Lucrezia Borgia: Life, Love and Death in Renaissance Italy (58 page)

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Authors: Sarah Bradford

Tags: #Nobility - Papal States, #Biography, #General, #Renaissance, #Historical, #History, #Italy - History - 1492-1559, #Borgia, #Nobility, #Lucrezia, #Alexander - Family, #Ferrara (Italy) - History - 16th Century, #Women, #Biography & Autobiography, #Europe, #Italy, #Papal States

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Remi, Opizo (or Obizzo) da

Remolins, Francesc

Riario, Cardinal

Rimini, Bishop of

Rinaldo d’Este, Niccolò di

Roberti, Ercole de’

Roberti, Gherardo de’

Rodrigo, Duke of Bisceglie (LB’s son): birth and christening; childhood; future discussed on mother’s marriage to d’Este; created Duke of Sermoneta; LB leaves on departure for Ferrara

Rohan, Cardinal de

Romagna: Borgias seek to control; LB travels through

Romana, Samaritana

Romano, Gian Cristoforo

Rome: as centre of Christendom; rebuilding and improvement; plague in; Charles VIII enters; Cesare Borgia’s triumphal procession in

Rossetti, Biagio

Rovere, Galeotto Franciotti della, Cardinal of San Pietro in Vincula

Rovere, Giovanna della

Rovere, Giovanni Maria della

Rovere, Giuliano della
Julius II, Pope

Rubiera, Franceschino Boccacci da

Rucellai, Nannina

Ruini, Carlo

Sacerdote, Gustavo

Saluzzo, Ricciarda da

San Leo (fortress)

Sancho (LB’s major – domo)

Sancia of Aragon: marriage to Jofre Borgia; in Naples; returns to Rome; appearance; behaviour; relations with Cesare Borgia; witnesses conversion of Jews; and LB’s marriage to Alfonso; Alexander sends to Naples; affair with Cesare Borgia ends; favours Burgundian in duel; and killing of brother Alfonso; affair with Ippolito d’Este; accompanies Prospero Colonna to Naples; and Rodrigo Bisceglie’s upbringing

Sanseverino, Cardinal

Sanseverino, Galeazzo da (Gran Scudero)

Santa Croce, Jacopo di

Santa Praxede, Cardinal of

Sanudo, Marin: on LB’s divorce; on death of Perotto; on forced conversion of Jews; on Ascanio Sforza in Rome; on Alexander VI’s violent threats; on Alexander’s accident and recovery; on Borgia contingent for journey to Ferrara; and Cesare’s abduction of Dorotea Malatesta; on LB’s efforts to help Cesare; and Alfonso’s view of Cesare; on Duke Ercole’s extortions; on LB’s reaction to Cesare’s death; and Alfonso’s actions in papal war; on excommunication of Alfonso; on LB’s preparations to evacuate Ferrara; on Ercole d’Este’s childhood illness; on Julius II’s hostility to Michelotto; on Julius’s threatening Ferrara; on death of Julius; on Pigna’s mission in Venice

Saraceni, Gherardo


Savelli family

Savelli, Silvio

Savonarola, Girolamo

Scalona, Gian Carlo

Schiavi, Giorgio

Senese, Elisabetta

Serafino, Count Alexandro

Seregni, Giangiorgio


Sermoneta: LB appointed ruler

Sestola, Girolamo da (‘Coglia’)

Sforza family

Sforza, Alessandro

Sforza, Anna (Alfonso d’Este’s first wife)

Sforza, Cardinal Ascanio: and brother Ludovico’s ambitions; on Alexander VI’s palace; and Alexander VI’s election to papacy; and LB’s marriage to Giovanni Sforza; and Giovanni’s relations with Alexander VI; leaves Rome; joins Colonna; intercedes for captured Giulia and Adriana; Ludovico Sforza reproves; and Giovanni’s marriage relations; and LB’s divorce from Giovanni; suspected of killing Juan Gandia; and proposed Neapolitan marriage for LB; and Alexander’s negotiation with Naples; and LB’s marriage to Alfonso; courts LB; leaves Rome for Nettuno; Alexander takes Nepi castle from; and Louis XII’s campaign in Italy; captured and imprisoned

Sforza, Beatrice

Sforza, Bianca Maria

Sforza, Camilla d’Aragona (wife of Costanzo)

Sforza, Caterina (Riario)

Sforza, Costanzo, Count of Cotignola

Sforza, Galeazzo

Sforza, Gian Galeazzo

Sforza, Giovanni: marriage to LB; leaves Rome in plague; and access to Alexander VI,; in Pesaro; divorce from LB; deteriorating marriage relations; flees from Rome to Pesaro; suspected of impotency; suspected of killing Juan Gandia; deprived of status as papal vicar; Cesare Borgia plans destruction of; Cesare Borgia drives from Pesaro; excluded from Ferrara; exile in Venice; returns to Pesaro after Alexander VI’s death

Sforza, Ludovico (‘il Moro’), Duke of Milan: conflict with Gian

Sforza, Ludovico –
Galeazzo; and LB’s marriage to Giovanni Sforza; ridicules Alexander VI; letter from Giovanni Sforza; fears breach with Alexander VI; and Giovanni’s divorce from LB; captures Cesare Borgia’s messenger; in war against French; death; marriage to Beatrice; Ippolito d’Este stays with; defeat (1500); grants Bari to Isabella d’Aragona

Sforza, Massimiliano


Sixtus IV, Pope

Soderini, Bishop of Florence


Soriano, battle of (1496)

Spagnoli, Tolomeo

Spain: and division of New Worlds; military support for Alexander VI, 55; expels Jews; supports Julius II in papal war; alliance with Leo X

Spoleto: LB appointed Governor; Alfonso reunited with LB in

Strozzi, Costanza

Strozzi, Ercole: celebrates LB’s arrival in Ferrara; character; as LB’s confidant and go – between; Alfonso disfavours and dismisses; LB asks Gonzaga to favour; poem on Cesare’s death; marriage to Barbara Torelli; murdered; poems printed

Strozzi, Guido

Strozzi, Lorenzo: reports on Francesco Gonzaga to LB; dismissed as seneschal; and death of LB’s baby son; marriage to Costanza; and Duke Ercole’s death; and Barbara Torelli; as LB’s go – between; supports LB against Isabella; and Gonzaga’s wish for LB to come to Mantua

Strozzi, Tito


Taberna, Stefano

Taglia, Battista da

Tamburino, Ricciardetto

Tartufo, Rizo del

Tebaldeo, Antonio

Tebaldi, Jacopo de

Theodora, Madonna (of Ferrara court)

Theseo, Fra

Thomaso, Fra

Thus, Abraham


Torelli, Barbara

Tormelli, Thomasino

Trémouïlle, Louis de

Trevisan, Domenico

Trissino, Giangiorgio

Trivulzio, Gian – Giacopo

Troche, Francesco; murdered

Tromboncino, Bartolommeo

Trotti, Giacomo

Trotti, Nicola dei (

Trotto, Bigio dei

Tura, Cosimo


Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino


Valengo, Giovanni

Valla, Giovanni

Varano family

Varano, Giulio Cesare

Venice: rule, I; alliance with Alexander VI; and Ercole d’Este; rebuffs Alfonso d’Este; League of Cambrai directed against; war against Ferrara; Julius makes pact with against French; supports Julius against Ferrara; supports

Francis I against Emperor

Venosa, Bishop of

Verona, Gaspare de

Vettori, Francesco

Villeneuve, Louis de, Baron de Trans

Violante, La (LB’s attendant)

Vitelli family


Wirtz, Maria

Wolsey, Cardinal Thomas

Zambotti, Bernardino

Ziliolo, Giovanni

Ziliolo, Hieronymo

Zurita, (historian of Ferdinand of Aragon)


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