Lucky's Choice (35 page)

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Authors: Jamie Begley

BOOK: Lucky's Choice
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Lily tilted her head curiously. “Then why haven’t you talked to him?”

“Because I’m afraid of the answer,” Willa admitted.

“Well”—Lily stood up and took a five out of her wallet, placed it in the register, and then reached in the display case, taking out two vanilla cupcakes and handing one to Willa—“you might get the answer you don’t want, or you might find out there was nothing to be afraid of.”

“I’m afraid it will be the former,” Willa said, taking a bite of the cupcake.

“I was, too. Once, I asked Shade a question I was afraid of the answer to. It took me a long time to work my courage up, and I got the answer I didn’t want.”

“What happened?”

Lily stared her directly in the eye. “I realized I wasn’t as afraid of the answer as I thought I would be. The most important part of marriage is trust, and if I give Shade that, then any answer he gives me doesn’t matter.”

Willa licked frosting off her bottom lip. “How did it work out?”

Lily gave her a mysterious smile. “It was the best decision I ever made.”


Willa walked into the clubhouse at four-twenty. Her hesitation evaporated when she found the room empty. She was about to go in search of Lucky in the kitchen when she heard someone coming down the steps.

“Lucky’s upstairs in my room. We’ve been working on getting payroll taxes done,” Viper told her.

“Okay.” Willa started toward the kitchen.

“You can go on up if you want. I’m leaving to meet Winter. She’s having a get-together for new students who are entering school in the fall.”

“I don’t want to disturb him if he’s working.”

“He’ll be glad for the break. We’ve been at it since this morning.”

Willa frowned. “Did he eat lunch?”

“Yes, ma’am. Stori made us lunch.”

That statement didn’t make her any happier.

“I’ll go up and check if he needs anything.” Willa moved hesitantly around Viper. Next to Shade, he made her the most nervous. He was better humored than Shade, but some deep sense of caution within her warned that it could change as suddenly as the weather.

“You do that. It’s the last door at the end of the hall.” Viper left while she was mentally debating if she should start coming home for lunch.

As she was going up the stairs, Bliss was coming down in a little black skirt that was bouncy. She also wore only a tiny, black bra that had a dangling charm that swung against her tiny stomach. Therefore, Willa was able to see more of the blonde bombshell than she ever wanted to see.

“Hello, Bliss.” Willa moved to the side of the staircase so she could pass.

Bliss shot her a hateful glance, brushing past her without a word. Willa didn’t understand the mean looks Bliss had been treating her to. The woman had always been friendly to her in the past. However, ever since she had moved in, she had either avoided her or left it unspoken that Willa had done something to offend her.

Willa went down the hallway to the open bedroom door, seeing Lucky sitting at a desk against the wall.

“Hey, siren.”

“Does Bliss not like my coffee?”

“I don’t know, why?”

“Because, from the way she treats me, I’m beginning to believe she thinks I spit in it,” Willa remarked, trying not to show her feelings had been hurt.

Lucky frowned, leaning back in his chair. “I’ll talk to her.”

“No, I don’t need you to. I’ll ask myself when I get the chance.”

“Fine, but if I see her treat you rudely, then I’ll deal with her.”

“Don’t you dare. It will just make it worse.”

Lucky’s frown deepened. “Has she said anything to you?”

“No! She just gives me dirty looks, so what can you say to her? ‘Willa doesn’t like the way you’re looking at her’?”

“No, I’d say cut it out, or your ass is out the door.” Lucky’s firm tone told her he would do just that.

“You can’t do that. The club is her home more than it’s mine.” Willa was unaware of what she had revealed with her hasty response.

Lucky turned his chair to the side, tugging her down onto his lap. “This is your home just as much as Bliss’s.”

“I know that.” Smiling, she patted his chest when she saw he was becoming angry with her. She wiggled on his lap so she could see what he had been working on, seeing the tax forms and a business credit card sitting next to the computer.

“Did it hurt?” she asked mischievously.

“Not too bad,” Lucky replied. “You have a habit of changing the subject to keep from having an argument.”

“I don’t like to get in arguments; someone always gets their feelings hurt.”

Lucky’s hand went to the nape of her neck. “You mean you usually get your feelings hurt?”


“Siren, sometimes arguments can be good. I need to introduce you to make-up sex.”

“That only works if I get in a fight with you,” Willa teased. “What if I get in a fight with someone else?”

“Depends on who it is.”

Willa hit Lucky on his chest and started to jump off his lap.

“Settle down. I was only teasing you back.” Lucky pinned her legs by trapping them between his. He reached on the desk for the credit card, twirling it in his fingers. “I see you had a busy day.”

Willa looked down at her top where his eyes had dropped. She had made chocolate-covered strawberries for a client’s girlfriend, and the chocolate had managed to become splattered across her top and the flesh above.

“I made two dozen chocolate strawberries.”

“Did any make it onto the strawberries?”

“I only taste-tested a few.”


Lucky turned the credit card to the side, and Willa trembled as he pressed the edge of the card to her skin. When he slid it under the chocolate speck, removing it from her flesh, the blunt edge stirred a sudden passion in her she hadn’t experience yet. Then Lucky slid the card to the base of her throat, holding it against her strumming pulse.

Lucky put his mouth against her ear. “Are you wet, siren?”

Her pussy clenched in need. “The door’s open.”

“Do you know what that means around here?”

Willa didn’t shake her head with the card pressing against her. “No.” She licked her bottom lip.

“It means anyone can come in and watch.”

As her eyes widened at his answer, the card glided along her skin, down the cleft of her breasts. Lucky used the card to flip her top back, showing the curve of her breasts before he moved it toward the sensitive pink areola that the tiny bra didn’t cover. Willa shivered as the blunt edge pressed down, and then she wiggled her ass down on the bulge that was becoming hard under her.

“Raise your dress and show me your pussy,” Lucky ordered.

The tone in his voice had her wanting to deny him just to see what he would do, and the thought shocked Willa to her core. Her fantasies that she rarely let escape during the middle of the night were trying to do exactly that during the light of day.

“Do you want to serve my needs? I need to see your pussy.” The aching desire in his voice had her hands going to her dress, inching the hem upward inch by inch.

“That’s my siren. I can see you’re wet. Do you want me to touch you?”

“Yes,” Willa moaned.

Lucky flicked the credit card onto the desk as his hand slid under the top of her panties. He found her wet pussy, sinking a finger deep inside of her as his other finger rubbed along her slit.

“This is another reason I call you siren—because you’re always wet for me. Your pussy calls to me. Do you want to know what it says?”

Willa arched as he finger fucked her into a frenzy, escalating the fire inside of her without quenching the need that was taking her over.

“It’s says, fuck me.”

Voices in the hallway snapped Willa out of her lust-induced haze and she wiggled off Lucky’s lap, nearly crying out at the emptiness. Before he could stop her, she ran out of the bedroom, coming to a stop at the head of the steps, panting as if she had run a mile instead of a few feet.

The party had begun while she was upstairs with Lucky, but she had been so under his spell she hadn’t even heard someone turn the music on. Several members were dancing, others were standing around drinking, and a few were having sex.

Willa gripped the handrail, her nails digging into the wood. She felt the dampness between her thighs increase as she watched the uninhibited way Stori pulled off Moon’s T-shirt, showing his tanned skin that had several tattoos. He reached out to play with Stori’s nipple as a hand on her stomach pushed her backward into Rider, and then all three of them moved seductively to the music.

Madness was how she felt right now, as if she had fallen into a pit of desire she didn’t know how to escape from. Good girls didn’t stand and watch as two men began having sex with a woman whose face showed she was ecstatic at being pressed between them.

She felt Lucky’s hard arm circle her waist, his body pressing against her back as he began swaying them seductively to the beat of the music. Her ass pressed against his cock, trying to find the satisfaction she wasn’t going to be able to reach through their layers of clothing. Her head fell back on his broad shoulder before turning so she could keep watching the trio down below.

Moon’s hand took Stori’s swaying hips, pressing them to his as Rider’s hands circled her, grasping her breasts, lifting them to Moon’s mouth, but he didn’t take them. His eyes lifted to the head of the steps, catching Willa’s gaze as “Sail” by
began playing while his hands went to his jeans. He flipped Stori’s skirt up, pulling out his cock and sliding a leg between hers. He then tore a rubber open, rolling it on before he rammed himself inside the small woman, fucking her to the beat of the music.

Rider’s mouth went to her neck as his hand went to his jeans, unzipping them, and Willa found herself thinking the woman couldn’t possibly take two men at once. However, then Moon moved their bodies so she could see his cock sliding in and out of the woman who was lifting herself up on her tip-toes so Rider could press his cock into her ass.

Willa closed her eyes, unable to watch anymore without climaxing. She felt herself lifted and turned then pinned against the wall. A large, rubber tree had been placed in front of a nook she hadn’t noticed when she came upstairs. She could see the downstairs, but anyone looking upstairs would only see shadows as the darkness fell outside.

“Marriage is give and take. I’m going to take what’s mine; you gonna give it to me?”

“Yes.” Willa opened her thighs to his urging, lifting herself up after he ripped away her panties.

His frantic hands lifted her, sliding easily in her to the hilt. She buried her face in his shoulder, biting down in ecstasy as he fucked her harder than he had ever done before. He had always made love to her with exquisite gentleness, but there was nothing gentle about the way he fucked her now. It was hard, frantic, and she could swear she felt the beat of his heart against her breasts.

Wanting him to touch the bare flesh of her breasts, she rubbed them against his chest, trying to give him the hint that she was too shy to tell him.

“Later. I can’t touch them without Moon seeing. No one is going to see or touch you but me.”

Marriage is about trust
, Lily had told her, and now she understood in a way she hadn’t before. She could trust Lucky with her body and soul. He wouldn’t take her past her limits. Although he might push them, he wouldn’t let her cross the invisible line that weakened her willpower.

“You’re really my husband.”

Lucky stopped moving, staring into her eyes. “Yes.”

“You won’t cheat on me,” Willa stated with certainty.

“God, no.”

“You wouldn’t hurt me with your knives.”

“When you hurt, I hurt,” Lucky vowed then picked up the pace again, hammering into her while he stared into her eyes.

Willa used his T-shirt to stifle her scream while he braced his arm on the wall above her head as he came with her climax. Their panting breaths mingled together as they gazed into each other’s eyes, each finding the part of their soul they had lost to each other when they had made love.

“One of these days, I won’t give it back,” Willa murmured, lost in what she was experiencing at that moment.

“What?” His lips twitched.

“Nothing.” She wasn’t about to tell him what she was thinking.

“Siren, it drives me crazy when you do that. Maybe I’m thinking the same thing.”

She smiled as she straightened her dress. “I doubt that.”

He cupped her face, making her look at him. “That, for a moment, our souls touched.”

Willa’s smile slipped. “I thought it was just me,” she whispered in awe.

Lucky shook his head. “No, Willa, it’s not just you.” His other hand took hers, placing it on the cross at his throat. “It’s a gift.”


Chapter 31


Willa closed the refrigerator door before going to the oven where she took out one tray of bacon then slid another inside. Then she went to the table and sat down to enjoy her own breakfast. It was her first day of kitchen duty, and she had looked forward to it all weekend. That was, until she had looked at the list and seen who shared the chore with her—Bliss. She was also thirty minutes late, which had left Willa’s nerves on end, dreading her arrival. She would prefer to do it by herself than be stuck with a woman who was becoming more and more obvious about her dislike.

She took a bite of her fruit parfait as the door to the basement opened. Lucky came in, looking like he had just gone to bed.

“Can’t sleep?” she said, slowly taking the spoon out of her mouth.

“No,” he grumbled. “I couldn’t fall back to sleep after you left.”

“I shouldn’t have woken you. Have a seat and I’ll get your breakfast,” she said, getting up.

“I’m going to let you since you wore me out by waking me up after having your way with me all night. I need to refuel. Just so you know, my dick is off-limits for the next twenty-four hours. He’s on strike.”

Willa giggled as she placed a large omelet onto his plate and scooped him a large helping of hash brown casserole. She set the plate down in front of him before going to get his coffee. She handed it to him before kissing his upturned mouth.

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