, the lights dimmed, and soft music. She deserved everything.

As soon as he put her on the bed, she moved, taking his cock into her mouth. The warmth of her mouth was heaven. He didn't think anything had ever felt so good. She sucked just enough and moved her tongue just right. He had to hold back from thrusting too deep. He didn't want to choke her. He placed his hands on her head, feeling her soft hair. He wanted to pull her closer and to hold her still so he could fuck her mouth. He wanted to pull her off and fuck her. He wanted…

He didn't know what he wanted. It felt too good. Lucy pulled off him with a seductive grin. She looked too innocent with that look to have just been sucking his cock. It was perfect. Before she could move, he was pushing her back on the bed and devouring her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He felt surrounded by her and he loved it. He lined himself up with her pussy and started pushing in. She screamed. He stopped, afraid he’d hurt her. He refused to move, almost pulling out. If her legs weren't holding him in place, he would have pulled out.

"Don't stop," she breathed out. He nodded, but instead of pushing in, he flipped onto his back.

"Ride me," he said, running his hands up her stomach, feeling her skin. Instead of answering, she lowered herself onto him. She threw her head back and put her hands on his thighs. She was exquisite. He could see the pleasure on her face and he was happy he was the one to have put it there.

He let her set the pace as he rolled her nipples between his fingers, listening to the moan she was making. Mike was getting close. He couldn't hold back any longer. She felt so good. He pulled her onto him, kissing her and holding her close as he thrust into her. He felt her muscles contracting as she came and he took her scream into him as he kissed her. He continued kissing her as he came. He pulled back and ran his fingers through her hair as his breathing slowed. "Lucy?" he asked softly.

She didn't answer. That's when he noticed she was asleep. He smiled and pulled her close. He felt something on his chest near her mouth and realized she was drooling. He chuckled, knowing she'd be embarrassed if he said anything to her about it. It was something he needed to file away in case he needed ammunition for teasing.


              “Bill, we’ve infiltrated the bunker and found the shifters. There were a few wolves, lions, bears, lynxes, tigers, and two wolverines. I just put the wolverines on a plane. They should be there by late morning,” Jason said.

“Were there any injuries?” Bill asked. He was relieved it was done, but he’d been worried someone would get hurt or killed because of the mission. It needed to be done – the shifters needed to be rescued, but one thing he hated about his job was the possibility of sending someone to their death.

“No, but the female wolverine is very pregnant. She looks to be due any day. Other than some malnutrition and anxiety, everyone else is fine.”

“Did the wolverines tell you their names?” he asked.

“No, I didn’t think to ask. Sorry.”

“It’s fine. I’ll get them when I meet them.”

“Is there anything else?” Jason asked.

“See what you can do for the other shifters. Try to find their families or packs.”

“I already started on that. Most lost their families to the Hunters, but we’re trying.”

“Good. Thanks for the help,” Bill said and hung up. He leaned back at his desk, hoping the wolverines were Mike’s parents. Bill was afraid to tell Mike there was such a possibility. He didn’t want to get his hopes up if there was a chance it wasn’t them. But even if they weren’t, at least Mike could know he wasn’t the last of his kind.



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