Read Lucky Number Four Online

Authors: Amanda Jason

Lucky Number Four (35 page)

BOOK: Lucky Number Four
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“What time is it?” I ask, too tired to lift
my head and look at the clock.

“Who cares? I just care that I’m finally
holding you in my arms. Time means nothing.” He gently squeezes me,
and my feelings are all over the place. I lost track of how many
times I had the big O, but all I can say is that the hype is so

“Dora, go pack a bag. Not much. In fact, just
clothes you’ll be traveling in.” He kisses the top of my head and
jumps out of bed. Oh, lord, his butt is so tight, and his muscles,
so many lean, hard muscles, I could look at him all day.

“What for? Come back to bed.” I love this
bolder Dora. I bet it’s because of the O’s—yep, I’ll have to look
it up on the Internet.

“Nope, you get up. We have somewhere to go,
and I want to get there soon.” He picks up his pants, pulls them
on, grabs his other clothes and then kisses me thoroughly.

“I need a shower first, and you could join

“Tempting, but where we’re going—well, let’s
say we’ll have plenty of time for showers. Now hurry.” He yanks
open the door and closes it quietly behind him.

Stretching, I feel little aches in places
that have been ache free for so long. I always thought running was
better than the phantom orgasm, but I was so wrong. The door
suddenly opens.

“You have fifteen minutes, so hurry.” Drew
looks stern, but winks at me before he turns around and exits

“Your father really owns this?” I can’t
believe my eyes. I’m standing in the most beautiful penthouse suite
atop a world-famous hotel, and I’ve just been informed we aren’t
leaving for a week. I guess Sunday dinner won’t be happening.

“Yes, but don’t hold it against me. I’m not
my father. I’m selfish. I want you all to myself. The only
interruptions will be room service, which we won’t see, as they’ve
been instructed to leave the trolley in the foyer. Is that okay
with you? I know school doesn’t start for another two weeks, and
work too, so I want you and only you with me—in here with me.” He
attempts a pitiful puppy-dog look, but it loses its effect when he
adds a wicked smile.

“Hmmm, I’ll have to think about this. Smexy
guy with a hot body, or spending days with my roomies and friends,
and let’s not forget Sunday dinner with my family? Gosh, I just
don’t know.”

I see him moving toward me with a grin. I try
to dodge him playfully, but he grabs my waist before scooping me up
to carry me over to the bed. “I guess I’ll have to persuade you to
see it my way. Oh, I’m going to love this week together.”

I’m sad the week is over, and I feel like
it’s the end. No, nothing has really happened to make me feel this
way. Being in paradise for seven days has been wonderful, but now
the real world beckons me to come back to it.

Last time I talked to anyone other than Drew
was when I called my mom and told her I had plans and couldn’t make
dinner. She told me I owed her big time, and then I called Jeff and
he already knew about Drew’s secret plan, as did Julie and Kevin.
After that, I did something I thought would never happen. I turned
it off. No, not the sex. My phone.

I lost count of the mind-blowing orgasms
after the tenth, or was it twentieth? I’ve never felt so
comfortable with someone of the opposite sex. Okay, there’s Jeff …
but he doesn’t count.

Drew snores lightly and turns over,
uncovering his body from under the sheet. I now know every inch of
him. Yes, I know I saw him naked in class, but seeing him for seven
days has spoiled me for any other body. I long to run my fingers
over him now, but I must start detaching myself. Whatever this is
won’t last. It’s time to be honest with myself. We move in
different worlds, poles apart. I should be happy that we got to
spend this time together, but I can’t muster one ounce of

Hell, I think I’ve fallen for him. What would
he say if I told him that? He wouldn’t say anything because he’d
move halfway across the world to avoid me.

“Morning.” His deep voice pulls my eyes up to
his smiling ones.

“Good Morning.” I smile back and hope it
looks genuine.

All I want to do is fling myself into his
arms and declare my undying devotion—okay, it should be another
word, but he would definitely die of heart failure if I said

He begins tracing one of his fingers down my
cheek and leans over, allowing his mouth to follow his finger as it
makes its way all the way down. Desire washes through me as it has
many times during this past week. We come together like it’s been
forever since we last touched one another instead of only a couple
of hours.

Two hours later, we’re showered, dressed and
ready to leave. It’s quiet as we ride down the private elevator and
drive out of the empty, secluded parking garage. The one little
thing that gives me hope is that since we entered the car, Drew has
held my hand. His thumb rubs circles that make me want to make him
pull over the car and rub his thumb somewhere else.

BOOK: Lucky Number Four
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