Lucky's Choice (28 page)

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Authors: Jamie Begley

BOOK: Lucky's Choice
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“Exactly.” His hands went to her hips, scooting her down in the bed to lie next to him.

Willa stared up into his hazel eyes. “How did you get those scars?”

“I was shot a few times.”

“More than a few. I counted six.”

Lucky wiped a tear away from her cheek. “Siren, I don’t want to see any tears from you on our wedding night.”

Willa turned her face to the side, unable to bear looking at his beautiful face. “I could have never met you.”

His hand turned her back to face him. “I’m here, exactly where I was meant to be.” Lucky touched the corner of her mouth with his.

“I can’t believe I started laughing when Pastor Sparks read your first name.”

Lucky smiled against her lips. “What’s so funny about Lucky David Dean?”

“I thought Lucky was your nickname.”

“My mother named me when I was born three months premature, and the doctors told my parents I wouldn’t make it. She always said I started life with a lucky star in the sky, but my father gave all the credit to God. He named me David because he said I had to fight giant obstacles to live. Each week, they said something would go wrong: my lungs, my kidneys, and then my liver. The doctors said I was a miracle,” he finished wryly.

Her arms wound around his neck. “I believe that, too.” Her hand went to his face. “You’re so beautiful.”

“Men aren’t beautiful.” His mouth went to the cleft of her breasts. “You want to know a secret? Your breasts are sexy as fuck.”

“You like my breasts?” They were the only part of her anatomy that she wasn’t embarrassed by.

“Siren, ‘like’ isn’t the word I would use.” He rose slightly, pulling the spaghetti straps down until her breasts were uncovered, and her rosy nipples were peaked. Then Lucky took one into his mouth.

Willa buried her hands in his hair. “Lucky, there’s something you should know. I don’t take pain very well.”

His tongue began playing with the tip of her nipple. “Siren, there is pain …” His teeth latched onto her nipple. The tiny pain didn’t hurt, but the fear had her center melting. “Then there’s pain.” His hand slid under the hem of her gown, finding the tiny, black panties, and he slipped his hand underneath.

His fingers found her clit, rubbing the nub until she tried to twist to escape his torment. However, Lucky didn’t allow her to flee his torture, plunging a finger inside to stroke her pussy into grinding back against the palm of his hand.

Willa moaned. “I can’t catch my breath.”

“Take a deep breath and hold on. It gets better,” Lucky taunted, adjusting his body.

He slid down the length of her body, tugging her gown up and exposing the lace panties with the tiny red bows that were tied at the side.

“Isn’t that convenient.” He untied the panties, easily removing them. “You need to buy those in every color.”

“I’ll watch for them to go on sale.”

“Buy them, anyway. I’ll give you my credit card.” Lucky kissed the smooth flesh he exposed.

“I’ll still wait for the sale. I don’t believe in throwing money away.”

Lucky chuckled against her. “This is a surprise.”

“That I’m thrifty?”

“That you shaved.”

“I read magazines,” Willa retorted primly.

“I have to admit, I’m kind of disappointed.”


“I was looking forward to doing it.”

The thought of Lucky shaving her had her thankful that she had taken care of that herself. Lucky with anything sharp in his hand made her nervous. She wouldn’t even cook him anything that required him cutting since Killyama and the biker bitches had her spooked. She had even debated giving her knife block to the church store.

Her thoughts were diverted when his tongue touched her clit. She jumped, nearly knocking Lucky off her. He pinned her down to the bed with his muscular body while he explored her damp flesh, showing her a pain of need that had her fighting against the climax that was consuming her pussy. His hard hands parted her thighs wider before his tongue slid inside of her, pressing high as he rubbed against her walls.

The heels of her feet tried to find traction on the mattress but Lucky forestalled her, hooking his arms under her knees and lifting them to her chest. Then his mouth went to her neck as he rose above her, and she felt the touch of his cock against her opening.

“Do you want me to stop?”

“No!” Willa whimpered.

His cock slid inside her, pushing against the barrier within her pussy as he went deeper.

“Does it hurt?”

“Yes!” Willa hit his shoulders. “You’re taking too long.”

She felt his body shaking in laughter. “Then hold on, and I’ll see what I can do about going faster.” Lucky lifted her thighs higher.

Willa was concentrating so hard on the pull of her muscles in her legs that she barely felt it when Lucky surged inside of her, thrusting his cock home. A gasp escaped her lips at the feeling of him stretching her, his pelvis flush against hers.

“Does it hurt?” he breathed into her mouth, licking her bottom lip.

“It feels wonderful.” Willa’s body shook as Lucky slid out then thrust back inside with a powerful stroke.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he groaned.

“I never expected it to feel this good.” Willa wanted desperately to move, but Lucky’s hold kept him in control of her and the climax that was just out of her reach. “Can we do this all the time?”

Lucky groaned again. “Can we finish this time first?”

“I don’t want it to end,” Willa said fervently.

“You won’t be saying that in five minutes,” Lucky promised.

She was so glad she had gone to her doctor to get birth control so they could have their wedding night with nothing between them.

When he had begun making love to her, it had been a gentle breeze floating across her body, escalating to the beginning of a storm that began lifting her away until she only felt what he was doing to her body. She felt like she was being tossed about in the whirlwind of desire to the point that she was afraid she wouldn’t come out the same as when she had gone in, losing a part of herself in the eye of the storm that she would only find again when she returned.

Lucky’s movements sped up, his body moving over hers hard enough to shake the bed. Her body was at the mercy of the storm that had built until it couldn’t be contained any longer.

Willa could have sworn she saw white lightning when her body couldn’t take it anymore, and then it burst into a myriad of colors that flashed before her eyes. She blinked rapidly, wanting to see Lucky’s eyes clenched in a desire so painful only she could give him the relief he needed.

She couldn’t move, but she did have use of her mouth. Instinctively, she turned her head, gently biting into his bicep. He stiffened over her, a deep groan coming from his chest as he stroked his climax inside of her. He then released her legs, moving carefully to her side.

“Is it normal that I can’t move my legs?” Willa gave her own groan as she tried to lower them back to the mattress.

Lucky laughed, raising up to massage her legs then helping her to lay them on the bed. Even then, he stroked her, telling her how beautiful she was, how special making her his wife was.

Willa placed her hand over his mouth. “I don’t need to hear you say all that.” Lucky stared down at her with his heart in his eyes. “You told me all that when you married me.” Willa waved her hand at the rumpled bed. “This is just icing on the cake.”

Lucky fell back on the bed. “In that case, let’s get you in a hot shower so you won’t be too sore.”

Willa winced when she sat up on the side of the bed. “I can manage that on my own.”

Lucky started to protest, but then a cunning look crossed his face before he sat up on the bed, reaching for the remote control. “That’s cool. I’ll play another game. The last one only took an hour and a half.”

“It didn’t take that long.” She must have stayed in the bathroom longer than she had thought.

She went to the bathroom door, hearing him start the PS4. Holding the door open, she turned back to him.

“All right, you can shower with me, but no hogging the water.”

Lucky jumped out of the bed. “Don’t worry. I always share.”


Chapter 24


Willa rolled over in the bed, her hand searching for Lucky in the rumpled sheets. Her eyes opened in the dark bedroom. He was gone again. She didn’t have to search for him, knowing he was in the backyard of the church. It was where he went every night when she fell asleep after they made love.

On their honeymoon, she had believed he had risen to watch the sun rise from the beach. However, when they had returned home, it didn’t take long to realize something was wrong. She had tried to talk to him several times, but he maintained that it was the time he used for his prayers. She believed that, but the prayers weren’t ones of mediation. Willa feared it was much more than that, and he wouldn’t confide in her.

She climbed out of bed, picking up her robe from the chair beside the bed. The hardwood floors were cool underneath her feet.

They had only been married for a little over a two months; therefore, she was aware it would take time for him to unburden what was bothering him. Willa was deathly afraid she might be what he was praying about, though. Had he discovered he didn’t love her as much as he had believed? Was she doing something wrong, and he was praying about the best way to tell her?

She walked down the hallway in the dark, comfortable in the silence and the stillness. They had moved into the pastor’s quarters when they had returned from their honeymoon. They were having her bedroom at her house enlarged into a suite with a sunken bathtub. She was also enlarging her kitchen and putting in new carpet throughout the house. Douglas had given her such good quotes it had been hard to resist the upgrades.

Lucky had wanted to find a different contractor, complaining that, whenever he had stopped by to check on the work, Douglas had been nowhere around.

“He’s busy. He works for several people in town. I can’t fire him when he’s doing a great job.”

Lucky had lost that argument and the one where he had wanted to install new wiring into the house so that everything was controlled by one system.

“Do you have any idea how much that would cost?” She had fought against it until Lucky had offered to pay for it. Seeing that he really wanted it, she caved yet did an internet search for the cheapest system.

She opened the door to the church’s backyard, seeing Lucky standing with only a pair of shorts on, his skin gleaming with sweat.

“Lucky?” she spoke softly, not wanting to interrupt, but she was concerned for her husband.

“Go inside, Willa. I’ll be there in a little while.”

Although she thought about refusing to be sent away again, the tense way he was holding himself made her wary.

“Okay. Take your time.” Willa bit her lip, tempted to try again. She wanted to say something that would reach him so he would talk to her, tell her anything.

“I love you.”

“I love you, Willa.” The tone in his voice brought tears to her eyes.

Since moving into the church, she had taken over the huge kitchen. Because the women provided meals for seniors, it had already been approved for food preparation, and Lucky had gained permission from the church deacons for her to do her baking there. She finally had the space she needed, which had almost tripled the desserts she made each week. Willa was ecstatic to be able to produce more without the added cost of overhead. He had even bought her two display cases that he had put in the church store. She was able to sell her desserts and give the church a percentage of the profits.

Her life was falling neatly into place. She took over Bible studies, baked in her free time, and was able to support Lucky as pastor when he needed her by his side.

She looked over her shoulder before going inside, torn to go to him.

Pain and loneliness shrouded him in the morning mist.

“God, please help him find what he’s searching for.”


Lucky heard the door close as Willa went back inside. He had heard her when she had come outside, but he hadn’t turned to face her. He couldn’t. The nightmare that awakened him still had him in its grip. He had prayed when they had married that he would be able to sleep next to Willa, that his love for her would keep the nightmare at bay. He had realized his mistake when he woke up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat and shaking. The strange hotel hadn’t helped, either. He had jerked clumsily out of bed, but thankfully, Willa had been too exhausted to feel him leave.

Each night for the first two weeks, he had tried to fall asleep next to her yet had woken with the same fear churning in his gut. Since then, he had dozed at night, making sure to schedule two hours in the morning to sleep in his office. In the evening, he would tell Willa he had sermons to write and would sleep another two then.

The smell of bacon lured him from the early morning sun rising. Going inside, he bypassed the kitchen to go upstairs to shower and change. He came out of the shower to find a suit neatly pressed, lying on the bed. She had even shined his shoes and laid a matching pair of socks and tie perfectly positioned on the bed.

She did the same thing every morning, making his breakfast and laying out his clothes. She worked to anticipate his every need. She would fix his lunch, keep a pot of coffee warming, and even his favorite oatmeal raisin cookies sat in a container on the kitchen counter.

She was driving him nuts.

He wasn’t used to being waited on. Despite his objections, she would find something else he liked and make sure it was readily available.

As he began to go out the bedroom door, he picked up the starched handkerchief he had begun wearing in the front pocket. This was one of two habits he hadn’t tried to break. Inevitably, by the end of the day, he would be wiping Willa’s tears with it. His wife was too tenderhearted, and everyone in Treepoint was taking advantage of it. If he didn’t put a stop to it soon, the woman was going to work herself into an early grave.

He smiled when walked into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around Willa from behind.

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