Read Lucy Surrenders Online

Authors: Maggie Ryan,Blushing Books

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Victorian, #Regency, #Historical Romance

Lucy Surrenders (14 page)

BOOK: Lucy Surrenders
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Neither heard the door opening or saw the man enter the room.  He stood for a moment, the sight before the fire taking his very breath away.  Eleanor's hand continued to stroke down Lucy's golden hair, her eyes lowered as she watched the girl accept her destiny.  Lucy looked like an angel, her body barely covered by the gossamer gown, the firelight reflecting the small perfect body through the sheer fabric.  Eleanor sensed something and looked up.  Her smile was beautiful as she nodded.

"Little one, your Papa is here," she whispered to the kneeling girl.  Lucy's eyes lifted and met those of her husband.  Her smile was hesitant but beautiful as it spread across her face.  Eleanor stood and reached down to draw the girl to her feet.  Lucy stood, her body trembling, her hands shaking as Lucas stood watching from across the room.  Eleanor bent and placed a kiss on Lucy's cheek.  "Remember," she whispered and said another word that caused Lucy's heart to pound:  "Submit."

Lucy didn't reply, her voice forgotten as the word resounded in her mind.  She watched as Eleanor nodded to Lucas and left the room, gently closing the door behind her.  Lucas hadn't seemed to even notice her, his eyes locked on the tiny figure in front of the fire.  As Eleanor descended the stairs, she felt a momentary twinge of regret for not finding a man who looked at her the way Lucas' eyes devoured his bride.  She tossed away her regret as she thought of all the young women she had helped prepare for evenings such as this.  She focused on hoping that the words she had imparted helped Lucy on the difficult journey she was only now beginning to explore.


Chapter 7


Lucy remained
frozen; the room silent as if the occupants feared any sound would break the spell of expectation that seemed to hold them in place. Lucas was attempting to control the urge to simply throw Lucy down where she stood and stake the ultimate claim upon her. His eyes seemed to darken, and Lucy heard the small growl he was unaware he made. She felt her body tremble harder, his look seeming to say he wished to devour her. She was the supplicant to the man before her, his very presence filling her with submission. She lowered her eyes, her hands twisting in the thin fabric of her gown, one that she realized was almost transparent. As she became aware that the nipples of her breasts were clearly visible as they strained against the bodice of the gown, she moaned and began to lift her arms to cover herself.

The silence was broken by a single command. "Don't." Lucas had no intention of allowing his bride to hide any part of her from him. Her hands seemed to hover in the air as if uncertain of their proper place. "Put your arms down, Kitten," Lucas said as he kept his eyes on her. "You will not cover yourself from me. You belong to me now, and I wish to drink my fill of your beauty." His words were kind, but firm and Lucy found her arms dropping to her sides, her chest heaving as she struggled to remember how to breathe. Lucas could see how her breasts rose and fell, the puckered nipples topping each lovely breast, drawing his focus. His cock, already swollen, seemed to swell further, though trapped inside the confines of his trousers. Lucas' eyes drifted from the tantalizing sight of Lucy's breasts to travel down her slim body whose outline was clearly defined by the firelight illuminating it through the gown. His heart almost stopped when he saw the apex of her thighs, the mound of her sex in slight shadow. He almost ordered her to lift her gown, to show him what he had instructed Eleanor to prepare. He heard a small whimper and understood that Lucy was aware of his perusal, where his eyes were now focusing, and knew she felt uneasy.

"Turn around for me," he said. Lucy didn't move, not understanding why he wished her to do so. Lucas drew off his coat, tossing it to a nearby chair and then realized she had yet to move. "Turn to the fire, Lucy," he repeated. "I wish to see all of my bride." Lucy blushed suddenly, as shy as if she were stark naked, instead of gowned. His voice was low and husky, yet he spoke with absolute authority. "Obey me," he said. "Show me your bottom." The bluntness of his order caused her to flush. She had never before been as conscious of her body as she was at this moment. She whimpered again, her breasts seeming to swell, her nipples to tighten, and her sex to moisten even further as if preparing itself for him. She slowly turned to the fire, her small bottom now outlined, its heart-shaped hillocks barely concealed under her gown. She wasn't aware of her husband's movements until he spoke from inches away.

"You are truly the most beautiful bride in the world, Lucy," Lucas said as he continued to look down at her. She began to turn to him, wishing to bury her face in his chest. She felt shamed by how she must appear, not as an innocent young woman but one whose own body seemed to declare her wanton. Lucas felt the movement and wrapped his arms around her, holding her, his front pressing against her back. She gasped, feeling his hands as they cupped her breasts, the sensation consuming her as she felt her nipples being stroked through the gown. Her legs began to tremble as she moaned and unconsciously pressed her breasts into his palms. Lucas bent and kissed her neck as he held her intimately for the first time. Lucy's face burned when she felt him
press his hips forward, his hard body pressing into her soft one. She understood she was feeling his cock as it pressed against the small of her back. Her stomach flipped, and she felt a rush of moisture gathering between her legs. She began to shift her legs closer together but was stilled immediately when he dropped one hand and placed in on her lower abdomen.

"No," he whispered, kissing her neck again. "You will always remain open for me, little one. You will never attempt to close your legs to hide what is mine." She burned hotter, both with embarrassment as well as with an internal heat that was rolling through her body. She felt the hand move a bit lower until his palm was pressed against the freshly shorn mound of her pubis. Her breath hitched when a long finger moved to gently run through the center of her sex. She was suddenly mortified, when she realized he had easily discovered the evidence of the wetness that was filling her sex. "Beautiful," he said and Lucy's face flamed even hotter. A small mew of discomfort, based upon embarrassment about what he was speaking of, was drawn from her as his finger pressed harder between the now throbbing lips of her sex. Lucas adored the sound. After weeks of waiting, he was able to prove that his little lioness could purr. It was a sound he fully intended to hear thousands of times as he taught her pleasure.

Lucas moved both of his hands to her shoulders and turned her to him. Lucy was relieved as she was pressed against his chest—her face hidden, her body no longer on display. Her relief was short-lived as she felt his huge hands drop to cup her bottom, his palms easily holding each buttock, as if they had been specifically made for this one man. She felt a shock through her body as he gently pressed her cheeks, kneading them softly before running his fingers all across the surface of her bottom. She realized this was a sensation she had never felt before. While she had felt hands on her bottom before, those hands had been hard and purposeful, always bringing a quick but different sort of burn as they spanked her for some naughtiness or misbehavior. The hands holding her now were not causing her pain; they were softly caressing her flesh, fingers moving to trace the sides of her hips and the underside of her bottom where it curved down into the beginning of her thighs. Just as he had drawn a finger up the center of her front, she felt a finger drawing up the cleft of her bottom. She moaned deeply, her hands moving from her sides to clutch at the shirt where she was pressing her face.

Please..." she whispered, the shame of where his finger was intruding filling her. Lucas felt every movement she made and using both hands gently pulled the globes of her bottom slightly apart. Lucy moaned again and then whimpered as he once more used a single finger to trace the divide in her bottom. Even though she was wearing a gown, the fabric offered no resistance when he pressed the pad of his finger against her bottom-hole. Lucy lifted onto her toes, her voice echoing her distress with its higher pitched whimper.

"Shhh," Lucas said again, finding her neck with his lips and kissing her gently. "This bottom is also mine. You will discover how this bottom can be used to teach you obedience in so many different ways." She felt like she would die of shame as the finger continued to press against her. "This, too is mine," Lucas whispered and pressed hard against the hidden pucker. Lucy instantly remembered the horrid feeling of the nozzle as she had been penetrated, the shame of knowing her bottom was on display as she lay over the punishment pillow, the most secret part of her body no longer hidden. "You will never hide what is mine. I will spend the rest of my life teaching you all the wondrous ways your body can be used to discover untold pleasures, as well as pain, when you are disobedient. Do you understand that every inch of your body belongs to me?" Lucas asked quietly. Lucy nodded quickly against his shirt as the truth of his words consumed her. This man now owned her, every part of her. She had vowed before God to obey and submit to this man for the rest of her life.

"You will answer me, little one," Lucas reminded her. "Who does all this belong to?" he asked as his hands moved to cup first her bottom and then moved between their bodies where his palms skimmed across the area between her legs, then moved to cup her breasts, thumbs raking across hardened nipples before his hands cupped the scarlet cheeks of her face, forcing her to raise her head and meet his eyes. Lucy gasped at what she saw in their depths. She felt him devour her with them, and her own violet ones drank in the raw passion she saw.

"I belong to you," she whispered. "You own all of me." Lucas nodded and bent to take her mouth. Lucy's arms wrapped around his neck as he kissed her. He was staking a claim that no other person would ever be able to break. His kiss seared her soul; her blood seemed to boil with a heat that spread into every inch of her body. Her breasts seemed heavy and ached to be held, her nipples so hard they hurt. Her sex moistened again, the lips swelling, the small hidden bud twitching and making itself known as it swelled inside its tiny hood. Even the globes of her bottom began to ache; the remaining welts from Mrs. Bremmer's tawsing began to itch and burn as if aching for someone to stroke and soothe them. She could feel the ghost of his finger where it had pressed her so intimately. Lucy's whimper of pure need forced Lucas to take the kiss even deeper, his cock threatening to burst from its confines as it, too, demanded release.

Lucas bent only slightly and scooped her into his arms. He carried her to the bed and placed her on it. She whimpered when he released her, and she found herself kneeling on the bed, her face flushed, her lips parted and burning, her arms lifting as if begging to be lifted into his arms again. Lucas ran his fingers through her hair. She gasped as he wrapped his fingers in her tresses, pulling her head back as he bent to ravish her mouth.

"Lift your arms," he said as he released her mouth. It took her a moment to focus on his words, her entire body throbbing, her lips still parted and swollen from his kiss. Lucas looked down at her, the woman he worshipped, kneeling on his bed, her body proving she was ready for him to stake the ultimate claim. Her eyes met his, glazed with a need she didn't fully understand and one only he would ever satisfy. "Kitten, lift your arms," he repeated softly, his own hands moving to gently caress her bare arms.

She slowly obeyed, her pale arms rising above her head. Lucas gathered the thin fabric of her gown in his hands and drew it slowly up her body, exposing her inch by inch until she was panting for breath. She moaned when he drew the gown over her head and tossed it aside, her body trembling, her hands reaching to cover the breasts that no longer felt like her own. They were heavy and aching, demanding to be supported.

"No," Lucas said, gently pushing her arms down and cupping the globes in his palms. Lucy's head fell back, her moan of need going straight to his crotch. He thumbed her nipples again before brushing her hair aside and bending to place a kiss on each puckered tip. Lucy whimpered, her hands going to his bent head, her fingers now gripping his own tresses. Lucas moaned as he drew a nipple into his mouth and suckled it hard, pressing it up against the roof of his mouth as his tongue tasted her for the first time.

"Lucas," she whimpered, needing something more, something her body was preparing her for, as she felt her thighs growing wet from her need. Lucas released her breast. He smiled down at her, his eyes raking up and down her body. He took in her breasts, the nipples puckered and taut, both glistening from where he had suckled. His eyes continued down her body to land on her now-bare mons. His groan matched hers as he felt his cock strain even more against the confines of his trousers. She was incredibly beautiful, her pale skin illuminated by the candles and the firelight. He reined himself in, knowing he was only a breath away from ravaging her on a night that was meant to be treasured for the rest of their lives.

He returned his eyes to her face and saw a look of raw need run across her face. He immediately bent to kiss her, his touch at her breast, his fingers stroking the nipples causing her to arch and lift towards him. He moaned again and stepped back. "You are mine," he said, in a tone that showed his amazement at that fact.

Lucy smiled, her heart full. "I am yours," she agreed. Lucas shuddered at her words, his hands clenching as he took several deep breaths. Lucy saw his face and suddenly understood he was attempting to restrain himself. She unconsciously smiled and sat up, her hair spilling over her shoulders hiding her body beneath its strands. She moved to her knees, her hands reaching to him.

"Let me," she said as her small fingers began to work the buttons of his vest. He watched as the buttons popped free and she watched as he shrugged out of it and tossed it aside. She again reached for him, but he captured her hands.

"Move your hair to bare your breasts to me," he ordered. She flushed hotly, her hands hesitating before lifting the weight of her hair and moving it over her shoulders. Lucas watched as her breasts were completely bared, the nipples rosy and tight, his symbol of possession lying nestled between.

"Beautiful," he said, reaching out to again gently cup her breasts in his palms. Lucy moaned, the sensation spreading throughout her body, her eyes closing as he gently took each nipple between his finger and thumb, giving each a pinch. Lucy arched and gasped, her eyes flying open.

"Spread your legs, Lucy," he ordered. "Bare your sex to me, as well." He heard her whimper and saw her hesitate, as if only now discovering his intention to look his fill of her nakedness. “Spread your legs apart," he repeated. Lucy held her breath as she forced herself to move her legs apart.


"Sit with your bottom on your heels, legs wide," he said, his eyes never leaving the 'V' of her spread legs. As she obeyed, her naked mons was pushed forward, no blond curls hiding her swollen and glistening sex. She was aware of his eyes, but instead of feeling shame at the position he required, she felt her view change. She was a woman who was in love, a woman who was flowering in her sexuality, a woman who needed to submit to this man and allow him to take her places she had only begun to realize existed. Lucas nodded his approval. “Continue," he said, lifting her hands and giving each a kiss that caused her to shudder. Lucy's hands trembled as she reached for the buttons of his shirt. Her movements were far more hesitant as he had returned his fingers to her nipples, occasionally giving each a soft pinch or running his fingernail over the extremely sensitive tip of each bud. Lucas smiled as he watched her fingers fumble with the buttons. Her pulse began to race as each one opened, baring his chest an inch at a time. She moaned when the last button came free, and the broad, muscular chest of her husband was fully revealed. Lucas released her nipples and tugged the shirt from his pants, dropping it beside the discarded vest. He had not been helped to dress or undress by a woman since he was a very small child. He found he desired nothing more than for his bride to continue. He didn't speak but moved to sit on the chair to remove his boots and stockings. Lucy shifted on the bed, her legs closing as her hands moved to cup her breasts, her nipples both aching with relief of being released, as well as the unconscious desire to have his hands claiming them again. Wearing only his trousers, he returned to the bed. He reached out and removed her hands.

BOOK: Lucy Surrenders
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