Lucky Thirteen (15 page)

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Authors: Melanie Jackson

BOOK: Lucky Thirteen
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“I’m sure that the two of you can work out some sort of deal,” I told him.

I winked at Miss Hightower who flashed me a smile in return. Yes, I was sure the two of them would be working out quite a deal in the days to come.

“Furthermore, I’d like to add that I disapprove of my client’s actions in these cases and at no time did I have knowledge of his involvement in the horse drugging incident or the kidnapping of Miss Hightower,” Samuels added.

“I’m certain of it,” Phillips assured him.

Emotions reached a critical mass and the room burst into shouted arguments and accusations.

“Cases closed,” I said more to myself than anyone else who might be able to hear me.

I walked over to Detective Phillips to shake his hand.

“Good job,” he told me. “I guess you really are as good as your reputation.”

That made me smile a little ruefully. The praise was obviously reluctant.


I would have said more, but I was eager to welcome Miss Hightower back from the land of the lost. The moment I approached, her arms were outstretched to receive me. We hugged for several moments.

“Welcome back. I missed you,” I said.

“I missed you too, and thanks for finding me.”

“It sounds to me that after all
said and done you’ll be retaining control of the Hightower estate.”

“Trust me when I say that within a year under Hillary’s mismanagement we would have lost everything. It’s much better that I retain control and continue to pay him a salary instead. Still, I would have liked to have seen Soft Spoken Hal run in that race.”

“Me too,” I replied, seeing the race in my mind. “But don’t fret. You’ll have your day in the sun again.”

“Thanks to you,” she added, giving my hand a squeeze.

“Pardon the interruption, ladies,” a voice said. It was Charles, who had come from his place by the door to stand at attention beside us. “I wonder if I might have a word with the madam.”

“Go right ahead, Charles,” Miss Hightower said. “Surely we have nothing to hide from Chloe.”

“I have no objection to the young lady hearing what I have to say.”

“Then please, say it?”

“I’d like to announce that I am resigning from your employ, effective immediately,” he said solemnly.

“But Charles, you can’t do that,” Miss Hightower replied in dismay. “You’ve been with the family for decades.”

“And during that time I’ve managed to amass a tidy sum, more than enough for the likes of me to live a thousand lifetimes.”

“Oh,” was all Miss Hightower could think to say.

“I have another related announcement.”


“Now that I’m no longer in the madam’s employ, I’d like to announce my intention to court Miss Hightower with the aim of someday marrying her.”


“Please think it over before saying no. As I say, my finances are in order so I can assure you that this has nothing to do with money. Instead, it regards my fondness for a fine woman who deserves better than the likes of yon Harrigan.”

“Excuse me,” Detective Phillips interrupted, “but I never finished taking Miss Hightower’s statement.”

“Do you mind if I accompany ma’ lady?”
Charles asked.


“I have no intention of letting this woman out of my sight ever again,” Charles explained.

“Why, Charles,” Miss Hightower said, beginning to blush.

“I suppose that would be alright,” the detective said with a slight smile. I had a feeling that he was feeling like Alice down the rabbit hole.

Charles offered Miss Hightower his arm. Miss Hightower and I exchanged a wink before the detective led her and Charles out of the room in search of a quieter place to take her statement. I looked around and saw Hillary in a heated discussion with his lawyer. The ass didn’t seem to understand that he was probably going to be spending time in prison, even if his sister didn’t press charges for the kidnapping. Missy Hightower sat watching.

Wayne Harrigan was just starting to work out his difficulties with a still crying Sissy in the corner. Angus Harrigan remained in his seat, staring into space, dumbfounded by the evening’s revelations. Jose had already been led from the room in cuffs. That left Alex standing alone by the window. I joined him and he slipped an arm around my shoulders.

“So, what do you think? Are there going to be any more arrests this evening?” he asked.

“In the end, I doubt that anyone will be pressing charges for kidnapping. Not sure about the doping. Phillips will arrest someone if he can.”

“You know that you saved the day again.”

“Yeah, I guess I did, didn’t I?” I admitted. “I just wish we’d been able to nab Simms.”

“You and I both.”

As if on cue, the window beside us shattered inward, the brick that had crashed through it narrowly missing my head. Alex and I ducked for cover from the flying glass. Through the open window I heard tires peel out in the gravel of the drive as a car sped away. All attention turned our way as Detective Phillips and Officer Collins dashed back into the room.

“What was that?” the detective demanded.

“A brick,” I said, bending down to pluck the projectile from the glass scattered across the carpet. “And there’s a note attached to it.”

I untied the string securing the note to the brick and started to read. It was a short note, written in a neat hand.


I’ll be in touch.


That’s all it said.

“Melodramatic,” I said, but was shaken. Throwing that brick through the window was audacious and insane.

I handed the note to Phillips when he arrived and he read it while Alex read over his shoulder. I walked to the window and looked out into the dark and stormy night, knowing that until Gordon Simms was captured I would never truly feel safe again.



About the Author


Melanie Jackson is the author of over 50 novels. If you enjoyed this story, please visit Melanie’s author web site at


by Melanie Jackson:


The Chloe Boston Mystery Series:

Moving Violation

The Pumpkin Thief

Death in a

Murder on Parade

Cupid’s Revenge

Viva Lost Vegas

Death of a Dumb Bunny

Red, White and a Dog Named Blue


The Great Pumpkin Caper

Beast of a Feast

Snow Angel

Lucky Thirteen


The Butterscotch Jones Mystery Series

Due North

Big Bones

Gone South

Home Fires

Points West (Coming Soon)


The Wendover House Mystery Series

The Secret Staircase

Twelfth Night





Still Life


The Book of Dreams Series:

The First Book of Dreams: Metropolis

The Second Book of Dreams:

The Third Book of Dreams: Destiny


Medicine Trilogy

Bad Medicine

Medicine Man

Knave of Hearts



Devil of

Devil of the Highlands

Devil in a Red Coat


The Curiosity Shoppe
(Sequel to
Curious Affair)


Nevermore: The Last Divine Book


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