Lucy's Liberation [Elk Creek 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (31 page)

BOOK: Lucy's Liberation [Elk Creek 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Ki must have sensed her fear. He gently ran a hand down her thigh, sucking and nibbling her throat before licking and kissing the sore spot. “I’ll make it good for you, Lucy. I won’t hurt you. I promise.”

“I believe you,” she said and she realized that she did believe in him more than she believed in anyone except maybe Ethan.

At her murmur, Ethan looked at Ki over her shoulder and barely nodded as he positioned himself in front of her. He slid his fingers back inside her, easily resuming his previous rhythm as Ki slid a finger into her back hole.

She gasped at the cool, slippery feel of the digit right before Ki inserted another one, leisurely opening her.

Ki nibbled her earlobe, whispering French words to her as he moved against her.

Lucy felt his hard cock press against one ass cheek, her skin so sensitive to his touch she was aware of each individual ridge and vein imprinting on her flesh like stamps of ownership.

Her heart thundered in her ears again while Ki spread whatever lubricant made his fingers oily and slick, around and inside her opening, making her nice and slippery.

“Almost ready,” he whispered, and Lucy caught him looking over her shoulder at Ethan as she turned to kiss Ki.

He took her mouth with simultaneous ferocity and gentleness, thrusting his tongue to meet hers while Ethan teased her pussy with the head of his shaft. He wielded his cock like a paintbrush, spreading her copious juices over her folds as if they were a canvas.

Lucy groaned at the feel of him at the entrance of her pussy.

Ethan stopped tormenting her for a moment, his movements matching Ki’s as they simultaneously got down to the business of mounting her.

Ki had removed his fingers from her ass and moved his shaft to her back hole, circling the first ring of muscles with the head of his cock before he slowly eased inside her.

Lucy gasped at the initial breach but didn’t have time to dwell on the burning sting of Ki’s penetration before Ethan thrust inside her pussy to the hilt.

Rather than drag it out any longer, Ki quickly followed suit, fully driving into her from the back, forceful and solid.

“Oh God!” They were inside her, both of them, filling her. At first it felt strange then right and special as they both started to rock against her.

“You are so tight, Lucy. You feel so, so good.” Ki pumped his hips against her at the same time that Ethan reached down to where he and she were joined. He flicked and pressed her swollen kernel of flesh as he circled and ground his hips against her, picking up Ki’s rhythm.

Lucy slid her arms around Ethan’s shoulders, held him tight and licked and nibbled his nipples. His answering shudders brought on hers and she instinctively bucked her hips back and forth to meet her men’s thrusts.

She buried her face against Ethan’s lean-muscled chest and inhaled deep. His skin was warm and smooth and he smelled good, like citrus and musk—a heady, potent combination of himself and Ki.

Lucy closed her eyes tight as her body rushed toward an earth-shattering completion. Suddenly, she toppled over that sought-after edge of ecstasy with a keening cry, digging the nails of one hand into Ki’s thigh, hooking her other arm around Ethan’s neck as she held him as close as she could without climbing inside of him.

Ethan’s hoarse shout quickly followed Lucy’s sounds of satisfaction, signaling Ki’s moan of pleasure as both men stiffened against her with their climax.

She felt them against her inner walls, the ebb and flow as their cocks fiercely throbbed inside her pussy and ass in concert before they both found their release.

What seemed like an eternity later, Lucy lay satiated, cocooned between Ki and Ethan.

She felt like she had died and gone to heaven. Now she was coming back around to the land of the living and the sensation of someone determinedly and tantalizingly sucking one of her hard nipples into his hot and hungry mouth.

Lucy opened her eyes to see Ki’s light, golden-brown head at her breasts. She was so drained she hadn’t even realized he had switched places with Ethan.

She moaned and arched her body as Ki worked, his sensually skilled mouth causing slivers of liquid heat to course through her lower belly while her pussy wept with wanting.

As if sensing her need to be filled, Ki slid two fingers inside her, and did what he did best—touching her secret spot and making her shudder inside and out.

Ethan slid in place behind her, teasing her back hole with the head of his cock before he thrust past the first ring of muscles. He put his mouth against her ear and whispered, “Ready for round two, baby?”

Lucy barely had a moment to respond before Ethan pushed all the way inside her at the same moment Ki put his mouth on her swollen clitoris and began lapping.

She cried out, climaxing almost instantly.

Once she and Ethan stopped trembling, she felt him smiling against the back of her neck as he seductively nipped and licked her skin.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he whispered.

“Oh yes,” Lucy rasped.
Good Lord, yes!

“Round three, coming up,” Ki said.

Chapter 22



Prentice pictured Joan Cusack’s
In & Out
character in her white wedding dress as she burst out of the bar and shouted the famous line from what had lately become his new favorite movie in the world. He had to stop himself from laughing out loud or Lucy and Ki might think he was crazy.

Still, he smiled as he remembered Lucy’s reaction after discovering him and Ki together in the parlor and how they had had to catch her at the gazebo.

The situation had been far from a humorous matter to Lucy, he knew, especially when he remembered the abject pain that had been in her voice and on her face when she had asked, “What is
with me?” He just couldn’t help thinking how like the actress from
In & Out
she had looked and sounded, despite the gravity of the situation.

Presently, Prentice lay on one side of Lucy while Ki lay on the other side of her.

He closed his eyes and listened to the cadence of their soft breathing and felt at home and at peace for the first time in his life. He felt like this was where he belonged, that being with Ki and Lucy was right and where he had always been meant to be.

Prentice didn’t think he had ever come with a woman before the way he had just come with Lucy. He knew that when Ki drove inside him it would be just as, if not more explosive. He had already come hard with Ki without even taking off his clothes and could imagine how his body would react with Ki, skin to skin, buried deep inside him.

He remembered Ki’s insightful words to Lucy, his promise to make it good for her and to not hurt her.

Ki always knew the right thing to say at exactly the right moment.

Would he make the same promises to Prentice? Did Prentice need him to?

He realized that he did need Ki to make him the same promise. He probably needed to hear the words more than Lucy had needed to hear them. It would, after all, be Prentice’s first time with a man. He was practically a virgin.

Prentice knew that word would forever have a different meaning to him than just someone with no sexual experience.

He was a virgin at being Ethan Crawford and probably would forever be so, because though he had told Ki and Lucy to call him Ethan, he was still Prentice Teague deep down. His soul was a little less black, a little less corrupt, but he would always be Prentice with the contemptible, questionable past. It was just easier being Ethan to everyone else, except that he would never be Ethan to the people who really counted, like Clint, Kate, and Ginger.

“Are you overthinking like you told Lucy not to do?”

Prentice sat up, leaning back against the headboard as he glanced over Lucy’s head to see Ki with his face cradled in one palm, propped up on one elbow, staring at him. His body hummed beneath that cool blue gaze and he could only imagine how he would react to Ki’s actual caress. Just the memory of watching him with Lucy, experiencing his brief, glancing touches, while they had both made love to her, had Prentice getting hard already.

“It’s difficult to break a three-decade-old habit.”

“Ah, so you’re my age. I was beginning to think I was alone in the world, surrounded by you two young whippersnappers.”

“You are. My soul may be in its thirties, but this is the body of a much younger dude, old man,” Prentice teased and made a muscle to emphasize his point.

“I’ll show you old man as soon as our drained woman is awake to join us.”

“Your woman isn’t all that drained,” Lucy mumbled from between them.

“You don’t have to wake up on our account,” Ki joked.

“I wasn’t asleep. I was just resting my eyes.”

“A likely story.”

Lucy playfully punched Ki in the ribs and Prentice smiled at their antics, feeling for the first time like he was part of a family. He didn’t feel like a third wheel as he had thought he would. He felt like they needed him there as much as he needed to be there.

Lucy reached out her hand to grasp his, smiling as she welcomed him into the fold.

She and Ki must have been on the same wavelength, for they both burst out with the same question simultaneously. “What’s it like?”

He didn’t have to ask them or even have his psychic powers to know what they meant. Wouldn’t anyone who had never died want to know what it was like to die and come back?

Prentice shrugged, not exactly sure how or what to tell them. He had to tell them something, though, or they’d never stop staring at him as if he was a ghost haunting their house.

“You’re going to give me a complex,” he joked, not surprised by the frowns they both gave him, making him realize he still had a way to go to fit into this time and place. “It’s not what you would expect.” It certainly hadn’t been what he had expected. He could never have predicted that he’d go to the Summerland, first of all. Second, there hadn’t been as much pain as he had anticipated. Once his neck had snapped, it had been as if a light had flicked off. There had been that quick sharp pain severing all contact with his being, then nothing. Time had stood still before he had finally come to in that utopia and met Brielle and Caith. He hadn’t realized how significant that moment had been until now, or that the two people who should have wanted him dead more than anyone in the world would become his connection to reality, his guides to navigating a new life.

“Did you…meet anyone?” Lucy asked.

Prentice silently nodded, too choked up for a moment to speak.

He didn’t know how he was supposed to tell them about Thayne and Cade’s parents or even if he should. Somewhere along the line he should probably sit down with the two brothers and their woman and tell
who he was and what he knew about the men’s parents, give them all some closure. He wished he could tell them about Aura and was suddenly curious as to what the spry old woman’s final destination had been. If he had come back wasn’t it wholly possible that she had come back, too? The thought didn’t exactly absolve him, but it did give him a small measure of comfort and hope.

Could he ever forgive himself for that death? Could Brielle?

He didn’t dare glance up or even hope to hear that mellifluous voice delivering words of forgiveness. That would have been too easy. That would have—

Forgive yourself, Prentice. It is what Goddess wants. It is what I want.

“I’d rather not talk about the past right now,” Prentice murmured, holding on to Brielle’s voice in his head like a lifeline.

Lucy nodded. “We understand,” she whispered.

“What is it you would rather do right now?” Ki asked.

“That’s an easy one.” Prentice smiled. “I want to make love with the both of you again.”

“I think that can be arranged,” Ki said as he got up on his hands and knees and leaned over Lucy’s supine form to kiss Prentice on the mouth.

Prentice parted his lips, just a little, teasing Ki with access, but Ki wasn’t having it and thrust his tongue in deep, taking Prentice’s mouth with a fierce growl of ownership.

He raised his hand to rake through Prentice’s long hair, and fisted a clump of it at his nape as he held Prentice in place and took what he wanted from his mouth.

Prentice moaned deep in his throat, already more turned on than he had ever been in his life and anticipating more intensity to come.

When he finally let Prentice up for air several moments later, Ki said, “I want to be inside you while you’re inside Lucy.”

Prentice’s heart sped at Ki’s husky, resolute tone. He couldn’t deny Ki after hearing that. His asshole tingled and tightened at the mere idea of Ki’s cock breaching him. He had never thought he would see the day that his body would react this way to another man. “Okay.”

“Hey!” Lucy curved an arm around each of their necks. “Do I get a say in this?”

“Sure you do,” Prentice said. “How much pleasure do you want me to give you?”

She giggled and reached up to kiss each of them on the mouth, her lips lingering against Prentice’s just a little longer. “What if I want to change the rules and just give you pleasure?”

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